The Wednesday Night War

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2017
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Hello! and welcome to the Wednesday Night War! NXT vs AEW! now you might notice firstly that this thread is in both the NXT and AEW parts of the forums respectively, but not to worry! it is the same thread in both places! i wasnt sure which one it should be in, so i talked with @JacobFox and then @Solidus and the thread is basicly the same thing, but in both discussions!

So what exactly IS this thread going to be? well simply put, i will be recaping all of the latest rating and news in the battle between NXT and AEW over the course of this war! updateing this thread with backstage news and info regarding decisions both companys make, aswell as the ever important ratings for both shows each week! Id like to think im a kind of news reporter on the front lines giving you all the news from the battlefield!

I will be keeping this thread updated regulerly so be sure to check often, with this war underway its gonna get super interesting and all sorts of stuff will happen! Every thursday once i get the news i will update the thread with the latest Rateings for NXT and AEW respectivly, aswell as give some insight in the demographic of the viewers aswell as any other juicy details! i will also give updates as to the average ratings both shows get when it comes to YOUR votes in the rate threads! oh yeah, like it said, its gonna get good!

As i said, i will update this thread as news comes in, but if you want a specific day to check in, then check in every thursday for the ratings and latest news!

After a few days, this part of the thread will be put in a spoiler tag so you can get straight to the details below! but for now it will remain here so you all can read it, know what this thread will be and all that.

So with that said, its war time!


RATINGS - Scource: ShowbuzzDaily

Week 14!
NXT 548 Thousand Viewers!
AEW 967 Thousand Viewers!


Hey guys! So i have to go to the store before i can do the demos, but its gonna be a bit different this time, the only demo we have is the 18 to 49, NXT was not in the top 50 shows on Wednesday, it was number 66, so the only demo it shows is the 18 to 49, so while AEWs full demos will be shown im afraid we or atleast i dont know the demos for NXT besides one in particuler!

Either way when i get back and cook dinner, i will add the demos and add in a special 2019 wrap up for both shows overal general viewership...AND add in the all inportant WWE Forums Ratings that ive yet to add! see yall soon!

Week 13!
NXT 831 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating Coming Soon)
Well for the christmas day episode of NXT the show actually did fairly well, the show maintained the normal amount of viewers it gets every week, and despite AEW not having a episode of Dynamite NXTs number didnt really go up that much, perhaps indicateing that the viewership for both shows is seperate, people who watch AEW dont watch NXT and those who watch NXT likely dont watch AEW.

And ofcourse it is time for the demos, majority of the demos actually dropped, 18 to 49 males and females dropped, 25 to 54 dropped aswell, and 12 to 34 males and females stayed the same from last week. interesting the biggest icnrease was the 50+ demo, which ofcourse WWEs core audience, the fact 25 to 54 is so low, yet 50+ is so high, indicates majority of their audience is over the age of 54.

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.16 (-6)--- Females 0.11 (0) --- Everyone 0.24 (-4) - Everyone 0.42 (+6)
Males 0.28 (-3)------- Males 0.19 (0)

What are your thoughts on NXTs core audience being over the ga eof 50? as always leave your thoughts below! and yes i know, the WWE forums rating will be in before next week! now then, share your thoughts and have a great day!

Week 12!
NXT 795 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating Coming Soon)
AEW 683 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating Coming Soon)
Well after the tie that was last weeks episodes of NXT and AEW, NXT has taken the lead once again, NXTs lead against AEW this week is not as much as previous weeks but still note worthy. While NXt was not effected at all by the big impeachment event that happened yesterday, the coverage of the event did take a large portion of younger viewers, AEWs core audience, but it did take some away from NXT aswell i the older demos, but in the end NXT has had a first tonight, not only defeated AEW in the overal rating, but in the demos aswell as you will see below.

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.16 (0)----- Females 0.13 (+4) - Everyone 0.28 (-4) - Everyone 0.27 (-2)
Males 0.34 (-6)-------- Males 0.15 (-5)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.22 (+8)--- Females 0.11 (+3) Everyone 0.28 (+1) Everyone 0.36 (-2)
Males 0.31 (-3)-------- Males 0.19 (+2)

AEW and NXT Traded various victorys and ties all over the demos both tieing in 25 to 54, AEW winning females 12 to 34 but losing in males 12 to 34, NXT winning in Females 18 to 49 but losing in Males 18 to 49, its unclear just how much the impeachment effected the ratings, it was trending all over the internet and on CCNs coverage of the event majority was a younger audience, perhaps this combined with NXTs stacked card gave NXT the lead this week. Next week is when we will know for certain what the cause was, either way share your thoughts below and have a great day!

