"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Whats your take on the NFL season of 2008? Whats your predictions for the Super Bowl? Mine are Patriots winning over the Cowboys... hbu?

Beer Money Army

i havent seen much/anything of Mike Quackenbush, but heard good things...

is there any good 2007/2008 matches he has?

cheers for the roster......I would like to get into the indy More, but funds/time always hard when you don't have the time...

Have you bought any wrestling dvd's in the last 2 Months?

I got NOC 2008, Sacarifice 2007/2008, No surrender 2007, Judgment day 2008,..

plus yesterday i just ordered

Honor Reclaims Boston- Braintree, MA 11/3/06 (DVD)
The Bitter End- Philadelphia, PA 11/4/06 (DVD)
Dethroned- Edison, NJ 11/25/06 (DVD)
The Chicago Spectacular Night 1- Chicago Ridge, IL 12/8/06 (DVD)
The Chicago Spectacular Night 2- Chicago Ridge, IL 12/9/06 (DVD)
Fifth Year Festival: NYC- New York, NY 2/16/07 (DVD)
Fifth Year Festival: Dayton- Dayton, OH 2/23/07 (DVD)
Fifth Year Festival: Chicago- Chicago, IL 2/24/07 (DVD)
Fifth Year Festival: Finale- Liverpool, UK 3/4/07 (DVD)
Fighting Spirit- Edison, NJ 4/14/07 (DVD)
The Battle Of St. Paul- St. Paul, MN 4/27/07 (DVD)
Respect Is Earned- New York, NY 5/12/07 (DVD)
Domination- Philadelphia, PA 6/9/07 (DVD)

(getting close to ROH 2008)

What is your Favourite WWE and TNA Match for 2008?

WWE - HBK vs Flair WM 24 (havent viewed GAB/Slam yet)
TNA - Angle Vs Cage Final resoultion 2008 (i havent viewed slammv/VR)

Which Wrestler on there TV Programs in the past month.. who has been the Most impressed????

(i'd Say Shelton Benjamin.. he hasn't had much PPV matches of 2008, But The Man has been having good Matches smackdown after smackdown.. For Instance passed 3 Weeks Hardy *** 1/2, Hardy ***, Finlay ***.. I hope his push continues because getting *** matches on free wrestling shows... is great)

but after i collect ROH... I wanna get into NOAH...(or atleast AJPW or NJPW)

do you Watch/follow Noah??? If so what are your thoughts on it???

what do you think of this Move?

[yt]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/THd0X5JSd4o&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/THd0X5JSd4o&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/yt]

it's just a elbow drop, but it's way better than the people's elbow....

Moonlight Drive

Who do you think is the most likely out of these guys to ever come back to WWE for a match (appearances don't count)

Stone Cold
The Rock
Braden Walker :shifty:

Who in RoH do you think would make it the biggest in WWE?

What do you think should be done to revitalise the X-Division of TNA?

Do you think the CW Division should be resurrected on ECW/SD?

What is your favourite weekly wrestling program as of right now?


Whats your take on the NFL season of 2008? Whats your predictions for the Super Bowl? Mine are Patriots winning over the Cowboys... hbu?

We don't watch or talk about Football in Detroit. But yeah, I think Patriots and Colts are favorites. I'm pretty casual about football though.

i havent seen much/anything of Mike Quackenbush, but heard good things...

is there any good 2007/2008 matches he has?

He's been injuried for a while, just coming back now. He's had a few good matches in ROH, shortly after FYF. I remember there was a good opener 6 man at good times great memories. He wrestled Danielson at Death before Dishonor. He mostly wrestles Chikara, he runs it too. The only really good match i've seen of him outside ROH was vs. Claudio, Hero, and Kings of wrestling.

Heres a pretty good highlight package for anyone who's never seen him


Have you bought any wrestling dvd's in the last 2 Months?

Nice pickups, are you catching up quickly. In the last 2 months i've got

-Tag Wars 08
- A new Level
-Return Engagement
- Vendetta II
-Supercard of Honor III
-Best of PWG: Sells out
- Wrestlemania 24 (to add to wm collection)

What is your Favourite WWE and TNA Match for 2008?

No brainer here

- Taker vs Edge at SS
- World Cup Scramble match

Which Wrestler on there TV Programs in the past month.. who has been the Most impressed????

I'm going to go with THE brian Kendrick. I thought he would be very low of the wwe chain, but he's been undefeated and in the championship match for Unforgiven. He's the first name that popped in my head.

Shelton is the same shelton he's been for the past 6-7 years to me. He's never going to move to the main event on a main show. He was much better off in ECW, but then they yanked him out too quick.

but after i collect ROH... I wanna get into NOAH...(or atleast AJPW or NJPW)

do you Watch/follow Noah??? If so what are your thoughts on it???

Caught a few matches, but its way too tough to follow it. I mostly just keep track of the GHC championship. I'll check out results if ROH guys like Briscoes, Morishima, Kenta, Marifuji are on it. Noah does put on some real good tag matches.

what do you think of this Move?

