This forum is fucking insane.

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
so basically...there's no interesting staff members anymore?


shit....well rell made a cameo in this thread.....kinda cool I guess...

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Me too, now we'll never get to play Street Fighter IV together :sad: he's never on MSN either.


I hope you bastards are happy


Crazy Middle Easterns and their demands

Last time Middle Easterners demanded something and didn't get it, this happened....

9-112.jpg we might wanna give C4 what he wants >_>


My rant was more directed at the fact that TG claimed that I was hated by members and people would be glad to see my gone, when I haven't seen ANYONE pointing that kind of feelings towards me up until that point. So the post is more along the lines of if someone thinks I should leave, take it up with me and not snickering behind my back with the admins and having TG speak for them.

Actually, I wont mention any names, but there are a few people here who do hate you and wouldn't care if you left.

I don't see why they should "take it up with you". This is an internet forum. I know a lot of people would love it if I never logged on again but I don't care because it's the internet and if they get that butthurt that they want someone to leave a forum, they have no life.



Somewhere in old posts. I'd have to find it again and I don't want to sit here looking for them but if I ever have time, I will, and then laugh.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

so basically...there's no interesting staff members anymore?


shit....well rell made a cameo in this thread.....kinda cool I guess...

Soulpower and Xtremebadass

But Xtremebadass should communicate with us more. He's like a silent ninja


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
So all the banned members should be unbanned so they can come back and ruin the forum?


You would be so very disappointed if I was actually gone.

He is pretty much what you described in your post that I called ironic.


All that and more baby!

As for the whole 'ZOMG ITZ A TRICK!' shit, I really don't care. If it's a trick, then you guys are pretty damn clever.

Although it seemed very out of character for This Guy. Conspiracy~!

Well thank you. The idea's inception was mine, but TG and Chuck carried it. They played their roles perfectly. They deserve an award as a matter of fact.

so since you might be looking for a admin...

i could be the admin or a Australian of dipset status... :native:

Oh God, we have an Aussie mod. Isn't that our token?

Who cares?

Does it really affect your whole life that much that you have to have a little cry about it?

MS made me laugh at times, never had that much of a problem with him...But do I care he was deadmined? No. DO I care he was banned? NO

Well you should fucking care.
take a picture trick, i'm on a boat bitch :pimp:

She asked paper or plastic and I jizzed in my pants.

i miss monkeystyle : (

Me too.

Me too, now we'll never get to play Street Fighter IV together :sad: he's never on MSN either.


I hope you bastards are happy

Not as happy as they will be!