Alright dstebbins, I'm not going to further waste this forum's time debating with you about this. You just have too many points that are easy to tear down, and your rebuttals are just plain awful in most parts, devoid of sound logic. Notwithstanding, if you would like to continue the discussion you can send me a private message and I will be glad to continue the discussion without derailing a thread that is actually a decent discussion.
However, I will continue the topic of this thread.
dstebbins, you are so concerned about proof, how about you PROVE your point that Bret Hart is the most overrated. How can you do that? Well, let's look at the definition of overrated.
"Main Entry: over·rate
Pronunciation: \ˈō-vər-ˌrāt\
Function: transitive verb
Date: 1610
: to rate, value, or estimate too highly"
Thus, to PROVE Bret Hart is the most overrated, you need to PROVE the following:
1. Bret Hart's current value
2. Bret Hart's deserved value
3. The difference in comparison to all other wrestlers
In order to determine if Bret Hart is valued too much, we need to know how much he is currently valued, and how much he deserves to be valued. We also need to know if this amount is more than any other wrestler. We're going to need some concrete PROOF here. HAVE FUN!