"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Which Hardy Boy do you like the most?

which Briscoe Brothers do you like tha' most, tha ROH-Briscoes or the WWE-HOF Briscoes?

Do you believe in the "Star-Ratings-System"?

is Japanese-Wrestling relly' that good?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Has the return of Jericho lived up to your expectations?

If Benoit were still alive and on ECW, how would you see ECW, and where would you see John Morrison?


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Are MY Questions Cooler then Brian Kenderick's Bicep(future mod)?

When it comes to questions, do you have any bias?

Quality Wrestling (during a very-low viewer rating-era) or shitty wrestling (during a wrestling boom)
which would you choose out of the two?

I mean...quality wrestlings good and all..
and when wrestling's super-mega-Popular, does tha quality matter?

Beer Money Army

what are thoughts of this Match i thought of for TNA?

Ultimate King Of The Mountain X = where there no ladder, but you must gain 1 pin fall and 2nd you must climb the rop and hook the belt up...


the Following are ones we havent seen on WWE programs for a while

Chuck Palumbo, Deuce, Hardcore Holly, Dh smith, Carlito, Val venis, Snitsky, Boogeyman, elijah burke, drew mcintyre...

Do you see any of these on the "future to be released from WWE"?

I just finished watch ecw main event and the ref looked like he screwed up, it was was wes adams.. the recent ref being fired...

Do you think this could be one of the reason he got fired for??


Which Hardy Boy do you like the most?

Jeff. He's more colorful and takes more risk. Matt is kinda plain and boring to me.

which Briscoe Brothers do you like tha' most, tha ROH-Briscoes or the WWE-HOF Briscoes?

The Briscoes from ROH. Really haven't seen too much of the hall of famers. Im sure they were good for there day. I liked the gerald briscoe character in mcmahons posse. That was pretty funny, but mark and jay are a pretty damn good tag team.

Do you believe in the "Star-Ratings-System"?

I do. Its not always right, but for the most part it serves its purpose. Depends who does it and if they do it right. You kinda have to know people rate differently than you do.

is Japanese-Wrestling relly' that good?

There matches can be, however i don't watch that much. They do have a lot of talented wrestlers. There style is also different over there. Its a lot more physical than here.

Has the return of Jericho lived up to your expectations?

I think so, i think Jericho has finally gotten to the point where he should be with his fued with Jericho. I think if they would have just handed him a title, it wouldn't have meant much, so i like the slow rise to the top again. Kinda surprised he didn't move to SD.

If Benoit were still alive and on ECW, how would you see ECW, and where would you see John Morrison?

Benoit probably would have went back to SD or Raw by now. I don't think much would have changed for morrision. Im not sure Punk would be where he is today. In fact, he'd probably only be ECW champ by now. I didn't think there was much of Benoit in ecw anyways.

Are MY Questions Cooler then Brian Kenderick's Bicep(future mod)?

it depends

When it comes to questions, do you have any bias?

Nope, depends on if i have time, and how much i have to say about the topic. If its a really tough long question, ill take a little more time to think about it, thats about it.

Quality Wrestling (during a very-low viewer rating-era) or shitty wrestling (during a wrestling boom)
which would you choose out of the two?

Depends on the company. WWE i'd say shitty wrestling all day. TNA i'd say quality wrestling

I mean...quality wrestlings good and all..
and when wrestling's super-mega-Popular, does tha quality matter?

Nope, not much at all. Thats why raw isn't that popular right now. It all comes down to if you like the wrestlers. if you care about them. If you dont care about the wrestlers, you wont care about the matches. That's one reason i think people rate roh pretty high at the moment. You can see these guys go all out every time.

what are thoughts of this Match i thought of for TNA?

Ultimate King Of The Mountain X = where there no ladder, but you must gain 1 pin fall and 2nd you must climb the rop and hook the belt up...

Ehh, not bad, but i think TNA should get back to the basics a little more. Go back to a four sided ring. Do normal matches. Whens the last time they had a "I Quit" match in tna??? Thats my thought about that. I like stipulations matches as much as the next, but in tna it doesnt seem as structured and its a little confusing half the time.

Chuck Palumbo, Deuce, Hardcore Holly, Dh smith, Carlito, Val venis, Snitsky, Boogeyman, elijah burke, drew mcintyre...

