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TNA iMPACT - 2009

North Bay Memorial Gardens
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
July 2, 2009

Commentary runs down tonight’s stacked card of 2CN vs AMW, Roxxi vs Saeed, Chris Daniels vs Low Ki, Christian Cage vs Kaz, Styles/Joe vs Angle/Nash, and the main event of Booker T/Scott Steiner vs Team Canada for the tag team championships.

Match 1: America’s Most Wanted w/Jackie Moore vs 2 Crazy Negroes
AMW jump the colored folk right at the bell, but they quickly turn the tide with stereo hurricanranas, stereo dropkicks to the outside, and then stereo suicide dives~!

--Commercial Break--

The Negroes continue their momentum until Creed misses a top-rope dropkick and the isolation kicks in. AMW target the smaller guy’s back, and utilize quick tags really nicely. Harris goes for a powerbomb, but Creed rolls through with a sunset flip, but breaks it and goes for the tag, but Storm runs in and cuts him off. As the ref reprimands Storm, Creed hits an enzuigiri on Harris and tags in Lethal, but the ref doesn’t see it and forces Lethal back to the apron! They continue beating down Creed, but he finally rolls through a double monkey flip and makes the hot tag! Lethal cleans house and hits the Lethal Combination on Harris! ONE! TWO! THR – Storm breaks it up! Creed runs in and does a Cactus crossbody to send himself and Storm to the outside, and Lethal goes up top! Moore hops up on the apron, causing a distraction! The ref goes to yell at Moore, and Storm slides back in the ring with a beer bottle, and bashes it over Lethal’s head! Harris is up and hits a big superplex! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: America’s Most Wanted (12:20)

AMW celebrate up the ramp, sipping on some unbroken bottles of beer.

--Commercial Break--

Kurt Angle walks up to the door of the Main Event Mafia, only to find that he’s been locked out.

Match 2: Roxxi Laveaux vs Raisha Saeed [Non-Title]
Daisy Haze and Taylor Wilde come out with Roxxi and Sojourner Bolt and Rhaka Khan come out with Saeed, but the ref sends them all to the back right away. As for the match, Roxxi is pretty aggressive up front with revenge in her mind, but Saeed surprises her with her equal strength. This is evenly back-and-forth, but Angelina Love makes a run-in and distracts Saeed long enough for Roxxi to hit the Voodoo Drop for the win.
Winner via pinfall: Roxxi Laveaux (5:17)

Roxxi celebrates with her title until Angeline Love slides in and blindsides her a Bicycle Kick! Saeed sneaks up and tackles Love, and a three-woman brawl breaks out until officials can break it up.

--Commercial Break--

Footage from last week of Low Ki finally snapping on Chris Daniels plays. Tenay says that Foley is using the next match to determine who will face Tanahashi for the X-Division title at Victory Road.

Match 3: Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki [#1 Contender Match]
Daniels tries to keep up with Low Ki on the mat, but Ki makes him look like a bitch with his superior strength and aggressiveness. Ki goes for the Dragon Clutch several times early on, but Daniels always evades it. Daniels slides out of the ring for a break, but Low is after him right away, and rolls him back in. Daniels gets a cheap shot in while the ref tells Low Ki to keep it in the ring, and he controls things for a bit, but Low Ki fights back even harder. He gets Daniels up for the Ki Krusher, but Daniels scouts it and escapes to the outside again. Low Ki follows him out once more, but Daniels expects it and takes him down with an STO. He tosses Low Ki over the barricade, and the two begin brawling in the crowd! Low Ki hits a snap suplex on the outside and rushes to get back in the ring, but the ref’s ten-count has already elapsed, and the match is a draw.
Result: No contest due to double count-out (6:08)

Low Ki looks pissed off as he walks to the back.

Backstage, Jimmy Rave and Frankie Kazarian are talking. Kaz says he would never say it to Raven, but he’s nervous about following him again. Rave just smiles and tells him to have faith.

--Commercial Break--

Match 4: Christian Cage vs Frankie Kazarian w/Jimmy Rave [Non-Title]
Cornette mentions the great matches that these two had back in 2007, so yeah. Cage dominates things up front, but Rave gets a cheap shot in behind the ref’s back, so Kaz steps up big time to keep the world champion down. It’s obvious that Kaz is doing everything to wear down Christian, but he keeps fighting back with his big punches. He finally gets off his facelock backbreaker and then goes for the Unprettier, but Kaz pushes him off and then connects with a stiff spin kick. Kaz specifically targets Cage’s neck this time, and Rave even gets involved from the outside with clubs to Cage’s neck. Kaz throws Cage into the corner and signals for the Flux Capacitor, but Cage shoves him off the top turnbuckle. He goes for a Frog Splash, but Kaz gets the knees up and then covers … 1 … 2 … Cage kicks out! Kaz gets right back on the neck, but Christian capitalizes after Kaz misses a top rope leg drop. Cage builds his momentum, but Kaz goes to the eyes. He quickly goes to the apron to try a springboard move, but Cage intercepts him and counters it into a big DDT. Kaz hobbles up right into the Unprettier for the 1, 2, and 3.
Winner via pinfall: Christian Cage (8:39)

As Christian celebrates in the ring, Sting runs down! He sneaks up and clubs Christian from behind, and begins to stomp away. He continues his beat down until Tomko AND Rhino rush down and chase Sting out of the ring! They help Christian up as Sting retreats up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Abyss is backstage and he says that he Kaz and Rave want their minds to be warped a freak like Raven, then, well, two can play at that game.

--Commercial Break--

Christian Cage walks up to Rhino backstage and thanks him for his help.

Match 5: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle/Kevin Nash
Angle starts the match off with AJ Styles and it’s really really aggressive. Angle goes to the eyes and takes over, then tries to tag in Nash, but Nash just steps off the apron and goes to do commentary instead. Angle looks pissed but carries on, while Nash explains that he only has the back of Mafia members. Angle tries to stay in control of the Frontline duo, but eventually the numbers game catches up and Angle gets fatigued at a much faster rate. Joe and Styles start to have a bit of miscommunication, but their mutual hate for Angle diminishes that. Styles hits the Styles Clash for the clean pin over Angle.
Winners via pinfall: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles (7:29)

Kevin Nash gets up and laughs at Kurt Angle as he walks to the back. As Styles and Joe celebrate, Angle attacks Styles and they brawl around the ring until officials can split them up.

--Commercial Break--

Jeremy Borash comes out to do formal introductions for the following match.

Match 6: Booker T/Scott Steiner[c] vs Team Canada [TNA Tag Team Championships]
Steiner and Booker jump the challengers at the bell and isolate Eric Young for a bit, but Young fights back with elbows and makes the early hot tag. Williams comes in on fire, specifically targeting Steiner. He hits Big Poppa Pump with a leg lariat that sends him out of the ring, and then follows it up with a big plancha to the outside.

--Commercial Break--

Petey is still going apeshit on Steiner, but he makes the mistake of his anger turning his strategy into a brawl, and Steiner takes over with his power. The Mafia isolates Williams for a good stretch, and Steiner really lays into him. Williams starts to fight back with chops and nearly makes the hot tag, but Steiner runs in and lariats Young off the apron. Williams turns around, and Booker gets off the Axe Kick! ONE! TWO! THR – No! Young gets back in and breaks it up! All four men are in the ring and chaos ensues. The ref tries to maintain order, but tension is too high. Young and Booker spill out of the ring and start brawling around the outside, and the ref follows them out to try to break it up. In the ring, Steiner gets a low blow on Petey and locks in the Steiner Recliner! BUT THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS RUN OUT~! With the ref still attentive outside of the ring, the Guns rush the ring! Steiner gets up to stop them, but they take him out with stereo dropkicks! He staggers up, ASCS RUSH! They scram out of the ring, and Williams calls the ref back in! Williams goes up top! MOONSAULT! ONE! TWO! THREEEE!
Winners via pinfall and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions: Eric Young and Petey Williams, Team Canada! (14:03)

Team Canada holds up the titles in celebration, and then they go celebrate with the Canadian crowd as the show closes.

Xplosion Results (7/4)
The Redcoats over TJ Perkins/Scott Lost
Volador over Wahoo McDaniel, Jr
Shane Sewell over Seth Delay
Tyson Dux/Sean Morley over Jihad
University Stadium
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
July 9, 2009

BREAKING NEWS! This past week in Japan, TNA X-Division Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi defended his belt at an NJPW show, and LOST! His opponent was, and therefore NEW TNA X-Division Champion is . . . HOMICIDE!!!!!

Chris Daniels is backstage watching the announcement on a television screen, with a mixed look of confusion and worry.

--Commercial Break--

Mick Foley comes out and talks about how he’s seen the Frontline/Main Event Mafia feud grow, and now apparently there is a third side. So, the main event at Victory Road will be a three-way nine-man tag team match. It will be Christian Cage/Tomko/Rhino vs Sting/Booker T/Scott Steiner vs Samoa Joe/a Frontline tag team of his choice.

AMW is backstage and they say that they have been named number one contenders to the tag team titles after their win over 2CN last week, and that they’re going to take back the titles they never rightfully lost at Victory Road.

--Commercial Break--

Samoa Joe approaches the Motor City Machineguns backstage and tells him that they are the first team he is asking to team with him at Victory Road, and he wants them on his side. They agree.

Match 1: Team Canada vs 2 Crazy Negroes [Non-Title]
It starts off with a lot of high-flying action to get the crowd into it, and it works. Eric Young knocks Creed out of the ring with a spinning wheel kick, and then takes him out with a plancha. Lethal runs across the ring and flies out with a suicide dive! Williams positions himself on the apron, and then takes out everybody with a springboard Moonsault to the outside!!

--Commercial Break--

Things settle down in the ring when Team Canada shows their superior tag team strategy by isolating Creed. Cornette mentions how Team Canada goes go way back, but he wonders if it will be enough to counter the tag team experience of AMW at Victory Road. Things get back into a back-and-forth rhythm until AMW come down to ringside. When Williams signals for the Canadian Destroyer on Creed, Storm jumps up onto the apron. Williams knocks him off, but then turns right around into the Monti Fisto! Creed goes for the Creed-DT, but Williams spins out and hits the Canadian Destroyer! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Team Canada (12:36)

Team Canada celebrates with the belts as AMW look on angry.

Roxxi Laveaux is backstage with Taylor Wilde and tells her that she could use her help in a tag match against the Beautiful People. Wilde says that she can always trust her.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Roxxi Laveaux/Taylor Wilde vs The Beautiful People w/Kip James
Love and Sky attack right at the bell and isolate Wilde for a bit, until she dodges the Bicycle Kick and makes a hot tag. Roxxi comes in and throws around both of the Beautiful People. She goes for the Voodoo Slam on Sky, but Love pulls her off and then connects with a roundhouse kick. They isolate Roxxi for a bit, but she has an easier time fighting back with her strength. She eventually tags in Wilde, who comes in with a lot of energy. She takes out Sky with a missile dropkick and then hits a bridging German suplex on Love for the semi-upset!
Winners via pinfall: Roxxi Laveaux/Taylor Wilde (6:32)

Raisha Saeed runs down to the ring and tosses Taylor Wilde out, then spears Roxxi Laveaux, and holds up the title! Angelina Love is up and she takes out Saeed with a Bicycle Kick, and then she holds him the belt! Wilde is back in the ring and she takes out Angelina with a German Suplex. Alone in the ring, Taylor Wilde picks up the Knockouts Title and looks at it longingly.

Daniels walks up to Low Ki and tells him that they better co-exist tonight, because they have a tag match together.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Christopher Daniels/Low Ki vs Alex Koslov/Brutus Magnus w/The Axis Powers
Daniels and Ki make it clear that they don’t trust each other, but they at least co-exist for a good while to take on their opponents. Eventually Daniels accidentally lariats Low Ki, and the Powers jump at the opportunity to isolate him. Ki fights back with vicious kicks and chops, but the Powers on the outside help in preventing the hot tag. When Koslov goes for his Red Scare, Low Ki spins out and hits a flashpan Ki Krusher! He goes to tag in Daniels, who tags in with a really hard slap to the face! Daniels gets in and ducks a lariat from Magnus, which connects with Ki instead and sends him out of the ring! Daniels tosses Magnus out of the ring and then hits the Best Moonsault Ever on Koslov for the win!!
Winners via pinfall: Christopher Daniels/Low Ki (8:25)

Low Ki slides back and pushes Daniels, and the two get in each other’s faces. Foley comes out and tells the two to calm down and save it for Victory Road, where there will be a triple threat with Homicide for the X-Division Championship. And, speaking of Homicide, he will be on iMPACT next week!

--Commercial Break--

Sting is in the MEM locker room, irate that the main event at Victory Road isn’t a title match for him to regain his belt. Booker T says he’ll have to keep fighting for it, because nothing is just handed out around here.

Match 4: Kurt Angle vs Kevin Nash
Angle is really aggressive with Nash for turning on him last week, going after his historically weak knee right away. Nash tries to fight him off with his power and size advantage, but Angle is ruthless. He fights him to the mat and really pries at the knee, and then locks in the ankle lock, forcing Nash to tap.
Winner via submission: Kurt Angle (5:32)

Kurt Angle keeps the ankle lock on Nash, until AJ STYLES~ runs down and attacks Kurt! They get in a big slugfest until officials can separate them.

--Commercial Break--

Match 5: Abyss vs Frankie Kazarian w/Jimmy Rave
Kaz is really cautious at the start of the match, several times rolling out of the ring to avoid the Monster. He finally decides a hit-and-run strategy, but Abyss catches him and tosses him around like a rag doll. Kaz fights back with cheap tricks and help from Rave from the outside, but he never really makes much progress. He dodges the Black Hole Slam once and almost takes Abyss down with a roundhouse kick, but then he tries for a running roundhouse and Abyss catches him with the Black Hole Slam for the three.
Winner via pinfall: Abyss (6:34)

Jimmy Rave rushes the ring, but he gets a big lariat for his efforts. Abyss throws out both men, and then grabs a microphone. He says that they have strength in numbers, but he has friends too. He challenges them to a tag team match at Victory Road against he and a surprise partner.

--Commercial Break--

Match 6: Booker T/Scott Steiner vs Motor City Machineguns w/Jimmy Jacobs
Things get really heated right at the start, especially on the side of the Mafia. They beat down Shelley for a bit, but he maneuvers his way around them to tag in Sabin, who makes a good impact for a while, but then gets isolated as well. Sabin almost tags in Shelley, but Steiner trips him up from the outside to stop it. Sabin goes for a suicide dive to Steiner on the outside, but Steiner catches him and plants him with a belly-to-belly on the unforgiving ground below!!

--Commercial Break--

Booker T and Steiner utilize quick tags to really lie into Sabin, specifically working over his back that was tweaked with the belly-to-belly on the outside. Steiner goes for the Steiner Recliner, but Sabin fights out and gets off a dropsault! He slowly makes his way to his corner, but Steiner tags in Booker, who grabs Sabin by the leg. Sabin hits an enzuigiri on Booker then makes the hot tag! Shelley comes in with a lot of steam and takes every one out. He signals for the Shellshock, but Sting and Nash (still limping) come out to distract him! Booker blindsides him with a roundhouse kick and signals for the Axe Kick! Shelley dodges it and then picks Booker T up! SHELLSHOCK! Sabin runs across the ring and takes Steiner off the apron with a crossbody! As Shelley goes up top, Sting climbs on the apron to stop him BUT JIMMY JACOBS SPEARS STING OFF THE APRON! Shelley jumps off with a Frog Splash! ONE! TWO! THR – Nash gets in the ring and breaks up the pin attempt, drawing the intentional DQ!!
Winners via disqualification: The Motor City Machineguns (14:29)

The Mafia beats down the Machine Guns, until Samoa Joe and AJ Styles come down for the rescue! This draws out Kurt Angle, who goes right for Styles. A big Mafia/Frontline brawl breaks out, and Christian, Rhino, and Tomko come out as well! Everybody fights all around the arena, and not even the officials can break it up! The show closes as things are completely out of control.

Xplosion Results (7/11)
Taylor Wilde/Daisy Haze over ODB/Jackie Moore
Shark Boy over TJ Perkins
Sean Morley over Ricky Steamboat, Jr
Jimmy Jacobs/Tyson Dux over No Limit
Stampede Corral
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
July 16, 2009

Mike Tenay says that tonight we will see a big eight-man tag match, a Tomko/Rhino vs Sting/Nash tag match, and a Chris Daniels/Low Ki vs Samoa Joe/Homicide tag match tonight.

Commentary then announces that a fatal fourway for the Knockouts Championship has been signed for Victory Road. It will be Roxxi Laveaux vs Angelina Love vs Raisha Saeed vs Taylor Wilde.

Match 1: Taylor Wilde w/Roxxi Laveaux vs Raisha Saeed w/the Saeed-Tourage
Taylor Wilde uses her speed to gain the edge at first, but then Khan and Bolt get involved from the outside, letting Saeed take control. She uses her strength to throw Wilde around a bit, but Wilde fights back with a set of dropkicks. She starts to mount an offense until the Saeed-Tourage gets involved again, this time provoking Roxxi to get into a fistfight with them! The ref tries to settled things down on the outside, and the Beautiful People run down! Love slides in and NAILS Saeed with the Bicycle Kick! Without a second though, Wilde picks up Saeed and hits her bridging German Suplex just as the ref comes back in the ring! One, two, and three!
Winner via pinfall: Taylor Wilde (6:19)

Angelina Love and Velvet Sky slide out of the ring and smile at a very confused Taylor Wilde.

--Commercial Break--

AJ Styles is backstage and he says that Kurt Angle put him out of commission a few months ago, and now he’s been a thorn in his side ever since. So at Victory Road, he’s going to beat Angle and move on to bigger things.

Mick Foley calls Jimmy Jacobs into his office and says he has been impressed with him lately, so he’s receiving the opportunity to face an international star at Victory Road. It will be Canada’s own, Teddy Hart!!

