The Walking Dead Discussion Thread(spoilers)

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Senhor Perfect

Dec 5, 2012
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Bored again. The pace is just moving too damned slow for my tastes. Too each their own though.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #13 was alright, but a lil bit boring, though.

Daryl kind of bonding with Aaron, Carol scaring the crap out of that kid, Rick/Jessie stuff and Sasha going crazy were the most interesting parts of the episode.


Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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I was in between with this episode. It was slower and not as exciting / suspenseful, but at the same time I enjoy the character development and gradual buildup. Maybe that's the chick side of me coming out, but whatever. I do think the show needs slower-paced episodes like this between all the other crazy, exciting, suspenseful episodes to really make the show work as a whole. Seeing so many of the characters -- Rick, Carol, Sasha -- gradually seeming to get more and more crazy is interesting to watch. I do agree with Lockard about Sasha and the PTSD-like symptoms she seems to be having. Then you've got Carol putting on a facade to the Alexandria residents (yeah, her Alexandria wardrobes kill me) while going into extreme detail about what she would do to the kid if he tattled, with my vocal response to that being, "Yay cookies!" Then there's Rick, who just seems to be getting crazier and crazier.

Beyond the psychos in the group, there's the character development with some of the Alexandria residents, as well. We're starting to get to know them a little better, yet they're all still shady and untrustworthy. Aaron and Eric are interesting characters in their own rights, and it'll be interesting to see how Daryl progresses with those two while seeming to be slowly developing an arm's-distance camaraderie with them for now. (Yay motorcycle!)

Also -- a zombie with the letter "W" scratched in its forehead, ooooooohhhh. My least favorite part of the episode, honestly, was most likely the part with Buttons, because I have a vagina. That just made me sad and sort of bummed me out.

I've been wondering where the hell Gabriel has been these past two episodes, since we saw him enter the gates of Alexandria, but he's been oddly missing since then. Not sure what the point of that was, since it really perturbed me to have a character just completely missing for two episodes, but saw on the preview that he'll be back next week. So help me if they don't explain his peculiar absence...... (They won't.)

So yeah... while I can agree the episode was slower paced and maybe teetered on slightly boring, I wasn't bored at all and enjoyed the gradual buildup of character development and watching things slowly unfold. This episode actually had a lot going on, just not action-packed or fast-paced. More like the show stopped and took a deep breath.
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Also -- a zombie with the letter "W" scratched in its forehead, ooooooohhhh. My least favorite part of the episode, honestly, was most likely the part with Buttons, because I have a vagina. That just made me sad and sort of bummed me out.

I've been wondering where the hell Gabriel has been these past two episodes, since we saw him enter the gates of Alexandria, but he's been oddly missing since then. Not sure what the point of that was, since it really perturbed me to have a character just completely missing for two episodes, but saw on the preview that he'll be back next week. So help me if they don't explain his peculiar absence...... (They won't.)

LOL'd at the bolded part. Thank you for that. But yeah, I felt bad for the horse, too. I was sure Daryl was gonna catch him.

- Speaking of a zombie with the letter 'W' scratched in its forehead, while it could be a 'W', I think that was actually an 'M'. As in Morgan. He's likely to join the group soon.

- Dayumn, I knew someone's been missing the past two episodes, and it's Gabriel. Weird. But okay, interested in seeing what the hell he's been doing all this time.
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Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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LOL'd at the bolded part. Thank you for that. But yeah, I felt bad for the horse, too. I was sure Daryl was gonna catch him.

- Speaking of a zombie with the letter 'W' scratched in its forehead, while it could be a 'W', I think that was actually an 'M'. As in Morgan. He's likely to join the group soon.

- Dayumn, I knew someone's been missing the past two episodes, and it's Gabriel. Weird. But okay, interested in seeing what the hell he's been doing all this time.