Do you see any of these on the "future to be released from WWE"?

It depends, Deuce and Snitski were on a few weeks ago. Pulumbo, DH Smith, Carlito, Burke are probably being repackaged. Holly and Venis are veterns probably helping more backstage. And Boogeyman and Mcintyre i dont know. I think they on are on the edge of being released.

I just finished watch ecw main event and the ref looked like he screwed up, it was was wes adams.. the recent ref being fired...

Do you think this could be one of the reason he got fired for??

I didnt see it, but it could be "one" of the reason. I dont think it was the sole reason.


Are you sick of the WWE's monopoly on the industry?

Not really. I think its a good thing the wwe is where they are at. Imagine wrestling if wwe never existed. The NWA would mean something. There wouldn't be any money in the wrestling business and it would be so very small. Wrestling would be on tv like 1 hour a week if it wasnt for the wwe. Half the wrestlers now wouldnt be around.

Would i like to see WWE put on better shows, sure. Would i like to see TNA/ROH be more sucessful, sure. I still think its best the way it is now though. You know you don't have to WWE. THere are lots of alternatives out there.


Summerslam is tonight... do you expect any big surprises or upsets to happen? Also, I am going to Raw tomorrow night... this may be a dumb question, but what should I expect to see happen if HBK is there? Would he feud MORE with Y2J? Would CM Punk still be champion

Also, with Cena and Batista feuding, who do you think of the 2 will become champion first?

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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what's left for the Aries/Jacobs feud? Do you think it's getting dull?

Will the Hell in a Cell with Edge and Undertaker be the last stop in their feud?

Beer Money Army

tna is confusing :)...

that's why i got this Question.. What is Next for Kurt Angle???

this feud with styles can't go on forever or is he going take some time off from minor leagues.....

The List

Abyss (but they had a couple of matches in 2007 that had angle cleanly beating him and abyss tapped out to angle)

Booker T (um we have has seen this feud a bit in WWE, so i think it would be a bad move)

Christian Cage (was done a bit of 2007 and early 2008, IT could be done again, but they need to make new fresh feuds tho...)

Beer Money Inc (either one would be good for them, but atm since there tag champs i wouldnt have angle facing any one of them yet...)

Jeff Jarrett (this is one feud i have been waiting to see since angle came tna.. Angle/Jarrett.. people may diss Jeff Jarrett but he is good, no the greatest.. Plus this would be the battle of TNA dominate wrestler of 2002-2006 and TNA dominate wrestlers of 2006-2007)

Matt Morgan (i think he's gotta prove himself a bit, before facing Kurt angle Yet)

Rhino (he would be alright for a feud with Angle)

Samoa Joe (i think angle/Joe needs to low life for a couple months, there usually have good matches but this has been whored out as a ppv line up for awhile, so i dont think it would sell that well atm...)

Sting (NO!!, Sting has been undefeated in singles match in tna for almost a year, his last loss was to angle in october of 2007.. sting is busy atm so the angle/sting feud wouldnt make sense)

i was going add curry man in this, but him and alot of the talent hasnt really build well enough to be put into a serious feud to make the fans believe they can destory him.. Maybe if Curry man was christopher daniels of 2004-2007 era a Angle/Daniels feud would of have had serious potential to be a feud...

But in all fairness, there isn't really anything left for Kurt Angle in TNA to do at the moment, so if he has some minor injuries, he should try to take a month off or something...

but i'll wait to hear what are your thoughts on this question... :59:


So, Batista got a clean and convincing win over Cena last night....

Firstly, are you suprised at the outcome?

What did you make of the match?

Albeit with the benefit of hindsight, do you really think this match was that important (in the grand scheme of things)? ...The atmosphere was hardly mega-match insanity ...Do you think WWE could have got the match over any more than they did (if so, how)?

(IMO, the support dynamic was a problem.. Ok, you could say it was like Hogan V Warior (Moreso than it was similar to Rock/Austin) in some respects EXCEPT there were obviously a decent size section of the crowd (and pressumably viewers too) that had no preference as to who won.)

How do you think the outcome effects the ME landscape for as we approach the 6 month countdown to WM?

(Orton (WHC) V Batista @ WM IMO.)