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Team Canada/Motor City Machineguns w/Jimmy Jacobs vs Booker T/Scott Steiner/ America’s Most Wanted w/Jackie Moore
CRAZY~! This is the second time that AMW have teamed up with Booker T and Scott Steiner so there is a bit more smoothness to it, but it doesn’t compare to the chemistry of the Frontline. The faces take over when AMW accidentally hit Booker T with a double clothesline. They force the heels out of the ring and then hit simultaneous planchas on them!

--Commercial Break--

Things settled down when the heels take over, and they really beat into the faces. They isolate Petey Williams for a good stretch, and Steiner only agrees to get in when he’s really weak. He goes for the Steiner Screwdriver, but Williams slides out and connects with a hurricanrana! He makes the hot tag to Eric Young, who comes in ON FIRE~! He takes out Booker T and Steiner, but then Harris takes him out with a cheap high knee. Storm tags himself in and works over Young’s back, then goes for the Eye of the Storm, but Young gets out and hits a back suplex! He then locks in the Sharpshooter on Storm!! The heels rush the ring and lay into Eric Young, which draws in the faces! A big brawl breaks out, with everybody laying into each other. Steiner suplexes Petey out of the ring, then MCMG hit a double superkick to send Steiner over the top rope. Harris spears them both out of the ring, leaving Booker T, Storm, and Young alone in the ring. Booker goes for a roundhouse on Young, but he ducks, and Booker hits Storm instead! Booker turns around, and Young has him up! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Team Canada/Motor City Machineguns (13:29)

HOMICIDE~ arrives backstage with the X-Division Championship, and Samoa Joe greets him.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Abyss vs Jimmy Rave w/Frankie Kazarian
Rave spends even more time on the outside than Kaz did last week, knowing full well what Abyss is capable of. When Abyss gets distracted by Kaz, Rave tries a roll up, but only gets a two-count, and then Abyss pretty much kills him. Rave finds a few spots of hope due to shenanigans from Kaz, and he tries to take out Abyss’ legs, but it’s not much use. Abyss gets Rave up for the Shock Treatment, and then finishes him off with a chokeslam.
Winner via pinfall: Abyss (6:58)

Kaz rushes the ring and starts beating down Abyss, but the monster fights back, until Raven comes down and the odds become too much. They all stomp away, and then Raven goes to ringside to grab a steel chair. He directs the other two to hold up Abyss, but SABU~~~~~ RUNS DOWN AND CLEARS THE RING!!!!! ABYSS AND SABU STAND TALL IN THE RING, AS THE ENLIGHTENED LOOK SCARED OUT OF THEIR MINDS!

--Commercial Break--

The 2 Crazy Negroes are backstage and they say that they will be facing two brothers at Victory Road. The Briscoes, or something like that. Either way, they’re going to win and go on to take back the TNA Tag Team titles. OH YEAHHHHH!!

Kurt Angle comes down to the ring and runs down AJ Styles, talking about he cost him a shot at the TNA Championship. He says that Styles has never amounted to anything since the stars arrived at TNA, and after Victory Road, Angle will take back his belt, and Styles will go back to obscurity. That draws out Styles, and the two get into a slugfest until officials can split it up.

--Commercial Break--

Match 4: Sting/Kevin Nash vs Tomko/Rhino
Cornette points out that this is the first time that Sting has wrestled on iMPACT in a while, and even longer since it wasn’t in the main event, so yeah. Sting and Tomko start it off and they have a big power struggle, with Tomko coming out on top. Sting retaliates by getting more technical, and then he tags in Nash to capitalize on it. Tomko goes to Nash’s knee, and then tags in Rhino. He comes in with a lot of steam, but Sting cheap shots him from the outside, and the Mafia isolates him for a bit. He nearly makes the hot tag, but Nash runs in and illegally stops it, prompting Tomko to enter the ring and tackle Nash to the ground! In all the chaos, Sting tries to sneak in a baseball bat shot, but Christian Cage runs down and takes the bat then nails Sting with it! Sting slowly gets up and Tomko DESTROYS him with the BIG BEWT~! Rhino covers! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Tomko/Rhino (8:14)

Christian Cage holds up his title as he and his allies back up the ramp, and Sting looks on pissed. Kevin Nash gets up and looks displeased with Sting.

Backstage, the camera catches Velvet Sky and Angelina Love coming out of Taylor Wilde’s locker room.

--Commercial Break--

Match 5: Christopher Daniels/Low Ki vs Homicide/Samoa Joe
Low Ki and Homicide start out together, and they do so with a handshake. They do some mat wrestling for a bit with their normal aggression, but nothing over-the-top. Ki gains the advantage after some successful arm work, and then tags in Daniels with a hard slap to the chest. Daniels gets in and just stomps away at Homicide, targeting the arm. He toys around with the X-Division Champion while motioning for the belt, but Homicide fights back with martial arts kicks and chops, and finally tags in Samoa Joe. Daniels immediately backs up and tags in Low Ki, and we get an awesome stretch of big man versus aggressive as hell little man. Ki almost gets Joe down, but Joe strikes back with a power slam for a two-count.

--Commercial Break--

Homicide is back in wearing down Ki with some neck work, but Ki goes to the arm to break free and tag in Daniels. Things settle into a back-and-forth motion with everybody seeing some action until Daniels gets frustrated with being unable to put away Homicide, so he slaps him! Homicide explodes with rage and pummels Daniels to the ground with punches. Daniels escapes as the ref reprimands ‘Cide, and he tags in Low Ki. He comes in and takes it to Homicide immediately and nearly puts him away after a springboard roundhouse kick. He picks Homicide up for the Ki Krusher, but Daniels gets in and nails Low Ki with a savate kick! He exits the ring as Homicide goes up top for the Frog Splash! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Homicide/Samoa Joe (16:20)

Christopher Daniels slides into the ring and starts attacking Low Ki, but Homicide gets involved, and a big three-man brawl breaks out. Samoa Joe watches on until Sting runs down and blindsides him! Christian, Rhino, and Tomko run out to join in, which draws out the rest of the Main Event Mafia, MCMG, AJ Styles, and subsequently Kurt Angle! For the second straight week, iMPACT ends in absolute chaos!

Xplosion Results (7/18)
Scott Lost over Rick Steamboat, Jr
Shane Sewell over Dave Taylor w/Doug Williams
Daisy Haze over Daffney
Tomko/Rhino over Jihad

Victory Road Card (7/19)

Main Event
Christian Cage/Rhino/Tomko vs Sting/Booker T/Scott Steiner vs Samoa Joe/Motor City Machineguns

Super Grudge Match
AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle

TNA Tag Team Championships
Team Canada[c] vs America's Most Wanted

X-Division Championship
Homicide[c] vs Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels

Knockouts Championship
Roxxi Laveaux[c] vs Angelina Love vs Raisha Saeed vs Taylor Wilde

Grudge Match
Abyss/Sabu vs The Enlightened [Rave/Kaz]

ROH Invitational
2 Crazy Negroes vs The Briscoe Brothers

International Invitational
Jimmy Jacobs vs Teddy Hart

Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze over Rhaka Khan/Sojourner Bolt
Los Infernales over Jihad
Sean Morley over Kiyoshi w/The Axis Powers

TNA Victory Road
Varsity Arena
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
July 19, 2009

Commentary runs down the card and highlights the treat that this Canadian crowd is in for tonight, including Canadian Charisma and TNA Champion Christian Cage, Team Canada’s tag team title defense, and up next, Teddy Hart of the legendary Hart family in action.

Match 1: Jimmy Jacobs vs Teddy Hart [International Invitational]
Teddy Hart gets a big pop in Canada, but there’s a handshake to start to establish this as a face-face match. This starts out slow with dueling neck work, but it picks up pace pretty quickly. There’s a lot of really fast back-and-forth action, both in the ring and out, and at least Jacobs sells the neck. They both get a handful of nearfalls after DDT variations, but a top-rope DDT especially gives Jacobs a very long two-count. Jacobs goes for the Michigan Code, but Hart spins out and hits the Stu Hart Special! ONE! TWO! THR – Jacobs kicks out! Teddy is slow to get up, but finally goes for a flying headbutt and he nails it! It does a lot of damage to his own neck, so he’s slow to make the cover! ONE! TWO! THR – Jacobs gets a foot on the ropes! They both fight to their feet and Jacobs goes for a spike piledriver, but Hart pulls his feet out from under him and PUTS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER!! Jacobs edges his way to the ropes very slowly, and finally makes it. Hart pulls Jacobs up, BUT JACOBS PUTS HIM IN A GUILLOTINE CHOKE! Hart struggles and nearly makes it to the ropes, so Jacobs cuts him short and plants him with a snap DDT! The cover! ONE! TWO! THRE – HART GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPE! Jacobs fights his way up the turnbuckle and leaps off with a Senton, but Hart moves! He climbs up the turnbuckle himself! SHOOTING STAR PRESS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Teddy Hart (13:39)

Teddy Hart helps Jimmy Jacobs to his feet and they shake hands once again, and then Hart leaves through the pumped up crowd.

The Briscoe Brothers arrive backstage on an RTV, and Jay asks Mark who the hell these “2 Crazy ★★★★★★s” are?

A video package going over the intertwined history of Roxxi Laveaux, the Beautiful People, the Saeed-Tourage, and recently Taylor Wilde plays.

Match 2: Roxxi Laveaux[c] vs Angelina Love vs Raisha Saeed vs Taylor Wilde [Knockouts Championship]
Roxxi and Wilde stick together at the start, forcing Love and Saeed to form an alliance to take them out. It’s short-lived though, because they soon begin fighting over who gets to take shots at the champion. It gets to be a big cluster, until Raisha and Roxxi clear everybody out, and then they have a power struggle in the ring. Saeed starts to gain the advantage until Taylor Wilde and Angelina Love rush in and clear her out of the ring. Roxxi and Wilde agree to take out Love and they approach her, BUT WILDE KICKS ROXXI IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD! She holds her up for Angelina Love, who connects with the Bicycle Kick! Taylor Wilde watches on with a huge grin as Angelina Love covers for the win!
Winner via pinfall and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Angelina Love! (7:23)

Angelina Love and Taylor Wilde hug in the ring as the ref grabs the Knockouts Title for the new champion. Velvet Sky and Kip James come out and they all celebrate with the new champion, Angelina Love. Roxxi slowly gets up and looks extremely pissed, but Wilde just gives her a nasty glare and scoffs at her.

Team Canada are backstage and they say that they want to perform their all in front of their home crowd, so that’s exactly what they’re going to do when they successfully defend their belts against AMW.

Match 3: 2 Crazy Negroes vs The Briscoe Brothers [ROH Invitational]
The Briscoes attack right at the bell, and use their advantage to isolate Creed for a long stretch, complete with choking and racist declarations. A few guys in the front row start a KKK chant, so security shows them out. I can write whatever I want. The Briscoes try a springboard doomsday, but Creed ducks under Mark, and then catches Jay with a victory roll for a two-count. In the hubbub, Creed makes the hot tag to Lethal, who comes in and cleans house. He hits the Lethal Combination on Mark, and then Creed throws him to the outside. The Negroes rear up and connect with a legsweep/roundhouse combination on Jay Briscoe. Lethal goes up top and connects with the Lethal Elbow, while Creed hits Mark with a plancha to the outside to keep him out. ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: 2 Crazy Negroes (10:42)

The 2 Crazy Negroes celebrate in the ring, and hold up the “Power” fist.

Kevin Nash runs into Sting backstage and says that he really needs to win tonight. Sting says of course, but Nash stops him and reiterates that he REALLY needs to win tonight.

Match 4: Team Canada[c] vs America’s Most Wanted w/Jackie Moore [TNA Tag Team Championships]
The referee is Earl Hebner. Just for kicks. The champions come out with a lot of steam with high-flying moves and their tandem offense. Eventually AMW isolate Williams for a good stretch, and then Young to a lesser extent once the hot tag is made. Young finally gets a Northern Lights Suplex on Harris, but Storm comes in to break it up before two. Williams springboards into the ring and takes Storm out with a dropkick, and the two brawl on the outside. In the ring, Harris and Young counter each other’s finishers, and Young fights Harris into the Sharpshooter! The Canadian crowd is going insane as Harris looks to be about to tap! Moore hops onto the apron to distract the ref, AND HARRIS TAPS OUT! BUT THE REF DOESN’T SEE IT! Young torques back more and calls for the ref, when . . . BAM! Storm DESTROYS Eric Young with a Superkick! Harris covers! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions: America’s Most Wanted (14:13)

America’s Most Wanted celebrate with their regained titles, and the fans are pissed. A few of them toss garbage into the ring, but AMW just pick it up and hand it to Jackie Moore.

Samoa Joe is backstage when Chris Daniels walks up and asks why Joe didn’t break up Homicide’s pin on iMPACT, and Joe says it’s obviously because he was on Homicide’s team. Daniels says that he thought the Frontline was a team, and then he walks off.

A hype video of the history between Abyss, Jimmy Rave, and now Kaz and sort of Raven plays, along with the footage of Sabu returning to help Abyss.

Match 5: Abyss/Sabu vs The Enlightened [Jimmy Rave/Frankie Kazarian]
Abyss and Sabu dominate at the start, but the Enlightened get a bit dirty, and start to isolate Old Man Sabu. They do some really vicious neck work, taunting Abyss the whole time, but Sabu pulls out a springboard Moonsault to take out both men! Abyss comes in ON FIRE~ and kills Rave and Kaz. Sabu gets back in and goes up top, but he misses a leg drop when Rave moves out of the way. Raven comes down to ringside with a steel chair, and sits down to watch. Kaz and Sabu go back and forth, and Sabu finally goes up top again. Raven gets up and hops on the apron, distracting Sabu, so Abyss runs over and chases Raven around the outside of the ring! In the ring, Kaz has the opportunity to climb up to the top with Sabu! Flux Capacitor! Kaz covers and steals the one, two, and three!
Winners via pinfall: Jimmy Rave and Frankie Kazarian, the Enlightened (11:40)

Raven celebrates with the Enlightened in the ring, but Abyss storms back in the ring and chases them off. Abyss helps Sabu up, and Sabu does not look happy at all.

As The Beautiful People celebrate backstage, Lauren walks up and asks why Taylor Wilde turned on Roxxi Laveaux. Wilde says that there’s more to life than being successful, like being pretty.

Christian Cage runs into AJ Styles backstage and wishes him luck in his match against Kurt Angle. Styles thanks him, and walks off.

Commentary goes over the shocking turn of events in Tanahashi beating Daniels at Slammiversary, then Homicide beating Tanahashi in NJPW, and then Low Ki getting fed up Daniels’ new holier-than-though attitude.

Match 6: Homicide[c] vs Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki [X-Division Championship]
Daniels and Ki go right after each other right at the bell, so Homicide just watches on. When Daniels starts to fight dirty-ish, he steps in, and all three men start laying into one another. There’s a slight element of Low Ki and Homicide teaming together, and when they do wrestle each other, it’s stiff but respectful. Some innovative three-man spots get done did, but it’s really really even all the way through. In the closing stretch, Daniels goes for the Angel’s Wings on Low Ki, but he spins through and connects with a big roundhouse kick. Homicide runs over for a lariat, but Ki ducks it and connects with the Ki Krusher! He goes up top, GHETTO STOMP ON HOMCIDE! ONE! TWO! THRE – DANIELS BREAKS IT UP! He tosses Low Ki out of the ring, and picks up Homicide for himself. He goes for the Angel’s Wings, but Homicide drops to the ground, and gets Daniels in a jackknife pin! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall and still TNA X-Division Champion: Homicide! (17:08)

Homicide holds up the belt as Low Ki slides back in the ring. He immediately tackles Daniels to the mat and the two begin brawling around until officials can split it up!

Another hype video plays, this one going over the extensive history of the Styles/Angle feud, starting at Against All Odds in February, then escalating in Lethal Lockdown, the Sacrifice tag match, and King of the Mountain.

Match 7: Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles
SUPER HATE~! Angle wants to go to the mat, and immediately takes Styles down and then bitch slaps him on the ground. It quickly turns into a fight with punches thrown left and right. Angle focuses on the arm, but Styles avoids most of his offense with high-flying counters. Styles takes control with a lot of momentum, but when he goes up top, Angle jumps up and pulls Styles’ arm across the top rope. Styles spills to the outside, where Angle throws him into the commentary booth, where he cuts his forehead on the corner of the table! After tossing him around on the outside, Angle rolls Styles into the ring and he has a solid segment of arm work that looks really brutal, though there are no hard-line submission moves yet. AJ fights back with kicks, and he gets off his springboard reverse DDT, but it tweaks his arm at the same time. He eventually gets Angle up and goes for the Styles Clash, but Angle counters it into an Ankle Lock! Styles struggles for a bit and when he’s about to reach the ropes, Angle locks in a high-angle fujiwara armbar! Styles writhes around, but hooks his leg on the rope to break the hold. Angle continues his beatdown, this time mixing in some neck work, but simultaneously continuing the wear of the arm. Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, but Styles rolls out, but again it tweaks his arm. The hesitation allows for Angle to take Styles down AND HE LOCKS IN THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE~! After a long stretch, Styles makes it to the ropes and slowly gets to his feet BUT TURNS RIGHT INTO AN OLYMPIC SLAM! ONE! TWO! THRE – Styles kicks out! Angle gets pissed and goes up top for a Moonsault, but Styles move! He gets back into things with unique kicks to take the pressure off of his arm, and the fight spills to the outside. Styles stays on the offensive, and a catapult to the ring post busts Angle wide open as well! He tosses Angle back in the ring and goes up top for the Spiral Tap, but Angles moves! Styles is slow to his feet, and Angle delivers a German Suplex, and he keeps the bridge! ONE! TWO! THRE – He kicks out! Angle goes for another German Suplex, but Styles flips out and goes for the Styles Clash, but Angle kicks his hurt arm to avoid it. He gets off the triple Germans and makes the cover! ONE! TWO! THRE – NO! Another kickout! Angle tries to put Styles in the Ankle Lock, but he fights out of it and pushes Angle into the corner with his legs. Styles runs at him, but Angle body drops him to the apron. He quickly climbs up to the top rope, but Angle climbs up as well and they battle over a superplex. Styles tries a sunset powerbomb from the top, but Angle kicks away at his arm, and Styles falls flat. Angle leaps off with a double stomp to Styles’ throat, and then sets Styles back up on the turnbuckle! Super Olympic Slam! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Kurt Angle (20:45)

Angle celebrates in the ring as Styles gets up, holding his shoulder.

