"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Beer Money Army

i got some ecw TV matches for you to rate.

Christian Vs Jack Swagger ECW Title Match (i think it was in late Feb or early March) ?

3/10/2009 edition of primo vs The Miz?

this week Ecw match of Evan Bourne Vs John Morrison?


Christian Vs Jack Swagger ECW Title Match (i think it was in late Feb or early March) ?

This was a pretty good boute. Probably the best ECW title match so far this year, although that's not really saying much. I'd say about 3.25-3.5.

3/10/2009 edition of primo vs The Miz?

Actually haven't seen this one. I meant to DL it and check it out, but never did. Heard it was 3 stars + though.

this week Ecw match of Evan Bourne Vs John Morrison?

I'd say this was about the same as Swagger/Cage. Around the 3.25-3.5 range. I think this was overall a better match than Swagger/Cage, but that match was for the title, so it gave it a little more importance. It's kinda tough to rate TV matches, since there is commercial breaks. So this was probably my favorite ECW match of the year so far. Closer to the 3.5 side.

Beer Money Army

well i view all 3 last night

christian vs swagger was 3.5 (12:19 length)
Primo vs Miz went under 9 mins but it was solid 3.0. (i really enjoy primo in-ring skills) 8:21 length
bourne Vs Morrison would be 3.5 (evan bourne best WWE match to date and pby morrison best singles match in ages, i thought he may have a few problem changing from tag back to singles.) 13:35

ecw is best in-ring wrestling show atm for WWE. (i wish raw/smackdown could develop lengthy matches like this, it would be good for ratings and the future for it's talent)

did you get to see the 20 Man Steel Cage TNA gaunlet? if so what is your rating for it?


did you get to see the 20 Man Steel Cage TNA gaunlet? if so what is your rating for it?

Ohh....A few weeks ago for the team captains? It was kinda just there, wasn't really something to rate, but i guess I'd go about 3.5...i'd probably have to see it again.

Hometown Kid

Do you remember seeing this match on Raw right after WM21?


How would you rate it?


3.25....doesn't get much better from the wwe in 8 minutes. Had some good moves, decent chemistry. I don't remember seeing this match back then, but had the feeling Shelton would win. Good stuff.


What are your thoughts on the draft? Were you pleased with where most of the guys went and who was moved? Are there any guys that you think should/shouldn't have been moved etc? Overall thoughts?

Now that both world titles are on RAW and the MITB briefcase holder CM Punk is on Smackdown, when do you think he will cash in and who will he cash in against? You would think the WWE would get him to win it early so Smackdown has a major title but then again you still have Edge Vs John Cena so Edge could be the man to bring the title back to Friday nights so what do you think will happen and what do you think should happen?


What are your thoughts on the draft? Were you pleased with where most of the guys went and who was moved? Are there any guys that you think should/shouldn't have been moved etc? Overall thoughts?

I think the draft served its purpose. For the most part i was pleased with the moves. They were pretty predictable. Raw got the guys who were stale on SD, SD got the guys on ECW that needed another step up. ECW got the stale talent who's a vetern, that can help the younger guys. Overall, i like it, but heres my thougths on each brand.

Raw Got:

* Ken Kennedy: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - I think he would have been better off on SD, but hopefully some of the veterns give him a nice push. I'm not sure on his health, but Raw can probably use him in the ring or not.

* One Half of the Unified Tag Team Champions Primo Colon: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - Lets put the colons on Raw so they drop the belts to Priceless. This is plain as day.

* Nikki Bella: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - ok

* Chavo Guerrero: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - ok Vickie's pet

* Hornswoggle: Drafted from ECW to Raw - not sure about this one, i guess he could provide some funny moments.

* One Half of the Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito Colon : Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - same as Primo.

* Festus: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - fire him

* THE Brian Kendrick: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw - your new raw heel jobber

* Brie Bella: Drafted from Smackdown to Raw They moved the whole clan.

