"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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How much does match commentary matter to you?

It actually matters a lot to me. I think it can really add to the match and the storylines. They add a lot to the storyline and characters and the vibe of the show. Personally i like the ROH commentators, as i think they are the best duo today. I think Jim Ross is the best, but the ROH commentators do a great job of explaining the storyline, and add to the match. I think you can tell they are really wrestling fans.

Jericho in the 2nd Generation Stable... Good or bad?

It seems like Evolution right now, with Jericho as Flair/Trips, Orton as Trips, Cody as Orton and finally Manu as Batista. How could DiBiase fit into this? Will this last? Could we see Jericho written out of this, or anyone else?

Im not big on it, but it will be interesting to see where this leads. It would be shocking if Dibiase goes face. Mostly because he was really making a buzz in the priceless tag team. A face turn could jolt his reaction.

But i think Jericho + Priceless won't go long term. I think we could see Orton lead priceless. But that makes the most sense to me. Keep Jericho seperate. I don't think anyone else should join, just keep Dibiase heel.

Thoughts on what Valdimir Kozlov will do now?

Do what i've said all along. Do a Umaga. Loss to HHH most likely a few times, drop down the card a bit and float around for a while. I wouldn't be surprised he if won the US belt in a few months.

Thoughts on Melina getting a Womens title push?

ehh, dont care. Shes kinda hot, although shes a better heel. Shes ok in the ring, but nothing special.

Thoughts on returning wrestlers automatically being pushed?

Im ok with it, assuming the wrestler has talent and potential. Someone like a Hacksaw shouldn't really be doing great things if he returns. Thats the how booking normally goes. The wrestling returning has a buzz around him, so the bookers see how far it goes.

Thoughts on Mike Knox's future?

Im sold on Mike Knox. I would assume keep doing whats he's doing. Then job out on a few matches then dissapear again. I don't see him winning any belts in teh near future.

Thoughts on Goldust, is he World Heavyweight Championship material???

noooo, Its ok for him to beat santino...but thats about it. He's more of a special character now, not a full time wrestler. So i see no point in pushing him.

Beer Money Army

does claudio english improves in proms in 2008 of roh???

who do you think has the most marketable physical look out all the roster in ROH?


does claudio english improves in proms in 2008 of roh???

Yes he does

Im just kidding, no he doesn't. Its slightly better i guess.

who do you think has the most marketable physical look out all the roster in ROH?

I think based only on looks, Roderick Strong has the right look. In fact its kinda odd for such a babyface or sorts, is such a tough wrestler. Someone like Nigel could be another option too.

Beer Money Army

roderick strong, he is one of guys i am enjoying in 2007 of ROH... But i think he lacks charmisa on the mic...(if he was 2-4 inches taller, i reckon wwe would have him by now)

how does he go in promo's of 2008?

does roderick strong and takeshi mroshisma have matches elsewhere(against each other) besides ROH?


another guy of 2007 i have enjoyed is Quackenbush, he is a modern era of Dean malenko in my books....

Is he still with ROH? If not when abouts did he leave?


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
i need three other ROH videos...i already am gettin best of Colt and RIng of Homicide two....i am gettin that buy 3 get 2 free so...help me out....

Moonlight Drive

Where do you think Ted DiBiase will slot in when he returns?

Manu, what is your opinion on him?



roderick strong, he is one of guys i am enjoying in 2007 of ROH... But i think he lacks charmisa on the mic...(if he was 2-4 inches taller, i reckon wwe would have him by now)

how does he go in promo's of 2008?

About the same. He gets a little more swag into late 07. His promos are certianly something he can improve, but he's got such a great in ring game, he can survive without the mic skills. I would have to agree with you too about him being taller. Although i heard he had a bad attitude back in tna. That could have something to do with it.

does roderick strong and takeshi mroshisma have matches elsewhere(against each other) besides ROH?

Im pretty sure they don't. I believe ROH is the spot Morishima wrestles other than Noah. And Roddy doesnt wrestler there, if so not much. They do lock up in mid 08 but in a Noah vs NRC match. ( which is pretty good)

another guy of 2007 i have enjoyed is Quackenbush, he is a modern era of Dean malenko in my books....

Is he still with ROH? If not when abouts did he leave?

Yeah, Quackenbush if kinda up there with Danielson as top guys in the indys right now. In fact Quack is one of the main reason Chikara has such a good buzz (he's part owner or something) . Quack was supposed to wrestle full time in 08 for ROH but got injuried. Since then he's been focusing on Chikara. So really it looks like he's only been used for a few special appearances. But you never know, he could pop up again.

i need three other ROH videos...i already am gettin best of Colt and RIng of Homicide two....i am gettin that buy 3 get 2 free so...help me out....

Good eye on the sale. THis actually makes me want to put another order in. (which i probably will) I would suggest holding off a bit on the best of colt cabana. I say that because you can get it for like 10$ most the time, if not cheaper. Its a good DVD, however its features the early colt cabana. He was more wrestling focused to start. He got better in 05-07, and the dvd has his matches from 03-04. But still worth getting. Its got some of his good times great memories shows too.

So with this sale, i'd suggest getting 2008 dvds because pretty much everything else goes on sale for 10$. SO i guess it depends what you have from this year. I'd say the top picks would be:

1) Glory By Honor 7
2) Death Before Dishonor 6
3) Supercard of Honor III
4) 6th anniversary show.
5) Driven 08

The Briscoes, AOTF or Steenrico...