You're welcome! :lol1: Glad you enjoyed that snippet! I know, right? I had every bit of confidence Daryl would catch him (after my initial reaction of, "Daryl, don't shoot the horse!!" :haha: ), but alas, the zombies got him first.

- I thought the same thing, and wondered if it was just me. Had a friend over at the time, and I mentioned to her wondering if it was actually an "M," for the same reason as you mentioned -- a tie-in or reference to Morgan. Curious to see how that does play out.

- See?! It won't surprise me at all if they just go, "Bam!" and have him suddenly be in the episode with no explanation whatsoever, but I'm hoping they'll actually explain it or do something to let us know what he's been doing and where he's been while everything else has been going on.
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Just Kevin

All I can be is just Me!
Jan 25, 2014
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North Carolina, United States
This episode pissed me off multiple times throughout.

From the coward leaving Noah to die and wanting to leave Glen behind.. to the coward almost letting that girl die while they were gathering construction materials.. to the coward Gabriel lying about the group.. to the coward doctor beating his wife and kid. I hope what remains of the group wipes out everyone and takes this place as their own. Felt like punching the TV a few times. That this episode invoked those types of feelings shows that it was really good.

RIP Noah


Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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I'll have to go back and re-watch the Talking Dead from last night, but as far as Walking Dead goes, I really enjoyed last night's episode.

For those who complained about being bored through last week's episode, hopefully this one provided more momentum and action that I am guessing they were looking for. As I said last week, to me it's more like a pause for the show to take a deep breath, then it exhales a storm as it did this week. I tend to look at those episodes last week as more of the "calm before the storm" type of episodes. This week we certainly saw the shit hit the proverbial fan.

It was interesting to have Gabriel back, even if he had limited screen time. So apparently he was given the job of pastor in Alexandria, which I figured as much, but it still seems odd to have him gone for two episodes with no mention of him whatsoever, and no snippets of his interview, then just show that he's the community's pastor. OK then. Anyway.... to me it's interesting to see the group basically taking over Alexandria already, without using force or anything else. Rick had mentioned if needed they would take over the community, and in a way that's what's happening anyway just through their smarts, experiences, personality, and knowing how to survive. The people of Alexandria all seem to still be in the mindset of "Gotta' save myself first." whereas the people in Rick's group know that the best way to survive is to keep as many safe and alive as possible, striving to help others since they know what it's like. Abraham's whole scene and situation at the construction site was wonderful, and that was one of the first glimpses into us getting pissed off with how selfish these people are and how they don't care at all when it comes to leaving people behind to suffer their fate. The guy admitting he was in the wrong and wanting Abraham to oversee the construction crew was pretty cool.

I'll stop rambling though.... Can't think of the dude's name, but the cowardly guy who went with Glen, Eugene, Tara, and Aiden really pissed me off. His stupidity was about to get all of them killed. I didn't care anything at all for Aiden but still hated to see him die. (Again, all because the other guy had to go and be stupid.) Hated about Tara being injured but absolutely loved seeing Eugene step up and was so proud of him throughout the rest of the episode. The whole thing with Noah.... don't really have to say anything about that, but yeah, I really really hated to see Noah gone so soon, and especially the way it happened, which further pissed me off with that dude.

Gabriel at the end just left me going, "Really?!?" So so much BS I could hardly stand it, not to mention how utterly hypocritical it was. One thing I liked though was how he mentioned Rick's crew puts themselves before others (or something to that effect), when it's really the exact opposite and the people of Alexandria are the ones putting themselves before others. Dickwad.

Carol not giving a shit about Sam or talking to him until she realized his dad is an abusive dickwagon irritated me, to be honest. It's like she didn't give a shit at all until that light bulb went off, then all of a sudden she got curious and wanted to talk. But, we all knew Jesse's husband sucked and needed to die when we first saw him, so whatever.

There's an overly-long diatribe from me this week.
In short:
- Good episode.
- Dude sucks.
- Cowardly assholes.
- Yay, Eugene.
- RIP Noah.
- Suck a dick, Gabriel.
- Fuck off, abusive husband/dad/person.
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #14 was so good. I enjoyed it and got pissed off at some parts at the same time.