* US Champion MVP - I like this, hopefully he's not squashed.

* The Big Show - Ehh, im 50/50 on this.

* Matt Hardy - This could be good, BUT Hardy needs new music, a new haircut, a new look. If he doesn't do that, i can't see him having much sucess. Maybe IC champ.

* WWE Champion HHH - Makes sense, not sure how much HHH is really going to add. Basically its 2006 all over again. How long before another DX reunion?

* The Miz - Good move. Hopefully he can be sucessful solo on Raw. Hopefully he keeps the dirt sheet going too. That seemed to get him over.

* WWE Diva's Champion Maryse Great...Yes :)

So Raw upgraded the midcard, without screwing up the upper card.

* Shad Gaspard: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown
- works for me

* Alicia Fox: Drafted from ECW to Smackdown - not sure why

* Mike Knox: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown - Im cool with it

* Candice Michelle: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown - ehh

* Ricky Ortiz: Drafted from ECW to Smackdown - I like it, i still think Ortiz could be good one day. They used him poorly on SD.

* Layla: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown Ugghh....fire her

* John Morrison: Drafted from ECW to Smackdown - Real good move

* JTG: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown - works for me

* Dolph Ziggler: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown I think it will be interesting to see how he does. Looks like he will get a nice push.

* Charlie Haas: Drafted from Raw to Smackdown Could be good.

* WWE Women's Champion Melina - ok

* Mr. Money in the Bank CM Punk - Great move...really the only guy that needed to be moved.

* Kane - Good move

* Chris Jericho - This could be interesting

* WWE IC Champion Rey Mysterio - I like it. Mysterio vs Morrison and Ziggler, SHelton fueds

Smackdown looks a lot better now. Fresh fueds and matchups.

* Ezekiel Jackson: Drafted from Smackdown to ECW
- Could be a good move.

* Zack Ryder: Drafted from Smackdown to ECW - He NEEDS to be repackaged.

* DH Smith: Drafted from Smackdown to ECW - Good move, BUT i like Tyson Kidd solo....I wouldnt want to see them tag on ECW.

* Natalya: Drafted from Smackdown to ECW - I see why they did it, but shes one of the better wrestlers, but i thought it might be best to keep her on SD/Raw.

* Hurricane Helms: Drafted from Smackdown to ECW - I like it.

* Vladimir Kozlov - I like it...no more beating Undertaker.

ECW lost some talent, but i think this will make room for some more new faces from FCW. (Low Ki) Plus they still have Swagger, Christian, Bourne, Kidd.

Now that both world titles are on RAW and the MITB briefcase holder CM Punk is on Smackdown, when do you think he will cash in and who will he cash in against? You would think the WWE would get him to win it early so Smackdown has a major title but then again you still have Edge Vs John Cena so Edge could be the man to bring the title back to Friday nights so what do you think will happen and what do you think should happen?

I'm not a fan of how this situation looks....I'd posted this a few days ago in the wwe section. It pretty much goes over the whole situation.

I think the easiest best option is to simply draft John Cena to SD via supplemental draft. It would give SD a legit top face. Raw still has 4 of the top faces they need to deal with.

Another (probably easier) option would be to have Edge beat Cena. However thats pretty lame....Edge beats Cena, Cena beats Edge, then Edge beats Cena again. The belt has been changing hands every month since Survivor Series. So I'm not a big fan of that.

Another option is CM Punk with the MITB briefcase, however like BMA, and others said, it would be stupid to waste the MITB this early. CM Punk should hold onto it, and let SD buildup him back up to a top face status.

Or we could see a Edge face turn.

Either way....I don't think it's going to turn out very good, unless something big happens at the supplemental. We could see 2 belts on Raw for a while, while the shows being more interbrand like they are during Wrestlemania.


