"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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what is your top 3 Y2J wcw Matches?

Hmmm, I was mostly into his promos and stuff. But ill go with

Jericho vs Mysterio

Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon

Jericho vs Eddie/Beniot (Tie)

I perfer the faster pace cruiseweight matches.

have you viewed the Rival and series of Matches of Vader/Sting 92-93??? If so what did you think of the rival???

I did see one or two of these matches. I really liked them. Top heel/Top Face matches are always good. Both played their characters well, and good matches were the outcome.

one Last question Have you Viewed WCW Superbrawl 2??? (if not i recommend you should one of WCW most solid PPV's, but i'd ignored the main event)

Ah yes, I seen most of these matches. Good good ppv. This is kinda right before i started watched wcw too. WCW had a very solid roster at that point in time too. Sting/Luger wasn't a horrible main event, but its not going to mat wrestling either.

I have a question for you.... Lets say Dipset is getting ready to start his own promotion. Probably is, you need a roster of 25 wrestlers (+4 Announcers/valets/managers) You can take from WWE, TNA, ROH BUT they must not have ever won a belt in their current organization. You can take from any indy, but only one wrestler from Japan. Create a roster, and how you would use each wrestler.

I remember people saying that Jeff would never go back to TNA after what he did... what did he do exactually?

I believe he just stopped showing up and missed a big show. Don't quote me on that. On top of that drug issues.

And whats the story with Shane Douglas not ever coming back to TNA, ROH? Did he do something bad too?

Not real sure, I believe he got in a spat with management

Are there any other stories about wrestlers not aloud back into a promotion because of bad things they did? Please do tell..

Hmm, nothing too good

- low ki wont return to ROH because the management in ROH told Ki that some of the wrestlers were telling him to ease up.

- After SummerSlam 91 Ultimate Warrior was fired right after the show. Before the match Warrior demanded more money or else he wouldnt go on. Vince told him fine, but then after the match, canned him on the spot. (one of my favorite stories)

- Jeff Jarrett and WWE. He did something similar to Warrior. He was the IC champ around 98 i believe and he kept tellin the wwe he would resign and not go to WCW. Well, his contract ran out and he still had the IC belt. SOOO jarrett demanded a large sum to lose the belt, thus the wwe had Chyna defeat Jeff Jarrett to win the IC belt, as Jarrett left for TNA. Jarrett left due to "glass ceiling in wwe"

- Steiner has bad mouthed the wwe pretty bad

-Madeusa took the wwe womens belt and threw it in the trash on wcw.

I think there might be a few more, but i remember them all. They make a wrestling almanac, thats a great source for historic stuff like this. Its only 5 bucks too. Its like 2-300 pages with lots of records, and results, and timelines. I def. think its a must for any online wrestling fan. Real good reference.

do ya think people on tha' "NET" tend to Overrate Y2J's drawing power?

Yeah, i remember them saying he could "save" TNA. The wwe did the ball with his return, but the guy is not a franchise wrestler in my opinion. Great wrestler, great entertainer, but as far as being a draw, i dont think he's as good as some would say. Look at WM 18 Jericho vs HHH. People were leaving the building during that match.

In every wrestling roster, i think everyone plays there position. I think Jericho plays his one of the best. The problem is, he's not in the superstar position. He's there to cut great promos and have great matches. I dont think he's selling much merchanise or tickets at the moment. Could Jericho be marketed better??? Probably, I think if Jericho was marketed better, i think he could be a bigger draw.

Beer Money Army

my 25 I"m going have them broken down to Levels of the card. (no One is Main eventer yet)


upper Midcarder
Booker T - I'd kept him as one of my top, but Booker T doesn't Have Much in him..
Colt cabana - The Top Face Youngsters that every love and can not hate. This Man will be my future world champion once the company gets rolling

Alex Shelley - Man just Left TNA worst experience ever, now he wants to make the Alex Shelley into a Wrestling Legacy
BJ Whitmer - He's going be my sort of Hardcore Holly, Help the youngsters but will get big feuds here and there
Jimmy Yang - I would give him that Akio Martial Arts character mixed with that Cowboy persona.. He's got charimsa and some comedy viggettes would truly show it
brent albright - soft spoken but young talent, I'll be helping him to get over
delirious - read raven..
erick stevens - Man to prove himself

