TNA Genesis Fallout

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Angle and Aj was good until flair started to shout for Aj. I think the match could have been better if flair didn't come down so early.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
TNA did well last night. They rid themselves of that awful ring (sorry, but it's only beneficial to luchas and midgets and just makes TNA look bush league), almost all the right people went over, and one of their surprises had themselves a nice little match. But most importantly, they gave a direction to their champ and gave him the best possible mouth piece that can actually give him some legitimacy. Oh yeah, and Pope is still friggin awesome.

My complaints are minor. 1. Kennedy sucks in the ring. His promo sucked. I know people are excited about him, but he was presented in the exact same way the E presented him, just with a changed name. How can people be so excited and pumped for TNA and bash the E when they're getting the exact same thing the E was giving them? It's hardcore hypocrisy methinks. And TNA can't be compared to Vince taking WCW discards because he gave him entirely different directions than WCW did. I don't get it.

And my other complaint, besides TNA trying to weeze off of Morley's and Anderson's WWE gimmicks, is that Daniels should have lost by count out or some other way besides cleanly. Other than that the show was more good than bad. 3 out of 5.


Sep 5, 2008
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Jacksonville Florida
This was one of the first TNA ppv's I ordered and it was worth the money I guess. I had higher expectations going into the PPV and maybe that was due to the Jan 4th shows expectations being met and exceeded. Either way, I liked the PPV overall, the flow was there, and the lead in to the main event was done in good standard.

I think they have a lot more to do, but so far, the brand is started to take a redirect in the right direction. It is only a matter of time before things catch on, feuds become more established, and the final product gives way to the results that most are wanting to see...a consistent 2.0-2.5 or better.

The old Vince Sr.'s WWWF started out the same way as with the WCW in it's early beginnings back in 85 (WCW) and the late 70's and early 80's with the WWWF which then became the WWF/E's success and the Monday Night War.

If TNA takes the same approach and as Bishoff said in another article, learn from the failures of WCW to take TNA to higher levels, then yeah, TNA will reach those levels and exceed them as well. In this case, they can learn from the past and at the same time repeat it, but with a much better ending and because of it.


His promo sucked.

Sadly, it was probably the most over thing the entire night really. Crowd was one of the most awful crowds ever in the impact zone. And if they are all bitter b/c of the ring change, then god, they can fuck off. They need to move out of there asap anyways.


Bear in mind hogan and Vince have only been there for 2 weeks so lets give them time to settle in. Come the summer time then we can judge the product.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
I did not see the PPV live (why would I order a TNA PPV right, lol)


After watching the Monday show and then this past weeks Impact and reading the events that occurred last night at Genesis I have to say - I like the direction TNA is headed in, BMI winning over The Gang is big, AJ turning heel is BIG, especially with Flair by his side to mentor him. I saw impact this past week and saw AJ talking to Bischoff and was like "this dude has NO mic skills whatsoever" and TNA fixes that by putting Flair with him, Kudos to TNA.

And btw - HOGAN brought me over to TNA. Just thought I'd mention that seeing as how I was a MAJOR TNA HAAAAAAAAAAAAATER.

Bye bye now.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
He did beat Desmond Wolf so they are 1 for 1. I don't view one PPV loss as a complete killing of his push tbh.


I haven't seen the show yet so I can't comment on much. As far as the Dinero/AJ things goes, although I'd love to see it happen with the AJ heel turn thing I think this Kurt/AJ thing as just begun.
I'm sure they're going to wait to see how the crowd responds to Anderson a bit more before they decide whether to make him full blown face or heel. I think a feud between him and AJ would work great right now. Hell, they mention WWE so much Anderson could even bring up how he almost ended Ric's career once.


May 22, 2007
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Havent seen the ppv yet, but I damn sure will after reading this!
Flair and Aj sounds great, hope the nature boy should be able to help Aj in the areas he is lacking and actually make some good promos.


Feb 7, 2007
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I love that Ric Flair is heel. When Flair was Triple H's manager in 2003 it was hilarious listening to Flair during the match. Flair yelling out "You stupid son of a bitch!" and etc. while taking his jacket off and than eventually getting knocked out is so funny.

I do not believe Kurt Angle will face Aj Styles next month because they already said if Angle loses he will not face Aj. So I see Aj going up against someone like Sting. While Kurt Angle goes against Ric Flair, but I don't think anyone wants to see Flair wrestle anymore.

Another way they can turn it is at Against All Odds they have a six man tag team type match. Kurt Angle & Sting & Dinero vs Aj Styles & Ric Flair & Mr. Anderson

Genesis as a whole however wasn't as good as I thought it be. I thought I'd see Jeff Jarrett and Hulk Hogan would get into a fight. I thought Jeff Hardy would at least make an apperance. Angle and Styles was terrific as well as Dinero and Wolf.

I believe now that Bishoff and Hogan have more time to build up a PPV Against All Odds will be a much better PPV.

Great One

Watching now. Still torn about the scrapping of 6-sides, but lol at the Hogan promo, that was pretty pro. Regardless of which, they need more room around the ring itself.

Can't believe Daniels is still playing full-blown heel, he was mega over and it's clear no one there likes Morley (there was even "Morley Sucks" chants), since Daniels epitomized TNA and is a prime example of a guy that denotes wrestling. He was right all along about AJ (which could be his fuel for changing his character back slowly) and it's time to bring the badass Fallen Angel character back, seriously, much needed and would play out perfectly.

Man, Pope and Wolfe are so epic. You got two of the greatest original and unique characters in the business here. This is really what TNA is about, this is the Austin/Rock of the TNA and who they should build their business around and on. These two rape plain and simple.

Unsure about the AJ thing too, I mean he was JUST attacked by a big heel and had that whole storyline and now he turns face? Dunno. On the other hand, I can't pass down another heel Flair manager deal. I agree with the guy who said HHH/Flair was epic simply to see Flair's crazy ass antics to keep the title on HHH at all costs. I'd love to see something similar here and it would really solidfy AJ, like it did HHH, as THE top guy.

Piece of shit forum crashes and shuts down every 5-10 minutes.


He did beat Desmond Wolf so they are 1 for 1. I don't view one PPV loss as a complete killing of his push tbh.

I completely agree that his push is still intact. As a matter of fact, his push is being done very masterfully so that he's slowly being built up instead of just being thrown to the top and being portrayed as yet another ex-WWE guy who immediately gets a big push. My point was that, if he were to now be named number one contender, it would give the impression that I just stated. I'd actually like to see him lose this feud to Wolfe, so that Wolfe remains a title contender, but then enters a feud with somebody like Rhino or Homicide, with Burke coming out on top.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
As long as AJ doesn't become a pussy again and brings out the crown, his heel turn should be alright. With Flair by his side, things should be good.

Sean Morely is boring, plain and simple. His act is boring. The fans don't want him. If they insist on having him and Daniels feud, Daniels may as well be the face cause Morely sure as hell ain't connecting with the fans. AND Morely pinning Daniels clean was rediculous.