Summerslam is tonight... do you expect any big surprises or upsets to happen? Also, I am going to Raw tomorrow night... this may be a dumb question, but what should I expect to see happen if HBK is there? Would he feud MORE with Y2J? Would CM Punk still be champion

Well i thought Randy Orton would make his return. Wrong on that.

Probably another HBK/Jericho Promo/segment.

Yeah, i thought Punk would get the win.

Also, with Cena and Batista feuding, who do you think of the 2 will become champion first?

Which ever goes heel first. I'll say Batista since i think he's more likely to go heel, and since he won at SummerSlam.

what's left for the Aries/Jacobs feud? Do you think it's getting dull?

The fued is just starting, well kinda. They still need a big blowoff match. They only had one, one on one match so far. I think Lacey is going to return sooner of later as well. And yes, Aries is going to lose.

Will the Hell in a Cell with Edge and Undertaker be the last stop in their feud?

I think so, for a little bit. Although they may become rivials, and have a random match here and there. But the fued i believe is over.

that's why i got this Question.. What is Next for Kurt Angle???

Well....theres one name i think would be a great fit here, and that is Kaz. problem is, i believe they have some lame, retirement/mask gimmick storyline going for him now. Both i think this would be a perfect time for a fued with these two. Angle can help the young Kaz get over. Both guys aren't very busy at the moment, and both are near the top of the card. Plus i think it would be a very good match.

I also like the idea of Jeff Jarrett coming back. I think that would also work well.

Realistically, he could just float around for a month or two, perhaps a fued with LAX is in the works in the distant future.

So, Batista got a clean and convincing win over Cena last night....

Firstly, are you suprised at the outcome?

What did you make of the match?

Was i surprised. YES. Very surprised it ended clean. I saw it on a stream and i was kinda doing other things, but what i saw it was a very good match, considering.

Albeit with the benefit of hindsight, do you really think this match was that important (in the grand scheme of things)? ...The atmosphere was hardly mega-match insanity ...Do you think WWE could have got the match over any more than they did (if so, how)?

Yes, they really only had 1-2 weeks to hype the match. I think Wrestlemania would have been a better stage. Almost dissapointed there wasn't any interference. I also think the crowd wasn't as into it as they crowd, due to the fact, they didnt think it would end clean either. I think everyone thought something was fishy when they booked this match so close to SS.

(IMO, the support dynamic was a problem.. Ok, you could say it was like Hogan V Warior (Moreso than it was similar to Rock/Austin) in some respects EXCEPT there were obviously a decent size section of the crowd (and pressumably viewers too) that had no preference as to who won.)

Ehh, more of a updated verison i guess. I think the WWE has put on some huge SummerSlam cards the past few years. I can't really think of a good match to compare it too, but Hogan/Warrior is probably the closet. But Cena/Tista certainly isn't on that level.

How do you think the outcome effects the ME landscape for as we approach the 6 month countdown to WM?

(Orton (WHC) V Batista @ WM IMO.)

Well, i have no clue. I think Batista may win the belt off of Punk and go heel. Thus Cena gets the rematch at Mania. Batista vs Cena II. Not real sure though. I think i'd rather see Orton vs. Cena one on one at mania. I also have to think Jericho will be near main event status by mania.

Beer Money Army

After watching the Y2J/HBK segment for Slam....

my thoughts after it was a Very good Promo until the end.. The part where HBK did nothing to Y2J after he decked his wife...

my question about this:

Are we ment to feel bad for HBK???
(i feel bad for his wife, for being bought into the angle and taking a hit.. I was surprised wwe are going do some males on female violence since all that benoit hit.. But i don't feel bad for HBK a husband just doesnt retailate after seeing another dude punching his wife)

What are your thoughts of This entire Feud????

my Thoughts are I think Y2J is really the good guy he has been telling the truth in every promo.. HBK is getting away with anything and doesnt get booed whatsoever.. But after slam it showed how much of coward hbk is... I thought maybe HBK should of fought back but Y2J get's the upper hand, before he does too much damage the officals come out, which in-result hbk just get's a minor blow...

but overall I have enjoyed the feud but i feel the crowd is going for the wrong people sort of similiar to the Jacobs/Aries (as aries took jacobs women and manipulating jacobs friends for aries advantage and the roh crowd are seeing through it, cause i guess aries is more respected than jacobs to the fans)..

but Y2J/HBK has been my favourite feud of WWE 2008...maybe Edge/Taker 2nd


If the rumours are true about the Millionaire Club vs New Blood pt 2 in TNA, who do you see in each stable?