Tag teams
Evan Bourne/jack Evans (vulture Squad)
cryme tyme


Upper Midcarder
Takeshi Morishima (my jap pick) - Future Sweet n Sour Sport Agency (sweeney/Kozlov/Takeshi/TUJS)
larry sweeney - Owner of Sweet N Sour agency
low Ki - a Warrior But keep's it G'up, He will be sided with F.Crew, reyes sort of a rottweilers thing, but all of them gotta prove themself again...
Raven - I'm going Use raven with vigette's.. but when he debuts.. I'm going do a storyline between him/delirious

adam pearce - Pearce will not offical be in Sweet N Sour, but he's there outside advisor when they need him....
V. Kozlov - I'd bulid up the way SD has been using him but as you read below i'd had Sweeney as his sports Agent
Jimmy rave - Him/Nana are once again side by side.. but Rave/Nana first feud will be with Alex shelley
kevin steen - a fiery Canadian That his goal is Victory
ricky reyes - a man out there to prove himself

Tag teams
elijah burke/creed (Flamboyant Crew)
paul birchall/dh smith (The Union jack Slaughters) - read takeshi Kozlov

How I will Use them

Well I Need 3 Championships Simple

World H/W C'ship
Australian C'ship (not american :shifty:)
Tag team Championship

My aim is to showcase some of the best wrestling in that ring with the less use of Gimmicks Matches use, but there will be some gimmick Matches..But i dont want it to be like ecw/xpw/czw style.. Plus i would put promo time and time for storylines too.. the Company would be a entertaing show that Showcase solid wrestling..Plus i am mark for Tournaments/Round Robin styles things.. i wish WWE or ROH would do some round robins in the future tho....

With the Tag Titles.. I do a league thing...Have each team face the other atleast 2 twice.... 3 pts for Pin/sub mit, 2 for dq/cout, 1 for draw and 0 for lost.. The winner of this League will be in the finals while the other 3 tag teams will have a Ladder Match to grab Contact for Final Match... (i won make TUJS win the league, but Evan/Jack to win the ladder Match, as i think V/squad Vs TUJS would be a very interesting bout)...

The Aussie C'ship and The World H/w

I'd Excluded raven involvement on what im gonna book next..I"ll gives him vigenettes on what He's going do upon his Debut and what his goal to archieve...

My world H/W Tournament will start first

Random choice:

Pearce Vs Stevens (my Booking Pearce wins)
Booker T Vs Reyes (t wins)
Kevin Steen Vs Yang (yang Wins)
BJ Whitmer Vs Jimmy Rave (Rave wins By cheating)
Colt Cabana Vs Kozlov (cabana Wins By DQ)
Low ki vs Delirious (low win)
alBright Vs Sweeney (albright)
Takeshi vs Alex Shelley (takeshi wins)

(now the losers from the 1st Round, they auto get a tournament spot for the Aussie C'ship, But incase of a DRAW neither man get's in either and that slot will remain a bye for the other)

aussie Tournament
Stevens Vs Shelley (shelley won)
Reyes Vs delirious (rave Won)
Kozlov Vs Sweeney (Kozlov Won by Forfeit by sweeney by handshake agreement between the 2 and SWeeney going be Kozlov Sports Agent..)
Steen Vs whitmer (whitmer won)

My Directions::::

Final for World title would Be: Takeshi Vs Booker T (i feel Booker T will win the championship, But i don't see much in him left for his career.. But a Sweet n Sour agency Vs Booker T could go for a while after Takeshi takes the belt.. booker Can move to Kozlov...)

Raven/delirious... Raven will be doing vignettes, detailing on Why he's embarken to my company...But it's going be directly to Delirious.. I gonna make Raven the only person that can understand delirious language and can maniuplate him into anything to advantage Raven..... I would make the thing Last 6-9 months to make it really good....

My Manager/other non staff
Dave prasak (play by Play)
prince nana (manager of jimmy rave)
matt striker (color)
GMC as Ring announcer
Jules Smokes (manager of Low ki stable)

sidenote:: i havent put many indy wrestlers asto i only really got time and Funds for WWE, TNA, ROH... but i guess could download them but you get losted in shuffle when you don't know the storylines or the background info if there big time Matches for the indies...

i try to put as much detailled tho.. You pby can tell i admire Kozlov a bit.. In which i think he doing a not too bad job on smackdown atm

Ron Killings i would love to get as well... but unsure what to do with him

Moonlight Drive

What do you think of Smackdown's Unforgiven Main Event?

Your thoughts on The Brian Kendrick?

How far do you think Soccty Goldman will get in WWE?

How do you think the WWE should re-vitalise their tag team division?

Also, what tag teams would you like to see hit the big time in the 'E?

Beer Money Army

when wcw closed at 2001... from 1999-2003 out of all the Ex-wcw stars moving to WWE.....Out of the bunch

Is Chris Jericho The Most Accomplished and Successful Ex-WCW star in the WWE?

