News Top guy (not Hogan) possibly on his way out

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2013
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"Caught TNA" , "dysfunctional show" , "murdered by Total Divas in ratings", "niche and irrelevant", "still irelevant".

Holy shit man, I have no business discussing something with someone ignorant and barely TNA-educated person like you. I just can't. I'd rather talk with Crayo on Skype.
Yep, AJ helped to build up a solid show. You can't really compare this to WWE as AJ was here from the very start and put what could've been just another wrestling promotion on the map to be the #2 (or #3. depends how you view them) American wrestling promotion.


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
Caught TNA during their weekly ppvs. First match I saw was AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn match two out of the best of three. I think it was for the X Division championship. You can claim he built TNA or had a hand on it, but let be real here, that's like saying, "That crack whore over there, yeah I hit that." Helping to build a dysfunctional show, which gets complete murdered by Total Divas in ratings is not something to put on a resume.

Fact is he was the face of the company when it was niche and irrelevant. Now he is no longer the face of the company when its somewhat bigger and still irrelevant.

AJ is still the franchise player of TNA, I'm not sure how you can claim he isn't. Without the WCW spike from the NWO AJ is on an equal footing to Sting, he needs support but he's still the company guy no matter how successful the company is. TNA was built around AJ and in 11 years is on international TV, one of the highest rated shows on their network and on the road. Other factors were in play but Styles paid a big part because there was no one else really there who was capable of doing it. AJ is the consistent from the roster standpoint.
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CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Caught TNA during their weekly ppvs. First match I saw was AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn match two out of the best of three. I think it was for the X Division championship. You can claim he built TNA or had a hand on it, but let be real here, that's like saying, "That crack whore over there, yeah I hit that." Helping to build a dysfunctional show, which gets complete murdered by Total Divas in ratings is not something to put on a resume.

Fact is he was the face of the company when it was niche and irrelevant. Now he is no longer the face of the company when its somewhat bigger and still irrelevant.


Impact Wrestling on Spike is their highest rated show.

Fact is he was the face of the company when it was niche and irrelevant.
It was a growing company! Like every other company, it was small and irrelevant once and bloomed to the big empire they are now.

Helping to build a dysfunctional show, which gets complete murdered by Total Divas in ratings is not something to put on a resume.
Yes, because ratings matter! I mean, screw great wrestlers and great wrestling! They didn't get above a 1.1 rating, so it must be shit. I bet the independent scene also sucks because they don't even have TV deals!

Have you ever heard of a show called, Breaking Bad? Do you know the lowest rating on Breaking Bad known was a 1.04 and that was midway in Season 2?
Now currently in Season 5, the highest rated episode was a 5.92.

Everything is small and irrelevant at first but they all grow into the big empire they are now. :walter:

So I frankly don't understand what you're trying to prove.

Fact is he was the face of the company when it was niche and irrelevant. Now he is no longer the face of the company when its somewhat bigger and still irrelevant.

Yes he is still the face of the company and the company STILL is relevant. When I think of TNA, I think of AJ Styles, not Hulk Hogan, not Jeff Hardy, but AJ motherfucking Styles!


Active Member
Apr 21, 2013
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The United States of Ambrose
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If I recall correctly one of TNA's top guys Bobby Roode didn't get resigned till the day his contract expired. He renewed his contract out of loyalty and put their money disagreement aside. I haven't a doubt in my mind AJ will do the same as he is and was loyal to TNA.


Jul 13, 2013
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AJ is still the franchise player of TNA, I'm not sure how you can claim he isn't. Without the WCW spike from the NWO AJ is on an equal footing to Sting, he needs support but he's still the company guy no matter how successful the company is. TNA was built around AJ and in 11 years is on international TV, one of the highest rated shows on their network and on the road. Other factors were in play but Styles paid a big part because there was no one else really there who was capable of doing it. AJ is the consistent from the roster standpoint.

I'm stating to me, he isnt someone to build a company around. People can talk about TNA building around him, and I'll point the the great success TNA has had....*Crickets* I'm not trying to bash the guy's in ring ability in any way, I just have my doubts that he'd be anywhere, but mid cards in WWE. There are several great wrestlers in WWE who are wasted in the mid cards.


Impact Wrestling on Spike is their highest rated show.

It was a growing company! Like every other company, it was small and irrelevant once and bloomed to the big empire they are now.

TNA, a big empire? Okay....:idk:

Yes, because ratings matter! I mean, screw great wrestlers and great wrestling! They didn't get above a 1.1 rating, so it must be shit. I bet the independent scene also sucks because they don't even have TV deals!

Have you ever heard of a show called, Breaking Bad? Do you know the lowest rating on Breaking Bad known was a 1.04 and that was midway in Season 2?
Now currently in Season 5, the highest rated episode was a 5.92.

Everything is small and irrelevant at first but they all grow into the big empire they are now. :walter:

So I frankly don't understand what you're trying to prove.

My point was being the face of a company which is getting clobbered by a bullshit show such as Total Divas, is not something to be bragging about. You can have all the great matches and the best wrestlers on the planet, but if no one watches, you're irrelevant.