Im starting to think the WWE may pull a double turn at the next PPV Backlash. PERHAPS you could use CM Punk at Backlash. I would be tough, but have Edge vs Cena start and somehow have the match stopped. Easy answer would be hit Cena with a chair for a DQ. BUT its a last man standing. So maybe hit both guys a few times with the chair...double count out. Then Punk cashes in and beats Cena, so he has some heel heat going....then you need Edge too turn face after.

I don't know if SD can pull all this off, but then again, they pulled off Edge inserting himself into a title match at No Way Out, but hitting one of the guys in the head with a chair, SO i could see some nonsense happening.

Or Just have two belts on Raw for a little bit, and go with the storyline of SD guys heading to Raw to bring the belt back. I think that could work. Or have Cena work both shows.


^^^^Surely they're done and dusted with the draft for this year now?

...You really think they'd pull a late supplemental on Cena?

Can't say I like it. Would kinda open us up for random draftings all year?


^^^^Surely they're done and dusted with the draft for this year now?

Yeah, i would expect so. I wrote some of that before the supplemental. I wouldn't be too shocked if someone else sprung up though.

...You really think they'd pull a late supplemental on Cena?

Pretty unlikely at this point, Especially with Jericho/Cena going on Raw. Somehow Jericho is be an important role to get the belt to SD imo. He can either help Edge, or somehow do something with Cena here tonight to start a mini fued, (again)

Can't say I like it. Would kinda open us up for random draftings all year?

I don't mind a trade here and there,although they never seem to do trades. More like Matt Hardy's "Im going to SD" switch. No sense wasting talent on a brand if you don't have anything for them. That's my take on it.


How many shows have you been to? And what was your favorite match if you have one picked out?


How many shows have you been to? And what was your favorite match if you have one picked out?

Good Question...I've been pretty lucky to live in Detroit, which is a good wrestling town. Been able to go to WM, which has been like my wrestling goal to check out once in my lifetime. Glad ROH comes here a few times a year, and i am very disapointed i passed on a ECW show in 98 or 99. It was just a house show, but still. I've seen about 12 (4.0+ star matches imo)

Let's see...I've been to:

Monday Night Raw 3 times (97, 98, 2008)

Wrestlemania 23

Royal RUmble 2009

TNA Bound for Glory 2006

Ring of Honor 6 shows (Supercard of Honor 2, Motorcity Madness 2007, Tag Wars 08, New Horizons PPV, Age of Insanity, and Motorcity Madnesss 2009)

Favorite matches....

1) El Generico vs. Nigel Mcguiness (ROH Championship)
* Age of Insanity*
- I had a front row seat to this, and Generico was one of my favorites, truely epic match. Most people call this 4.5 stars.

2) Motorcity MachineGuns vs. AOTF (Jimmie Jacobs + Tyler Black)
*Tag Wars 08*
- The Machine Guns return home for a insane main event. Unreal match

3) AJ Styles + Christopher Daniels vs LAX 6 Sides of Steel
*Bound for Glory 2006*
- Awesome cage match, very under rated compared to the all time great cage matches.

4) El Generico vs. Marifuji
*Motorcity Madness 2007*
- I'm a generico fan, and this was just a fun big matchup.

5) HBK vs John Cena WWE Championship
* Wrestlemania 23*
- HBK is one of my favorites, and it was great to see him main event at WM in Detroit.

6) Dragon Gate 6 man Tag
*Supercard of Honor 2*
- If you've ever seen these guys live, you'd know why this ranks up here. A rematch to a historic 5 star match.

7) Undertaker vs Batista World Championship
*Wrestlemania 23*
- Certainly a classic match

8) The Briscoes vs Austin Aries + Kota Ibushi
*Tag Wars 08*
- As close to a flawless tag match as your going to get. Perfect 18-20 minute match.

9) The 2009 Royal Rumble match
*Royal RUmble 09*
- no explainations needed.

10) Christian Cage vs Rhyno 8 mile street fight
*Bound for Glory 06*
- I went up to the front row for this one. Rating wise not the best, but still a real fun matchup. I like the hometown guy matches.