What else, other than a video package? It outlines everything leading up to the main event, and then commentary discusses how this could be Sting’s opportunity to prove that he should get a title rematch.

Match 8: Christian Cage/Rhino/Tomko vs Sting/Booker T/Scott Steiner vs Samoa Joe/Motor City Machineguns
Samoa Joe begs for Sting at the start, but he gets Booker T instead. Noteworthy parts of the match are that the Mafia fights really dirty; Cage, Rhino, and Tomko fight dirty sometimes, but usually avoid being tagged in at all; and the Guns step up BIG time to take on the bigger names. By the time Cage agrees to get in, everybody else has been worn down quite a bit, so he and his team control the match for a bit. That is until Sabin makes a hot tag to Joe and he clears house. Joe gets Cage up for the Muscle Buster, but he rolls out and tags in Sting! Joe and Sting! One on one! It’s go time! Sting tries to back away, but absolutely nobody will tag in for him. Joe rushes for him and kills him with a lariat, then starts clubbing away at him! Sting creates some space and tries a vertical suplex, but Joe pushes him away then straight up bitch slaps him! He picks Sting up! Muscle Buster! ONE! TWO! THR – Everybody rushes the ring and breaks up the pin attempt! They all trade finishing maneuvers and it comes down to Joe and Cage still standing. Cage goes for an Unprettier, but Joe pushes him away and picks him up, then connects with the Muscle Buster! Sting is up and goes for the Scorpion Death Drop on Joe, but he powers out and positions himself behind Sting, AND HE LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH!! Sting is fading! The Guns fights the others out of the ring! Double planchas take everybody out! Nobody can save Sting! He’s going! He’s going! STING TAPS OUT!!!
Winners via submission: Samoa Joe/Motor City Machineguns (15:37)

Samoa Joe keeps the Coquina Clutch locked in until the ref pries him off. Christian Cages looks pretty disappointed on the floor. Booker T and Scott Steiner pull Sting out of the ring and help to the back, while Samoa Joe and the Motor City Machineguns celebrate as the show closes.
Orlando, Florida
July 23, 2009

A video plays, outlining the events that took place last Sunday at Victory Road.

Match 1: Low Ki vs Patrick Schulz w/The Axis Powers
Low Ki still has plenty of aggression left over, and he lets it out on poor Schulz. He escapes to the outside a couple of times to hide behind the Powers, but Ki follows him out and nobody dares stop him. He tosses Schulz into the barricade, and then toys with him in the ring, before finally finishing him off with the Ki Krusher.
Winner via pinfall: Low Ki (4:08)

As Low Ki celebrates in the ring, Christopher Daniels runs down and blindsides him with a high knee. He continues his sneak attack until Homicide runs down and chases him off.

--Commercial Break--

Mick Foley has MCMG in his office, and he tells that they their top-notch performance at Victory Road has earned them a title match against AMW next week.

Team Canada is backstage and pretty distraught about losing at Victory Road. They say that they let themselves down, and they let the live Canadian fans down. The Redcoats walk by and says to hell with Canadians, and Americans too for that matter. They challenge Team Canada to a match next week, and it’s accepted.

Roxxi Laveaux is backstage with Lauren, and she says that she demands a one-on-one match with Angelina Love, since she was screwed out of the title last night.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Chris Harris w/Storm & Moore vs Jimmy Jacobs w/MCMG
Jacobs steps up big time to give he Guns some momentum heading into their title match next week. Harris eventually slows him down and keeps him grounded for a good portion, until Jacobs dodges a big boot, and fights back with some clotheslines and then a big spear for a near-fall! He tries to put Harris in a guillotine choke, but he fights to the ropes to stay alive. Jacobs goes for a quick Michigan Code, but Harris pushes him to the mat and then catapults him to the turnbuckle, where Storm throws into a cheap elbow under the ref’s radae. Jacobs falls back, right into the Catatonic, and Harris takes the pinfall.
Winner via pinfall: Chris Harris (7:34)

Harris continues kicking away at Jacobs until the Guns rush the ring and clear him out.

--Commercial Break--

Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, and Kip James are together backstage. Love tells the camera that it’s every girl’s wish to be liked and well regarded, and Wilde made the right choice in ditching the dyke to come over to the divas. She then says that it’s time for Roxxi to step aside and to let her defend against some fresher, less hideous faces.

Match 3: Tomko w/Rhino vs Kevin Nash w/Sting
There’s a big power struggle right up front, and neither guy gets a definitive advantage. This goes on for some time (with theatrics interspersed) until Nash fakes a lock up and just goes to the eyes instead. He gets some solid back work in, but then Tomko explodes with a lariat that takes the big man down! Tomko signals for a big boot, but Sting trips him up before he can connect. Nash beats Tomko down some more and goes for the Jackknife Powerbomb, but Tomko back body drops him to escape. He picks him up and plants him with an Argentine Neckbreaker, then covers for the win.
Winner via pinfall: Tomko (6:26)

Sting climbs into the ring and attacks Tomko from behind, but Tomko retaliates with a big lariat that sends him to the floor.

--Commercial Break--

Match 4: AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner w/Booker T
They start out on the mat, and Styles keeps up a surprising amount, but Steiner uses his power to gain control. Styles fights back with some chops and things go back-and-forth until Styles goes for a springboard move, and Booker T trips him up. Steiner pounces and controls for another good bit, then goes for the Steiner Screwdriver, but Styles rolls out and gets a jackknife pin . . . 1 . . 2 . . Steiner kicks out! Steiner goes for a belly-to-belly, but Styles flips through it and connects with the Pele! When Steiner gets up, AJ hits the Styles Clash for the 1, 2, 3.
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles (7:44)

Booker T slides into the ring and catches Styles off guard with a roundhouse kick. Steiner picks Styles up and plants him with the Steiner Screwdriver, and then the Mafia duo walks off together.

--Commercial Break--

Kevin Nash is on the phone backstage, as a camera sneaks up on him. The person on the other end is unknown, but we can hear Nash’s side: “Wait, what? . . . But Sting said . . . Oh . . . Shit . . . Okay, if you’re sure . . . Yeah, I understand. By the way, speaking of maintaining power, what’s the deal with you-know-who? . . . Next week?! . . . Great . . . Okay, well I will tell the others right away . . . See ya.”

Match 5: Los Infernales vs 2 Crazy Negroes
Lots of high-flying and double-team moves from both teams up front. The Negroes actually try to put the luchas away several times early on, which gets them in trouble, and Los Infernales snag Creed to isolate him a bit. An awesome suplex/crossbody combination by Los Infernales on Creed for a nearfall sends us to a break.

--Commercial Break--

The unique offense continues, and we learn that Los Infernales have been doing a lot of tag teaming on Xplosion, house shows, and other companies, which explains their increase in tag team chemistry. Creed finally ducks under a double clothesline and tags in Lethal, who comes in and cleans house. Mephisto tries a sledge from up top, but Lethal catches him and hits the Lethal Combination! One! Two! Thr – No! Averno is and breaks it up! He plants Lethal with a DDT, but Creed springboards into the ring and takes Averno out with a hurricanrana! Mephisto is up and goes to the top for a Moonsault, but Lethal gets the knees up. He goes up top for himself and drives the Lethal Elbow right into Mephisto’s sternum! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: 2 Crazy Negroes (12:49)

Jimmy Rave and Frankie Kazarian are backstage behind Raven, who says that the Enlightened stood tall once again, and nothing could stop them now.

--Commercial Break--

Abyss is backstage with SABU~, and SABU~ looks pissed. Abyss says that SABU~ has decided to stick around for a while to deal with these annoyances, and it’s not going to be pretty.

Kurt Angle comes out to the iMPACT Zone and lays into the Mafia hard. He says that all Nash does is snort cocaine; Booker T legitimately thinks he is a Legends Champion; and Scott Steiner can’t even spell “wrestling.” He starts to say something about Sting and the real reason he has had such influence, but his microphone gets cut and the lights go out.

--Commercial Break--

Kurt Angle is being escorted out by security, but Nash stops them and tells Angle that they need to talk. Now.

Christian Cage comes out with his title belt and cuts a promo about how he came back to TNA to prove that he’s still the best, but he feels like he hasn’t done that yet. He says he’s determined to defend his belt successfully against the best of opponents. This draws out both Sting and Joe, who say that they’re the ones to face in order to bring prestige back to the title. Sting says he still wants to use his rematch clause, and Joe says that he’s made Sting tap out twice in three months, so he should get the spot.

Mick Foley comes out and says that there will be a triple threat match at Hard Justice, but Joe and Sting won’t automatically earn the spots in the match. Next week, there will be two qualifying matches for the two open spots. Samoa Joe vs Tomko and Sting vs Kurt Angle! The show fades to a close as Cage, Joe, and Sting all eye each other closely.

Xplosion Results (7/25)
Raisha Saeed over Lexie Fyfe
Chad Collyer over Scott Lost
Kenny King over Wahoo McDaniel, Jr
Rhino over BG James
Orlando, Florida
July 30, 2009

Commentary hypes the four huge matches for tonight: AMW vs MCMG, the #1 contender’s battle royal for the X-Division title, Tomko vs Samoa Joe, and Sting vs Kurt Angle.

Match 1: Team Canada vs The Redcoats
This is a quickie, but lots of fun. Doug Williams is extra aggressive with his knees, and every submission move that Dave Taylor puts in, he seems to apply extra viciously. They isolate Petey for a bit, but he flips through the Chaos Theory and makes the hot tag. Young comes in and blocks Taylor’s knees, then hits the Death Valley Driver! He goes to cover, but Doug Williams comes in to break it up. Petey gets in, and CANADIAN DESTROYER~ to Doug Williams! Eric Young goes up top and crashes onto Taylor with a splash for the win.
Winners via pinfall: Team Canada (6:09)

Jihad comes out and they say that they want to blow up Canada, leading to a challenge for next week, which Team Canada accepts.

The Motor City Machineguns are backstage, and Sabin and Shelley tell Jacobs that they have been trying to win the TNA tag team titles for over two years now, and tonight is their chance, so they want to do it alone. Jacobs says he understands and agrees to stay in the back.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: America’s Most Wanted[c] vs Motor City Machineguns [TNA Tag Team Championships]
HERE! WE! GO! The Guns want this bad, as is obvious by the immediately going all out on Chris Harris, using quick tags to constantly stomp and club away at him to keep him down. They do a really great job, but eventually they just get too overzealous, and Harris capitalizes when he dodges a top-rope legdrop from Sabin. AMW isolate Sabin for a good stretch, but he constantly pulls out rollups and small packages to keep them off balance. He rolls through Storm’s powerbomb with a sunset flip, but lets go of it to make the hot tag! Shelley comes in takes Storm down with a legsweep, and then the Guns hit a double superkick! ONE! TWO! THR – Harris breaks it up! Harris military presses Sabin out of the ring to send us to a break.

--Commercial Break--

Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm, but Shelley spins out. He runs at Storm, but Storm connects with a Double A Spinebuster! ONE! TWO! THR – Kickout! Storm measures Shelley up, SUPERKICK! ONE! TWO! THRE – Sabin breaks it up! Harris runs at Sabin with a lariat, but Sabin ducks, AND HARRIS HITS STORM! They toss Harris out of the ring, and then do their legdrop/frog splash combination! ONE! TWO! THRE – NO! Harris barely saves it! Sabin begins a flurry of punches to Harris and then tackles him out of the ring! They start brawling around the outside, leaving Storm and Shelley alone in the ring! Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm again, but Shelley spins out once more and goes for the Shellshock, but Storm is too heavy. Storm goes for a superkick, but Shelley evades it AND HITS ONE OF HIS OWN! He goes to make the cover, but he sees the ref handling the Harris/Sabin brawl on the outside, so he goes up top instead! FROG SPLASH! He makes the cover! WAIT! ROBERT ROODE IS IN THE RING! ROBERT ROODE! ROBERT ROODE! PAYOFF TO ALEX SHELLEY! He drags Storm’s body on to Shelley and then slides out of the ring and calls for the ref! ONE! TWO! THRE – SHELLEY KICKS OUT!! WTF!!! Storm argues with the ref as Shelley slowly gets to his feet. With the ref distracted, Roode grabs a beer bottle from ringside and cracks it over Shelley’s head! Shelley’s knees go completely weak! SUPERKICK FROM JAMES STORM! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall and still TNA Tag Team Champions: America’s Most Wanted! (13:28)

Robert Roode celebrates with America’s Most Wanted, and the Machineguns look pissed.

Kurt Angle gets off the phone with somebody and thanks them graciously for the opportunity.

--Commercial Break--

Kaz, Rave, and Raven are beating down Sabu backstage until Abyss finds them and chases them off!

Match 3: AJ Styles vs Booker T w/Scott Steiner
AJ is pretty aggressive up front for Booker’s sneak attack last week, and Booker returns the rage. Booker is smarter than Steiner, so he goes for the arm that has given Styles problems lately, but he fights back with kicks. This eventually boils down to a brawl, with Steiner chiming in every now and then to choke Styles from the outside. Booker T gets Styles up on the top for what looks to be a superplex, but Styles fights him off with his healthy arm, and then a big kick to the head. Spiral Tap! One! Two! Thr – Steiner is in and breaks it up, drawing the DQ.
Winner via disqualification: AJ Styles (6:24)

Steiner and Booker T continue to lay the boots to Styles, and then Booker hits the Axe Kick.

--Commercial Break--

Abyss tells Sabu that it’s time to even the odds further.

AJ Styles goes into Mick Foley’s office and tells him that he’s got an idea for the ROH Invitational, and Foley directs the cameraman out of the room.

Match 4: Angelina Love[c] w/The Beautiful People vs Christie Hemme [Non-Title]
Hemme fights through some shenanigans from the outside, but she’s never really able to get much momentum going. She goes for the FFG, but Love rolls out of the way and hits the Bicycle Kick for the win.
Winner via pinfall: Angelina Love (3:55)

As Love celebrates with her title, Roxxi Laveaux runs down and spears her to the mat, and follows up with forearm shots! Wilde and Sky rush the ring to pull her off, and Sky holds her still while Wilde hits a big savate kick.

Backstage, Kevin Nash greets somebody in a limousine. It’s . . . SEAN WALTMAN~?!

--Commercial Break--

Commentary is very confused about Waltman being in this battle royal, and Homicide comes down to join them, equally confused about it.

Match 5: Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki vs Alex Koslov vs Kiyoshi vs Shark Boy vs Volador vs Sonjay Dutt vs Doug Williams vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Sean Waltman [Battle Royal, #1 Contender]
Daniels and Low Ki go right for each other, Koslov and Kiyoshi stick together, and Waltman lays low for the most part. Lucha happens, stiff knees happen, crazy aerial tactics happen, and yeah. It’s a battle royal. The good part is that the eliminations are fun; like Sonjay goes for a springboard Moonsault, but Williams clobbers him with a knee half way through it that sends him out. Or Jacobs’ catapult that sends out both Axis Powers members. Fun stuff. Anyway, it gets down to Daniels, Ki, Waltman, and Jacobs when we have to take a commercial break.

--Commercial Break--

At this point, Kevin Nash has made his way down to ringside to get a closer look. In the ring, Jacobs and Waltman exchange some moves, whereas Low Ki and Daniels are really just slugging it out on the side. Daniels finally just goes for the Angel’s Wings, but Ki spins out and hits a roundhouse kick that sends Daniels over the top rope, but still on the apron. Daniels goes to springboard in, but Low Ki EXPLODES with a high-impact dropkick that sends Daniels flying to the floor below! Meanwhile, Waltman nearly has Jacobs out of the ring, but Jacobs tries to resist it with elbows. Low Ki comes over to help, BUT DANIELS IS BACK IN THE RING! ANGEL’S WINGS! Waltman immediately stops, and dumps Low Ki out of the ring! He turns back and is met with a spin kick from Jacobs! Powerbomb! He picks Waltman up to throw him out, but Waltman pulls him out as well, and they’re both on the apron. They slug it out, and Nash walks by and “accidentally” pulls Jacobs legs out from under it! NASH JUST NON-CHALANTLY ELIMINATED JIMMY JACOBS! WHAT A DICK!
Winner and number one contender to the X-Division Champion: Sean Waltman! (11:20)

Daniels and Low Ki continue brawling on the outside while Kevin Nash celebrates with Sean Waltman, and Booker T and Scott Steiner come down to join in.

--Commercial Break--

Sting asks Kevin Nash when the hell Waltman signed, and Nash just says not to worry about it.

Christian Cage comes down for commentary for the next match.

Match 6: Samoa Joe vs Tomko w/Rhino
Power struggle up front, and they find themselves in a stalemate. Rhino eventually gets involved from the outside, so Tomko takes over and at least tries to keep Joe down. He gets some nice neck work in, but Joe fights back with chops. He tries to put Tomko in the Muscle Buster from in the corner, but he fights out and then hits a big sledge from the second rope. Rhino gets involved some more by choking him on the outside, and then Tomko hits THE BEWT~! ONE! TWO! THRE – Joe kicks out! Tomko tries to keep him down some more, but Joe fights back with even more aggression this time. Tomko goes to the eyes and then heads to the second rope for another sledge, but Joe nails him with jumping twisting enzuigiri! Tomko teeters, and Joe gets him up for the Muscle Buster! He nails it! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Samoa Joe (8:01)

Cage holds up his title as Samoa Joe motions for it.

--Commercial Break--

Cage is still at commentary for the main event.

Match 7: Kurt Angle vs Sting w/Kevin Nash
We get a long stare-off, and tension is definitely high. There’s a bit of support for Angle, but the crowd really pretty much hates both guys. Angle forces it to the mat to start, but Sting does a pretty expert job in transforming it into a brawl by generally being a dick. Angle goes for an Ankle Lock early on, but Sting evades it and the back-and-forth continues. Angle gets in the ankle lock, but Sting fights out quickly and there's a standoff that sends us to our final break.

