"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Beer Money Army

I am only 10 shows away from hitting ROH 2008... (so this quiz list is basically about 2008 roh)

What are some of ROH 2008 events have your enjoyed and event's you haven't

who should i look for?

Biggest letdown?

Nigel top 3 2008 ROH c'ship defense's?

any new rookies that are showing signs of a future?

Does sweeney and Hero stay united thoughout the year???

Does BJ whitmer leave ROH in 2008 yet?

Worst ROH World championship Match i shouldn't i see?

I don't keep update to date with ROH as often as WWE/TNA, because i like to keep a lil bit surprised


Oh crap, for the Gibson question I meant "what would you think of a Gibson return to ROH from WWE" My bad and thanks for answering.

The Shua

Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto Area
Don't know if this has been asked.....but any related to Hanna? If so, I'd like an autograph.

P.S. 2 Seconds after I posted this, I turned on my tv to Family Channel and Hanna Montana just started. Awesome.


What are some of ROH 2008 events have your enjoyed and event's you haven't

Top shows I've seen

Supercard of Honor III
Death Before Dishonor 6
6th Anniversary show
Driven 2008
Northen Navigation
Vendetta II
Take no Prisoners
Dragon Gate Challenge
A New Level
Respect is Earned II

Shows that didnt live up to expectations

Transform (decent show, but probably on the bottom end of ROH shows)
Without Remorse (Awesome main event, but overall subpar ROH chi event)
Night of the Butcher II (again, subpar Chi. event)
Battle for Supremacy ( This show was pretty weak, Hero vs Strong was the highlight)
Double Feature ( some love this show, some hate it, i sold it. Lots of interesting matchups, it just didnt real like a regular ROH show. It felt like they were alll going through the motions.

who should i look for?

- Age of the Fall, they seem to be a focal point of ROH 2008
- Erick Stevens vs Strong fued. One of the best fueds in ROH/FIP history
- Steenerico emerging
- Rhett Titus
- Lots of great tag matches
- Special returns (MCMG, LAX, Joe, Storm, Lynn, Ibushi, Dragon Gate, some other big name japanese guys)

Biggest letdown?

Gabe being fired

Nigel top 3 2008 ROH c'ship defense's?

Tyler Black
El Generico (I'm probably biased)
Danielson (i cant narrow to 3)

any new rookies that are showing signs of a future?

I dont think he's consider a rookie, but Tyler Black has a good buzz. Rhett Titus is like there video wire guy, becaue they talk about him 50% of the time. With Pearce taking over as booker Kenny Omega/Kenny King seem to be getting a lot more exposure.

Does sweeney and Hero stay united thoughout the year???

The year isn't over yet.

Does BJ whitmer leave ROH in 2008 yet?

He's not around, supposedly left.

Worst ROH World championship Match i shouldn't i see?

NIGEL VS PEARCE, NIGEL VS PEARCE, battle for Supremecy. Well, its worth a watch, only becuase its ROH vs NWA championship. Pearce is on his A game. But it was more of wwe style match. I think Nigel has had a few lower card matches, but im talking main events.

Oh crap, for the Gibson question I meant "what would you think of a Gibson return to ROH from WWE" My bad and thanks for answering.

I doubt it. He didnt get canned did he?? Last i heard he's looked up to backstage, and was booking some of the last cruiserweight storylines. So in that respect, i would imagine the wwe would keep him, and they let him go, TNA would take a shot at him. So i wouldnt hold my breathe for a return of his to ROH.

How about that Colt Cabana guy though. The wwe has done nothing with him. That would be GREAT for ROH.

Don't know if this has been asked.....but any related to Hanna? If so, I'd like an autograph.

No, but at work they played a joke on me, when i came into work 2 hours late. They printed out a hanna montana alarm clock and stuck the picture on my computer. Those bastards. Pretty funny stuff.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
If there was one ROH star that would jump to the E and be successful, who would it be?

Your top 3 hip hop albums of the year.

What do you want for Christmas, NOT wrestling related?


