
what is your top 3 Y2J wcw Matches?
Hmmm, I was mostly into his promos and stuff. But ill go with
Jericho vs Mysterio
Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon
Jericho vs Eddie/Beniot (Tie)
I perfer the faster pace cruiseweight matches.
have you viewed the Rival and series of Matches of Vader/Sting 92-93??? If so what did you think of the rival???
I did see one or two of these matches. I really liked them. Top heel/Top Face matches are always good. Both played their characters well, and good matches were the outcome.
one Last question Have you Viewed WCW Superbrawl 2??? (if not i recommend you should one of WCW most solid PPV's, but i'd ignored the main event)
Ah yes, I seen most of these matches. Good good ppv. This is kinda right before i started watched wcw too. WCW had a very solid roster at that point in time too. Sting/Luger wasn't a horrible main event, but its not going to mat wrestling either.
I have a question for you.... Lets say Dipset is getting ready to start his own promotion. Probably is, you need a roster of 25 wrestlers (+4 Announcers/valets/managers) You can take from WWE, TNA, ROH BUT they must not have ever won a belt in their current organization. You can take from any indy, but only one wrestler from Japan. Create a roster, and how you would use each wrestler.
I remember people saying that Jeff would never go back to TNA after what he did... what did he do exactually?
I believe he just stopped showing up and missed a big show. Don't quote me on that. On top of that drug issues.
And whats the story with Shane Douglas not ever coming back to TNA, ROH? Did he do something bad too?
Not real sure, I believe he got in a spat with management
Are there any other stories about wrestlers not aloud back into a promotion because of bad things they did? Please do tell..
Hmm, nothing too good
- low ki wont return to ROH because the management in ROH told Ki that some of the wrestlers were telling him to ease up.
- After SummerSlam 91 Ultimate Warrior was fired right after the show. Before the match Warrior demanded more money or else he wouldnt go on. Vince told him fine, but then after the match, canned him on the spot. (one of my favorite stories)
- Jeff Jarrett and WWE. He did something similar to Warrior. He was the IC champ around 98 i believe and he kept tellin the wwe he would resign and not go to WCW. Well, his contract ran out and he still had the IC belt. SOOO jarrett demanded a large sum to lose the belt, thus the wwe had Chyna defeat Jeff Jarrett to win the IC belt, as Jarrett left for TNA. Jarrett left due to "glass ceiling in wwe"
- Steiner has bad mouthed the wwe pretty bad
-Madeusa took the wwe womens belt and threw it in the trash on wcw.
I think there might be a few more, but i remember them all. They make a wrestling almanac, thats a great source for historic stuff like this. Its only 5 bucks too. Its like 2-300 pages with lots of records, and results, and timelines. I def. think its a must for any online wrestling fan. Real good reference.
do ya think people on tha' "NET" tend to Overrate Y2J's drawing power?
Yeah, i remember them saying he could "save" TNA. The wwe did the ball with his return, but the guy is not a franchise wrestler in my opinion. Great wrestler, great entertainer, but as far as being a draw, i dont think he's as good as some would say. Look at WM 18 Jericho vs HHH. People were leaving the building during that match.
In every wrestling roster, i think everyone plays there position. I think Jericho plays his one of the best. The problem is, he's not in the superstar position. He's there to cut great promos and have great matches. I dont think he's selling much merchanise or tickets at the moment. Could Jericho be marketed better??? Probably, I think if Jericho was marketed better, i think he could be a bigger draw.
Hmmm, I was mostly into his promos and stuff. But ill go with
Jericho vs Mysterio
Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon
Jericho vs Eddie/Beniot (Tie)
I perfer the faster pace cruiseweight matches.
have you viewed the Rival and series of Matches of Vader/Sting 92-93??? If so what did you think of the rival???
I did see one or two of these matches. I really liked them. Top heel/Top Face matches are always good. Both played their characters well, and good matches were the outcome.
one Last question Have you Viewed WCW Superbrawl 2??? (if not i recommend you should one of WCW most solid PPV's, but i'd ignored the main event)
Ah yes, I seen most of these matches. Good good ppv. This is kinda right before i started watched wcw too. WCW had a very solid roster at that point in time too. Sting/Luger wasn't a horrible main event, but its not going to mat wrestling either.
I have a question for you.... Lets say Dipset is getting ready to start his own promotion. Probably is, you need a roster of 25 wrestlers (+4 Announcers/valets/managers) You can take from WWE, TNA, ROH BUT they must not have ever won a belt in their current organization. You can take from any indy, but only one wrestler from Japan. Create a roster, and how you would use each wrestler.
I remember people saying that Jeff would never go back to TNA after what he did... what did he do exactually?
I believe he just stopped showing up and missed a big show. Don't quote me on that. On top of that drug issues.
And whats the story with Shane Douglas not ever coming back to TNA, ROH? Did he do something bad too?
Not real sure, I believe he got in a spat with management
Are there any other stories about wrestlers not aloud back into a promotion because of bad things they did? Please do tell..
Hmm, nothing too good
- low ki wont return to ROH because the management in ROH told Ki that some of the wrestlers were telling him to ease up.
- After SummerSlam 91 Ultimate Warrior was fired right after the show. Before the match Warrior demanded more money or else he wouldnt go on. Vince told him fine, but then after the match, canned him on the spot. (one of my favorite stories)
- Jeff Jarrett and WWE. He did something similar to Warrior. He was the IC champ around 98 i believe and he kept tellin the wwe he would resign and not go to WCW. Well, his contract ran out and he still had the IC belt. SOOO jarrett demanded a large sum to lose the belt, thus the wwe had Chyna defeat Jeff Jarrett to win the IC belt, as Jarrett left for TNA. Jarrett left due to "glass ceiling in wwe"
- Steiner has bad mouthed the wwe pretty bad
-Madeusa took the wwe womens belt and threw it in the trash on wcw.
I think there might be a few more, but i remember them all. They make a wrestling almanac, thats a great source for historic stuff like this. Its only 5 bucks too. Its like 2-300 pages with lots of records, and results, and timelines. I def. think its a must for any online wrestling fan. Real good reference.
do ya think people on tha' "NET" tend to Overrate Y2J's drawing power?
Yeah, i remember them saying he could "save" TNA. The wwe did the ball with his return, but the guy is not a franchise wrestler in my opinion. Great wrestler, great entertainer, but as far as being a draw, i dont think he's as good as some would say. Look at WM 18 Jericho vs HHH. People were leaving the building during that match.
In every wrestling roster, i think everyone plays there position. I think Jericho plays his one of the best. The problem is, he's not in the superstar position. He's there to cut great promos and have great matches. I dont think he's selling much merchanise or tickets at the moment. Could Jericho be marketed better??? Probably, I think if Jericho was marketed better, i think he could be a bigger draw.