Week 11!
NXT 778 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating Coming Soon)
AEW 778 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating Coming Soon)
Well, for the first time we have ourselves a tie, AEW and NXT both had the same viewership, which si super interesting and it makes next weeks number super interesting, as the odds of both shows tieing two weeks in a row is unheard of, will AEW retake the lead? perhaps will NXT retake the lead? NXT has a stacked card next week so we will have to wait and see, but for now, we got the demos to look at!

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.16 (-6)--- Females 0.09 (-2) --- Everyone 0.32 (-3) - Everyone 0.29 (-2)
Males 0.40 (-1)------- Males 0.20 (-5)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.14 (-6)--- Females 0.08 (-4) -Everyone 0.27 (-5) -- Everyone 0.38 (0)
Males 0.34 (-4)------- Males 0.17 (-3)

As you can see simulerly to last week the demos are very close, AEW winning in all catagorys except people over 50, as always share your thoughts below! and i will see yall next week!

Week 10!
NXT 845 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forum Rating Coming Soon!)
AEW 851 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forum Rating Coming Soon!)
Well as i stated for the previous weeks ratings, one of the theorys was that NXt got a PPV bump from Survivor Series and War Games, both for the Go Home shows and the aftermatch show, and the ratings would seem to suggest that theory, as AEW has taken the lead once again from NXT. AEWs viewers increased by 28.3% while NXTs viewers increased by 4.3%. Both shows were within just 0.7% of eachother, a difference of just 6,000 viewers. And as you can imagine, the demos reflect a very simuler story, so lets take a look.

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.22 (+3)--- Females 0.11 (+1) -Everyone 0.35 (+7)- Everyone 0.31 (+6)
Males 0.41 (+8)------- Males 0.25 (+8)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.21 (+4)--- Females 0.12 (+5) -Everyone 0.32 (+5) Everyone 0.38 (-2)
Males 0.36 (+5)------- Males 0.20 (+5)

As you can see it was very close this week, interestingly alot of these for NXT went back to what they were just two weeks ago, last week minus 5 this week plus 5, the over 50+ demo actuallyd ropped for the first time in a few weeks, some interesting numbers but what are your thoughts? shar eyour thoughts as always and i will see you next thursday!

Week 9!
NXT 810 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating NO VOTES)
AEW 663 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
Its week 9 of the Wednesday Night War, and coming off of Survivor Series and War Games NXT has won for the second week in a row, howevere there are two key things to note, firstly this was the post Survivor Series and War Games edition of NXT, so yes people will want to see the aftermatch of those two shows, so NXT wining again may be a given depending on ones perspective, next week as you might imagien is key, seeing where things go from here as we head into december. Right now this week both shows had a decrease in viewers, though AEWs was a much bigger drop. AEW dropped by 25.7% while NXT only dropped 11.5%, and despite AEW taking the loss in the overal rating, they did once again stay in the lead, in the all important demos, lets go ahead and take a closer look.

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.19 (-7)--- Females 0.10 (-5) ----Everyone 0.28 (-14) Everyone 0.25 (-4)
Males 0.33 (-19)----- Males 0.17 (-10)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.17 (-5)---- Females 0.07 (-5) - Everyone 0.27 (-8) - Everyone 0.40 (0)
Males 0.31 (-8)-------- Males 0.15 (-5)

The story interestingly enough remains the same, AEW wins in all demos except 50+, they barely beat NXT in the 25 to 54 range, it will be very interesting to see where we land in january, which is where things are expected to level out for awhile, and things will stay steadily around a certain amount, averages will form, and we will see where it goes from there.

Week 8!
NXT 916 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
AEW 893 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 9/10)
Well with Survivor Series this weekend Triple H announced on Raw that its a open invitation for any Raw or Smackdown superstars to come on over to NXT, so WWE brought in the big guns this week and it has paid off for them, NXT for the first time in 8 weeks has passed AEW in viewers, but ofcourse one has to wonder if this is just due to the Survivor Series angle going on, next weeks number is gonna be very important, and the week after that, as we will find out if this was just due to Survivor Series, or if NXT has truely taken the lead. Now lets dive into the details.