(2 other People I got in my mind that could beat y2J success are big Show and Chris Benoit... )

but i think Y2J top them...

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

How long will CM Punk remain WHC?

Who will beat Punk?

What cuts would you make to the ROH roster?

What are your thoughts on garbage wrestling like CZW?

Which indy wrestler who isn't in ROH would you like to see in there?


What do you think of Smackdown's Unforgiven Main Event?

I like it, its actually a great main event. I say this because its gets Jeff Hardy and MVP into the main event. Basically, i think they wanted to do something different and see how the midcard guys do in a high level match. Crowd reaction and whatnot. I think shelton would be a good pick, if it was ladder match or something like that, but why not give him a good shot. I still feel he's not main event worthy. Which brings me to Kendrick....

Your thoughts on The Brian Kendrick?

I like him a lot actually, the problem is he's kinda small for the role they have him playing. He is billed at 5'8 175 and the guy has looked unbeatable the past month or so. I think he should be a slimey heel, but use more help from big zeke, because he really hasn't helped much so far.

But i think Mr. Kennedy might steal Kendricks spot. It makes sense, and it seems Kennedy or Umaga should be in this role. Someone who's close to main event status, but not there yet.

How far do you think Soccty Goldman will get in WWE?

Should be world champ, if they play there cards right. It doesnt look like he's going to get a monster push from the start, but i think he will earn his spot. Anything less than world champ would be a epic failure on behalf of the wwe. I think his style fits the wwe so well, thats why i think he would be good rookie. Hopefully he isn't held back for not being serious enough. Even though he can do both very well.

How do you think the WWE should re-vitalise their tag team division?

Use what you got, first of all. You have Paul london sitting on the bench. Whens the last time Lance Cade wrestled? I'd form more tag teams to start.

- London/Bourne (one bourne gets a little stale)

- Canadian Bulldogs (Smith/TJ Wilson)

- Gavin Spears/Drew Mcintyre

I think that would be a good start. Secondly you need tag teams that over. The wwe has 2 in Priceless and Cryme Tyme. They need to start booking matches between these two and make it seem very important. Make the tag belts mean something again. Morrison/Miz were great champs, and lost the belts to the edgeheads. I think they were basically handed the belts, and really didnt do anything to earn them. If i could, i would unify the tag division as well. That would make it more competitive. Oh have, and if i have a good team, i wouldnt break them up. Also when forming a new tag team, i'd look for youth, and more of a cruiserweight style.

So basically book the tag team fueds similar to the wwe championship. One tag team, then maybe a no dq tag match, Then maybe give them a steel cage or HIAC once and while. I hated tag team wrestling until how i seen ROH use there tag belt = to the world belt. In the wwe's case, i understand why its where it is, but i figure they should put a little more time and effort into it.

Is Chris Jericho The Most Accomplished and Successful Ex-WCW star in the WWE?

Yes. I think Jericho's style was much better suited for the wwe than Beniot. Big Show is great, but they made him play the token Giant role. Another guy, who you could make a good arguement for is Rey Mysterio. I really think he's the greatest cruiserweight of all time, and should probably be given more credit, than he's gotten for that. But yeah, Jericho was the first undisputed champ, he beat top guys in the attitude era, where as Beniot/Mysterio became more sucessful after.

Also great roster. I liked how you set everything up as well. Rep when i spread it around a little more. A little surprised there wasn't indy stars like Mike Quackenbush, and i was going to say Chris Hero, but he held the ROH tag belts.

Also, what tag teams would you like to see hit the big time in the 'E?

I'd like to see the briscoes do well in the wwe, in a few years. I think they could be a team and could really put tag wrestling back on the map so to speak. They are basically like the stone cold of tag teams. Other than that, not too much is jumping out at me. I think Sydal/London would make a pretty bad ass team. Again, Canadian Bulldogs should make a big splash.

How long will CM Punk remain WHC?

Suvivor Series, however i wouldnt be surprised if Unforgiven he dropped the belt.

Who will beat Punk?

Batista probably, then setting up a Cena/Batista II at mania....maybe

What cuts would you make to the ROH roster?

Hmmm, I dont think now would be a good time to make cuts, but if i had to cut 3 people it would be

1- Mitch Franklin (I dont care if he is in the wrestling school, i dont want to see him in the roh ring.)

2- Zack Gowen - Not really used much, but he would get the ax.

