"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Active Member
May 23, 2007
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I remember the whole Edge/Hardy/Lita thing they had going awhile back. I knew she cheated on him in real life... but which parts on camera was real? Were they all fake? I've always been confused about the whole situation

Beer Money Army

Who is the Most Overrated in ROH?

Has wwe ever offered Delirious a contact?

Do you think gregory Helms will return in 2 Months?

would you like to See a Helms Vs Bourne Match-up?

One Person i think could help kendrick to soldified as a bigger Heel is a feud with Jeff hardy... What do you think?


I remember the whole Edge/Hardy/Lita thing they had going awhile back. I knew she cheated on him in real life... but which parts on camera was real? Were they all fake? I've always been confused about the whole situation


I dont think anyone really knows the answer for sure. I think most of it was a work, although im 50/50 on that second part of the video where matt was shouting about ring of honor. I think there is a chance that might have been real, then they saw the good reaction it got. But if i had to bet, it was all a work.

Who is the Most Overrated in ROH?

Hmmm, Claudio maybe? Thats tough. Morishima? Brent Albright? Those guys are talked pretty highly and dont always live up to it. Just my opinion though.

Has wwe ever offered Delirious a contact?

I dont think so, but i heard they had interest in him. It wouldnt surprise me if he had wrestled a dark match as a tryout.

Do you think gregory Helms will return in 2 Months?

Sure, i dont see why not.

would you like to See a Helms Vs Bourne Match-up?

There is other matchups i'd rather see. Mysterio vs Bourne would probably be atop my list. Punk vs Bourne, Jericho vs Bourne, Jimmy Wang.

Im not too high on Helms. He's alright but too big for a cruiserweight champ, imo.

One Person i think could help kendrick to soldified as a bigger Heel is a feud with Jeff hardy... What do you think?

I actually said a month ago or so i would be very surprised if Hardy/Kendrick didnt team up on SD, before The Brain Kendrick turned heel. I think Kendrick is a younger verison of Hardy in a few ways. I think it could be a great fued too. I like the idea.

Beer Money Army

for me.. I would say Claudio is the most overrated in my books.. he's good but people overwrap him just like when people overwrap mr.kennedy...

Has there been any news about RVD coming back to the mainsteam stage of wrestling WWE or TNA????

Will Mexico Be the next destination for ROH to invade for a new country to show off there wrestling?

Since Kofi Has lost the belt at slam.. Do you think his push is on hold or it's gone???

who do you Think could work Khali in a good Match in the wwe????

(my thought people may be shocked at me saying it.. but i reckon Mark henry could be the man that could work somewhat decent match with Khali.. With Henry having more strength than Cena, Henry maybe to do a bodyslams and some grabble moves that other tried with him and fail... but the problem if you book these 2 in the ring, neither one could be a crowd favourite in the match as i don't think they would care less)

here is some exclusive footage

[yt]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/N699Q7xT8ks&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/N699Q7xT8ks&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/yt]


Has there been any news about RVD coming back to the mainsteam stage of wrestling WWE or TNA????

Not that I've heard. I highly doubt he would go to TNA, but never say never. I am kinda surprised he is back by now. So its anyways guess when he will return.

Will Mexico Be the next destination for ROH to invade for a new country to show off there wrestling?

I don't know about next, but certainly soon. I think St. Louis and Houston are a couple new markets. Also a few more in Canada were announced. So Mexico might be in late 09-10, i think. It could do fairly well in mexico. Canada has proved to be a good move, so Mexico is at least worth a shot.

Since Kofi Has lost the belt at slam.. Do you think his push is on hold or it's gone???

I think Koffi will be alright. He's still fueding over the belt. I dont think they would have gave him the push they did, only to stop a few weeks later. They knew what they were getting with Kofi, and he's gone everything expected of him. Hopefully he continues with a nice push. I wouldn't mind him turning heel being in a tag team with Elijah Burke. Although a heel turn wouldnt be good until he gets stale as a face. So a few months down the road.

who do you Think could work Khali in a good Match in the wwe????

I thought his matches with Cena/HBK weren't too bad. Although im assuming you mean someone he hasn't faced. Hmmm, Mark Henry wouldn't be a bad choice. I'm assuming you seen this??


So I'd def. agree with Henry. I think Jeff Hardy is another guy who can have a pretty good match with him. I belive he has too. I tihnk a good face thats either a really strong or a high flyer is the best mix.

Nice vid of Morishima too!