It's sweet, too bad wwe/tna doesnt pick up on stuff like this. More so WWE. It's a pretty safe move and it would get a lot of attention.

Who do you think is the most likely out of these guys to ever come back to WWE for a match (appearances don't count)

Stone Cold
The Rock
Braden Walker

Probably RVD or Braden Walker. I'll say RVD. Rock/Austin will only do appearances.

Who in RoH do you think would make it the biggest in WWE?

Well, Larry Sweeny would be a awesome manager. I think Kevin Steen's personalty fits the wwe perfectly. I could see him having a good run. I also think Bryan Danielson will likely get a real good push. So in terms of championships, i'd have to say Danielson. Although i'd like to see the wwe push Steen, but thats a lil risky.

What do you think should be done to revitalise the X-Division of TNA?

Get Sonjay Dutt and that Johhny Devine the hell out of it. Bring in Jack Evans, and some Team Japan guys. Make it more spotty. Then throw in someone like a Homicide and bring in some hardcore fueds. basically the opposite of what TNA has done.

Do you think the CW Division should be resurrected on ECW/SD?

If they do it right. I dont think too many people have missed it. I think it would be perfect for ECW, but i've kinda given up hope for that. The people is they used guys like Helms/Chavo with the belt, adn they arent spotty enough for that type of division. Not to mention hornswoggle. Boring champs is what killed it.

What is your favourite weekly wrestling program as of right now?

It coudl be the way my schedule is or my habits, but it goes in the order of the week actually


SD could be higher, but Vickie is just plain bad. I only download Scotty Goldmans matches now. They seem to be missing the superman face, which HHH is supposed to play, but doesnt want to be known as "that guy" Lots of minor errors in SD here and there.

TNA can have one great week, then a poor week, they are just too inconsisent. Plus im normally doing other things thursday night

ECW, its a good one hour show imo

Raw- i always watch it, its not always that good, but its raw, so you gotta watch it.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Did you watch A New Level, and what are your thoughts on it?

Do you see an International Talent ever going to WWE and doing good?

What does MVP need to become a superstar?


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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I was thinking about getting into FIP. Should I? I mean.. is it worth it? And where could I get some Illegal Matches downloads?


Did you watch A New Level, and what are your thoughts on it?

I thought it was a solid show, however it didnt live up to expectations. They put together the very best card they could and i dont think they ended up with their best show. It was enjoyable though. The FIP championship opening was good, but could have been a little longer. Steenerico vs NRC was very good and lived up to expectations. The scramble was alright, but the aftermath was better. Fuji/Danielson was a sweet match. Morshima/Necro could have been better. Briscoes vs AoTF was pretty damn good. Nigel vs Claudio was alright. There match in Detroit at the upcoming PPV was better. All in all, i'd give a 8/10. ROH has put on better shows this year. For some reason this show reminds me of Respect is Earned in the way they showcased their talent.

Do you see an International Talent ever going to WWE and doing good?

Yeah, the wwe could certainly use more international talent. You could argue Great Khali has had a pretty sucessful run. Umaga has done more than expected. I can't really see a international guy being the #1 guy like Cena.

What does MVP need to become a superstar?

A Injury to a top heel??? To me, MVP has it all, and i think he's proven that over the 18 months being SD's MVP. He's had some of their best fueds, matches and promos. I think MVP has done everything expected from him and its really in the hands of the storyline writers now.

Another thing i'd like to see the wwe do with MVP is more celebrity and legends segments until he can move up the card farther. I really enjoyed the Hollyfeild/MVP/Hardy segment. I think MVP works well in that type environment. Its fits his character.

I was thinking about getting into FIP. Should I? I mean.. is it worth it? And where could I get some Illegal Matches downloads?

I havent seen any full shows, however i've seen a few big matches lately. I think torrent sites might have them, however i dont use those. I do think FIP is one of the most under rated Indys out there. Its on the same level of PWG/Chikara/IWA/CZW but it really doesnt seem to get the same amount of exposure. The FIP roster isn't quite as good as ROH, but its similar. It has the same booker as ROH. FIP doesnt run as many shows though, so its pretty easy to keep up the shows.

Myself personally i'd probably rather just buy a ROH dvd before i'd get into FIP, but the thought has crossed my mind. I hear Stevens/Strong had a match of the year strong candidate earlier this year. A cheap way to test of FIP too, is to get a ROH grab bag. For like 21 bucks you normally get 2 FIP dvds from 05/06 and shoot video and a best of ... from ROH.

Basically its a smaller verison of ROH. Not as many shows, not as many international talents, and its more locally based.

jWo = Jew World Order. Wanna join? JUST CONVERT!

Nope, you didnt sell it very well.

