-Both Hogans. The Hulkster's so integral in the Aces storyline right now that you'd have to work around it, but still. You can write your way out to save 30k for the almighty Hulkster to not contribute jack shit every week
-Chavo. Dude got completely outclassed by Joey Ryan every week during your feud... yet HE was the one released?
-Christy Hemme: So Cal Val announces better, looks better, is much cheaper...
-Doc and Knux: Outside of giving the visual of Bully having this big group of guys trailing him... why are these guys still here? They aren't doing anything in this storyline and won't be after it.
-Both Bischoffs: Garett's useless and Eric's outdated. Go away.
-Eric Young: Gotta give the devil his credit, he's a casual fan draw...

-Hernandez: RAWR GOES THE SHOULDERTACKLE OF DOOM... seriously this guy's facking terrible
-Jeff Hardy/Kurt Angle/Sting: These guys are still relevant (well, outside of Sting) and are the biggest stars of the company, but wonder if they're worth the money. Hardy's the biggest draw, Angle's the best wrestler, Sting's still one hell of a talker... there's still things you can do with them.
-Jeremy Borash: ONLY if you don't cut Tenay. If you keep Tenay around for some idiotic reason no reason to keep him around
-Jessie Godderz: Don't have to explain this.
-Kenny King and Zema Ion: JUST because it looks like they won't be used for a while. But come on... you HAVE to find something for these guys to do. They're gold.
-King Mo: Really, you cut Crimson who was rapidly improving yet you're still trying with this guy? Lol gtfo
-Matt Morgan: More "bad booking" than "bad talent". Quickly coming down with Kofi Kingston syndrome
-Mike Tenay: You suck donkey ass. Fire him and let JB take his spot already
-Rob Terry: Again, why the hell would you cut Crimson over him? Makes no sense. This guy's completely worthless.
-Robbie E: Can't believe I'm saying this but keep him. He's entertaining as hell in this jobber role.
-Rockstar Spud and Sam Shaw: Lots of potential but unused. I'd keep them but TNA may not want to.
-Taz. Period.
-Wes Brisco: See Doc and Knux