RIP Noah.

Fuck Pete, I hope Rick kills him.

That guy who's some sort of an offical for construction that left Francine, Abraham and that other 'I'm going to take a dump' dude at the construction site to die is a coward, Nicholas is also a coward who deserves to die, as well as Gabriel.

Eugene was a hero.
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The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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I loved Noah's overly-violent death (and Aiden's, too) because it reminds people just how savage and violent of a fate you risk suffering when you venture out into the world with hordes of walkers roaming about. We're so used to seeing members of our core group suffer only one bite on the arm or the shoulder or something at worst (Dale, Andrea, Bob, Tyrese) and then killing themselves or having someone else kill them before they can turn into a walker themselves that we forget just how barbarous it is watching someone become overwhelmed and torn apart by an entire swarm of them.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #15 has left me wanting more. The episode just felt like it was a bit short, time flew by fast, which means it was really good. The season finale ought to be great.

- Nicholas lying his ass off while recounting the events of the latest supply run made me wanna punch him so bad. Such a coward.

- Walkers (discovered by Daryl and Aaron) with an M/W etched onto their foreheads keep appearing and the creepy thing is... The person, assuming it's Morgan, is not only butchering them, but eating them, too? So fucking creepy that I love it... The corpse of a woman tied to a tree was so sick.

- Sasha's character is a helluva lot more interesting now that she seems to be suffering from some form of PTSD. Shall be interesting to see how things will work out for her.

- There's definitely a spark between Carl and that gal.

- Dayumn, I was totally rooting "Kill him, Rick! Kill him!" when Rick and Pete were fighting each other. Fuck an abusive person! Michonne KO'd Rick while he was ranting about Deanna's leadership being weak, just like the residents of Alexandria? Interesting as hell... Looking forward to finding out if it was more of a "Oh, STFU already!" or was it "You're the one who needs to be gone, Rick".

Looking forward to the season finale and hopefully Morgan joins the show finally!
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Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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Wow..... Such an intense episode.

Abraham gets quote of the night tonight.
"Simply put, there is a vast ocean of shit that you people don't know shit about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit. And then some."

No, really. That's all I'm going to say about the episode. :haha:
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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The season finale was stellar, I really had a good time watching the episode.

- Wooo, Morgan kicked things off! So, he isn't the guy who's been marking all those walkers with 'W' onto their foreheads after all. I really enjoyed him beating up those two punks in a Bruce Lee fashion, though.
So, near the end of the episode, those two punks turned out to be the baddest sumbitches in town and plus, they've got pictures of the community b/c Aaron dropped the backpack. [HASHTAG]#TroubleTroubleTroubleForAlexandria[/HASHTAG]

- Quote of the year goes to... Abraham! "Simply put, there is a vast ocean of shit that you people don't know shit about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit... And then some."

- Eugene and Abraham making amends was nice.

- So, Glenn didn't wanna kill Nicholas after Nicholas shot him, and Sasha ended up not killing Gabriel... Ookay, they might be giving them a chance to man up in the future... Can't say I'd be bummed if Nicholas and Gabriel were gone from the show, to be honest.

- The way Rick killed that walker was sick... Loved it.

- The comradery of Aaron and Daryl is getting stronger by the day (or by the episode, for that matter). Morgan coming to their aid when they were trapped in that car was cool.

- The final segment was intense! Kinda bummed Reg was killed by Pete, but then... Deanna instructing Rick to execute Pete and him actually complying without any hesitation was siiiick. The fun didn't stop there, just as he killed Pete... Daryl, Aaron and Morgan arrive and... To be continued!

Looking forward to seeing more! Dammit, the new season shall be great! Cannot wait!


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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Here's the official poster for Season 6:

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The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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The trailer for Season 6 has been leaked (it was shown at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday):

Looks awesome!