"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Adam Birch is Joey Mercury

Ahh Joey Matthews. I'm a fan of his, and i really don't know much about his situation. Not exactly sure why he retired. I like the shattered rockstar gimmick, i thought it fit him well. Could have probably went back to WWE/TNA, i would think, but i guess maybe they know something we don't know about him. Maybe he's happy not wrestling too. I'd like to see him make a return, but its a personel decision if he still loves to wrestle or not. Seems like some wrestlers lose their passion after leaving the big leagues.


So, what do you make of TNA snatching McGuiness, literally, out of the grasp of WWE?

...Do you think this will have wider implications between the two companies?

e.g. PROPER heat between the companies rather than Dixie & co. being the proverbial caveman poking the huge woolly mammoth with the blunt stick without even getting a reaction....

Loosely related, something I thought about last night...

IF TNA became a threat and we saw a new wrestling war, how do you think WWE would react... More specifically, do you think they'd just stick to their PG-plans and hope that they'd still have a fanbase by the time the new-young-wave come of age or do you think they'd 'get Attitude' again and face them head on?


So, what do you make of TNA snatching McGuiness, literally, out of the grasp of WWE?

...Do you think this will have wider implications between the two companies?

e.g. PROPER heat between the companies rather than Dixie & co. being the proverbial caveman poking the huge woolly mammoth with the blunt stick without even getting a reaction....

Loosely related, something I thought about last night...

IF TNA became a threat and we saw a new wrestling war, how do you think WWE would react... More specifically, do you think they'd just stick to their PG-plans and hope that they'd still have a fanbase by the time the new-young-wave come of age or do you think they'd 'get Attitude' again and face them head on?

To Airfixx's question do you Danielson will go the same way Nigel did or WWE realize their mistake of too long contract negotiation deliberation and snatch him before he goes to a TNA taping?


So, what do you make of TNA snatching McGuiness, literally, out of the grasp of WWE?

Good move for TNA. I dont think he would have fit in very well with the WWE. The wwe has their development organization, and i was very surprised to hear they were going to hear Nigel jump straight to the main roster. Thats almost unheard of. So i think it was more the WWE didnt want ROH to have Nigel. Plus with Nigels injuries, he's better off in TNA, with a lighter schedule.

...Do you think this will have wider implications between the two companies?

e.g. PROPER heat between the companies rather than Dixie & co. being the proverbial caveman poking the huge woolly mammoth with the blunt stick without even getting a reaction....

No, I don't think so. I think the WWE takes TNA very seriously. Until they can make some big moves, and start attracting WWE fans away from the WWE, i can't see the WWE being concerned with TNA. You figure with all the guys they release, it's clear they aren't too concerned with them.

IF TNA became a threat and we saw a new wrestling war, how do you think WWE would react... More specifically, do you think they'd just stick to their PG-plans and hope that they'd still have a fanbase by the time the new-young-wave come of age or do you think they'd 'get Attitude' again and face them head on?

I think it would be similar to how the WWF/WCW war went. The WWE didn't really take WCW seriously until they started Nitro, more so with the outsiders jumped ship. By this time, it was too late for the WWE and they needed to get desperate. There really isn't anyone in wrestling now, that could go to TNA have the effect Hogan had on WCW. Hogan brought a ton of people with him too.

So even if TNA were on MOndays they'd need to be more competitive in the ratings before the WWE were to change things. I think the WWE will stick with the PG rating as long as they can. THey would have to be backed into a corner to bring it back i think. ALthough in maybe 5 years, depending how the business looks, they may reconsider. But now its a family friendly product.

To Airfixx's question do you Danielson will go the same way Nigel did or WWE realize their mistake of too long contract negotiation deliberation and snatch him before he goes to a TNA taping?

I doubt it. Danielson has a lot more friends in the WWE, and is a better fit. I can see the WWE speeding up the process to get him signed, but i dont think Danielson will go with him, but who knows. I actually think Danielson is a better fit in the WWE than TNA. Seems like they respect him.


do you think Cena's going to SD??? Will he get the title over Taker if he is champ?