Beer Money Army

yeah i saw that... thats one of the few things i mark out for mark henry.....

Khali best matches: probably were with Cena... i can't remember much of the HBK one.. But he would be a TOp for Khali but being on different brand pby won't happen as henry/khali could likely happen sinc ecw/sd agreement...

what did u thought of this week raw?????

did you thought JBL vs PUNK non title match is JBL best match since coming back?

If austin came back for one Macth who do you want it to be against????

(my choice i would say HBK or Randy orton)..pby mostly Randy orton, i could feel that could be a match that would sell and both men could click well...


what did u thought of this week raw?????

I had it on, although i wasn't payign that great of attention. I thought the opener with Punk/JBL was real good. The Primo Colon debut was interesting. I didnt hear HBK/Jericho segment, and i thought the ending to the show was pretty bad. Santino/Koffi was entertaining.

did you thought JBL vs PUNK non title match is JBL best match since coming back?

Probably top 3. I haven't paid super close attention to JBL. I know he had a couple good matches with Jericho. I didnt see his match first match with Punk either. But top 3 for sure.

If austin came back for one Macth who do you want it to be against????

I'd find a way to book Cena vs Austin. Its one of those once in a lifetime matches. Randy Orton wouldnt be a bad pick at all, but right now, i stilll think Cena is the top guy and the drop draw. If you have a chance to make the match, you have to make it. Really Cena and Orton are the only two guys i could see Austin coming out of retirement to wrestle.

Beer Money Army

with the WWE drug policy..Ine thing i notice is this...

If You get 3 strikes you only get fired by WWE... Should there be some Banned length from being hired by WWE again or You don't get a contract again???

(WWE havent really talked about that bit..)

example Just say Hardy made his 3rd strike, he may done 3 strikes but WWE could fire him and re-hire him in under a year and some fans may forget about the strikes... So with the 3 strike should there be a Banned from working with WWE for 1-2 years.....I think banned for life is tad extreme but then again you get 3 strikes

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Alright, let's say TNA were drastically losing money, and they could only afford to keep twenty people on their roster. Who would you keep, and why?


If You get 3 strikes you only get fired by WWE... Should there be some Banned length from being hired by WWE again or You don't get a contract again???

I think there should be a ban length, but i think there is kind of a unwritten rule. I think more than 6 months is more than fair. I would say 1 year would be the right. Depending on the wrestler or course. If someone like Mr. Kennedy gets another drug charge, and must be released. I think someone like him, should be able to take some time off, get his head straight, and be able to perform at a notch level. But if theres somone like Charlie Haas, i would think his chances are done with the company.

Alright, let's say TNA were drastically losing money, and they could only afford to keep twenty people on their roster. Who would you keep, and why?

Excellent Question.

1) Samoa Joe
2) Christian
3) Sting
4) Kurt Angle
5) Booker T
6) Alex Shelly
7) Chris Sabin
8) Kaz
9) AJ Styles
10) Robert Roode
11) Homicide
12) Hernandez
13) Jay Lethal
14) Abyss
------------ I'd cut the rest of the roster and sign new talent---------

15) Jack Evans
16) Jay Briscoe
17) Mark Briscoe
18) Chuck Taylor
19) Larry Sweeny
20) Chris Hero

I would like to bring back Eric Young and Lance Hoyt to repackage them.


J-Dawg Whats the last wrestling related show you seen live. Weather it be WWE or Indy.

Surprisingly I've seen a handful this year. I was never the type to see many shows. I seen a few raw's during the attitude era but that was about it till WM 23. Since then I've caught a handful of ROH shows. In ROH i've seen SOH II, MCM 2007, Tag Wars 08, and New Horizons in Det. I also caught Age of Insanity in Cleveland, and that was a pretty bad ass show. That was about 2 weeks ago. New Horizons was about 4 weeks ago. The most recent raw was about 3 months ago with Orton vs. Cena. The show was ok, but the main event made it worth it. Here is a thread with pics of shows i've been to :



Good stuff.

New Questions What one wrestler do you wish you could have seen live. Alive or dead.

And Who's your favorite wrestler you've got to see live. (Mine was definitely The Rock).

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Has Chris Jericho's return lived up to your expectations?

If Batista were to turn heel now with Cena injured, how would you have him turn?

Moonlight Drive

Do you think Kane could be a credible champion with his new (well semi-new) persona?

Thoughts on John Morrison?

Favourite superstar recenlty brought up from FCW ?