3- Chasyn Rance - I think he's already done with ROH for now, but he's still getting the AX

These guys really arent even used much, so its kinda pointless but for the most part the roster is filled with keepers. Everyone plays a role on the roster. Thats one area i think ROH does better than wwe/tna. They have guys for everything and they USE them for that. I know wwe/tna tries that, but i think ROH pulls it off better. WWE/TNA lacks comedy in the match. If your not a main event guy in the wwe, your not getting a stipulation match. Big guys are used as big guys, and not jobbers to the top faces. things like that.

What are your thoughts on garbage wrestling like CZW?

Don't watch it. Its hard to comment on something you dont really follow. I have seen a couple bright spots in CZW, but for the most part, the pointless hardcore action takes away from a lot of it. I think there roster is depleting, they basically "use" there wrestlers as objects.

I do like there atmosphere. I think its better than a empty gym with the lights on bright.

Which indy wrestler who isn't in ROH would you like to see in there?

Just one??? Two come to mind. Right this second, I'd say Human Tornado becuase Delirous turned heel, and they need a fun comedy character, which Tornado will fill. Its only a matter of time before he comes back as well.

But in 6 months, if Danielson leaves i think getting Mike Quakenbush would be very important. He's more of a main event caliber star in ROH. Quack is amazing.

So i'd really like to see them both, but those two depending on the timeframe i'd pick.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
ok man, so ROH has the 10 dollor sale...i am goin to get Bloodlust volume one but i want to get maybe 1-2 more....can u pls tell me which one to get...i leavin it up to you man.


ok man, so ROH has the 10 dollor sale...i am goin to get Bloodlust volume one but i want to get maybe 1-2 more....can u pls tell me which one to get...i leavin it up to you man.

Im Assuming these would be your first roh dvds?

BLoodstaind honor is a real good pick, Greatest fueds also has a stacked lineup. Both are worth checking out for sure.

From the 10$ List, a couple stick out to me.

- Better than our Best (4/1/06) - My favorite show. Heres the card

1. Jack Evans vs. Ace Steel vs. Matt Sydal vs. Jake Crist vs. Dave Christ vs. Jimmy Jacobs (Six Man Mayhem)
2. Ricky Reyes vs. Delirious
3. Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, & Masato Yoshino vs. Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, & Ryo Saito
4. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jimmy Yang (Four Corner Survival)
5. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. CIMA & Naruki Doi (ROH Tag Team Title Match)
6. Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Storm (ROH World Title Match)
7. Homicide vs. Colt Cabana (Chicago Street Fight)

A newer selection that appears to be very popular is driven. (6/23/07) ROH's 2nd PPV. Features more of the current roster.

Driven PPV
1. Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, & Rocky Romero vs. Delirious, Erick Stevens, & Matt Cross
2. Matt Sydal vs. Claudio Castagnoli
3. Naomichi Marufuji vs. BJ Whitmer
4. Brent Albright vs. Pelle Primeau
5. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico (World Tag Team Title Match)
6. Takeshi Morishima vs. Jimmy Rave (ROH World Title Match)
7. Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson (#1 Contender's Match)

Bonus Matches:
8. Lacey & Rain w/ Jimmy Jacobs vs. Daizee Haze & MsChif
9. Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero
10. Takeshi Morishima vs. Adam Pearce (ROH World Title Match)
11. Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
thx man....goin get those...also thinkin of gettin the steel cage scramble match beteeen Gen. Next and Special K


Which show is that? Im not a big fan of special K. Steel cage warfare features Gen. Next vs. The Embassy, which is a awesome match, but i think that is already on bloodstaind honor.

Also, its not on sale this time, but death before dishonor 4 features ROH vs CZW in the cage of death. That might be ROH's greatest match ever.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
I think that Cage of Death match was great. Of course, i cheered for CZW. DUH! Its not CZW's greatest match though. Cage of Death 5 is, tbh.

Anyways. Wanna be in the jWo?


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Which show is that? Im not a big fan of special K. Steel cage warfare features Gen. Next vs. The Embassy, which is a awesome match, but i think that is already on bloodstaind honor.

Also, its not on sale this time,
but death before dishonor 4 features ROH vs CZW in the cage of death. That might be ROH's greatest match ever.

i think u read it wong...i am buyin the bloodlust vol. 1 DVD

also idk if it was just a scramble match or cage one...i heard about it via best of Roderick Strong


Ahh, ok. I was thinking bloodlust was a ECW one. That dvd does look pretty good. Well, i must reccomend Bloodstaind Honor and Greatest Fueds as well. You can pick up those at most FYE's. Generally the bigger ones carry them. They are only 7-12$ there so its a steal. Online they are 15$.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
yea that was wat i was goin do...i have rivalries and best in the world so ima get bloodstained..meh about Stars.