--Commercial Break--

Things get back-and-forth again, but they both avoid each other’s signature stuff pretty easy due to being acquainted with each other, but Sting is awesome so he starts whipping out stuff like the Figure Four, the Torture Rack, and even his old kneeling belly-to-belly piledriver, but Angle survives it all. Angle pulls out his own wildcard and goes for an F5~ on Sting, but when he spins Sting around, WE GET A REF BUMP~!~! He still plants Sting and covers, but the ref is not up to make the count. Kevin Nash rushes to ringside to grab a chair, and then climbs into the ring. He stares across at Angle, who begs for mercy, but Nash just shakes his head. Sting gets up slowly and grins evilly at Angle and tells Nash to do it fast. Nash rears back, AND BASHES STING WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! STING GOES DOWN! Nash picks Sting up, AND HITS THE JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB!!! Nash shakes the ref to life, as Angle scurries over and hooks Sting’s leg! ONE . . . TWO . . . THREE!!!!!
Winner via pinfall: Kurt Angle (12:32)

Kevin Nash helps Kurt Angle up, and they celebrate together. Cage walks to the ring from the announce booth, as Angle gets off Nash’s shoulders. He holds up his title in Angle’s face as the show fades.

Xplosion Results (8/1)
Rhaka Khan/Raisha Saeed over Madison Rayne/Lexie Fyfe
Brutus Magnus over Sean Morley
Wahoo McDaniel, Jr over Kenny King
Frankie Kazarian over Shark Boy


:lmao @ no one reading this, wtf. Guns w/ Jacobs fucking OWNS. Match with AMW was pretty awesome. Team Canada/Invasion stuff is good as predicted. Never fails with stuff like that. Everything else looks very solid as well.

I don't read too many of these BTB's, but this one is awesome.
Fuck yeah! A reply!

Orlando, Florida
August 6, 2009

The Main Event Mafia, that’s with Angle and Waltman and without Sting, comes out to start the show, and Angle leads the way. Nash grabs a microphone and says that Sting was just too weak to be part of the Mafia, and that become apparent at Victory Road when he tapped out for the second time; plus the fact that he lost his World Championship certainly didn’t help matters. Nash says that the Mafia doesn’t make decisions based off of personal feelings, but based on the orders they receive. The bottom line is, the orders they received were to remove Sting from power and put Angle in control.

Angle takes the microphone and says that the next order of business is to bring the world title back to the Mafia, which he will do at Hard Justice. He runs down Christian Cage, which draws out the champion. They have a heated exchange, which draws Samoa Joe out as well. Nash says if these two get along so well, how about they prove it. All parties agree to Cage/Joe vs Angle/Nash in the main event.

--Commercial Break--

Angle approaches Nash backstage and says he knows business is business, but how can he trust him after Nash walked out on him in the last tag match. Nash says that Sting told him that Angle was out of the Mafia, but this time, he got directs orders from “HIM,” and Angle is undoubtedly a Mafia brother; the head brother.

Match 1: The Beautiful People [Love/Sky/Wilde] w/Kip James vs Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze/Christie Hemme
Roxxi and Wilde start things off together, and Roxxi is pretty brutal throwing her around. Haze gets in and does some high-flying stuff, and then Hemme tries to do some of the same, but James trips her up and the heels isolate her. She ducks under a double clothesline attempt and tags in Roxxi, who comes in like a WOMAN ON FIRE~! Voodoo Slam to Taylor Wilde! Haze is in, Mind Trip to Velvet Sky! Love goes for the Bicycle Kick, but Roxxi ducks it! Voodoo Drop for the three-count!
Winner via pinfall: Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze/Christie Hemme (6:26)

Foley comes out and says that if Roxxi can beat Taylor Wilde next week, she will earn a title shot the following iMPACT.

Sting arrives backstage and he is not happy at all.

--Commercial Break--

Sting comes out to the iMPACT Zone and says that he doesn’t know who the hell Nash is getting his information from, but it’s bullshit. He says that he still deserves a TNA Championship match, because it sure as hell doesn’t belong on Christian Cage. He says that he doesn’t trust anybody anymore, so it’s back to the one-man show just like it’s always been. He says that Angle, Booker T, and Scott Steiner should all be ashamed of themselves, but it’s Kevin Nash that is really the piece of shit. Nash comes out and the two trade words about loyalty and respect, blah blah blah. Sting eventually challenges Nash to a match at Hard Justice, and he agrees.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Team Canada vs Jihad
Basic, formulaic tag match. Sonjay and Bashir isolate Petey for a bit with cheap tactics, but Sonjay gets a bit too flashy and leaves room for the hot tag. Young cleans house and ends up making Bashir tap out to the Sharpshooter.
Winners via submission: Team Canada (5:49)

Team Canada celebrates in the ring, but 2 Crazy Negroes come out. They issue a challenge at Hard Justice, on behalf of Africa, and Team Canada accepts.

--Commercial Break--

Match 4: Sabu w/Abyss vs Jimmy Rave w/Frankie Kazarian
Sabu is really eager to get his hands on Rave, but Rave plays the chickenshit through and through. Rave slides to the outside to get away, but Sabu follows him out with a slingshot plancha! They brawl some on the outside, with Rave getting the advantage when he sends Sabu into the guardrail after a distraction from Kaz. He rolls Sabu in and wears down his arm and neck some, but Sabu fights back with stiff punches. Rave goes to the eyes to stay in control, and he locks in the Torture Device! Sabu eventually fights out with elbows, and then gets off a springboard leg lariat! He tries a top-rope leg drop, but Rave rolls out of the way. Jimmy signals for his tornado DDT and then situates Sabu on top of the turnbuckle, but Sabu fights him off with headbutts, and then kicks him off! Split-legged Moonsault from Sabu! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Sabu (8:20)

Kaz rushes the ring and attacks Sabu, but Abyss makes the quick save. That is until Raven runs down with a steel chair and bashes both Abyss and Sabu! The Enlightened continue stomping away until MATT MORGAN~ runs down and clears the ring, then helps up Abyss and Sabu!

Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman are backstage talking. Nash says that Waltman needs to win the X-Division Championship, because once upon a time, Nash tried and failed. Waltman agrees, and says it will be nice to wear gold again.

--Commercial Break--

Tenay announces that Sabu/Abyss/Morgan vs Kaz/Rave/Raven has just been signed for Hard Justice.

Match 5: Christopher Daniels/Sean Waltman vs Low Ki/Homicide
Daniels and Low Ki are generally really aggressive toward each other, and Waltman is a complete dick to Homicide, which gets him riled up as well. A few minutes into this, with tension really high, and we’ve got a pretty intense brawl on our hands. Daniels and Waltman manage to isolate ‘Cide for a bit, but Daniels clearly doesn’t trust his tag team partner, so a pattern of miscommunication leaves room for the hot tag. Low Ki comes in and cleans house, and he hits Waltman with a Ki Krusher! Ki tags Homicide back in and signals that he can make the cover. FROG SPLASH! ONE! TWO! THR – Daniels makes the save! Ki rushes over and roundhouse kicks Daniels right out of the ring, and follows it up with a suicide dive! They brawl on the outside, while Homicide signals for the 187. Waltman pushes him away to dodges it, and then throat thrusts him right in front of the ref. SYXX FACTOR! GOOD NIGHT, IRENE!
Winners via pinfall: Christopher Daniels/Sean Waltman (10:29)

Waltman holds up the X-Division title over Homicide as Low Ki and Daniels brawl around the outside of the ring.

Lauren finds Robert Roode backstage and asks if he has any ill feelings toward Chris Harris coming back to team with James Storm. Roode insists that there is no problem, and that AMW will continue to tag team, and how they are both contributors to Beer Money Inc.

--Commercial Break--

Footage from last week plays, of Robert Roode returning to help AMW retain against MCMG.

Match 6: Alex Shelley w/Sabin & Jacobs vs Robert Roode w/AMW
HATE~! But like, one-sided hate. Shelley skips all the mat work and goes straight to throwing punches at the bell. Roode creates some space and starts to toy with Shelley some with taunts, but always rolling out of the ring to egg him on, just to be a dick. Shelley invites a lockup, and Roode agrees, but then just pokes him in the eye and beats him down some. Shelley fights back with fiery right hands and start to gain control, but Storm trips him up from the outside. Sabin and Jacobs go over to confront AMW, and Harris cheap shots Jacobs with a kick to the nuts! Sabin attacks Harris, and we’ve got a straight-up brawl on the outside of the ring! Storm and Harris start kicking away at Sabin, BUT SHELLEY TAKES THEM OUT WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! Robert joins in the brawl on the outside, and with all six men fighting on the floor below, the ref throws out the match.
Result: No contest due to interference (7:09)

Both sides continue to brawl until security can finally split them up.

--Commercial Break--

Booker T and Scott Steiner come out and asks AJ Styles what the hell he was talking about when he went to Mick Foley last week about ROH. Styles comes out and says he had an idea in mind for a tag team match at Hard Justice, AND JERRY LYNN~ comes out!! Styles and Lynn rush the ring, and clear the Mafia duo out.

--Commercial Break--

Match 7: Christian Cage/Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle/Kevin Nash w/MEM
Angle pretty much forces Nash to start the match, to prove his loyalty after the last debacle of a tag match they had together. Nash and Joe have an aggressive back-and-forth, which Nash gets the better of once Angle wrings Joe’s neck on the top rope. Joe fights back with chops and sends Nash over the top rope, where Angle checks on him. Cage gets in the ring and motions for he and Joe to hit stereo suicide dives. The both sprint to do it, but only Joe goes through, but he takes out both men. Cage smirks in the ring as we go to break.

--Commercial Break--

Cage and Angle are on the mat as we come back, and Angle gets an arm wrench in. Cage gets to a vertical base and fights back with elbows, and then an arm drag gives him time to make the hot tag. Joe throws everyone around, and gets Angle up for the Muscle Buster, but he breaks free and tags in Nash. They go back and forth, and Cage gets fed up with no results, so he goes to ringside and grabs his belt. He lures Angle into entering the ring, and with the ref’s back turned, he slides Joe the belt! Joe picks it up, AND STRAPS IT AROUND HIS WAIST! HAHA! MUSCLE BUSTER TO KEVIN NASH! Cage runs over and knocks Angle off the apron! One! Two! Three!
Winners via pinfall: Christian Cage/Samoa Joe (14:28)

Christian Cage and Samoa Joe celebrate in the ring, but then Christian turns and hits Joe with the Unprettier! Angle comes in and attacks Cage from behind, and Nash gets up and joins in as well. They continue the beatdown, but STING~ runs down with his baseball bat and clears them out of the ring! He looks down at the title belt on the mat, but ignores it and then exits the ring and chases Nash and Angle to the back. Cage slowly gets up and goes to grab his title belt, but Joe is up and surprises him with a Muscle Buster! Joe grabs the strap and holds it up as the show fades.

Xplosion Results (8/8)
Kenny King/TJ Perkins over Wahoo McDaniel, Jr/Chad Collyer
Raisha Saeed over ODB
Kip James over Sean Morley
Volador over Patrick Schulz
Internet Rumors
- Despite Homicide’s now-active role on the TNA roster, Hernandez is not expected to return any time soon. He is currently in NJPW, and has been doing a lot of work with Karl Anderson and Giant Bernard.
- Elijah Burke and Davey Richards have both recently been signed to part-time TNA contracts.

Orlando, Florida
August 8, 2009

Commentary runs down the card with a HUGE main event of SAMOA JOE VS STING!

Match 1: Consequences Creed w/ Jay Lethal vs Petey Williams w/ Eric Young
Fun back-and-forth match here, with both guys staying clean the entire team. For the most part, Williams works over Creed’s back and tries to fight him into the Sharpshooter, but Creed always avoids it at all costs. When Creed misses a top-rope sledge, Williams goes to grab his legs, but Creed leans down to fight him off. Williams pops up, and then surprises Creed with a quick DDT! He picks Creed up, and delivers the Canadian Destroyer for the win.
Winner via pinfall: Petey Williams (7:19)

Williams and Creed shake hands after the match.

--Commercial Break--

Mick Foley introduces Savio Vega to the newest additions to the custodial staff: Ms. Bertha Johansson, Ms. Pamela Guadeloupe, and the janitorial intern, young Chuck Taylor.

Robert Roode is backstage with America’s Most Wanted, and he says that he has big plans for his future in TNA, and it’s in his best interest for his associates to remain tag team champions. He says that Beer Money Inc. lives on, and AMW is now the largest contributor. AMW chime in by saying that they’re the best tag team in TNA history, and how some chumps from Detroit aren’t about to take their titles.

Matt Morgan is backstage with Abyss and Sabu, and he says that he might just have to kill Jimmy Rave tonight for putting him out of action earlier this month.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Matt Morgan w/ Abyss & Sabu vs Jimmy Rave w/ Frankie Kazarian
Rave does the usual chicken shit routine, but frequently tries to take shots at Morgan’s legs. Morgan proves that he’s back to full health, as it doesn’t seem to bother him anything unusual. When he finally catches Rave, he tosses him around and Rave bumps huge. Morgan does some leg work just for revenge, but it leaves Rave room to fight back with elbows. Morgan starts to teeter, so Rave goes for a flying clothes, but Morgan catches him and plants him with a power slam. He picks him up and a Hellevator ends it.
Winner via pinfall: Matt Morgan (6:40)

Kaz rushes the ring with a steel chair, but Morgan sends him out and over the top rope. Raven runs down with two steel chairs and throws one to Rave as he rolls out of the ring. The Enlightened surround the others with chairs, and Foley comes out. He says that if they’ve got such a knack for hardcore, they should have said so. At Hard Justice, their six-man tag team match will be a hardcore match!

The MCMG are backstage, and Shelley and Sabin say that it’s been their dream for over two years to win the TNA tag team titles, and Robert Roode robbed them of that dream two weeks ago. So at Hard Justice, they’re going to win their six-man tag, and go on to take the straps off of AMW once and for all~!

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Roxxi Laveaux w/ Daisy Haze vs Taylor Wilde w/ The Beautiful People
Roxxi is clearly pissed at Wilde for turning on her, so her elbows have extra FIRE~ behind them. Angelina Love gets involved from the outside, giving Wilde a nice control segment. Instead of her normal high-flying stuff, Wilde does a lot of hair pulling and stomping. Roxxi fights back after a missed Bicycle Kick, and ends up hitting the Voodoo Drop! One! Two! Three!
Winner via pinfall: Roxxi Laveaux (6:10)

Roxxi signals for Love’s title as TBP back up the ramp.

AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn are backstage with Lauren. Lynn explains that he’s been watching the Main Event Mafia destroy TNA for a long time, and he’s finally received the opportunity to come back to TNA and help defend the company that was his home for so long.

Mike Tenay announces that Shane Sewell will be taking on Puerto Rican wrestling star Ray Gonzales at Hard Justice, and then plugs that Sewell will be in the main event this Saturday on Xplosion.

--Commercial Break--

Match 4: Christian Cage/Homicide vs Sean Waltman/Kevin Nash
Cage and Waltman start it, and it’s as one-sided as you would expect. Cage looks on top of his game, throwing Waltman around like a rag doll, but Nash and Waltman use their veterancy to skirt around the rules and fights back. Nash gets in with Homicide and uses his size to gain control, but Homicide fights back with his usual defiance. He hits lariat after lariat on Nash that makes him teeter up against the ropes, so he does a triangle springboard crossbody to take him over and out!

--Commercial Break--

Back in the ring, Homicide and Waltman have a good back-and-forth exchange. Homicide nearly hits the 187, but Waltman pushes him away and throat thrusts him. The Mafia/nWo guys isolate him for a bit, until Homicide ducks under a big boot from Nash and makes the hot tag! Christian comes in and cleans house, then hits a the Unprettier on Kevin Nash! ONE! TWO! THRE – Waltman breaks it up! Homicide rushes in, and destroys Waltman with a West Brooklyn lariat! Nash is up, but Homicide springboards back in and dropkicks Nash right into another Unprettier!! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Christian Cage/Homicide (13:29)

Christopher Daniels greets ELIX SKIPPER~ backstage and asks him is he’s ready for their match, to which he nods his head yes.

Kevin Nash is backstage with Lauren and says that Sting was kicked to the curb because he’s been the weakest member of the Mafia for a while now, and it was time for him to go. He says that he lost at Sacrifice, Slammiversary, Victory Road, he’s going to lose to Samoa Joe tonight, and then he’s going to lose this Sunday at Hard Justice.

--Commercial Break--

Match 5: Christopher Daniels/Elix Skipper vs Low Ki/Volador
Commentary talks the surprising return of Skipper, but West insists that it is actually Pacman Jones we are seeing. Anyway, the Triple X team shows a lot of great chemistry here, and they use it to isolate Low Ki for a very small stretch, but he fights out with a lot of aggression. Further along, they use their experience together to wear down Volador, and it’s much more successful. They go for a tandem power bomb, but Volador rolls out and hits two consecutive hurricanranas, then makes the hot tag! Ki cleans house, and gets Skipper up for the Ki Krusher, but Daniels attacks him from behind and the two lay the boots to him. Volador tries a springboard crossbody, but Daniels counters it into the Last Rites! Low Ki starts to fight back against Skipper, but Daniels again attacks him from behind. Daniels picks him up and nails him in the face with a savate kick while Skipper holds him. Skipper goes up top, and the two hit a tandem power bomb on Low Ki! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Christopher Daniels/Elix Skipper (9:51)

Daniels and Skipper pick Low Ki up and hit another tandem powerbomb, before celebrating over his fallen body.

Samoa Joe is backstage and says that he’s been waiting to get his hands on Sting in a one-on-one situation for a long, long time. And now that he finally has, he doesn’t have anybody behind him to screw anything up. This is going to be a massacre.

--Commercial Break--

Christian Cage comes out for commentary.

Match 6: Samoa Joe vs Sting
The crowd is livid for this long-awaited match. Sting tries to avoid a lock-up at all costs, so Joe just charges in with lefts and rights. Things quickly break down into a wild brawl, with Sting using his experience to keep up with the stronger man. Sting creates some space after some knife-edged chops, and then charges, but Joe catches him with a snap powerslam. He goes for an early Muscle Buster, but Sting knees out of it and slides to the outside. Sting regroups but takes his attention off Joe, and Joe levels him with a suicide dive!!!

