
I can see the difference, I was hoping for WWE to give him some sort of good run with the belt
Maybe they will....
...because the days that Brock was champ were good and while I don't think Sheamus could be as good he could still be something similar imo. He'll never be like Brock though, sadly.
Nah, you didn't get my point at all did you?
Besides, Brock's first title run was SSlam to SSeries and consisted of one succesful fued (Taker) before losing the belt to Big Show @ Survivor Series (Screwed by Heyman).
It's entirely plausible that Seamus will hold the title until end of Feb 2010.
Noumenon said:And @ Qwake... why would you want ANOTHER Lesnar? Let Sheamus do his own thing. Comparing him to Lesnar is only going to leave you disappointed. He's not Brock Lesnar so I wouldn't use him as a blue print for what Sheamus does. I'm sure Sheamus is more than capable of going down his own path.
To be fair, he was refering to the extent of the push rather than using Brock's career as a blueprint for Sheamus.
It's also fair to say that Brock's push defined what an uber-push is all about and serves as a useful point of reference. (Even Taker waited a full year to face Hogan and that was an era where they'd happily job green mosters like Zues to da Hulkster).
So, I subjected myself to the show last night (have't seen the DX match yet but...)....
Worst PPV I can recall for a damn long time!!!
*Shitty finnish after shitty finnish.
*Blue comentary thanks to them having to sell some rediculous gimmicks (e.g. "Batista & Undertaker have been in HIAC, EC's, but a chairs match is the most dangerous of all" - WDF!?!?!?!)
Only things of positive note:
*Drew's finisher is bad-ass.
*A few sick bumps in the ECW ladder match.
*Refreshed my appreciation of Orton.
Oh, and are the E' effectively saying McCool is right and that Mickie IS fat? If not, then why make her wrestle in jeans and boots and cover up 'the flesh' as opposed to the usual ring gear... If it's just tweak of her look, fair enough, but fucking terrible timing.