NXT with a big 22% increase in viewers compared to last week AEW with a 6% decrease in viewers, the two shows within 2.5% distance from eachother, around 23 thousand viewers apart. But now let us look at the all important demos!

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ---------------- 50+
Females 0.26 (-5)--- Females 0.15 (-6) ----Everyone 0.42 (-3) -Everyone 0.29 (0)
Males 0.52 (-3)------- Males 0.27 (-9)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ---------------- 50+
Females 0.22 (+4)--- Females 0.12 (+2) Everyone 0.35 (+6)- Everyone 0.40 (+5)
Males 0.39 (+7)------- Males 0.20 (+3)

Whats so interesting is that while yes AEW did lose in the overal rating, they did win in the demos, infact AEW Dynamite was the number 8 show in the demos, while NXT was the number 14, a fair bit behind.

No doubt survivor series had a big impact, Raw and Smackdown talent coming to NXT braught the rating up enough to beat AEW this week, but what happens after survivor series? does WWE make Rawand Smackdown superstar invasions the norm? or does everything go back to normal and AEW beats NXT again? or is this what NXT needed to get ahead and stay ahead even if things go back to normal? these are questions we will have to wait to get the answers to, in the mean time share your thoughts below!

Week 7!
NXT 750 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating NO VOTES)
AEW 957 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
Its a big week for AEW as they pull away from NXT, last week they were just 1.1% distance from eachother, now that has increased by 24% difference in viewers. AEWs viewers increased by a solid 16% though NXTs viewers decreased by 7%

Here is the demos for AEW

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ----------------- 25 to 54 ---------------- 50+
Females 0.31 (+8)--- Females 0.21 (+10) Everyone 0.45 (+7) Everyone 0.29 (+1)
Males 0.55 (+9)------- Males 0.36 (+9)

And below is the demos for NXT

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ---------------- 50+
Females 0.18 (-3)---- Females 0.10 (-3) - Everyone 0.29 (-5)- Everyone 0.35 (+1)
Males 0.32 (-6)-------- Males 0.17 (+1)

As always leave your thoughts below! tell me what you think of the format and any suggestions you may have! and i'll see yall soon!

Week 6!
NXT 813 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
AEW 822 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 7/10)
Well, now we are at the stage where things will get interesting, with the world series over both shows had a big increase in viewers, the first increase in the 6 weeks since this war began, 8 weeks if you count the prologue when NXT first aired. NXT with a huge 40% increase in viewers from last week, a big time number for them no doubt, AEW had an increase aswell with a 8% increase. Putting the shows within just 9 thousand viewers apart, a 1.1% difference of viewership. Now then, lets get into the all important demos. Now since i didnt show the demos of last weeks, because last weeks rating didnt matter ll that much due to the world series, i will simply show the numbers for this weeks, you can look at the last few weeks numbers to see how they have changed,

So i think nows a good time for me to orginize the demos, to make it easier for you to see how its changed, here is how it works, i will list the age group above, then female then male numbers, beside both numbers will be a show of increase of decrease compared to last weeks numbers, the amount it went up or down by, rather then me rattle on about them, i will keep it nice and tighty for your reading pleasure, so lets begin. (QUick note the increase or decrease wont be involved this time, as once again, i didnt put the world series ones as that one didnt matter, it was gonna be bad anyway, so think of this like a tiny reset, you can see below to see how they have improved or not improved)

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ----------------- 50+
Females 0.23 ---------- Females 0.11 ------- Everyone 0.38 -------- Everyone 0.28
Males 0.46 -------------- Males 0.27

And now let us go over to the demos for NXT!

18 to 49 ------------------ 12 to 34 ---------------- 25 to 54 ---------------- 50+
Females 0.21 ---------- Females 0.13 ------- Everyone 0.34 ------- Everyone 0.34
Males 0.38 -------------- Males 0.16

Keep in mind the reason 25 to 54 and 50+ doesnt list specifics is it just lists people in that age group, no specific genders.

So as always share your thoughts and ALSO let me know what you think of the new formatting of the demos!

Week 5!
NXT 580 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 9/10)
AEW 759 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 7/10)
Now i know what you are thinking..this looks horrible for BOTH shows!...but truth is this is not a number to take seriously, why? lets dive in.