--Commercial Break--

The fight is still on the outside, as both men use the barricade and announce table to their benefit. Joe gets some good momentum in and gains a clear advantage, but Sting hits a flash DDT on the hard ground below. The two crawl toward the ring and make it in just before the ten-count, and the brawl continues back inside. Sting does work on Joe’s neck to continue off of the DDT, but Joe fights back with a lot of ferocity. Joe hits a big belly-to-belly and tries the Coquina Clutch, but Sting is too close to the ropes. They get up and Joe hits some chops, but Sting finally ducks on and then drops Joe with a Side Russian Legsweep into the corner. He tries for the Scorpion Death Lock, but Joe powers out and then hits a big powerbomb! ONE! TWO! THRE – Sting kicks out! Joe goes for the Clutch again, but Sting fights to the ropes quickly. Joe lifts him up for a second powerbomb, but Sting scouts it, takes Joe’s legs out from under him, and then locks in the Death Lock!!! Joe struggles like hell and finally gets to the ropes. As Joe struggles to his feet, Sting goes up top and leaps off for a crossbody, but Joe counters mid-air into a Samoa Drop! He tries an exploder suplex, but Sting elbows out and grabs an inside cradle for a two-count. He gets up and walks right into a HUGE lariat from Samoa Joe!!! Joe drags Sting to the middle of the ring and locks on the Coquina Clutch!!! Sting struggles but there’s no help in sight! STING TAPS OUT!!!
Winner via submission: Samoa Joe (16:08)

Samoa Joe keeps choking out Sting until the ref physically pulls him off! Samoa Joe celebrates in the ring, until Kurt Angle runs down and attacks him from behind! The rest of the Mafia comes down as well, and it’s a beat-down! Sting is up! Sting is up! He grabs his baseball bat and starts swinging at the Mafia members! Christian Cage runs down to the ring and clears him out, and the Mafia attacks again! Tomko and Rhino come out as well and save Christian from the Mafia! AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn run down and gun right for Booker T and Steiner! Homicide comes out too to go after Waltman! The Motor City Machineguns and Chris Daniels run out to help the Frontline cause, which draws out Beer Money and then Low Ki! Like half of the TNA roster is brawling around the entire arena! The refs can’t stop it! It’s uncontrollable! It’s chaos! It’s insane! It’s total non-stop action! We’ll see you on Sunday!

Xplosion Results (8/15)
Raisha Saeed over Lexie Fyfe
Tyson Dux over Kip James
Wahoo McDaniel, Jr/Sean Morley/Ricky Steamboat, Jr over Davey Richards/TJ Perkins/Scott Lost
Shane Sewell over Patrick Schulz

TNA Hard Justice (August 16, 2009)

TNA World Championship
Christian Cage[c] vs Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle

TNA X-Division Championship
Homicide[c] vs Sean Waltman

Grudge Match/ROH Invitational
AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn vs Booker T/Scott Steiner

Grudge Match
Sting vs Kevin Nash

Grudge Trios
Robert Roode/James Storm/Chris Harris vs Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin/Jimmy Jacobs

Hardcore Trios
Abyss/Matt Morgan/Sabu vs Raven/Jimmy Rave/Frankie Kazarian

Grudge Match
Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki

Special Challenge
2 Crazy Negroes vs Team Canada

International Invitational
Shane Sewell vs Ray Gonzales​

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

TNA Impact August 8, 2009 Review


Creed vs. Williams was a standard face versus face x division guy match. Still a good match with nice psychology by Williams working over the back in trying to set up for the sharpshooter. Morgan vs. Rave was a squash with Rave getting in very little offense. The aftermath was okay it almost seemed like the post match brawl/beatdown got cut off before it could happen. I was expected a chair throwing, Sabu diving brawl. Roxxi vs. Taylor was a decent knockouts match. Roxxi strong early in the match and Taylor uses heel tactics to build heat and further her heel persona along. Cage and Homicide vs. Nash and Waltman was ok. This match got alot of time which was good. I personally can't see Nash taking a cross body bump over the top rope to the floor. It's all he can do to walk to the ring without injuring himself. Anyway excellent tag team psychology in this one with Nash and Waltman isolating Homicide. Finish was a little odd as Homicide hits an unprettier almost immediately on Nash who is way bigger than he is. Plus after he hits it on him Nash is up less than 30 seconds later. Just doesn't gel from a psychology standpoint. It would have been better if he went for it but Nash pushed him away the first time and Homicide hit a different move instead. XXX vs. Ki/Volador was a pretty good tag match. Great tag work by Triple X and Ki and Volador got in some nice offense as well. Skipper coming back was a good surprise and hopefully we'll see more with these two teams. Sting vs. Samoa Joe. This was a great main event match. Lots of action in this one, Joe looks beastly and Sting plays the veteran role quite well, and the post match action was chaotic to say the least.


Mick Foley and Savio Vega's segment was pretty much forgettable with the exception of the introduction of Chuck Taylor. Beer Money Inc promo was a little on the generic side. Heel faction has big plans, AMW ain't losing, nothing spectacular. Matt Morgan's promo was also sorta just there. Morgan gonna kill Rave, I smell squash. MCMG want revenge then they want the tag belts. Whoopitido. Not alot of emotion shown here. Lynn's back, hooray. Hopefully he won't be wasted and will add something to the shows. Nash's promo was surprisingly good bringing up Sting's losing streak and supposed weakness. Added some fuel to the match as now Sting has something to prove. Joe's promo was a standard Joe gonna kill someone promo. Overall the promos seemed to lack intensity and emotion. Maybe if they were written out more they'd work better.


Nothing to complain about here. The promos served their purpose and furthered their respective matches along. The matches were booked logically as far as who won and what happened afterwards.


This show flowed like a real Impact so good job on that. Promos flowed into matches and matches flowed into promos so things played out logically and the action never got to dull or repetitive.


It's been awhile since I reviewed anything in this section. This is the first of what should be many reviews in the coming days. This was a good show, couple minor flaws but other than that it's gotten me hooked back in which is what a wrestling show should do.
Oh shit. I forgot to post Hard Justice. pwnt.

Pre-Show Results
Wahoo McDaniel, Jr over Kenny King
Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze/Christie Hemme over the Saeed-Tourage
Scott Lost over Ruckus
Elix Skipper over Tyson Dux

TNA Hard Justice
Reitz Arena
Baltimore, MD
August 16, 2009

Welcome to TNA Hard Justice! The announce booth runs down the card, highlighting each match.

Match 1: Team Canada vs 2 Crazy Negroes
Petey Williams and Jay Lethal start things off with a lot of flippity MOVES~ but things settles down when Eric Young gets in and starts to work over Lethal’s midsection. He goes for an early Northern Lights Suplex, but Lethal slides out and tags in Creed, who goes hold-for-hold with Young on the mat. Creed gets too excited with high-flying stuff and a missed top-rope sledge lets Young and Williams start to isolate him for a bit, really working on his midsection quite a bit. Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but Creed pushes away and goes for a hurricanrana, but Williams drops him and LOCKS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER! Creed fights it for a long time and finally gets to the ropes, but Williams stays on him. Team Canada does some cool double team stuff, but eventually a Petey Williams dropkick misfires and hits Young, allowing the hot tag to be made. Lethal cleans house and hits the Lethal Combination on Williams! ONE! TWO! THRE – Young is in to break it up! Lethal sends Young out of the ring and walks right into a cradle DDT! ONE! TWO! THR – Creed breaks it up! Williams sends him out, and walks into an enzuigiri! He goes up top for the Lethal Elbow, but Williams moves! Lethal staggers up! CANADIAN DESTROYER! ONE! TWO! THREE!!
Winners via pinfall: Team Canada (10:03)

All four men shake hands post-match.

Cornette says that this must put Team Canada back in the running for a tag team title shot.

Commentary talks a little bit about Ray Gonzales, and mentions how he and Shane Sewell actually have a bit of history from Sewell’s time in Puerto Rico.

Match 2: Shane Sewell vs Ray Gonzales [International Invitational]
Fun lucha spotfest, and Sewell really shows off his MOVES~! There’s a lot of plugging for WWC, so you know there’s got to be some sort of paycheck from TNA in here. Anyway, Sewell nearly gets the win after a sunset flip, and then heads up top for his rotating elbow drop. Gonzales moves out of the way, and then hits a big TKO. He goes up top and hits a frog splash for the win. Nobody cared about this match. I’m just callin’ it like it is, folks.
Winner via pinfall: Ray Gonzales (5:32)

And a handshake to top it off.

A video plays, going over the history between Low Ki and Chris Daniels, and the bottled up anger that Low Ki has had towards this new Daniels that has now exploded.

Match 3: Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels w/ Elix Skipper
Before the bell even rings, Low Ki starts laying into Daniels. Since the match hasn’t officially started yet, Skipper gets in the ring and starts pounding away at Ki, and Daniels joins in. The ref forces them off of him and then ejects Skipper from ringside! He throws a fit, boo hoo. The bell rings and Daniels jumps Ki again, but Low Ki fights back with RAAAAGE~ and ends up beating the shit out of Daniels with stiff elbows and kicks. Daniels goes to the eyes and tries a snap suplex, but Ki blocks it and then suplexes Daniels to the outside!!! Low Ki follows him out and the fight continues there, even spilling into the crowd at some points. When Daniels drop toe holds Low Ki into the ring steps, he takes over with some vicious neck work inside the ring. He keeps Low Ki down for a bit, but when he goes for the Angel’s Wings, Low Ki has it scouted, and he spins out and into a Ki Krusher!!! He holds his neck, but finally crawls over to a cover! ONE! TWO! THRE – Daniels gets a foot on the ropes! Ki drags Daniels to the middle of the ring and sets him up for the Dragon Clutch, but when he leans down, Daniels catches him with an inside cradle! ONE! TWO! THRE – Low Ki kicks out! Daniels goes to the turnbuckle and starts taking off the pad, but the referee stops him. With the ref’s attention of the match, Daniels runs to the other corner and undoes that pad very quickly. He turns back around to Low Ki, and Ki explodes with a high-impact front dropkick! He goes up top for the Ghetto Stomp, but Daniels moves! Ki stumbles on his ankle, and Daniel shoves him into the exposed turnbuckle!! BEST! MOONSAULT! EVER! ONE! TWO! THRE – LOW KI KICKS OUT!!! Daniels is irate, but he goes right back to the neck work with sloppy clubbing. Daniels finally picks him up and goes for the Last Rites, but Low Ki pushes him away and then DESTROYS him with a flurry of sickening knife-edged chops. He goes for the Ki Krusher, but Daniels blocks it and sets him up for the Angel’s Wings. Low Ki spins out, and hits the KI KRUSHER!! He looks to be about to cover, but he drags Daniels to the middle of the ring AND LOCKS IN THE DRAGON CLUTCH!!! Daniels tries to find the ropes, but he can’t! DANIELS TAPS OUT!!!
Winner via submission: Low Ki (15:49)

Low Ki celebrates in the ring, and Daniels looks pissed.

Footage of Roode returning to help AMW retain against MCMG plays, along with some of the subsequent build-up.

Match 4: Beer Money Inc. [Roode/Storm/Harris] vs Motor City Machineguns [Shelley/Sabin/Jacobs]
Lots of fast-paced action right at the top, with the Guns taking on all three guys due to some miscommunication between Harris and Roode. When Jacobs gets a bit overzealous, he misses a blind tag and gets taken out by a big spear from Chris Harris. BMI isolate him for a bit, but he does a good job in creating space against any one of them individually, the problem is the double- and triple-teaming. Roode eventually goes for the Payoff, but Jacobs knees his way out and connects with a snap suplex! Sabin gets the tag, and he and Shelley get in a clear house, then hit the double superkicks on Harris! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roode is in and breaks it up! They go for a double suplex on Roode, but he pushes them away, before Jacobs springboards in and connects with a dropkick! Roode rolls to the outside where AMW help him stay on his feet. All three Guns back up and run against the ropes, then dive out with stereo suicide dives~! All six men brawl on the outside for a bit until BMI uses their size to throw the smaller guys around into the barricades and ring steps. Harris hits a big powerbomb on Sabin on the outside and rolls him in! ONE! TWO! THR – Kickout! He keeps on him and the heels isolate him for a good stretch, but when Harris goes for the Catatonic, Sabin spins through and plants him with a tornado DDT! He makes the hot tag and Shelley comes in on fire with a bunch of leg lariats. He eventually goes for the Shellshock on Harris, but Storm comes in with a big superkick! Harris covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – No! Sabin breaks it up! Storm charges at Sabin, but he ducks and sends him over, then takes him out with a big plancha! Shelley gets up and Harris goes for a big spear, but Shelley moves AND HARRIS CONNECTS WITH ROODE! Harris turns around! Superkick from Shelley! He tags in Jacobs real quick who goes up top! SENTON! ONE! TWO! THRE – ROODE BREAKS IT UP! Shelley runs at Roode, but Roode counters into a big Double-A Spinebuster! Jacobs sneaks up behind him with a backslide! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roode kicks out! They both get up and Jacobs goes for the Michigan Code, but Roode shoves him right into the Catatonic by Chris Harris! Roode picks up Jacobs and connects with the Payoff! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: America’s Most Wanted/Robert Roode (15:19)

Robert Roode picks up Jimmy Rave and hits another Pay Off, then screams for him to never think about beating Robert Roode with a fucking backslide again. He then grabs a steel chair from ringside and hits Jacobs with a third Pay Off, this one onto the steel chair! Jacobs holds onto his neck as Beer Money celebrates up the ramp. The Guns slowly get up and view Jacobs laying awkwardly on his neck and call for help. EMTs rush to the ring and stretcher him to the back, with a neck brace on.

Homicide finds Low Ki and tells him that he was real impressed with his match against Daniels. He promises him a title match in the future after he beats Waltman tonight.

A video package plays, going over the extensive history of Abyss, Morgan, Rave, Kaz, and recently Sabu and Raven.

Match 5: Abyss/Sabu/Matt Morgan vs Raven/Frankie Kazarian/Jimmy Rave [No-DQ]
CHAOS~! Morgan and Abyss pretty much aim for Jimmy Rave exclusively, which leaves Raven and Kaz able to double-team Sabu. When Abyss chokeslams Rave in the corner of the ring, the two turn their attention back to helping Sabu, and they end up setting Raven up for a Moonsault from Sabu, but Rave breaks it up with a chair shot! He runs out of the ring, but Morgan and Abyss follow him out and chase him. While running in a circle around the ring, Kaz slingshots over the top rope and takes out Morgan! Raven is back up and he sets up a table in the ring then goes out after Abyss, but he gets taken out by a big shoulder from the Monster. Kaz and Rave pound away at Abyss for a bit, but Sabu is up and he uses the table in the ring for a triple jump senton to take them out! MOOVES~ get done did both inside the ring and out, with obviously more emphasis on those done on the hard floor outside the ring. Morgan grabs a chair from ringside as well and starts swinging, busting open both Kaz and Rave. Raven sneaks in and plants Morgan with an Even Flow DDT! ONE! TWO! Abyss pulls him off and plants him with a chokeslam! Kaz and Rave are up, but Abyss grabs them both by the neck. They kick him in the balls, but Sabu is on the top rope and takes them both out with a crossbody! Morgan is up and grabs a bag from ringside and hands it to Abyss, who opens it and POURS OUT THUMBTACKS! Jimmy Rave is the first one up, so Morgan kills him with a big boot and then tosses him to Abyss WHO HITS A BLACK HOLE SLAM ON HIM INTO THE THUMBTACKS!!!! ONE!!! TWO!!!! THRE – NO!!! Kaz breaks up the pin attempt! Morgan runs at Kaz, but he ducks and Morgan falls to the outside! Abyss grabs Kaz and chokeslams him to the outside of the ring!!!! Raven slowly gets up and he’s got a steel chair! Chair shot to Sabu! One for Abyss, but he doesn’t go down! Another, and he wobbles! A third, and he’s on a knee! Raven goes batshit with the steel chair, wailing it over Abyss’ head over and over again until he finally falls to the mat. Raven turns around, right into a Van Daminator by Sabu! Raven flops down in the corner, resting against the table. Sabu grabs the steel chair and goes up to the top rope opposite Raven! AIR SABUUUUUUUU!!!! THROUGH THE TABLE!!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!
Winners via pinfall: Abyss/Sabu/Matt Morgan (10:49)

Abyss and Matt Morgan climb back into the ring and celebrate together, as Sabu holds his leg and watches them from the corner.

Roxxi Laveaux is backstage and she tells Angelina Love to be ready, because on iMPACT she’s going to take back her Knockouts Championship.

Commentators talk about Styles’ recent problems with specifically Booker T and Scott Steiner, and Lynn’s willingness to come to Styles’ aid. They also mention how both teams here are former tag team champions here in TNA.

Match 6: AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn vs Booker T/Scott Steiner [ROH Invitational]
Styles and Booker start out, and Styles proves that he can keep up with the veteran. Booker and Steiner work together to try and wear down the smaller guys, but they use their speed and quick tags to stay on top. Styles gains some steam on Steiner after hitting his springboard into a reverse DDT. He hits a series of dropkicks and then runs against the ropes, but Booker T gets in a cheap knee that allows Steiner to explode with a lariat that turns Styles inside-out. The Mafia takes turns isolating Styles, but he fights back with his usual fieriness. Styles gets closer and closer to a tag with every back-and-forth encounter until finally he hits Steiner on the apron with the Pele and then ducks under a roundhouse from Booker T. He makes the hot tag and Jerry Lynn comes in ON FIRE~ and cleans house a bit before going for the Cradle Piledriver on Booker T, who spins out and connects with a roundhouse! ONE! TWO! THRE – Lynn kicks out! Booker turns around right into a crossbody from Styles off the top rope! He picks up Booker T to go for the Styles Clash, but Steiner gets in and tackles him from behind. Styles doubles over, and Booker hits the Axe Kick! Steiner and Booker T pick Lynn up for the Doomsday Dropkick, but Lynn takes Steiner out with a reverse hurricanrana! Booker T leaps off for the dropkick anyway and connects to Lynn from behind! ONE! TWO! THRE – No! Lynn gets a foot on the ropes! He picks Lynn up and goes for the Book End, but Styles springboards in with a big flying elbow! Booker T stutter steps, and Lynn hits the Cradle Piledriver! Styles goes up top! SPIRAL TAP!!! Lynn covers while Styles takes out Steiner on the outside with a suicide dive! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn (9:43)

They celebrate in the ring, as the other two get up and head to the back.

