"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Hometown Kid

Great to have you back, man. :y:

What do you think of Jimmy Jacobs' leaving of ROH? He's pretty much gone for at least a year or two. We talked awhile back about he was getting buried and my question is...Will the big 2 give a look at him? I personally love the guy and hope he gets a chance.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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When will ECW get out of the "Development" theme its got going, and actually become a legit brand with a legit world title?


Great to have you back, man.

What do you think of Jimmy Jacobs' leaving of ROH? He's pretty much gone for at least a year or two. We talked awhile back about he was getting buried and my question is...Will the big 2 give a look at him? I personally love the guy and hope he gets a chance.


I was at Violent Tendencies, so i saw the whole "rebirth" of Jacobs, or what one would think was the rebirth. I thought the storyline with Jacobs on those two shows were great. Only problem i had with Jacobs as him and his AOTF people were jumping Black, Steenerico made the save. Didn't exactly get that, when they could have used Delirious, and Necro jump Jacobs.

But anyways, i miss Jacobs already, but some time off was probably needed. He will likely come back repackaged. I didn't hear he would be out for a year. I almost doubt he will be out that long. I just heard until he finds a new character, so maybe 6 months. But ya never know.

I also highly doubt the WWE is taking a look at Jacobs, he doesnt have the size, or the abiltiy in the ring. I guess theres a slim chance TnA takes a look at him. I think if TNA used him properly he could be a nice addition. But i wouldn't hold my breathe for Jacobs. Word on the street is the WWE is interested in Chris Hero. Apparently he signed, but theres no confirmation of it, so maybe it didnt happen yet.

When will ECW get out of the "Development" theme its got going, and actually become a legit brand with a legit world title?

I don't know if it will ever be considered a legit world title, as the idea of having 3 main titles, doesn't make sense to the WWE. It kind of devalues all of them.

I don't know if it even needs to be as high as a World title. I think it just needs to be used right. They have a great champ now, they just need some good challenges to make Christians reign better. Expanding the brand to a few more wrestlers would help as well. If they had a good fued, it would be a focal point on a PPV and would put the spotlight on ECW. As it is now, it just seems like EcW is relevant. It was almost like the WWE set christian up for failure. But as Rated CMS said, ECW is only a few wrestlers away from becoming good. If you toss a couple guys like Danielson and low ki on ECW, and it will give it a nice little buzz.


What are your thoughts on the setup of the bragging rights PPV? Do you think it will ruin Survivor Series since the PPVs are quite alike?

What are your thoughts on the current Bound for Glory Card?

Who would you like to see take the title from Austin Aries and when?

What are your thoughts on John Morrison as of late, there has been alot of buzz around him, he won the IC title and has been defending it well, he's suposed to be getting a DVD out sometime next year, do you think he will be the next man to win his first world title? Also who would you like to see him feud with on SD?

Amazing Red is the new X-Division Champion, what are you thoughts on that?


What are your thoughts on the setup of the bragging rights PPV? Do you think it will ruin Survivor Series since the PPVs are quite alike?

I like the concept of the PPV. I don't think it would hurt to add ECW to the show as well. I like the two title matches booked. Sick of Cena vs. Orton, but should be a epic iron man match, so can't complain much there. As far as the 7 on 7 match right before survivor series. The timing is horrible, but maybe the rules are goign to be a little different, and it will likely lead into Survivor Series somehow. So overall, not that bad of a PPV card. I wouldn't order it over Bound for Glory, but solid lineup for the WWE-non big four ppv.

What are your thoughts on the current Bound for Glory Card?

All things considered, i think it's pretty good. At least it seems like TNA is trying to go all out for Bound for Glory. Abyss and Foley have put on some really good promos. AJ vs Sting career match is a good main event. Lashley vs. Joe should be fun. I can't say im big on Angle vs Morgan, but can live with it. The ultimate X match should be good. The legends title match doesnt look too bad. It;s about as good as TNA can put on currently.

Haven't liked the booking too much since Slamiversary with the world elite, but it looks like the just wanted to book a good ppv card here.

Who would you like to see take the title from Austin Aries and when?

I personally like Roderick Strong. These two have history in the past, and they could have a nice little fued over the belt. I say keep the belt on Aries for a while though. Maybe have ARies hold it until Supercard of Honor 5 time.