New Member
Oct 19, 2009
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Have u ever been into a wwe event? What was it like?


do you think Cena's going to SD??? Will he get the title over Taker if he is champ?

I'm kinda 50/50 on this one. Seems like they've been leaning towards that, but it could just be a swerve. Odd timing with Batista returning and going to SD as well. Doesn't really make much sense to me. So I'll say he'll stick on Raw, even though Raw needs a big shake up.

If he were to go to SD, I can't see him doing much other than getting in the title picture. I would have liked the WWE to stick with Punk a little longer. He's won the belt 3 times already and hasn't had one good run with it yet.

Have u ever been into a wwe event? What was it like?

Yes i have, in fact at the bottom of page 72 it lists all the shows i've been to.

I've been to a few wrestling events and each of them are different. I think seating can be a big factor with wrestling (WWE). Bad seats can hurt the show. So you'll either want to sit really close, or you want to be a little higher up and center. But if you've never been, i'd def. check it out. Myself i perfer a smaller indy show, or ROH/TNA. Less fans, more vocal fans, better action in the ring, and seems like they give you a better effort. The WWE also puts on a good show, but in a different way. More music, entertainment, fun and games. Myself, i like Monday Night Raw's and PPV's for WWE. House shows never did the trick for me. I'd go see SD now a days too, i just never have. If you can make it to a show, i'd reccomend it.

It took me a few years before i actually went to see it live, and i loved it at first. After seeing them a bunch, the love wears off a little, but its still always fun and a good time.


What the fuck now for SD.....

Since they now turned Batista.
Since Punk's got no legitimate claim to a rematch and no obvious opponents to move onto.
Since we STILL got a champ that can't 'go'
Since the whole Punk/Vince/Teddy/Robinson deal is not being fleshed out.


How'd you see SSeries taking shape this year?

You think there'll be one elimination match per brand?
You think this flismy inter-brand nonsense will spill over into SS?
Who'd you see in the world title matches?
Will ECW get a sniff or once again be absent; making it the 3rd PPV in a row?

Lastly.... Based solely on 2009: TNA or WWE?


What the fuck now for SD.....

Since they now turned Batista.

This will be good i think, although i would expect another title run within the next year. Depending how much Batista has left, he could bring the belt into WM 26. I know he's considering retirement, but he could have one run left.

Since Punk's got no legitimate claim to a rematch and no obvious opponents to move onto.

Not exactly sure what's next for punk. Probably float around, and try and get to the undertaker.

Since we STILL got a champ that can't 'go'

I don't think the WWE knows what they wanna do yet. If i had to guess, Taker will hold it until he faces Batista.

Since the whole Punk/Vince/Teddy/Robinson deal is not being fleshed out.


looks like it. That could have been a interesting angle.

How'd you see SSeries taking shape this year?

Probably something like

Team Legacy vs. Team Cena

Team Jerishow vs. Team DX

Team Mysterio vs. Team Batista

Undertaker vs. CM Punk (Casket Match)

Team Morrison vs. Team Miz

SD Divas vs. Raw Divas

You think there'll be one elimination match per brand?

Probably not on ECW. Although I'd be surprised if Christian and a few names aren't on the show. Posted the matches i thought we might see above.

You think this flismy inter-brand nonsense will spill over into SS?

Yeah, do you mean on the shows and after SS? I dont see if changing much now. Depends if Jerishow loses. I think after SS, we are going to see some new fueds, as they get ready to set up mania.

Who'd you see in the world title matches?

Probably Taker. Not sure about Cena.

Will ECW get a sniff or once again be absent; making it the 3rd PPV in a row?

I think guys like Christian, Shelton, Shaemus, Regal might make a few teams.

Lastly.... Based solely on 2009: TNA or WWE?

I'm saying TNA. The WWE isn't doing it for me anymore. They have 6 hours of programming each week to promote there PPV's and i just can't get into the matches, fueds and angles. I should really be into Cena vs. Orton, but it was so poorly done, i just don't care.