Backstage, Nash tells Waltman that, especially since Booker and Steiner just lost, it’s vital that Waltman win tonight and bring some gold to the Mafia. Nash says that “HE” would love nothing more than for the Mafia to control the X-Division and the Heavyweight Division, which they will after Angle wins as well.

Commentary talks about Sting’s recent string of bad luck, and how it’s been since Lockdown that he won a match, and he won that match, ironically, due to the help of Kevin Nash.

Sting comes out without his usual Mafia stuff on, but he still isn’t back to the facepaint and trench coat.

Match 7: Sting vs Kevin Nash
A big standoff at the top, and you can see in Sting’s face how angry he is. Sting finally charges in, and the two just start throwing punches. It spills to the outside, and it’s just a chaotic brawl all the way through, and Nash actually seems to be willing to put some effort into it. Nash throws Sting into the ring steps and rolls him into the ring for a two-count. Nash does some wearing down, but not much before it turns back into a big brawl. Sting hits the Stinger Splash for a nice pop, and then the bulldog from the corner for two. He goes for the Scorpion Death Lock, but Nash pushes him away with his legs. Sting almost hits the ref, causing him to flinch long enough for Nash to kick Sting in the balls without him seeing. He goes for the Jackknife Powerbomb, but Sting back body drops him! Nash stumbles to his feet right into the Scorpion Death Drop! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Sting (7:18)

Sting looks down at Kevin Nash, who slowly rolls over. He uses the ropes to get to his feet and then limps over to Sting and spits at his feet. Sting spins Nash around and hits another Scorpion Death Drop! The lights go out, and when they’re back on, Sting is gone.

AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn are backstage, and they wish Samoa Joe good luck in his title match tonight.

Christian Cage is backstage and says that he hasn’t forgotten who took him out of TNA in the first place.

Jeremy Borash does formal introductions for the following title match.

Match 8: Homicide[c] vs Sean Waltman [X-Division Championship]
Things break down into a fast-paced back-and-forth match with lots of MOOVES~ fairly quickly, but there’s an underlying story of Homicide surprising Waltman with his knowledge of libre stuff. When Waltman pushes away a 187 attempt, Waltman pounces with some neck work, and stays in control with basic dirty moves. Homicide fights back with viscous chops, and then plants the challenger with an overhead double underhook suplex. He climbs up top, but Waltman gets to his feet and leaps up to connect with a spin kick! Homicide’s body folds in half and he collapse in the corner. Waltman’s eyes light up and he runs to the opposite corner! Here it comes! BRONCO BUSTER!!! Waltman drags Homicide to the center of the ring and goes up top for a diving leg drop, but Homicide rolls out of the way! He targets the leg some and finally goes for the STF, but Waltman makes it to the ropes. Homicide lifts him up, but Waltman goes to the eyes and jumps up for the Syxx Factor, but Homicide grabs the ropes to stop it. Waltman gets to his feet, and Homicide takes him out with an arched boot. He picks him up and goes for the Gringo Killa, but Waltman rolls through and hits the Syxx Factor! ONE! TWO! THR – Homicide gets his foot on the ropes! Waltman lifts him up, but Homicide explodes with another 817 attempt, but again Waltman pushes him away! Homicide staggers up and turns around, when Waltman kicks him in the stomach. Homicide doubles over, and Waltman HITS THE PEDIGREE (Cornette calls it the Comedown)!! ONE! TWO! THREEE!!!!!
Winner via pinfall and NEW TNA X-Division Champion: Sean Waltman! (13:02)

Waltman celebrates with his newly won title and rushes up the ramp to where Steiner, Booker T, and Kevin Nash greet him with open arms.

Jeremy Borash does formal introductions for this title match as well.

Match 9: Christian Cage[c] vs Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe [TNA World Championship]
Joe goes right after the champion, Christian goes right after Kurt Angle, and Angle goes right after Joe, so it really turns into a three-way brawl pretty quickly. Angle starts getting dirty which ticks Joe off, so he tosses Christian out of the ring and he and Angle do some really physical stuff on the mat. Christian eventually gets up on the outside, but opts to watch from safety for a bit. Angle goes for an early ankle lock of Joe, but he pushes him away and then hits a big German Suplex on the Olympic champion. Joe rears up and rushes at Angle, but Angle ducks. Joe keeps up his steam and dives through the ropes, taking out Christian with a suicide dive! The fight grows on the outside of the ring, with all three men ending up tossing each other around the barricades. Joe eventually hits the Ole Kick on Angle, sending him into the crowd, and the fight escalates once there. Angle and Joe go back in forth, using the entire arena at their expense, while Cage wanders around the floor directly outside the ring. After several minutes in the crowd, Angle finally catches Joe with a belly-to-belly on the concrete and then tosses him back over the barricade. Cage rushes over and rolls Joe into the ring and covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle is in to break it up! Cage and Angle go back-and-forth with high-impact stuff until Cage gets off his reverse tornado DDT. He slowly climbs up the top rope, but Angle runs up and takes him down with a super overhead suplex! ONE! TWO! THRE – Joe breaks it up! Joe immediately picks up Angle and goes for the Muscle Buster, but Angle knees his way out and tries an Olympic Slam. Joe rolls through, but walk right into a diving European Uppercut from Cage! He then tries a reverse DDT on Angle, but Angle spins around and connects with the Olympic Slam! ONE! TWO! THRE – Cage gets a foot on the rope! Angle drags Cage to the middle of the ring and locks in the ankle lock! He writhes around and reaches for the ropes, but Angle pulls him back in! He looks to be about to tap, when Samoa Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on Kurt Angle! Angle’s eyes roll into the back of his head, and his arm falls ONCE! TWICE! THRE – Cage holds it in place and then delivers one of his great punches to Samoa Joe! Cage crawls over to a nearly passed out Angle and hooks a leg! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle kicks out! Cage picks up Angle and tries and Unprettier, but Angle shoves him off right into a one-armed side slam from Joe! Angle tries another Olympic Slam on Joe, but Joe slides through again and hits an Exploder Suplex! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle kicks out! Joe tosses Angle into the turnbuckle and tries to pick him up for the Muscle Buster, but Angle kicks him away and leaps off with a crossbody! ONE! TWO! THRE – Joe kicks out! Joe and Angle fight to their feet with raw punches and chops, while Christian sneaks over to ringside and grabs his title belt, then starts to walk up the ramp! Joe and Angle notice it and rush up to grab him, then chuck him into the ring. They both start to climb into the ring, but Cage baseball slides them to the outside. Kurt Angle is up first and eyes the TNA Championship on the ground beside him. Cage notices it and tells the ref that he thinks he has something in his eye, and begs him to check it out. With the ref distracted, Angle picks up the belt and NAILS Samoa Joe on the outside! Joe goes down and Angle tosses the belt then slides into the ring, right into a small package! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle kicks out! Angle gets up and fights for Christian’s ankle, but Christian counters with a sunset flip! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle kicks out again! Angle goes for an Olympic Slam, but Christian rolls through it and hits his inverted facelock backbreaker! He covers, ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle kicks out! Cage goes up top and signals for the Frog Splash, but Angle runs up and stops Cage up top. He gets him in position for a Super Olympic Slam, but CAGE SHIFTS MIDAIR AND COUNTERS WITH A TORNADO DDT!! Angle’s neck folds across the mat, and Cage runs back up to the top turnbuckle! FROG SPLASH! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall and still TNA World Champion: Christian Cage! (20:19)

Christian Cage celebrates with his title up the ramp as Samoa Joe slowly gets to his feet outside the ring, with a bit of blood trickling from the impact of the title belt. He looks like a fucking maniac as he pokes his head up over the apron and sees Angle starting to climb to his feet. He slides in the ring and looks down at Angle, then picks him up and hits the Muscle Buster!! Christian looks down at the ring and sees Joe glaring at him like a maniac, but he ignores it and celebrates to the back.
TNA iMPACT: Who’s Number One?
Orlando, Florida
August 20, 2009

Commentary announces that Christian Cage and Sabu will have a non-title match that Sabu earned by pinning Raven last night.

Cage, Rhino, and Tomko are talking backstage about Cage’s match with Sabu, when Tomko stops and tells Christian that he and Rhino have done a lot to help Christian, so he thinks at least one of them deserve a title match. Christian agrees, and says that he and Rhino should definitely be in line of for a tag team title shot.

--Commercial Break--

Match 1: Abyss/Matt Morgan w/ Sabu vs Brutus Magnus/Patrick Schulz w/ Axis Powers
Basic squash match here, but Abyss and Morgan whip out a few big-man double team moves to drive home the point. The Powers get a bit of offense when Koslov trips up Morgan from the outside, but it doesn’t last long. An aided powerbomb to Schulz ends it.
Winners via pinfall: Abyss/Matt Morgan (4:11)

Abyss and Matt Morgan celebrate in the ring. As Sabu climbs in the ring to join them, they climb out and leave without noticing him.

Raven, Frankie Kazarian, and Jimmy Rave are backstage watching the show, presumably the previous match. Rave says that he’s pissed that they lost on Sunday, and to be honest, it’s worth noting who was pinned.

--Commercial Break--

Tomko and Rhino plea to Mick Foley for a tag team title shot, and he tells them they have to make some kind of an impact in the tag team scene before he can hand out title shots.

Samoa Joe is backstage talking to a road agent when Kurt Angle tackles him from behind. He chucks him headfirst into the wall, and then walks away.

Match 2: Angelina Love[c] w/ The Beautiful People vs Roxxi Laveaux w/ Daisy Haze [Knockouts Championship]
Roxxi starts on out on fire, but outside interference allows Love to take control. She does moves, and then Roxxi does moves back. They keep doing moves until Taylor Wilde distracts the ref long enough for Kip James to slide Love the title belt. Love grabs it bashes Roxxi over the head with it! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roxxi kicks out! Roxxi staggers to her feet, and Love nails her with the Bicycle Kick! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall and still TNA Knockouts Champion: Angelina Love (6:03)

Angelina Love celebrates with her title as Daisy haze helps up Roxxi in the ring.

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: Kiyoshi/Alex Koslov vs 2 Crazy Negroes
The other Powers aren’t here, presumably due to being squashed earlier in the night. The heels actually get a good amount of offense in this and look really aggressive against the former tag team champions. There’s a solid control segment over Creed, but he makes the hot tag after reversing a Russian Legsweep into a sleeper slam. Jay Lethal cleans house, and he and Creed hit a legsweep/crossbody combination of Koslov for the win.
Winners via pinfall: 2 Crazy Negroes (6:24)

Tomko and Rhino run down and attack all four men. Tomko grabs a microphone and asks, how’s that for making an impact? Booker T/Scott Steiner come out and say that they don’t need to ruin matches to make an impact; their names do it alone, and that’s why they want a title shot. Tomko/Rhino and Steiner/Booker get into a brawl, which the Powers and 2CN eventually join in to.

Tenay says that the tag team division is heating up, and segues into mentioning that Team Canada/AMW in a non-title match is next!

--Commercial Break--

Footage of the BMI/MCMG tag match from Hard Justice is shown, along with the brutal beatdown of Jimmy Jacobs.

Team Canada comes out first, followed by America’s Most Wanted. AMW play to the crowd for a bit, and the match is about to get started when ALEX SHELLEY AND CHRIS SABIN~ show up on the titan tron, holding steel chairs, and headed for the iMPACT Zone. AMW look scared out of their minds, and the crowd explodes when the Guns come out. The rush the ring and begin swinging at the tag team champions, who escape in the nick of time. Shelley grabs a microphone and says that neither Harris nor Storm pinned himself or Sabin, so they should still be at the top of the list for a tag team title shot. Team Canada interrupts and says that if they hadn’t been interrupted, they would have beaten AMW and earned themselves a title shot. MCMG look at each other and laugh, THEN BASH TEAM CANANDA WITH THE CHAIRS! The Guns roll out of the ring with their chairs and start chasing America’s Most Wanted backstage!

--Commercial Break--

We come back, and the Guns are STILL hunting for the tag team champions. They turn the corner, and WHAM! It’s Mick Foley. He says that the Guns will face Team Canada next week in a number one contender’s tag team match, and the winner will get AMW at No Surrender.

Match 4: Sean Waltman w/ Kevin Nash vs Tyson Dux [Non-Title]
Waltman jumps the young Canadian right at the bell and uses all the dirty tricks in the book to stay in control. At one point, Nash grabs Dux’s leg from the outside and Waltman runs at him, but Dux ducks and sends Waltman over the top rope and on to Nash! Dux climbs up the top rope and leaps off, taking them both out with a crossbody. He rolls Waltman back in the ring and tries the North of the Border Brainbuster, but Nash climbs up on the apron to distract him long enough for Waltman to gouge the eyes and get free. Dux tries to regain his vision, but he walks right into the Syxx Factor, and that ends it.
Winner via pinfall: Sean Waltman (5:53)

Waltman celebrates with the belt, but Low Ki comes out to the ring and signals for the title belt. Daniels and Homicide both also come out and say that they should be the ones to have the title shot. Foley comes out and says that, since Low Ki beat Daniels on Sunday, he will receive a title match next week on iMPACT.

Robert Roode is backstage, and he says that after the impressive performance he had on Sunday, he should certainly be the go-to guy for a title shot.

--Commercial Break--

AJ Styles runs into Christian Cage backstage and the two have a long stare. Styles says that he and Christian go way back, and, after fending off Booker T and Scott Steiner last night, maybe he should get a title shot. Christian just laughs, and says he has to get out to the ring for a match.

Match 5: Christian Cage w/ Tomko and Rhino vs Sabu [Non-Title]
Sabu starts out on fire, but he gets tripped up early when Tomko fucks up his springboard moonsault attempt. Cage follows up with some vicious neck work, but Sabu fights back with a flashpan spinning heel kick and then a set of clotheslines. Sabu jumps on him and tries to put in the Camel Clutch, but Cage flails around to escape, and then rolls to the outside, where Rhino and Tomko help him catch his breath. Without a thought, Sabu springboards to the apron, and then takes all three out with moonsault to the outside!

--Commercial Break--

Sabu doesn’t give Christian much room to regroup, but keeps on him with dropkicks and leg lariats. He starts to target in on the back, and pulls out some innovative backbreakers, and gets a few nearfalls out of them. He puts Cage on the top turnbuckle and gets him in position for a back suplex, but Cage goes to the eyes to get him off his balance, and then kicks him off. He dives off with a crossbody, and hooks the tights to gain more leverage! One! Two! Thre – Sabu kicks out! Cage stays on him tight, returning to the neck work, and Rhino and Tomko get involved often from the outside, though more so Rhino. Sabu gets the crowd behind him with some great reversals to try to make a comeback, but Christian’s ring savvy and outside help always cut him short. Sabu almost hits a springboard tornado DDT, but Christian holds off his momentum and then connects with a reverse DDT. He climbs up to the top rope for a Frog Splash, but Sabu is up and stops him up top. He tries to steady Christian on top, and then leaps up for a frankensteiner, but Christian holds his weight on the top! Sabu, mounted on Cage’s shoulders, stars delivering punches, but Rhino hops up on the apron for a distraction. Sabu turns to look at him, giving Christian the opportunity to lift Sabu up a bit, jump off the top rope, and drive him to the mat with a super power bomb! ONE! TWO! THRE – Sabu kicks out!!!! Christian immediately picks Sabu up and goes for an Unprettier, but Sabu pushes him away. Christian bounces back and meets Sabu, who’s still drowsy in the middle of the ring, and quickly twists him around and nails the Unprettier right in the center of the ring! ONE! TWO! THERE!
Winner via pinfall: Christian Cage (14:42)

Christian Cage gets up and holds up his title to a mixed reaction. Tomko and Rhino hoist him up to celebrate, but then they notice Sabu standing up. Cage smirks, and then bashes Sabu with the title. They all stomp away at him some, and then Cage holds up his title again. As Cage basks in his glory, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles run out! Tomko and Rhino try to intercept them, but the Frontline members run through them! Kurt Angle runs out and guns right for Samoa Joe, while Styles and Christian brawl around the ring! Robert Roode comes down too! A big brawl closes out iMPACT, and we still have no idea who is the number one contender to the TNA Championship is!

Xplosion Results (8/22)
The Redcoats over Sean Morley/Ricky Steamboat, Jr
Davey Richards over Chad Collyer
Los Infernales over TJ Perkins/Scott Lost
Daisy Haze over ODB
Tomko/Rhino over BG James/Shark Boy
TNA iMPACT: The Warrior’s Way
Orlando, Florida
August 27, 2009

Commentary runs down the card, especially the main event of Low Ki challenging Sean Waltman for the X-Division Championship.

Match 1: Jay Lethal vs Tomko vs Booker T vs Alex Koslov
All the tag team partners are at ringside. Lethal and Koslov do some fun high-flying stuff on the inside, while Booker and Tomko brawl around the outside. Tomko goes to toss Booker T into the barricade, but Booker leaps over it and then delivers a nice mule kick over the barricade wall. Lethal and Koslov exchange flashy moves until Koslov hits the Red Scare (Russian Legsweep into a Cobra Clutch), but Booker T slides in the break it up. Booker and Lethal share a long stare, but then turn and clothesline Koslov out of the ring when he gets up. They then share the “Black Power” sign, but turn right around into a big double clothesline from Tomko!