Looks like Richards/Black are the major threats to Aries belt right now. Black to me is too much like Cena. People are already turning on him. When i say like Cena, they are making him like superman beating everyone. Richards would be a great champ, but he's currently the tag champ, so i say keep him in the tag division for a little while longer.

What are your thoughts on John Morrison as of late, there has been alot of buzz around him, he won the IC title and has been defending it well, he's suposed to be getting a DVD out sometime next year, do you think he will be the next man to win his first world title? Also who would you like to see him feud with on SD?

Can't say im a huge Morrision fan, but he's really adapted well to being a face, and he's really getting over. I haven't seen all of his matches, but i know he's put on some good ones. I think he has the looks to be a world champ, appears to be mature, and has a good work ethic. Is he the next guy?? I think he would be lead candidate at this point. I think MVP on Raw has made some waves, but on Raw he hasn't really been given a good chance to shine. Where as on SD Morrison has. My only concern for Morrison is guys like Batista coming to SD, Edge returning, and perhaps even add John Cena to the mix. Do that, and it says Morrision might win MITB at WM, rather than the championship.

As far as fueds, he has a bunch of options. I'd like to see him work with Tyson Kidd, Edge, Jericho, and even a returning Joey Mercury, but i wouldnt hold my breathe on that. I like when old partners return to revenge.

Amazing Red is the new X-Division Champion, what are you thoughts on that?

I was surprised. Didn't seem like TNA was going to do much with Amazing Red, but next thing you know he's the X division champ. Not sure how long its going to last, but he can be a good underdog champ. Bring some of the fast high flying action back to the X division. No complaints here. As far as fueds, I wouldnt mind Dangelo Dinero taking the belt off him in a few months. MCMG would make some good matches too.


In your own time with these, Monty... :]

1. You watch BFGlory last night?
Any thoughts?
Was Angle/Morgan as good as the glowing report I just read makes out?
How about Sting/AJ? Sounds like the crowd were all over that one...

2. What are your thoughts on Burke since going to TNA?
Personally, I think the character's great but his in-ring work is still rather unremarkable to me.

3. Dispite widely shared reservations about their eagerness to snap up ex-WWE talent, do you think they would be crazy NOT to sign up Umaga & Kennedy?

4. You get one one-off draft pick to take place pre-WM26...
...Onto what brand?
...Into what spot?

5. Blood-shed & Swearing...

Does modern wrestling really have to feature them in order to entertiain the non-PG element of their viewers?

6.a. Irrespective of current booking/positioning .... If you could see one guy become a first time WHC or WWE champ at WM26 who would it be and why?

6.b. Who would you ideally have them beat for said strap and why?


7. Where da eff did you get to, dude?

Big up your resurrecting this thread of awesomeness too.! :y:


Kenta has been signed for more appearences in ROH for November, he's already signed to take on Tyler black and also team with Black against Aries and Kenny King, I think he's also signed to face Roderick Strong again too, what are your thoughts on those matches and who else would you like to see him face this month?

ROH is returning to Detroit this month, are you considering going? If so, what's a Dream Card you'd like to see at the event?

Eric Escobar debuted on Smackdown defeating Matt Hardy thanks to Vickie Guerrero and I think that got him a place on team Smackdown, what are your thoughts on him and Vickie managing him.


Ok, these are some future WWE Champ ?s When and How

1. Jack Swagger
2. Dolph Ziggler
3. Drew Mcintyre
4. The Miz
5. Sheamus(Granted he can overcome the ECW curse)

The Rated R CMStar

Are you with me on the fact (and apparently with Triple H and Shawn Michaels), that Drew McIntyre indeed does resemble both in physique but in in ring talent, a young Triple H?

Also, do you think that he'll be pushable to the main event with his current gimmick or much like Triple H he'll get a character overhaul (I can already picture him with his haircut)?


. You watch BFGlory last night?
Any thoughts?

I watched about the first hour and a half and feel asleep. Damn. I was just exhausted by that time. The X division match was pretty sweet. The Tag match was pretty good, of what i saw. Surprised by how bad of a reaction Bobby Lashley got. That was kinda cool actually. That match was solid. I liked the results. Havent seen Angle vs MOrgan, but i heard that was good. Foley/Abyss was sort of the dissapointment, which isn't much of a surprise. The world Elite has some belts, for some credbility now. Overall I'd say this is a pretty good show.

Was Angle/Morgan as good as the glowing report I just read makes out?
How about Sting/AJ? Sounds like the crowd were all over that one...

