
Yeah, I just don't see it being at TLC though. It'll most likely be to Orton who if either of the two would put anyone over @ Mania, it would be Orton.
Cena? Of course not. Cena/Undertaker this year, without question... unless they somehow pull Rock out of their ass... which isn't going to happen.
LMFAO @ MIZMASTA.... Carlito and Masters... did you think before you typed that one?
I can't believe I'm about to spend $40 on a WWE PPV.
I haven't watched WWE since they had the F!
straight_edge76 said:we hall get together, eat pizza, watch wrestling and all that shit being that we all are in college and work don't get to hang out all the time.
^^^^For me, I was largely interested in Orton/Kofi (A fresh oponent for Orton AND no title involved.... OMG!!!!) and they've balls-ed that up...
I'm struggling to give a shit about Cena V Seamus to be honest.... What a shitty build up... Can't we just see Seamus at get a win or 2 over half decent mid-carders(*) - He'd be infinitely more credible. (*Not like the jobs would kill them). Maybe if it was a standard rules match, i'd be a bit more interested but I really can't stand the idea of a tables match for THEE title. I truly cannot see this match topping the card. Prediction: Cena busts Seamus through a table whilst the ref is down... "Cena wuz robbed" and subsequently we get a new champ... FOR A MONTH anyway!
ECW & Tag matches should be cool tho'.