Honorable Mention:
- Jimmie Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer Cage match ( Supercard of HOnor 2)
- Low Ki vs Chris Sabin X-Division Title ( Bound for Glory 06)
- Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black ( New Horizons)
- John Cena vs Randy Orton ( Raw )
- Money in the Bank Match ( Wrestlemania 23)
- Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong FIP Title ( Supercard of Honor 2)
- Morishima vs Erick Stevens ROH championship (MCM 07)
- Nigel Mcguiness vs Claudio ROH Championship (New Horizons)

ROH's 8th ppv in det last saturday. Jimmie Jacobs and Austin Aries brawling in the crowd, ontop the ladder.

Orton vs Cena from Raw this year. Poor quality pic, due to poor quality seating.

Classic Raw from Attitude Era


Bound for Glory 2006: Senshi vs Sabin


LAX vs Styles/Daniels 6 sides of steel


WM 23 highlights


ROH: New Horizons


2009 Royal Rumble


I'm back if anyone has any wrestling related questions they want to ask. I may not be able to answer until 24-48 hours, but will answer your question eventually.

I also hope this doesn't spawn 10x more ask.... threads.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Who's taking the belt off of Christian?

Who off of Smackdown or Raw would you like to see on ECW?

Do you see Danielson getting big in the wwe, same goes for Nigel?


Who's taking the belt off of Christian?

I don't think anyone deserves or is close to beating Christian. So it might even be someone who is currently not on the ECW roster. As far as on the roster, the two guys i'm thinking are Shelton and Shaemus. Pretty much whomever wins that fued, i would think would be in line for a future shot. But again, i don't think either have done enough for ECW to make them serious threats to the belt.

Who off of Smackdown or Raw would you like to see on ECW?

Well, i'll try to use wrestlers whom are not being used as well as they could on Raw/SD.

Jack Swagger - Yes, I know he was already on ECW, but i considered Swagger a guy who could really help carry the brand. I think if they would have kept him in ECW for a year or two, he could come out to Raw/SD with a good push. Coming from a big fish in a small pond so to speak. But i think they pulled him too soon. Plus with Miz on Raw, Swagger isn't really needed.

Carlito - I'm not exactly sure what his status with the WWE is, but i'd say he's certainly at that level of Christian, and could be a great addition to the upper card of ECW. Carlitios Cabana could be a nice fit to ECW as well. I'd try to get him to ECW, and have him fued with Christian right away.

Chris Masters - Bring the Masterlock Challenge to ECW. Makes a big return, only to be a raw jobber. As we know, jobbers don't have too long of a shelf life. I think a switch to ECW would benefit Masters and ECW, and not hurt Raw at all.

Charlie Haas - He's doing nothing the last time i checked. Very good fundamentally sound wrestler, can help ECW on the undercard. SD wouldn't miss him.

R- Truth - It seems he lacks direction on SD, and really seems like he's in a big circle. Adding some of these mid card guys, could really give the show some credibility without hurting the other shows.

Low Ki - Once healthy move him up for FCW. If nothing else it should give ECW a little internet buzz.

Bonus - Move the hart foundation to Raw, and actually use them. How did hte WWE drop the ball on this one?

Do you see Danielson getting big in the wwe, same goes for Nigel?

It will be interesting to see how they do. I was very surprised to hear both do not have to report to FCW, and can jump straight to the main roster. Which means the WWE likes them. But i think Nigel isn't going to find the sucess he's looking for. I think Injuries may catch up with him, and stunt his growth in the WWE. But i could see him being a solid midcarder. I do think Danielson if put in the right role/character can really excel and have a bright future. The question is, what characters are these two going to get, and where are they headed.

If they both go the ECW, i think it would greatly improve the brand. But then again, i thought Colt Cabana was destined for greatness in the WWE, and that just didnt work out. So who knows. I do think these two are much more rounded in the ring though.