Beer Money Army

that MQ looks really nice in that.. he looks like he would have good Matches with the Likes of Aries, Shelley, Bourne and Y2J.....

how in the hell did Claudio off what he did at 2:12-2:17 mark, that was incredible...

little smalls thing like that add to matches :) if there not overused...


i think by Promo's/getting over Kendrick has been very impressed in the past month, i hope they continue(shelton Been impressed by Match catergory), I seen his match at Unforgiven a make it or Break it in the upper Midcard level.. Don't see him winning the bellt, but as this as an tester to See if he can hang with the Upper Midcarder/main Event as i think it's the same for benjamin in this match...


Do you like on who has held the NWE world championship?


I heard a rumoured Orlando Jordan is trying to make a WWE... Would you want him back???

Well ROH got a 10 dollar deal with 10% off order and some of the shows inbetween are 20 dollars still, so i bought all those 13 each for 10 bucks as i would pby be saving 30-60% of my cash going this way....

From December 2006 - June 2007 there about 10-13 dvds i need in between...

Do you Think Unforgiven 2008 will be better than 2007 edition????

i hope so as i thought 2007 edition was 2007 worst WWE PPV.... The card can do it....


have you ever viewed the Super J cups of 94 and 95????


Do you like on who has held the NWE world championship?

I never really of NWE, i guess i heard the name, but never really cared. They have a decent roster. There champs are alright. I think judging by there roster, they could have had a better champ than orlando jordan, but oh well.

I heard a rumoured Orlando Jordan is trying to make a WWE... Would you want him back???

Ehh, no. Maybe back then i would have said yes. But i hear he flames very hard, and i dont think thats a good image at all. So i dont think they need him.

Do you Think Unforgiven 2008 will be better than 2007 edition????

I hope so. You know its a bad ppv when the opening match...is the longest match on the show. I think they were Expecting more out of Orton vs. Cena. IIt was one of the worst ppvs of the year.

This year's doesnt look all that great either, but you never know. The scramble matches could be very good. I think they will be interesting, although nothing to write home about.

have you ever viewed the Super J cups of 94 and 95????

Nah seen highlights though.

What dvds have you got in the past 2 months?

I was bored so i ordered a few more. Since Dylan was asking about FIP, i mentioned to him about the Grab bag of dvds for 22$. I figured i'd try my luck. Hopefully i get the FIP show with CM Punk vs Homicide. A ROH show would be nice too, but im not holding my breathe.

I also ordered supercard of honor I and Death before dishonor 2007 night two for 10$. The DTD show has Danielson vs Quack, and a pretty solid lineup all around. SOH looks to be classic, although i hear its a 2 match show. (1 five star match and a 4.5 star match)

All in all 6 dvds for 45 bucks out the door...not too bad.

Beer Money Army

oh SOC 1 that show is pretty good. The do fixer Vs blood strong/Danielson are awesome matches... I love the strong/danielson matches they never get old....

styles/sydal vs Aries/Evans is a pretty good encounter as well..

i dunno is 1 5*, but i saw 2 **** 1/2 matches n there 1 *** 1/2 and 1 ***, a Decent womens match, the rest is crap to meh...

DBD 07 nite 1 havent seen

i dont know if i'd like to get those grab bags... but meh

I'll tell you what shows of 2006 you could ignore.. if you a looking at a solid show with one or 2 ****-***** matches

suffocation 2006
Motor City Madness 2006
Destiny 2006
Ring Of Homicide 2006
How We Roll 2006
Hell Freezes over 2006

I'm not putting them down as bad shows.. But compare to other 2006 roh there ones without really Top talk about matches... IF you a strong colllector and want all the roh shows like me then get them................

how you ever seen Dragon Gate challenge 2006 ??? (if not i advise you to get it) there is 2 really shit matches on it 1/2*-* but there is 5 Matches of ***1/2-**** 1/2 catergory.....


Aug 3, 2007
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HELL aka Brooklyn NY
who do you truly think will end taker's streak? and when will it happen?

I say it will be vince mcmahon when he comes out and says this streak has to end. they cant end it in his hometown of texas (he does live there i think)


Do you think making a WWE Crusierweight tag team title on smackdown will be good?

No, the tag belts are next to meaningless, the cruiserweight belt in the garbage. How is bringing in more championship going to help this? Who would these cruiserweight tag teams consist of. I suppose its possible to be done, but the wwe won't do it.

I think they should unify the tag belts, and put the CW belt on ECW. Have the ECW title be defend on ECW/SD. Unify the womens/Divas belt as well.

who do you truly think will end taker's streak? and when will it happen?

I dont think anyone will. The closet person in history was Batista, and closer to the event 90% of the people were picking Taker anyways. To be honest, no one of the roster deserves to beat him. I'd like to see him vs HBK at 25 for who is the real "mr wrestlemania"

So i'd say HBK is most deserving, but at the same time, he has nothing to gain by beating taker. The only other name that could really be put over is Randy Orton. Orton's stock would rise again 10 fold by beating taker at wm.