I'm hearing Angle vs Morgan was good, not great, about 3.25. Same for AJ Sting. The AJ Sting match was good, cause it was Stings last. I might try and download a few of these and watch them during Raw. I'll post comments after if i do.

2. What are your thoughts on Burke since going to TNA?
Personally, I think the character's great but his in-ring work is still rather unremarkable to me.

So far so good with me. I'm glad they didn't give him too Blue of a name. His character seems interesting, and now they just need to sink him in a good fued. His character gives the booker options for storylines and fueds, so i'm excited for it. I'm sticking by one of my 2009 predictions of Elijah Burke winning gold in TNA.

3. Dispite widely shared reservations about their eagerness to snap up ex-WWE talent, do you think they would be crazy NOT to sign up Umaga & Kennedy?

Yeah, i think they would be crazy not to try. I hear Umaga will be back with the WWE sooner than later. I guess Kennedy should be popping in TNA pretty soon. I do blame the WWE for letting these guys go. They spent a lot of time building these guys as the future, and they dropped them very fast. Given, Umaga and Kennedy weren't angels, but sometimes you have to stick with something once you sink all that time and effort into it.

4. You get one one-off draft pick to take place pre-WM26...
...Onto what brand?
...Into what spot?

Well, right now i really want to move the Hart Foundation to Raw, and actually use them as if they were like the old Hart Foundation. But since that is 2 people, and you said "pre" WM I'd assume that want a move to set up a Wrestlemania match.

Personally I'd move HHH to SD to Challenge CM Punk (the SD Champ) at Wrestlemania. It seems like the fans want to see Undertaker vs JOhn Cena at 26 the most, but I'd rather see HHH put over Punk. I think that would really establish punk on the main stage. I wouldn't complain with CM PUnk vs HBK either.

5. Blood-shed & Swearing...
Does modern wrestling really have to feature them in order to entertiain the non-PG element of their viewers?

No, but it helps. They need more "raw emotion" You need better storylines, better characters, and better booking to help convince the fans the story is real. If WWE doesn't another company will. They might be able to get away with it now, but how long can the WWE sustain it's momentum.

6.a. Irrespective of current booking/positioning .... If you could see one guy become a first time WHC or WWE champ at WM26 who would it be and why?

I don't really see anyone quite ready to do that yet. The two names that come to mind is John Morrision and MVP. The odds of MVP getting put over on raw are not that good. John Morrision has a chance, but you have to figure Edge, Batista, and maybe John Cena are all headed back to SD. So if i had to pick one, probably Morrision, but i highly doubt it. Christian has about the same odds of shipping to SD or Raw and winning the belt, and thats not good.

6.b. Who would you ideally have them beat for said strap and why?

Well, I'd pick Morrision and i think the best way for Morrision to win the belt would be like a one night tournament on PPV. Have him go through and upset some of the top stars of SD and really have him "get over" that night as a top star. I think that would be the best way to have him win the title. (slightly early)

7. Where da eff did you get to, dude?
Big up your resurrecting this thread of awesomeness too.!

Thanks, I kinda got banned from the site, even though my name wasn't black. Basically MS changed my PW so i couldn't log in. It was a big mess. Got in a disagreement with the Admins and stuff, so another site asked me to join their site, so i did. Then i was in cahoots with the "other" site, and the admin didnt want me to recruit others, and was banned. At the time i was pretty pissed that none of the admins seemed to have my back on the situation. But hey, I can here to talk wrestling, and thats about all i pretty much do.

Kenta has been signed for more appearences in ROH for November, he's already signed to take on Tyler black and also team with Black against Aries and Kenny King, I think he's also signed to face Roderick Strong again too, what are your thoughts on those matches and who else would you like to see him face this month?

Those matches are solid. I really liked Tyler vs Kenta from End of a Age. That was probably 4.25 if not better. Not sure why he's teaming with Tyler. Thats pretty dumb, but a good match none the less. Strong and Kenta will be great.

As for Detroit and Toronto, I'm not sure what i'd like to see. Omega and Generico come to mind for Up and comers. Jay Briscoe vs. Kenta would be a great match too.

ROH is returning to Detroit this month, are you considering going? If so, what's a Dream Card you'd like to see at the event?

Of course i'm going. It was moved to Novi though, so it's a little farther of a drive. Dream card:

Strong vs. Aries (ROH Title)

American Wolves vs. Briscoes (Tag Titles)

Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega vs. Tyler BLack vs. Kenta

El Generico vs. Petey Williams

Young Bucks vs. House of Truth

And i'm not sure about the rest.