Yes he is still the face of the company and the company STILL is relevant. When I think of TNA, I think of AJ Styles, not Hulk Hogan, not Jeff Hardy, but AJ motherfucking Styles!

Really, because last time I check Bully Ray was the champion. For the last year and a bit TNA has revolved around Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, and Hulk Hogan. while AJ was in a mid card rivalry with Kaz and Daniels, aka TNA's equivalent of 3MB, and losing. To the best of my knowledge the last time AJ was anywhere near that world championship was 2010.


The Artiste
Aug 5, 2013
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I'm stating to me, he isnt someone to build a company around. People can talk about TNA building around him, and I'll point the the great success TNA has had....*Crickets* I'm not trying to bash the guy's in ring ability in any way, I just have my doubts that he'd be anywhere, but mid cards in WWE. There are several great wrestlers in WWE who are wasted in the mid cards.

TNA, a big empire? Okay....:idk:

My point was being the face of a company which is getting clobbered by a bullshit show such as Total Divas, is not something to be bragging about. You can have all the great matches and the best wrestlers on the planet, but if no one watches, you're irrelevant.

Really, because last time I check Bully Ray was the champion. For the last year and a bit TNA has revolved around Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, and Hulk Hogan. while AJ was in a mid card rivalry with Kaz and Daniels, aka TNA's equivalent of 3MB, and losing. To the best of my knowledge the last time AJ was anywhere near that world championship was 2010.

AJ has started to take the spot light again recently with his new gimmick and heel turn and all of a sudden change if it wasn't for angle going to rehab they would of had him eventually come to the rescue of tna before bound for glory and end aces and eights.

TNA is bigger then you think in the UK it draws higher ratings then wwe sometimes but really it is still a small company and to build it from nothing is a good acheivment i would like to see you do any better.

Who gives a shit if total divas beat it in the ratings britney spears has sold more cds then rage against the machine it doesn't make her a more credible musician you need to take your head out of the main stream ass it is stuck in and have more of an open mind.


Feb 11, 2012
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Nashville, TN
TNA, a big empire? Okay....:idk:

TNA averagely gets 1.3 million viewers on Spike, 150-200k in the UK, 50k on DVR (numbers that are announced weekly) and has TV deals in 120 countries all over the world (Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa).

They also ran Ring Ka King in India in 2011, which had 10 millions viewers weekly. They do UK tours every year, where average # for TV taping is 7k, and 3k for house shows.

TNA has OVW, the former WWE developmental, now as their own developmental territory. TNA has 40+ wrestlers on their main roster, and overall has over 100 people employed by them.

Their road numbers are solid, they gain 3-3.5 people for TV taping (a few times they pulled off 6k and 7k) - which is, again, solid, because they've been on the road only 5 months now.

It's pretty obvious here you are trippin on your ignorancy trying to prove us, who know facts and deals, some things you're pulling out of your ass.

My point was being the face of a company which is getting clobbered by a bullshit show such as Total Divas, is not something to be bragging about. You can have all the great matches and the best wrestlers on the planet, but if no one watches, you're irrelevant.

Really, because last time I check Bully Ray was the champion. For the last year and a bit TNA has revolved around Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, and Hulk Hogan. while AJ was in a mid card rivalry with Kaz and Daniels, aka TNA's equivalent of 3MB, and losing. To the best of my knowledge the last time AJ was anywhere near that world championship was 2010.

The quality of the show isn't measured by viewership numbers, and never has been. Never. And never will be. And if 1.3 mill people who watch TNA every thursday on Spike (let alone the rest of the planet) you call "no one watches" , then you have to be some extraordinary redundant guy.

Once again, your ignorancy comes into play. AJ was always in the upper midcard at LEAST, let alone you calling that potatoheads 3MB "the equivalent" of Bad Influence lmfao. Bad Influence main events Impacts and is always a big part of nearly every show, while 3MB biggest succes is getting booked in the 2nd hour of Raw.

2010 is the last time AJ was near the WHC? How about 3 title shots in 2011? How about the epic match vs. Roode for the WHC in May of 2012? How about the AJ Styles title shot at Bully Ray that TNA has been building the whole past year to, and it will probably happen @ BFG this October?



Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I'm still in shock that some shit faced cock
master just called BI the 3mB of TNA
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Feb 11, 2012
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Nashville, TN
AJ Styles and TNA are set for their next round in contract negotiations this week, according to sources. As Dave Scherer wrote, it's going to come down to one thing - money. If the sides can come to terms financially, Styles will remain with the company.



Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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The word making the rounds over the past week was that AJ Styles and TNA had agreed to, at least, a short term contract extension. Styles' contract was set to expire very shortly and both sides were said to be working on a compromise that would keep him with the company.
No one would comment officially as to whether Styles had agreed to a short term or long term team deal but it's clear after the events that took place at Impact last night that he will be with the company for at least the short term.
I personally hope it's for the long-term.

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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The word making the rounds over the past week was that AJ Styles and TNA had agreed to, at least, a short term contract extension. Styles' contract was set to expire very shortly and both sides were said to be working on a compromise that would keep him with the company.

Freakin' great.