--Commercial Break--

Tomko is still stomping away at both, but then turns his attention to Lethal and really busts out some big power moves. Booker tries to get involved to take out Tomko, but Tomko plants him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Lethal finds a window of opportunity to make a comeback after ducking under a Big Boot, and he goes for the Lethal Combination, but halfway through it, Tomko lifts Lethal up and just military presses him out of the ring and onto Booker T and Koslov on the outside! He goes out and grabs Lethal, then plants him with an Argentine Backbreaker, and covers. ONE! TWO! THRE – Booker T breaks it up! He goes for the Bookend, but Tomko pushes him away, but then Koslov springboards in and hits a springboard dropkick that makes Tomko wobble! Lethal is up and leaps off the top rope with a dropkick that sends Tomko to a knee! Booker nails him with a roundhouse and Tomko is down! They all go to cover, but the ref can’t count this, so they all start laying into each other. Jay Lethal hits the Lethal Combination on Booker T and goes up top, but Koslov runs up and takes him down with an underhook suplex. He turns around, but gets taken out by the Bookend! Booker turns around and Tomko picks him up for the Argentine Backbreaker, but Booker goes to the eyes to get free and then hits the Bookend! He covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Jay Lethal breaks it up with the LETHAL ELBOW!! HE COVERS TOMKO! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Booker T (12:20)

Scott Steiner and Booker T celebrate up the ramp as Creed helps Lethal up in the ring.

Christian runs into Mick Foley backstage and asks him if he’s determined a number one contender yet. Foley says no, but he has an idea on how to find one, but Cage cuts him off. He says that until he has a challenger, he sees no point in being here, so he’s taking the night off.

--Commercial Break--

Footage of Roxxi failing to beat Love last week for the Knockouts Title is shown.

Match 2: Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze vs Velvet Sky/Taylor Wilde w/ Angelina Love & Kip James
This is a match. Roxxi and Daisy start out in the lead, but Taylor and Sky should good teamwork, so they take control and isolate Daisy Haze for a bit. Daisy tries to make the hot tag after ducking a double clothesline attempt, but Sky runs over and knows Roxxi off the apron. Sky then tries to pick Daisy up for a powerbomb, but she rolls through with a sunset flip for the surprising pin!
Winners via pinfall: Roxxi Laveaux/Daisy Haze (5:12)

Roxxi and Daisy celebrate in the ring, and Daisy looks almost shocked to have pinned Velvet Sky.

The Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin are backstage with Lauren. They say that they’re sorry they had to take out Team Canada last week, but they can’t let anything get in the way of themselves and America’s Most Wanted. Sabin says that after they took out Jimmy at Hard Justice, things became personal. Shelley says that they’re going to win the tag team titles for the first time, and there’s no team that they’d rather win them from than AMW.

--Commercial Break--

Mick Foley is backstage in his office and says that he’s put together a four-man tournament leading up to No Surrender, and the winner will face Christian Cage for the TNA Championship. The participants are Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Robert Roode. And the tournament will begin next week! Chuck Taylor then walks by and dusts off Foley’s desk.

Match 3: The Motor City Machineguns vs Team Canada [#1 Contenders Match]
Team Canada jumps right at the bell for what MCMG did last week, and the Guns have a tendency to retaliate against aggression with aggression, so this is pretty much a brawl from the get-go. Because of this, it’s actually Eric Young who stands out among the four and delivers a lot of great punches that really surprise both Shelley and Sabin. Young takes them both out with a single clothesline, and they roll out to the floor. Young rolls out to follow them, but he’s met a double clothesline from the Guns to return the favor. As the Guns look down at Young, Petey Williams climbs to the top rope and takes them both out with a flipping senton! Everybody is down on the floor by the time we come back.

--Commercial Break--

From the break, Sabin is being worked on by Team Canada, and they work the quick tags perfectly. Williams comes in and goes some high-flying stuff, then tags out before he gets too tired, and Young cleans up with more power move stuff and some nearfalls. He gets close to the hot tag several times, but he finally gets it when Petey Williams is a dipshit and goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but Sabin back body drops him. Shelley gets in and goes crazy~ on Williams with lariats and dropkicks, and even runs across and elbows Young off the apron. Shelley turns back to Williams and hits a Dragon suplex! He makes the cover, but Young gets in the ring to go after Shelley, grabbing the ref’s attention. With the ref turned, Sabin climbs in and the Guns hit the double enzuigiri on Williams! Sabin slides out and Shelley covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Williams kicks out! Shelley tags in Sabin, who immediately picks Williams up and goes for the Cradle Shock, but Williams slides over, and fights Sabin into the Sharpshooter! Sabin tries to reach the ropes, but Williams drags him into the middle of the ring! Shelley rushes the ring, but Young cuts him off and tackles him to the outside! Sabin’s about to tap, but he gets a last bit of energy, and grabs the bottom rope! Williams pulls him to the middle, and picks him up for the Petey Screwdriver, but Sabin floats over with gets a schoolboy pin! ONE! TWO! THRE – Williams kicks out! They both pop up, and Sabin connects with a spinning sole kick! Cradle Shock! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, the Motor City Machineguns (14:01)

MCMG celebrate in the ring and motion for the tag team titles. America’s Most Wanted sneak into the ring with their titles and try to bash the Guns over the head with them, but they see it coming and duck, and then send the champions over the top rope with stereo dropkicks!

Low Ki is backstage, and Homicide is pumping him up for his title match later tonight.

--Commercial Break--

The 2 Crazy Negroes find Team Canada backstage and say they were rooting for them against MCMG, after their impressive victory over themselves at Hard Justice. Team Canada thank them and say that they’ll be going for the tag team titles just like the Negroes, so may the best team get them.

Match 4: Abyss/Matt Morgan w/ Sabu vs No Limit
Squash. No Limit hits some flashy moves, but they don’t have too much of an effect on Morgan, and Abyss pretty much no-sells them. The monsters hit an aided powerbomb on Yujiro for the three-count.
Winners via pinfall: Abyss/Matt Morgan (3:32)

Again, Sabu goes to get into the ring to celebrate with his allies, but they exit the ring together without a thought of Sabu.

Jeremy Borash finds Mick Foley backstage and hands him an envelope titled “top secret” and says that he’s supposed to read it as soon as possible. Foley opens it and reads it quickly, then just says, “Oh shit.”

--Commercial Break--

Cornette says that Raven requested the following match to convince his students that he is “worth following.”

Match 5: Sabu vs Raven w/ The Enlightened
BRAWL~! They can’t do much, so they back-and-forth the match for a while until Raven gets outside help and mounts an offense. He goes for the Even Flow DDT, but Sabu grabs the ropes beside him to stop it, making Raven snap back and just hit the mat. Sabu picks him up and hits a back body drop, then drags him to the center of the ring and locks in the Camel Clutch until Raven has no choice but to tap.
Winner via submission: Sabu (6:25)

Frankie Kazarian rushes the ring and tackles Sabu from behind. Rave reluctantly joins in as well, and so does Raven when he finally gets up. Rave finally has enough of it and leaves, but Kaz and Raven continue the beatdown, and nobody comes to save Sabu :(

Kevin Nash is backstage with Sean Waltman, running through some tips heading into his title defense in the main event.

--Commercial Break--

Jimmy Rave tells Frankie Kazarian backstage that he thinks Raven is too weak to be their leader. Kaz just smiles creepily and says to “have faith.”

Jeremy Borash is in the ring for FORMAL INTRODUCTIONS~!

Match 6: Sean Waltman[c] w/ Kevin Nash vs Low Ki
Low Ki EXPLODES with stiff kicks that freak Waltman out, so he bails out, but Low Ki follows him. Nash steps in his way, and Low Ki kicks him in the face! Yes! Low Ki slides into the ring but is met by some stomps from Waltman. He stays on the offensive using blatant cheating and some under-the-radar interference from the master Kevin Nash. When Waltman gets too cocky, Low Ki finds room to strike back with more vicious kicks, that Waltman sells as if they were all knife stabs. The challenger goes for the Ki Krusher, but Waltman knees his way out. He delivers a throat jab then bounces off the ropes and goes for a spinning wheel kick, but Low Ki hits a high-impact front dropkick to him mid-wheel kick, that folds him up on the mat. Low Ki goes up top and motions for the Ghetto Stomp, but Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper run down! Daniels hops on the apron and pushes Low Ki off, while Skipper starts kicking away at Sean Waltman until Nash chases him out. The ref calls for the bell and throws out the match.
Result: No contest due to interference (6:25)

Mick Foley comes out and tells Daniels and Skipper that they’re dicks for ruining his main event. He says that Skipper just earned himself a match against Low Ki next week. He then tells them all to get out of the ring, and then says that he’s got a big announcement for after the break.

--Commercial Break--

Foley is still in the ring, and he says that it’s been brought to his attention that his tournament idea is not going to work . . . not exactly. Apparently, there’s some washed-up former champion that has threatened TNA with a lawsuit for not recognizing his rematch clause in his contract. So, with his hands tied, he has little choice but to book Christian Cage vs Sting for the title at No Surrender.

Kurt Angle comes out and he is pissed. He says that Sting is in no position to wield power, but Foley retorts that it’s not within TNA; it’s a mutual contract that he cannot breech. Angle says it’s bullshit and he should be facing Cage, and that draws out Samoa Joe who says the same thing. Eventually Styles and Roode come out and plead their cases, but Foley insists that he has no choice. BUT, there is better news.

While none of these men will have a world title shot at No Surrender, one of them WILL be awarded an even higher honor. His tournament idea will still be taking place, only it will be AT No Surrender instead of leading up to it. He says that the winner will face the TNA Champion, be it Christian or Sting, and it will be in the MAIN EVENT OF BOUND FOR GLORY~!

All four men look around at each other, and you can FEEL the tension, as iMPACT goes off air.

Xplosion Results (8/29)
Elijah Burke over Kenny King
Volador over Scott Lost
Raisha Saeed over Daffney
Ricky Steamboat, Jr over Chad Collyer
Los Infernales over The Redcoats
TNA iMPACT: And Then There Were Four…
Orlando, Florida
September 3, 2009

Commentary runs down tonight’s card, especially Joe/Homicide vs Angle/Waltman and Raven/Sabu in a HARDCORE~ match.

Match 1: Low Ki vs Elix Skipper w/Christopher Daniels
MERDUR~! No but really, Low Ki is a fucking maniac with his kicks this time, to the point that he kicks Skipper to the mat and keeps on full-on kicking him on the mat, and the ref has to pull him off. Ki pushes the ref out of the way and goes back to Skipper, but Skipper trips him up and sends him neck-first to the bottom rope, where Daniels gets a quick choke in without the ref seeing. Skipper keeps on the choking pattern to wear Low Ki down, and then starts to work on the back of the neck. He goes for the Overdrive, but Ki spins out and drops him with a big legsweep. He measures Skipper up and high-impact front dropkicks Skipper into the corner, and then nails him with the Tidal Krush! ONE! TWO! THR – Skipper kicks out! Ki goes up top for the Ghetto Stomp, but Daniels hops up on the apron to distract him. Low Ki kicks him away and goes for the Stomp, but Skipper rolls out of the way and follows up with some knees to the leg. Skipper gets cocky after taking out Ki’s legs, but Ki retaliates with just as stiff knife-edged chops. Ki tries to run at Skipper, but he falters under his hurt leg, and Skipper whips out a spinebuster. Skipper goes up top and starts to walk the top-rope, then leaps off for a Frankensteiner, but Low Ki reverses it with a powerbomb! He quickly locks in the Dragon Clutch, leaving Skipper with no choice but to submit.
Winner via submission: Low Ki (7:29)

Daniels rushes the ring, but Low Ki intercepts him with a roundhouse kick. The two brawl around until Skipper gets involved, and the numbers game gets to Ki. Daniels ends up planting Low Ki with the Angel’s Wings, and then celebrates up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Footage of Haze’s semi-surprising pinfall over Velvet Sky from last week is shown.

Match 2: Daisy Haze w/Roxxi vs Taylor Wilde w/The Beautiful People
This is an awesome, high-flying, fast-paced thriller…for a girl’s match. Tehe. Daisy gets beaten down after Love gets involved from the outside, but she fights back with the power of good and hits the Mind Trip on Wilde for the win.
Winner via pinfall: Daisy Haze (3:58)

Haze celebrates in the ring after another impressive victory.

--Commercial Break--

The Main Event Mafia is in its locker room, and Nash is irate about Sting being named the number one contender. Angle says it’s fine, because he’s going to win the tournament at No Surrender, and then face either Cage or Sting in the main event at Bound For Glory V. Waltman and Angle then say they need to go over some strategy for tonight’s tag match.

Christian is backstage with Rhino and Tomko, and he tells them to keep up the good work in making an impact in the tag team division. He then says to excuse him, as he needs to pay Mr. Foley a visit.

--Commercial Break--

Cage is in Foley’s office, and is irate about Sting randomly getting a title shot. Foley says he should be happy that it’s not Joe or Angle, who both have entire armies behind them. He tells the champion to lay low, and prepare for the match on his own time, because Sting has not even been cleared to be on TNA property until No Surrender.

Match 3: Booker T/Scott Steiner vs 2 Crazy Negroes
This is a formulaic tag match here, but there’s a subtle story about Booker T refusing to cheat on either of his fellow Brothuhs. The Mafia isolates Creed for a good stretch, but he makes the hot tag after countering the Steiner Screwdriver into a hurricanrana. Lethal cleans house a bit, but when he tries the Lethal Combination, Steiner overpowers him and hits a belly-to-belly. Steiner then taunts Creed on the apron, causing him to start to come in the ring and attract the ref’s attention. Steiner then lifts Lethal onto his shoulders and tells Booker to get up on the top rope and do the Doomsday Dropkick, but Booker refuses to cheat here! Lethal surprises Steiner with a Victory Roll! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: 2 Crazy Negroes (7:22)

As the Negroes celebrate in the ring, Tomko and Rhino run down and attack them! The beatdown continues until Eric Young and Petey Williams come down to make the save! Steiner and Booker get involved as well, and a big four-team brawl is in effect!

--Commercial Break--

Scott Steiner finds Booker T backstage and asks what the hell his problem was, and Booker says that brothers don’t mess with brothers. Steiner asks what about mafia brothers, and Booker just not to make it us against them. Steiner takes a minute to think and then just nods his head and shakes Booker’s hand, and they walk off together.

Abyss and Matt Morgan are backstage with Lauren, and Morgan says that with this hot of a tag team division, he and Abyss have no choice but to get involved and dominate.

Sabu is shown watching Abyss and Matt Morgan on the television, and he is not impressed.

Match 4: AJ Styles/Motor City Machineguns vs Beer Money Inc.
Things start right out with AMW/MCMG and Styles/Roode brawling separately in the ring. The heels start to use underhanded tactics to beat down their opponents, but they all fight back with enzuigiris and dropkicks. BMI bails to the outside, all different sides of the rings. The face meet in the middle, then each rush to a different opponent and take them out with a fosbury flop/no-handed suicide dive/corkscrew senton RESPECTIVELY~!

--Commercial Break--

I’m not a road agent; I’m a booker, damnit. These guys know how to put on a stellar match. I guess I’ll say that all three faces take turns being the underdog in peril against the superb teamwork of Beer Money Inc. Styles finally ducks under Roode clothesline that takes out Harris instead, but then falls victim to the Northern Lariat! ONE! TWO! THR – Sabin breaks it up! Roode tosses Sabin out of the ring, but he lands on the apron and springboards in, but Roode catches him mid-air with a Double-R Spinebuster! He turns back to Styles and tries the Payoff, but Styles gets his leg free, floats over, and hits the Pele! ONE! TWO! THR – Storm breaks it up! Roode tags in Storm, but Shelley comes in with a superkick attempt on Roode, but he catches his leg, and hits a fishermen suplex! Storm and Roode pick up Styles alone in the ring and try the DWI, but Styles counters Storm’s powerbomb into a hurricanrana, holding the pin! ONE! TWO! THR – Roode breaks it up! Roode picks Styles up for the Roode Awakening, but Styles counters into a Tornado DDT. He turns around right into a big superkick from James Storm! ONE! TWO! THRE – STYLES KICKS OUT! Storm picks Styles up and goes for the Eye of the Storm, but Styles spins through, runs to the corner, and springboards backwards and connects with his reverse DDT! He quickly climbs up top! SPIRAL TAP! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: AJ Styles/Motor City Machineguns (15:13)

AJ Styles and the Motor City Machineguns celebrate in the ring while Beer Money Inc. regroup up the ramp.

Sabu and Raven walk, split-screen style through the hall.

--Commercial Break--

Sabu brings two steel chairs down with him, while Raven brings a trashcan full of metal sheets and road signs

Match 5: Sabu vs Raven [Hardcore Match]
Cornette mentions that this is probably a hardcore match, because it sucked last week when it wasn’t. They immediately start throwing punches, and Raven hits a low blow as soon as Sabu starts gaining momentum. He grabs the trashcan and hits it over Sabu’s head, then smashes him with a stop sign for a two-count. Sabu fights back after a springboard tornado DDT and throws a steel chair right into Raven’s face~! Sabu sets up both chairs in the ring and places Raven on them and climbs up to the top rope, but KAZ RUNS DOWN~! Sabu dives off and takes Kaz out with a dropkick, but turns right around into a HUGE chair shot from Raven. Sabu goes down but Kaz picks him up and hits the Wave of the Future! Raven immediately picks him up and nails him with the Even Flow DDT! Raven starts to cover, but instead picks Sabu up and throws him into the corner and shouts something to Kaz. The student places Sabu on the top rope and climbs up with him, then hits the Flux Capacitor!!! Raven places a steel chair on the ground, and drills Sabu into it with a second Even Flow DDT!! He finally covers, and gets the one, two, and three.
Winner via pinfall: Raven (6:04)

Frankie Kazarian and Raven continue the beatdown and Sabu with their steel chairs, until some almost-familiar music hits. They stop their beatdown and look up toward the entrance ramp, and suddenly Raven’s face flushes all emotion, as he realizes who it is . . .



RVD runs down to the ring with a steel chair in hand and clears out Raven and Kaz!! The crowd is going batshit insane! Van Dam helps up Sabu as Raven looks on with horror.

--Commercial Break--

Commentary is still talking about RVD coming to TNA, and they can’t believe it, especially Jim Cornette, who wonders if he was high when signing a contract with this company.