Eric Escobar debuted on Smackdown defeating Matt Hardy thanks to Vickie Guerrero and I think that got him a place on team Smackdown, what are your thoughts on him and Vickie managing him.

I think it's great for Eric Escobar, but a stupid move by the WWE. I think Vickie would make a good manager, but it's giving him a HUGE push before his first match. What if he completely sucks and is boring in the ring??? Im not a fan of the WWE hand picking "stars" before getting over. Especially with average talent like escobar and McIntyre.

Ok, these are some future WWE Champ ?s When and How

1. Jack Swagger
- I think he's got the best chance of any of these guys, but i don't see it happening anytime soon. I'd say maybe WM 28 after a face turn against Edge maybe??? Too far out.

2. Dolph Ziggler I dont see it.

3. Drew Mcintyre I really dont see him as champ.

4. The Miz If you would have said this a few years ago i would have said you were crazy, but maybe just maybe Miz has it in him. I'd say maybe in 2-3 years he fueding with former partner John Morrison over the belt, would be the best way.

5. Sheamus(Granted he can overcome the ECW curse) - No way in hell. There is no ECW curse, see CM Punk. The problem is the guy won't get over on Raw or SD, cause he's not that good. He was the best in FCW at the time, but it was a really weak roster.


"I might try and download a few of these and watch them during Raw."

LOL.... Speaks volumes right now.


i was really thinking of Christian and Swagger when i said "ECW curse" lol


ECW was prettty good for Swagger... It's being on Raw that has held him back. ECW was pretty good to JoMo too, to be fair. In fact Christian to ECW rather than Raw was a good thing too (I know some would argue that SD was the best option, but they had too much going on with Jeff/HHH/Edge to give him a whole lot. Plus, I think his time on ECW will have dispelled some of the doubts about him in the office - He'll prob get a better crack of the whip when he finally does jump brands.)

EDIT: (Ooops, soz, Moz... I forgot this was your 'house'.)


Adam Birch has been retired for a year. I dont really know why sinces hes only like 30 and was doing very well on the indy circuit enough to get called to TNA or OVW(WWE's farm territory at the time). He is a good athlete and could have been repackaged into a major success in the WWE, for this I wanted to ask you your views on Adam Birch and a possible coming out of retirement for him


Are you with me on the fact (and apparently with Triple H and Shawn Michaels), that Drew McIntyre indeed does resemble both in physique but in in ring talent, a young Triple H?

In terms of "looks" and only looks yes. I dont see much in him other than that compared to HHH. If the WWE wants to give him a strong push, thats fine. I just dont see how they see so much potential in him. Nothing about him has the "it" factor imo, and i think he's rather plain.

Also, do you think that he'll be pushable to the main event with his current gimmick or much like Triple H he'll get a character overhaul (I can already picture him with his haircut)?

I wouldn't book it, however it could it be done. They'll likely do the Umaga/Kozlov push, and have it go no where. Umaga was done pretty good, since he actually had some talent, and a look to him. Kozlov on the other was a big mistake. I'd rather see someone like the Miz or Jack Swagger (heels) as guys who have been established and accepted by the fans, and have them work there way to the main event, rather than just hand it over. I never thought i'd say Miz and the world title, but he's had some giant leaps in improvements the last couple years.

"I might try and download a few of these and watch them during Raw."
LOL.... Speaks volumes right now.

Well, i actually didn't download them, and im not sure if or when i will. Sometimes if i wait a few days on a ppv, i won't bother. Raw was pretty good though. HHH/Cena was good. I was looking forward to Jericho vs HBK. Raw is def. wasted HHH/Cena on Raw, but oh well.

i was really thinking of Christian and Swagger when i said "ECW curse" lol

I think both those guys are fine. Christian will get a nice push when leaving ECW, i think. Swagger is still young, and better than anyone on ECW at the moment.

Adam Birch has been retired for a year. I dont really know why sinces hes only like 30 and was doing very well on the indy circuit enough to get called to TNA or OVW(WWE's farm territory at the time). He is a good athlete and could have been repackaged into a major success in the WWE, for this I wanted to ask you your views on Adam Birch and a possible coming out of retirement for him

I've never heard of him, and dont see anything on youtube or online world of wreslting. Any info on him?