Whoa i missed pretty much alot.........well here i go.
*The camra goes to a room where Spider is standing there and the cmara is facing his back*
Spider: So, i have to face the one called Chris hardy?
*Turns around to face the camra*
"I don't know you very well there, Chris...but let me break it down like this."
*Clears his throat*
"I have seen the way you train there, kid. I have seen all of it. You have alot to learn before stepping in the ring with not just greatness but excellence. I have mastered all of the moves i have done, so when i get in the ring with you, you will see nothing but my fist, feet, kness, and the ring in your mouth, and down your throat. But you are looking Ok there, hey, if you elarn a few things you can be good. But i'm excellente and when your excellente...your unstoppable. Get ready, train more, because i will show everyone that i am the true meaning of being a lord of haredcore. And be what i always am...and thats ...Unstopppable."
*Camra zooms in on him doing his signature taunt(He crosses his arm in a 'T') and he then smirks*
[*Crowd boos very loudly*]
Idk if we're going in some special order, but i hope i did it right.