If there was one ROH star that would jump to the E and be successful, who would it be?

Well, theres two or three main names that come to mind. I think Larry Sweeney would have the best career in the wwe, but the only problem he would be in a manager role. (maybe GM) He's been compared to the likes of bobby the brain heenan, and could be the greatest manager in wrestling history, when its all said and done.

I think Kevin Steen personalty and charisma fits best with the wwe. The problem is that i dont think the E would give him a fair enough chance (colt cabana)

So my pick would be Bryan Danielson. He doesn't have the charisma Steen has, but his workrate is incredible. He can cut promos, and can probably fill the void that Kurt Angle left, with the all american wrestler role. I'm not sure if i see him as WWE champ, but i could be a multi-time midcard champ.

Your top 3 hip hop albums of the year.


Kanye, Q-tip, T.I. Jeezy, Nappy Roots. (top 5, sorry) But thats probably in order.

What do you want for Christmas, NOT wrestling related?

Thats tough. Im kind of the type if i like something i just get it myself. I just got myself a Wii. So with presents its normally cheaper stuff. DVD's whatnot. Work clothes, Kitchen stuff. (im realizing im like a old man, it sucks)

Sooo, I guess Nintendo Wii gifts would be cool (games) Pistons tickets, Pool stick, Cologne,

(my wrestling life, actually very distant from my actual life)

Moonlight Drive

On the same subject, what has been your favourite and least/favourite appearance of a celebrty (excluding Pacman Jones >_>)?


Celebrity crossovers. Good or bad?

From Jay Leno to Dennis Rodman to K-Fed, are these good for the business, or terrible for the industry?

I think they are great. If they are worth the money they pay for them, is another story. Its all about getting new fans. These celebs do that. They create a instant buzz, and start getting the wwe's name out there more and more. The wwe stags lots of different stars, to appeal to a wider audience. Its a good marketing strategy. It can also help get the wrestlers over. As long as they follow these rules.

- don't wrestle full time
- dont win any Championships
- dont make a mockery of wrestling
- don't main event wrestlemania 11

On the same subject, what has been your favourite and least/favourite appearance of a celebrty (excluding Pacman Jones >_>)?

I really liked K fed, for some reason, but I'll go with Iron Mike Tyson around WM 14. That was huge back then. It gave the wwe a short term boost, and introduced non-wrestling fans to one stone cold steve austin.

Least favorite...hmmm Pete Rose maybe. Guys from jackass. For the most part i like any celeb.


New Member
Nov 30, 2008
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wat do u think of the master, jon cena!

i think he is good for the busines and he dose a lot for ppl.he is a hard worker and does wat he is supozed to do.wat do u think montana?

Moonlight Drive

Lol @ Sterl's idiocy

Do you think Austin wrestling at WM XXV is a possibility, or all internet bullshit?


wat do u think of the master, jon cena!

Master?!? First of all...dont ever be talking BS with Ster on this thread again. Consider this a warning. Next time, its suspensions and banning. (no ok's, no sorrys, just reasonable questions)

I think John Cena is pretty good. He was in the right place at the right time. He was at his best in 2004, before that watered down his gimmick and sent him to raw. I think he's a good figurehead for the wwe, and is a good worker.

Do you think Austin wrestling at WM XXV is a possibility, or all internet bullshit?

I think its possible. Im almost certain Austin will be a mania, doing what, who knows. I would expect something along the lines of Austin vs Orton. Not the main event, but a upper card match. I would love Cena vs Austin, but i don't think the wwe would book that.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Jericho in the 2nd Generation Stable... Good or bad?

It seems like Evolution right now, with Jericho as Flair/Trips, Orton as Trips, Cody as Orton and finally Manu as Batista. How could DiBiase fit into this? Will this last? Could we see Jericho written out of this, or anyone else?


Thoughts on what Valdimir Kozlov will do now?

Thoughts on Melina getting a Womens title push?

Thoughts on returning wrestlers automatically being pushed?

Thoughts on Mike Knox's future?

Thoughts on Goldust, is he World Heavyweight Championship material???