This forum is fucking insane.

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
To Clash-Once again another prodigy of the incorrect assumption that the internet doesn't matter and you can do whatever you want to whoever you want without repurcussions, yay! Promoting cyber bullying = lonely nerdy dipshit in real life. Welcome!

To C4-I already went off on This Guy for this situation, and I didn't know all the facts surrounding his banning. Hopefully you will read the already prevalent thread next time, learn from my mistakes, and not show us that the forum has TWO jackasses running around post-MS era. (citing me as one of them)

To anyone baggging C4- I'm with the opinion of Beer. This was obviously just an honest mistake of a thread due to lack of sufficient research. Which will happen when the thread of origin is filled with 25 pages of spam. It was easier for C4 to learn this way and get a few flames out of it than having to siphon through 25 pages of Stinger gifs. Although I do encourage you all to bask in its glory.

To everyone else- Fuck you very much. :)

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

C4 bashing is sooooooooooooo 2008

2010 is another story :shifty:


Jack Thwagger tellth you to thut the thuck up, terroritht~!

Thtupid C4

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Thats how Stinger does, and how America does it, and it has worked pretty well so far

The Clash

Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
To Clash-Once again another prodigy of the incorrect assumption that the internet doesn't matter and you can do whatever you want to whoever you want without repurcussions, yay! Promoting cyber bullying = lonely nerdy dipshit in real life. Welcome!

lol, cyber bullying. *rolls eyes*
If you want to knowwhat cyber bullying is, go to the forum I was previously at and take a look at a fat douche called "Suntan Superman".

I'd prefer to change your assumption of cyber bullying to "banter" thank you very much.

Evil Austin

I don't think he will return either but it is a bit strange that his things are still available in the site like you can still pm him or add rep to him whereas anyone else in the banned user group you can't.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
CFag said:
You're probably one of the few guys who can persuade Mark or Mike to reverse everything and have him back as a regular member.
I know and guess what, we're always talking, even with Monk, so again, don't talk before you know.

CFag said:
What's fucking wrong with everyone here is that they think we're all asskissers and dickriders when that's obviously not the case, I don't know why it seems that way.
Hmmmm, let's see. You made a post blindly praising Monk and stating that he should be unbanned without knowing ANYTHING about the situation at all. That is why it seems like you are a dick rider.

Cfag said:
It's hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen so stop blaming others for shit and please stop jumping to conclusions.
Lol, you're telling me this? Ever heard of a mirror?

CFag said:
So for the rest of my time on the forums, I should just stay quiet.

say nothing and post... post and fucking post.

And If I ever speak something then I get negative repped and am told to shut the fuck up.

Enough of this bullshit, I'm not listening to anyone now
Yeah that's pretty much the jist of it. Nothing good ever comes from you anyways. Oh and since you're not listening to anyone anymore, DON'T advertise another wrestling forum.

CFag said:
I'm always told to shut the fuck up.
And you always post some dumb ass shit, so now you know why you're always told to shut the fuck up.


To anyone baggging C4- I'm with the opinion of Beer. This was obviously just an honest mistake of a thread due to lack of sufficient research. Which will happen when the thread of origin is filled with 25 pages of spam. It was easier for C4 to learn this way and get a few flames out of it than having to siphon through 25 pages of Stinger gifs. Although I do encourage you all to bask in its glory.

Both of you (you and C4) decided to jump to conclusions and talk shit towards TG and Chuck when you had no clue what was really going on. You made assumptions and pointed fingers.

I am really hoping you aren't this stupid in real life where you go pointing fingers before knowing what is going on.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
My rant was more directed at the fact that TG claimed that I was hated by members and people would be glad to see my gone, when I haven't seen ANYONE pointing that kind of feelings towards me up until that point. So the post is more along the lines of if someone thinks I should leave, take it up with me and not snickering behind my back with the admins and having TG speak for them.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
jesus'd him and banned him...
all this just cuz he made me mod of The Deadzone(aka Flamechamber)...


anyways; to be honest...

this absolutely sucks ass....

first mike chaos, then rell, then matthardyv1, then jasmine, then randall, then mr.mat & that kirsty chick, then rell again, then lennie, then rell for a third time, and now monkeystyle is gone...

that sucks....all my forum friends leavin and gone....

now all I'm left with is that biased purple pussy and tha' paramo' queerz....and australians!(yuck!)

This Guy

Plus I never said that there were wrong decisions made.

Having monkeystyle removed from the staff was the right decision but having him banned wasn't the right choice imo.

I understand its your opinion that he shouldn't be banned, but as has been explained many times already, the ban was as a result of his actions after the de-admining. And since none of us have revealed the contents of what was all said and done in full details I think its funny that you still believe that it wasn't right. I guess the rules should only apply to people we don't like...or maybe we should have to take a vote of all the members before we ban someone is that it? I think its funny that the staff has been accused of double standards (with no proof of such) in the past and yet you as well as quite a few others on the forum basically now are continually asking/demanding the ban be lifted which basically would be a double standard.

Rofl, this shits so boring.

No kidding even I'm getting tired of it.