Both shows had major competition, like i said in my last post at the moment im writing this, The World Series was tonight, or last night rather when these shows where on air, and the world series drew in a gigantic 23.013 MILLION...yes..Million, bigger then any of the previous weeks, not to mention you had other huge shows liek the goldbergs with 4 million, Survivor with 6 million, chicago med and chicago fire with 7 million.

Also of note the world series scored super high in AEWs core demos, that ofcours ebeing the younger audience, they also got the older audience, taking NXTs main demo aswell, thus both shows suffered a huge blow, you can fidn the numbers below in a few moments, i wanna put this here now so it doesnt delete my progress again like last time lol

Week 4!
NXT 698 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
AEW 963 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating 8/10)
Ima be honest, im pretty frustraited right now, i did this already, switched tabs to figure otu the average rating from this very forum taking all your votes, and the tab i was on refreashed and i lost all progress, so instead of mention last weeks numbers, im just gonna keep it simple and tell you what they got and confirm if its better or worse then last weeks. Truth be told i dont even know if any of you even read this part, the details of the numbers, props to you if you do i do a good bit of work figuring the numbers out comparing and giving the details, so if you do read this, thanks. Now lets get on with this i guess.

So AEW decreased by 5% this week NXt decreased by 1%, its worth noting the world series was last night so, thats probably why they dropped in viewers a good bit.

So lets do it, AEW allmost increased in every catagory, we got females increaseing in the 18 to 49 demo with 0.28 (was 0.23) and males with 0.62 (was 0.65) females increased males decreased AEW got a nice increase in the all important 12 to 34 range as thats where life long fans are created, females 0.20 (was 0.13) males 0.43.(was 0.36) in the 25 to 54 range we got 0.46 which is lower then last weeks 0.50, and lastly in the 50+ we got 0.25. a decrease from last weeks 0.33, so AEW grew in the younger audience which is essiental, so even if they went below 1 million it was a success, as majority of the younger demos increased.

Now lets talk NXT, in the 18 to 49 range they got a simuler bump in the female audience just like AEW got, females 0.19 (was 0.14) males 0.23 (was 0.27). In the all important 12 to 34 range we got females 0.12 (was 0.08) males 0.11 (was 0.20) So a big drop in the males there. in the 25 to 54 we got 0.26 (was 0.24) and lastly in the 50+ 0.33 (was 0.35)

AEW did win but the world series undoubtably hurt both shows, as Dave Meltzer has said we will only really have a clear idea of the landscape within a few months, after everything has settled down. As always visit here every thursday for the ratings! Also i shown last weeks numbers anway lol.

Week 3!
NXT 712 Thousand Viewers (WWE Forums Rating - 7/10)
AEW 1.014 Million Viewers (WWE Forums Rating - 8/10)
For the third week in a row not only does AEW remain above 1 million, it defeats NXT in the ratings and has less of a drop aswell. NXT dropped by 9% while AEW dropped by 0.3% (thats judging by TNT numbers alone as TNT viewership was 1.018 last week and thus only dropped to 1.014 this week, so only a 0.3% decrease, if we include the full number however they dropped by 11% from 1.140 to 1.014)

For AEW the 18 - 49 demo did drop a little bit, the males going from 0.66 last week to 0.65 this week, and for females from 0.26 to 0.23. The12 to 34 range had another drop, going from 0.17 for females to 0.13 and last weeks 0.39 for males went to 0.36. in 25 to 54 they went from 0.52 to 0.50 and oerhaps the most surprising is in the 50+ range it actually increased from last weeks 0.30 to 0.33.

For NXT the 18 to 49 demo dropped, males went from 0.29 last week to 0.27 and from 0.16 for females to 0.14. in the 12 to 34 range females went from 0.11 to 0.08, males increased from 0.14 to 0.20. In the 25 to 54 range they went from 0.27 to 24. and lastly in the 50+ they went from 0.40 back down to 0.35, below prior weeks 0.36.