Who's your own personal favourite? Based on work rate, popularity, overall presence?

I don't know to be honest. I really like all three of these teams. I probably like the character of AOTF the best. I like the Briscoes best in the ring, BUT overall with everything combined I'd probably say Steenerico. Kinda odd huh. But yeah.

Where do you think Ted DiBiase will slot in when he returns?

Im hoping he's goes back right where he was. Its too early for a face turn in my opinion. I think he would benefit best going back into the team with Rhodes. Have them hold the belts till mania or so. Whatever happened to Cryme Tyme. I'd probably re-vamp that feud and have Priceless go over CT at mania. (only to lose the belts at the next ppv)

Manu, what is your opinion on him?

They've used him wrong. I think they brought him up too early. I think they stuck him in the wrong role. He's pretty good in the ring, but other that than, he's just another samoan. In fact, his look his quite plain. He just seems lost out there to me. I think he's best on another show too. ECW or SD. Team with Umaga, or have him go undefeated on ECW or something.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
ok, so i was waitin for u to respond but i got antsy and got Good Time Great Memories..best of Colt Cabana..Fueling the Fire...Ring of Homicide..and Punk vs. Joe 2 Show

What are ur opinions on those

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Who has a better chance of success in ROH, Kenny Omega or Tyler Black?

Is there another long feud coming in ROH after Jacobs/Aries? Who do you think will be involved?


ok, so i was waitin for u to respond but i got antsy and got Good Time Great Memories..best of Colt Cabana..Fueling the Fire...Ring of Homicide..and Punk vs. Joe 2 Show

I understand. I really liked Good Times great memories, probably the best all around show of 2007. Some great promos on that show. Plus its the last TNA/ROH roster (Homicide, Daniels, Aries, MCMG) Fueling the fire is alright. Its good show entertainment wise, but from a wrestling standpoint, there better shows. The tag big tag matches are great though. Ring of homicide 2? This was gabes last ROH show i do believe. I know a lot of Chikara fans say this is a must buy. Looks pretty solid. I actually havent seen the show for Joe vs Punk II, but i think there is a so so matches, and a couple big ones. I think you'll enjoy Good Times Great Memories the most. Good picks.

Who has a better chance of success in ROH, Kenny Omega or Tyler Black?

Black is already a star. He's main evented the first 4 PPV's this year, and faced Samoa Joe on the 5th. The only thing left is the ROH belt for Mr. Black. I'd be very surprised if Omega shoots up the card that fast. I do think if Omega sticks around, eventually he'll be a top guy. Depends who leaves/returns to ROH in 2009 too. But i would consider these two guys, as kinda like the future of ROH. Even though their roster rotates pretty fast compared to WWE/TNA.

Is there another long feud coming in ROH after Jacobs/Aries? Who do you think will be involved?

I'll say Jacobs vs. Black. The Jacobs/Necro fued hasn't really done much. (Maybe because i havent seen much) But it didnt seem like went all the way with that. I think eventually they will have Black go face, thus creating another big fued.

Beer Money Army

what do you think of danielson vs takeshi from m.mayhem 2?

also have you seen 'Motor city madness 2007"? (if not, don't get the show.. It's pby one of roh lackluster shows for 2007)

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
We've seen Eric Young "screwed" out of two X-Division Title reigns in the past few weeks, and now we have a Tournament because Bashir attacked a ref. Is this the right thing to do? Is it hurting either Sewell, Young, Bashir or hell, even Cornette?


what do you think of danielson vs takeshi from m.mayhem 2?

I kinda thought the Danielson/Morishima trio was overrated. I guess a lot of fans dug the fact its two huge names in the wrestling world, but the matches itself weren't as great as they made them out to be. I thought it was a good match, but not really my type. I think the injury added a lot to the match too. In fact my favorite Danielson match was their 3rd matchup. I won't spoil anything, but it actually was my favorite, despite their match at MM2 get rave reviews.

also have you seen 'Motor city madness 2007"? (if not, don't get the show.. It's pby one of roh lackluster shows for 2007)

Not only did i buy the dvd, i was there front and center to watch this. I def. wouldn't say its a show thats worth buying. Definetly skippable, but at the same time it wasn't a bad show. For the most part quite entertaining. I loved Generico vs Marifuji. I thought that was probably the most underrated matches of 07. Then a lot of 3-3.5 star matches. I think Stevens and Morishima also was kinda underrated. Stevens was born that night so to speak. Just a lot solid stuff. Kinda surprised you picked this show out. I could probably name about 5 shows i think are worse than this. But yeah.

We've seen Eric Young "screwed" out of two X-Division Title reigns in the past few weeks, and now we have a Tournament because Bashir attacked a ref. Is this the right thing to do? Is it hurting either Sewell, Young, Bashir or hell, even Cornette?

I think its fine. It seems that they want to push young, but dont want to put the belt on him. I think Bashir still comes off as a good heel. I think young is no worse than to start, and now its a tournament. Who doens't like tournaments.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Is Suicide a good idea?

His debut was nothing short of awesome, even if the zip-line should never be brought since Owen. He even gave himself a moveset, and do you believe it's Kaz? (Hint: It is)