(I see In Millionaire club: Angle, Booker T, Sting, Nash, Team 3D, Scott Steiner????)
(sidenote: Maybe Beer Money Inc could be allies of them but not in the group offically)
N/Blood: Styles, Joe, Cage, Rhino, Morgan, abyss, Jarrett


do you think TNA should stop using ex-wwe, ex-wcw angles?

(i'll give you a recent example: Kip James joining the Beautiful people, do u think somehow this sounds similiar to Pretty Mean Sisters when Meat Joined them in 1999)


one thing notice on TNA is Brother Ray... He no sells alot...

proof (2 weeks ago)

[yt]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ognYZBS0V9k&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ognYZBS0V9k&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/yt]

put it towards the 2:55-3:05 mark, rhino gores him and watch the awesome sell job he does, I think it's the quickest timing Ray ever got out of the ring, he is also walking around the outside no selling either :smh


After watching the Y2J/HBK segment for Slam....

my thoughts after it was a Very good Promo until the end.. The part where HBK did nothing to Y2J after he decked his wife...

my question about this:

Are we ment to feel bad for HBK???
(i feel bad for his wife, for being bought into the angle and taking a hit.. I was surprised wwe are going do some males on female violence since all that benoit hit.. But i don't feel bad for HBK a husband just doesnt retailate after seeing another dude punching his wife)

What are your thoughts of This entire Feud????

My thoughts are a little different. I think this has been the best fued all year. Certainly it has lots of emotion and i think the wwe is kinda playing the fued by ear. I love the part when HBK told jericho " You should go home and tell your kids, Chris Jericho will never be HBK"

Both are kinda speaking the truth. Jericho is seen as the jealous guy who looked up to HBK, and now he feels they are equal. HBK feels he doesnt owe Jericho anything.

As far as who is right in the matter, or who im rooting for.... probably HBK. I've been a fan of his since i've been watching. Jericho is playing a great heel, but i still view him as the jealous type. Chris Jericho isn't mr. wrestlemania. He hasn't done half of what hbk has. Im thinking to think this fued may go all the way to Wrestlemania 25. HBK could take a few months off and return at the rumble or something. Have a final retirement match at mania.

I dont really think we are supposed to feel bad for HBK. I think it is, what it is. More to get Jericho over as a heel. I wasn't surprised HBK didnt do anything to Jericho. He just announced his retirement with his wife there. Her safety was #1 priority. The segment was fine in my book, especially since hbk kinda got the last word in.

If the rumours are true about the Millionaire Club vs New Blood pt 2 in TNA, who do you see in each stable?

(I see In Millionaire club: Angle, Booker T, Sting, Nash, Team 3D, Scott Steiner????)
(sidenote: Maybe Beer Money Inc could be allies of them but not in the group offically)
N/Blood: Styles, Joe, Cage, Rhino, Morgan, abyss, Jarrett

I havent caught tna in a couple weeks, so that can sometimes lose ya, but im thinking....

Millionaires: Angle, 3D, Booker T, Nash,

New Blood: Joe, AJ, MCMG, Kaz, Lethal

Something like that. I think Sting will stay neutrel LAX could go with the new blood, but i see MCMG fitting better. But yeah, I'd like to see Kaz in there too, forget the mask idea. They pushed him too far to stop.


do you think TNA should stop using ex-wwe, ex-wcw angles?

(i'll give you a recent example: Kip James joining the Beautiful people, do u think somehow this sounds similiar to Pretty Mean Sisters when Meat Joined them in 1999)

Ehh, every situation is different. This is nothing new in wrestling. Angles always recycle themselves. I think they focus a little more on their homegrown talent, rather than ex-wwe/wcw talent.

Some of those guys just need to go. Nash, Kip, BG, and im sure a few others. The people that do watch TNA, don't watch for these guys. They should work a little harder on getting in new fresh talent.


one thing notice on TNA is Brother Ray... He no sells alot...

He doesnt have too, he's too old. No, actually sometimes he sells good. He's just a little over animated sometimes. Similar to HBk over selling Hogan. I guess i'd have to actually watch a 3D match to give my full thoughts on it.