RVD is with Sabu backstage, and he says not to worry about any sort of bullshit beatdowns anymore, because this time he has a friend who will actually have his back.

Christian Cage comes down with his world title around his waist. He runs down each of the four participants in the No Surrender tournament, and then turns his attention to Sting. He says that he’s survived as champion thus far by taking advantage of the Mafia/Frontline hate, but now he’s going to face an opponent who is also unaffiliated with either group. He says that Sting is dead, and he’s really only facing Steven Borden. He says he’s not going to wrestle the man who toppled Vader or Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair. He’s facing the man who’s been hiding behind henchmen, and has finally been kicked to the curb like he’s deserved for so long. He says that the Icon is gone, and he’s not coming back.

Suddenly, the lights shut off, and a spotlight appears on the rafters WHERE THE SCORPION STING IS!!! He’s got his face paint and trench coat back, and he does not look pleased!! Christian is in awe as he exits the ring and backs up the ramp.

--Commercial Break--

Christian finds Mick Foley and asks him what the hell is going on. Foley just says that it looks like the real Sting is back. Cage says that he thought that Sting wasn’t cleared to be on TNA property, and Foley says that, as far as any records show, Sting never entered the arena.

Match 6: Samoa Joe/Homicide vs Kurt Angle/Sean Waltman
Homicide and Waltman do some fun stuff up top with their high-flying abilities, but Waltman starts to get dirty and gain an edge. Angle gets in and tosses him around on the mat a bit, but he escapes and tags in Samoa Joe. Angle immediately backs up and tags Waltman in, then rolls out of the ring. Joe mouths off to Angle on the outside, and Waltman sneaks in with a roll up for a two-count! Joe gets up and just starts laying into Waltman and then nails him with a belly-to-belly. He goes to run off the ropes, but Angle trips him up from the outside. Joe gets up and turns to shout at Angle as Waltman sprints toward Joe. He turns around just in time to detect Waltman, and sends him flying over the top rope, crashing onto Angle! They stagger up to their feet on the outside, and Homicide runs across the apron and takes them out again with a flipping senton, that sends us to a break!

--Commercial Break--

Things settle down into a formulaic tag match, with Waltman and Homicide taking most of the offense. When Angle trips Joe up from the outside and Waltman goes crazy on him with stomps to keep him down, Angle finally agrees to get in with him. Right away he goes to his aggressive mat work to wear down the big guy, but Joe fights back with big chops and finally a German Suplex for a two-count. Joe goes for another German, but Angle slides behind and locks in the ankle lock! Joe fights to his feet and goes for an enzuigiri, but Angle ducks it. Joe stumbles to his feet, and Angle whips out the triple Germans, then covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Joe kicks out! The two heavyweights go back-and-forth with high-impact moves until Joe nearly hits the Muscle Buster, and Angle tags in Waltman. He runs full speed at Joe with a crossbody, but Joe catches him and plants him with a front power slam. ONE! TWO! THR – Angle breaks it up, and then rolls to the outside. Waltman sneaks up for a schoolboy, but Joe holds his weight and then picks up Waltman from between his legs and delivers a two-handed chokeslam! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle breaks it up again, and bails! Joe goes to the outside to hunt down Angle, but he leaves the door open for Waltman to hit him with a baseball slide! Angle rolls Joe into the ring, and Waltman goes up top. When Joe gets to his feet, Waltman leaps off with a top-rope spinning wheel kick, but Joe just moves out of the way! Waltman stumbles up and Joe hits a powerbomb! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle breaks it up again! This time, Homicide springs over and takes Angle out with a suicide dive! Joe picks up Waltman for the Muscle Buster, but Waltman floats over and kicks Joe in the gut! He sets him up for the Comedown, but Joe rolls out and kills him with a lariat. He picks him up and hits the Muscle Buster! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Samoa Joe/Homicide (13:12)

While Joe and Homicide celebrate in the ring, Kurt Angle sneaks in and low blows Joe from behind! Homicide attacks him, but Angle delivers an Olympic Slam to him, and then goes back to his attack on Joe. AJ Styles run down for the save, but Robert Roode comes down to attack both him, and eventually Samoa Joe. Angle and Roode clear out the Frontline members, and then turn around and glare at one another. They mouth off for a bit, but Roode backs off and rolls out of the ring and just signals for the title belt. Joe and Styles slowly get up on the outside and all four men glare at one another, with tension filling the arena.

Xplosion Results (9/5)
Scott Lost over Chad Collyer
Jihad over Sean Morley/Ricky Steamboat, Jr
Tyson Dux over Davey Richards
Elijah Burke/Davey Richards over Seth Delay/Wahoo McDaniel, Jr
Doug Williams over Averno
TNA iMPACT: The Icon is Back
Orlando, Florida
September 10, 2009

ROB VAN DAM~ opens up the show, and he says that he’s excited to be a part of TNA, but that he’s here for a specific reason. He calls out Sabu, and then tells everybody that he’s seen Sabu be outnumbered week after week, and he hasn’t been supported like he supported others in the past. He says that loyalty is supposed to mean something, but to some people it apparently doesn’t. At that, he calls out Abyss and Matt Morgan. They come out, and he immediately has some footage rolled. It shows three weeks ago, when Sabu came to the ring with Morgan and Abyss, and then nobody coming to help him when he was attacked after his match with Christian. It then shows Sabu STILL coming out with Morgan and Abyss two weeks ago, but nobody saving him when Raven, Kaz, and Rave beat him down. It then shows Sabu beaten down by Raven and Kaz, before RVD made the save. He then tells Abyss and Matt Morgan that they’re pitiful humans, who only care about themselves.

They begin to look really pissed off, and make their way down to the ring, and RVD and Sabu rear up for a fight! Before they trade blows, Raven and Kaz come out. Raven says it’s a beautiful sight to see so many old friends here at the same time. He says that, in reality, they’re ALL pitiful human beings, and that none of them have exhibited any redeeming qualities of enlightenment.

At that, Jimmy Rave comes out and tells Raven to cut the bullshit. He says that he has no problem following anybody, but not a washed-up talentless hack. He says that he’s done with him, and that he’s brought in a friend of his own . . . Lance Rock! Morgan and Abyss look furious when they see Rock and Rave back together, and Raven looks highly displeased with having lost a disciple.

Mick Foley comes out and says that he’s happier with this picture than anybody else. He says that he knows there are harsh feelings all around, and so he’s booking another match for No Surrender: Rock and Rave vs Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Kaz vs Sabu and Rob Van Dam!

--Commercial Break--

Rob Van Dam and Sabu are walking backstage when they bump into two janitors, one of which is Chuck Taylor, who says that he’s such a big RVD fan. Van Dam signs his mop bucket, and then sends him on his merry way.

Match 1: Consequences Creed w/ Lethal vs Rhino w/ Tomko
Tenay brings up Rhino’s past with the Negroes due to his beef with the Frontline. They do a formulaic big man versus little man deal, but Tomko gets involved from the outside and it gets a little more aggressive. Creed starts to fight back after Rhino’s Gore ends up missing, and he crashes into the corner. He hits some arm drags and a couple dropkicks, and then drops him with the Monti Fisto! ONE! TWO! THR – Rhino kicks out! He goes up top, but Tomko climbs onto the apron to cause a distraction. Lethal runs over and hits a hurricanrana off the apron that sends Tomko to the floor! But the whole brouhaha gives Rhino the opportunity to get to his feet and catch Creed up top. He hits a super belly-to-belly and covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Creed kicks out! Rhino measures Creed up for the Gore, but Creed dodges it, and then Rhino turns right into a rolling thunder clothesline! ONE! TWO! THR – Rhino kicks out! Creed goes for the Creed-DT but Rhino spins out and picks Creed up for pump handle slam, but Creed floats over and gets a schoolboy! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winner via pinfall: Consequences Creed (7:03)

Tomko rushes the ring and takes Creed out with a Big Boot, but then scrams when Lethal slides in.

Angelina Love is backstage and tells the Beautiful People that she’s taking to the ring tonight to squash Haze’s momentum since everyone else seems incapable.

--Commercial Break--

Match 2: Daisy Haze/Roxxi Laveaux vs Angelina Love/Velvet Sky w/ The Beautiful
Love demands Haze up front, but is caught off guard by her quickness, and nearly gets pinned under the one-minute mark after a crucifix pin! She tags out to Sky, who connects with a neckbreaker after Wilde causes a distraction. The Beautiful People isolate Haze for a bit, but she makes the hot tag after countering Love’s tilt-a-whirl takedown into a chickenwing facebuster! Roxxi cleans house and plants Sky with a body slam, then tags Haze in. She goes up top turns around for a moonsault, but Sky gets up and plants her with a powerslam! ONE! TWO! THR – Haze kicks out! She tags in Love, and they try the Makeover, but Haze monkey flips Sky away, then hits Love with the Yakuza Kick! She picks up the champion and hits the Mind Trip! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Daisy Haze/Roxxi Laveaux (4:00)

Daisy Haze and Roxxi Laveaux celebrate, and commentary speculates as to what could be in store for Daisy Haze after pinning the Knockouts Champion.

Commentary announces that we’ve got two huge matches later tonight: Low Ki vs Homicide vs Christopher Daniels in a number one contender’s match as well as Joe/Styles vs Angle/Roode in the main event.

Team Canada is backstage talking with Tyson Dux, when Booker T and Scott Steiner run up and attack them from behind! Booker T tosses Young into the wall, and then Steiner hits Petey Williams with an STO onto the hard floor!

--Commercial Break--

Match 3: The Motor City Machineguns vs Elijah Burke/Davey Richards
They made it on to iMPACT! Burke and Richards are working a poor person/somewhat thug gimmick because one is black and the other is dirty, so yeah. This is mostly a showcase for the Guns, but the Xplosion guys get some offense in after Burke distracts Shelley on the top rope long enough for Richards to sneak in and catch him with a running sitout powerbomb. They work him over for a bit, with some standard cheating and taunting to get a heel reaction from the crowd. When Shelley dodges the Elijah Express, he gets the hot tag and Sabin comes in to clean house. Richards rushes the ring, but Sabin catches him with a side slam backbreaker. Shelley gets back in the ring and the Guns hit Burke with the ASCS Rush for the win.
Winners via pinfall: The Motor City Machineguns (5:14)

MCMG celebrate in the ring, but America’s Most Wanted sneak down through the crowd and, when the Guns turn around, the champions bash them with their title belts! They stand over their rivals, holding their titles in the air.

--Commercial Break--

Sean Waltman comes out for commentary for the following match

Match 4: Low Ki vs Homicide vs Christopher Daniels w/ Elix Skipper [Number One Contender’s Match]
Low Ki and Chris Daniels go right after each other, and both double team Homicide when he tries to get involved, just so they can go back to each other. Ki goes for an early Dragon Clutch, but Homicide breaks it up with a low-angle dropkick to Ki’s face. He gets up and gets in Homicide’s face, and the two start trading blows! They go to the mat as Ki goes for Homicide’s arm, but Homicide avoids it for the most part and retaliates with some neck work. While they continue their technical show, Daniels slides to the outside and takes a break behind Skipper. Back in the ring, Low Ki nearly gets Homicide into Dragon Clutch, but Homicide elbows out and goes for a big lariat, but Low Ki ducks it and high-impact dropkicks him into the corner. He hits the Tidal Krush and covers, but Daniels slides in and breaks it up! Low Ki and Homicide get up and both start laying into Daniels! They hit a double clothesline that sends him to the outside, but then Homicide rolls up Ki for a two-count! Ki gets up and kills Homicide with a roundhouse that sends him to the outside onto Daniels! They both stumble to their feet on the outside, but Low Ki takes them both out with a corkscrew plancha!

--Commercial Break--

We come back and Daniels is in control, but he has trouble keeping both guys down at one time. Low Ki eventually gains control and lays Daniels out with a Dragon suplex, then goes up top. Skipper jumps onto the apron to distract him, but Low Ki kicks him off! He turns back to the ring, but Homicide is up and superplexes Low Ki off! ONE! TWO! THRE – Daniels breaks it up! The three men all get involved in a brawl again, and it spills to the outside. Homicide goes for a lariat on Low Ki, but he ducks, and Homicide hits the ring post with his arm! Daniels sneaks up and starts kicking Low Ki from behind, but Low Ki pushes him off and tries to toss him into the ring post, but Daniels holds his weight, then reverses the whip and sends Low Ki into the announce booth, crashing into Waltman! Daniels turns around into a big lariat with his left arm from Homicide, who rolls him back in and covers! ONE! TWO! THRE – Daniels kicks out! ‘Cide goes for the 187, but his arm gives out and Daniels proceeds to attack it ruthlessly. On the outside of the ring, Low Ki gets up, but Waltman tackles him from behind without the ref seeing! In the ring, Daniels goes for the Angel’s Wings, but Homicide spins out and hits the 187 with his healthy arm! He goes up top, but Waltman slides into the ring and starts attack Daniels! Low Ki is back in and attacks Waltman! Homicide climbs down and gets in the brawl, and the ref has no choice but to throw out the match!
Result: No contest via interference (12:11)

Mick Foley comes out and says he’s pretty sick of people ruining his big X-Division matches. He says that Waltman has just earned himself a fatal fourway match against all three of these men at No Surrender. He calls Waltman a dick, and says that he hopes he loses his title, and then dies.

--Commercial Break--

Christian Cage comes down to ringside and joins Tenay, West, and Cornette at commentary.

Match 5: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle/Robert Roode
A big brawl starts it off, but when Joe starts laying into Angle with big elbows, he bails to the outside, leaving Roode alone in the ring to eat all the offense. Styles and Joe do some double-team maneuvers on him, but he evades the Styles Clash and spills to the outside with Angle. Joe fakes a suicide dive on the, but he stops himself at the ropes as they both flinch on the outside. He starts to mouth off to both of them on the outside, so the don’t see AJ Styles run and leapfrog over Joe, and take them both out with an over-the-tope rope suicide dive!

--Commercial Break--

Things settle down into a back-and-forth tag match, but Angle is still cautious to get into the ring with Samoa Joe. Roode and Styles have a really great exchange that goes on for a nice stretch and ends with Roode ducking a discus clothesline and then connecting with the Roode Awakening for a long two-count. From there he and Angle isolate Styles for a good stretch, with Styles’ comebacks getting more and more fiery each time. Roode goes for another Roode Awakening, but this time Styles flips over him and transitions into a sitout facebuster from mid-air! That was awesome! Roode crawls over and tags in Angle, BUT STYLES TAGS IN JOE TOO! They start trading blows in the middle of the ring, but Joe gains the advantage after pulling out his stiff elbows again. Joe hits some high-impact moves, but Angle fights back by doing the same. Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, but Joe rolls out AND LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH!! Angle starts to fade, so Roode climbs into the ring and breaks up the submission! He keeps stomping away at Joe, so Styles springboards in and takes him out with a forearm smash! Joe and Angle are up, and Angle goes right for the ankle lock, but Joe pushes him away into the corner. He gets up and places Angle up top, but Angle gouges the eyes and pushes him away. Angle looks to be about to leap off, when Joe turns around and explodes with a spinning enzuigiri! Angle slouches in the corner, so Joe picks him up and HITS THE MUSCLE BUSTER!! ONE! TWO! THRE – NO! ROODE BREAKS IT UP! Roode keeps stomping away at Joe, and takes Styles out with the Northern Lariat when he tries to get involved! Joe fights to his feet and finally lays Roode out with a front powerslam! He turns around, RIGHT INTO AN OLYMPIC SLAM! ONE! TWO! THRE – JOE GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES! Angle keeps Joe grounded and finally tags Roode in once he returns to the apron. Joe starts to fight back, but Angle distracts him from the outside long enough for Roode to hit the Northern Lariat! He taunts the crowd for a bit to garner some heat, and it sends us to our final commercial break.

--Commercial Break--

The heels try to contain Samoa Joe, but it’s not quite as easy as it was containing the smaller AJ Styles. When Joe seems tired-out enough, Roode goes for the Payoff, but Joe blocks it with stiff knees. Roode runs out him with a lariat, but Joe ducks it and catches him off the ropes with a snap scoop powerslam! He crawls over to tag in Styles, but Angle runs across the ring and knocks him off the apron! Angle turns back to Joe, but he eats a German suplex! Roode approaches Joe and tries to Irish whip him, but Joe holds his weight then pulls Roode into him and connects with an Exploder suplex! He crawls over and makes the hot tag! Styles comes in and cleans house with a series of leg lariats, then goes for the Styles Clash on Roode, but Roode rolls through and grabs a school boy with a handful of tights! ONE! TWO! THRE – Styles kicks out! Roode goes for the Payoff, but Styles collapses it with a small package! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roode kicks out! Roode kicks Styles in the gut and goes for a powerbomb, but Styles rolls through with a sunset flip! ONE! TWO! THRE – Roode kicks out! He runs at Styles for a lariat, but Styles ducks it and hits the Pele! ONE! TWO! THRE – Angle breaks it up! Joe gets in the ring, kills Angle with a lariat! Roode spins Joe around and smacks him across the face, so Joe retaliates with vicious chops! He picks Roode up in the electric chair position as Styles runs out to the apron! DOOMSDAY SPRINGBOARD ELBOW SMASH~! ONE! TWO! THRE – NO! ANGLE BREAKS IT UP! Joe tackles Angle out of the ring and the two brawl around the outside! Styles turns back to Roode, who rolls him and grabs the ropes for leverage! ONE! TWO! THRE – The ref sees Roode grabbing the ropes and stops his count! Roode argues with the ref, and then turns right around into a Brainbuster! Styles goes up top! SPIRAL TAP! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Winners via pinfall: Samoa Joe/AJ Styles (23:40)

Styles climbs up onto the turnbuckle to celebrate, and motions for the title towards Christian. The World champion stands up from the table and holds his title into the air and just shakes his head. Again, the lights turn off, and when they come back on, Sting is in the rafters! He motions for the title belt, as all four contenders and Christian look up in awe.

Xplosion Results (9/12)
Jihad over Shark Boy/Chad Collyer
Scott Lost over BG James
ODB over Daffney
Shane Sewell over Amazing Red
Doug Williams over Mephisto