what u think of foley going to TNA? who else u think will go?
I don't know, ill have to see it, to believe it. I guess it wouldn't be all that shocking, but how will TNA use Foley. What type of role will foley have. TNA has the parts, they have had the parts, they just can't put it together. I hope TNA knows what to do with Foley.
As far as who else, Shannon Moore probably has another shot, Along with CHris Harris. I think Domino could be a solid pick up. Other than those 3, i think they are wasting there time. Visera has health problems, James Curtis isn't needed, nunzio would just crowd the roster. Whatever happened to Vito??
have you watch the new roh videowire???
I did and i enjoyed the Briscoe segments and the Delirious and Daizze Haze thing is interesting storyline work for ROH...
Yeah, it was a entertaining video wire. However it seems like its turned into the delirous/titus/haze show. If a ROH fan seen that video wire, and thinks thats what to expect out of ROH, its kind of misleading. There is some really big fueds going on, and i know New York had some great matches last weekend. SO i think this video wire could have used a little more action to go with the storyline. However the Briscoes at home is pretty cool too.