Week 2!
NXT - 790 Thousand Viewers - (WWE Forums Rating - 7/10)
AEW - 1.140 Million Viewers - (WWE Fourms Rating - 7/10)
(1.018 million from TNT + 122 Thousand from TruTV Simulcast)
It was not a good week for both NXT and AEW this week as both companies suffered a drop in viewership. AEW dropping by 19% and NXT dropping by 11%

For AEW males in the 18 - 49 range dropped alot from 0.92 last week to 0.66 this week and females dropping from 0.44 to 0.26. There was a drop in the 12 to 34 range aswell. 0.17 female and 0.39 for males this week, a drop from last weeks 0.30 for females and 0.64 for males. the lowest number from last week which was 50+ dropped from 0.34 to 0.30. They also went from 0.74 in the 25 to 54 adults range to 0.52

For NXT the numbers arent good either, in the 18 to 49 they went from 0.41 to 0.29 males, 0.23 to 0.16 for females. In the 12 to 34. they went from 0.21 to just 0.14. And from 0.17 to 0.11 for females. Adults in the 25 to 54 range they went from 0.36 to 0.27. lastly for 50+ they went from 0.36 to 0.40

Week 1!
NXT - 891 Thousand Viewers - (WWE Forums Rating - 8/10)
AEW - 1.409 Million Viewers - (WWE Forums Rating - 8/10)
Its the first official week of the war between AEW and NXT! and as you can see above, AEW won the first week! getting a huge 1.409 million viewers! NXT wasnt able to pass a million and only got 891 hundred thousand viewers!

AEWs main viewership comes from the male audience in a wide range, 0.92 being from males 18 to 49, (0.44 for females) and 0.64 in the 12 to 34 range, (0.30 for females) And for the older range only 0.34 for adults over the age of 50, noteably the lowest number, but a large 0.74 for adults in the age 25 to 54 range. A interesting range in the genders and ages.

NXTs viewership in the 18 to 49 range was 0.41 for males and 0.23 for females, for the mostly younger audience of 12 to 34 hoever it is the lowest, 0.17 for females and 0.21 for males, the highest numbers comes from oldest range, adults 25 to 54 with 0.36 and notably the 50+ adults was also 0.36.

PROLOGUE - Week 2 - NXT 1.006 Million (WWE Forums Rating - 8/10)
NXTs second week on USA isnt a good sign, going down 14% from 1.179 million to 1.006 million, the 18 to 49 dropped with only 0.23 female and 0.40 male, the older range with 50+ did go up a little bit with the 50+ going from 0.47 last week to 0.48 this week. for the 12 to 34 range the female audience tanked down from 0.20 to just 0.12. for males it went from 0.26 to 0.20. Making the viewership majority being older viewers in the late 30s and up.

PROLOGUE - Week 1 - NXT 1.179 Million (WWE Forums Rating - 7.75/10 (Calculated Average of Total Votes))
NXT has debuted with its first show on USA, the show got a total rating of 1.179 million, majority of its viewers are in the range of 18 to 49, more males then females, 0.56 (560,000 ish) were Males and 0.30 were Female, most notably another large portion of the viewership came from people over 50+ with 0.47. And notably only 0.20 for females and 0.26 for males in the 12 to 34 range, making easily majority of viewers in the older range.


Stay tuned!
Last edited:


Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2017
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Id like to think im a kind of news reporter on the front lines giving you all the news from the battlefield!

Like a certain former war correspondent in Yugoslavia, now voice of the WWE commentary team...


But seriously, this is a great idea for a new thread series. I want both companies to succeed. I don't know how a thread can appear and be updated in two parts of the forum, other than black magic. 2spoopy4me

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia

This is not a War...

The WWE have already won...

AEW is an alternative not true competition...

I will be watching AEW & NXT...

That is all.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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This is not going to end well...

white crow

The Serbian Butcher
Aug 11, 2019
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I just heard that David Benoit could be joining AEW soon


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Oct 13, 2017
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This is not a War...

The WWE have already won...

AEW is an alternative not true competition...

I will be watching AEW & NXT...

That is all.


Look, i agree with you, but i also dissagree, in a way.

Should it be a war? no, no it shouldnt, AEW is minding their own buisness doing their own thing, they are just a alternative, giving fans more options, and WWE shouldnt even care, but WWE doesnt want anyone even close to their territory or position of power, and so they have turned this into a war, even if that war is a bit one sided, AEW isnt focusing on what WWE is doing, just on what they are doing, while WWE is doing everything it can to slow down and if at all possible kill AEW.

Should it be a war? no, but has WWE turned it into one? yes, yes they did.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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As much as it looks that way, I can't believe that VKM was so content having NXT on the network for so long, knowing how strong his brand is and how he has the networks on a string, having the closest thing to appointment TV in 2019... I can't believe Vince didn't do this sooner, AEW or no.

Anyway, I want to get excited but lol