Best parts of this show for me were Kendrick, Wolfe/Pope and Sean Waltman. Waltman did extremely well in that match, even if he was the "odd one out" stylewise. Still shows he has it, and I look forward to seeing more from him.
I do feel that Red/Kendrick were restricted with what they were doing, whether that was one of those first meeting jitter things or whatever, I don't know. Red did a horrible job selling the leg though.
Morley vs Daniels was actually alright. I wasn't surprised with how Morley looked and went about his business, and was fairly sure that he would win. Obviously got into Batista's roid cabinet though. Some of his matches in Japan were alright too apparently, so I need to watch a couple of them. Ending was lol with the botch.
Skipped through ODB/Tara. Had no interest in that whatsoever. ODB is one of the worst women's wrestlers who is designed to be a wrestler ever (if that made sense).
BlueMex vs British Invasion was very ordinary, but hardly surprising. They were never going to work well together imo.
Pope and Wolfe was the match of the night. The two work very well together, and are easily the two best things currently going with TNA. I'm shocked that creative managed to get two gimmicks so RIGHT and SPOT ON. Both are played well to perfection.
Beer Money vs Nash/Waltman. I really liked this match. Nash really pulls above his weight sometimes as a 50 year old, and obviously tries his best. Waltman really made this match though, along with Beer Money. He was really good I thought. I hope to see him and Nash tag more often. Ending was a horrible let down after a good match though.
Abyss vs Anderson was dreadful. Terrible, awkward, boring match. Anderson working on one arm, then randomly the other, then swapping between both was just Blue. Horrible match, Abyss has become really piss poor in the last couple of years, probably through weight loss. Ending was horrible, Kennedy looked like he wanted to fondle his dick for a bit.
Kurt vs AJ. I hope this is the last match. because how much more can you do with this? Nice mat stuff to being with, before we moved onto the higher impact stuff. Angle doing the Styles Clash and AJ doing the Angle Slam was good. Ending was good for what they were trying to achieve, but from an overall aspect, where does this leave Tomko? They built up a mystery heel attacker, and suddenly he's heel as well? What the fuck?
Overall, I thought this show was good, but let down by a couple of poor matches (Kennedy/Abyss, tag title match.) Nice start though with this new "era".