To me, TNA has done some things right this year. The MEM was a sucessful faction. They brought in Foley for some good mic work. The Joe heel turn was big. AJ finally won the belt again, and TNA did the build up correctly. A sucessful BFG. And to cap it off a big debut for Nigel Mcguiness. TNA is using their Tag and X division,and to me a better product.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Charleston, South Carolina
Why doesn't the WWE do something good with John Cena?

Why does he always have to be the Champ?

Why did Randy Orton get screwed?

What are you thoughts on WWE dropping the ball with Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuniess?

Why can't the WWE figure out a way to get Cena off T.V. when he was gone the product was so much better?


Why doesn't the WWE do something good with John Cena?

Why don't they do something good with anyone? I guess they figure Cena doesn't need major storylines to get over, since he's already over. Kinda lazy in my opinion.

Why does he always have to be the Champ?

Cause he can put over talent now? That would my guess. They had Cena dominate all those years, so now he can help guys like Rhodes/Dibiase get over as heels. Guys like Swagger and Miz. Seems repetitive to me, but i guess they want one of their top guys with the belt.

Why did Randy Orton get screwed?

I wouldn't say he was screwed. He beat Cena lots of time. Cena beats him lots of time, probably more. Orton is doing well. In fact, Orton probably won their biggest matchup at WM 24. But both those guys are the top guys.

What are you thoughts on WWE dropping the ball with Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuniess?

I think Bryan Danielson is still going ot the WWE. I dont think Nigel is a huge loss. With his injuries, and character, he's much better off in TNA imo. I think Danielson will be good in the WWE. They just need to give him a fair chance.

Why can't the WWE figure out a way to get Cena off T.V. when he was gone the product was so much better?

I guess i haven't noticed much of a change. It's not Cena, it's the WWE writers and bookers. Cena just goes out there and does his job. But i couldn't tell ya what the writers are thinking. Watch more TNA/ROH maybe? Cena is going to be around a long time, so we all better get used to it.


What are your thoughts on the newly made title match for TNA's next PPV, AJ Vs Joe Vs Daniels, do you think the three will make TNA history once again?

After what we saw Nigel do on Impact, what would you like to see him and Jurt Angle do, how would you have their feud run?

Speaking of Nigel, what would you like to see him do in TNA, who would you like to see him in the ring with?

If you could choose any one wrestler from ROH to sign with WWE or TNA right now who would they be and why?


What are your thoughts on the newly made title match for TNA's next PPV, AJ Vs Joe Vs Daniels, do you think the three will make TNA history once again?

I missed Impact, but I think it's a good main event. Get a good buzz about TNA going. Long term TNA fans remember how great 2005 was. So this is a little throwback, and it's good. Aj vs. Joe is a money fued, imo for TNA right now. Those are two of the hardest workers in wrestling. So i think it's good TNA is listening to its fans, giving us more action.

After what we saw Nigel do on Impact, what would you like to see him and Jurt Angle do, how would you have their feud run?

Depends on Kurt Angles status with the company. If angle is leaving, i'd have Nigel take him out for good. I'd build the fued up for about 2 months on TV with Nigel not having a proper TNA contract to wrestle Angle. Finally they wrestle, and Kurt ANgle wins, turning face in the process. Then i'd have them wrestle again at the next ppv in a no DQ match, where Nigel would win. So the score is one to one, with a tie breaker in the series finale. I'd have a I Quit match, where Nigel makes Angle quit, and it's the last we see of Angle.

If Angle isn't leaving TNA, i'd have Nigel go over first, and then Angle win the fued. Basically reversed.

Speaking of Nigel, what would you like to see him do in TNA, who would you like to see him in the ring with?

Your top guys. Your bigger guys. I'd like to see him lead the World Elite, as Eric Young's hired gun. If built up right, he's a threat to the TNA title, more so guys like Morgan/Hernandez. I'd like to see Nigel fued with those guys. ANgle, AJ, the best TNA has really.

If you could choose any one wrestler from ROH to sign with WWE or TNA right now who would they be and why?

ROH right now without Danielson/Nigel

WWE: Chris Hero/ Colt Cabana. I dont see how the WWE dropped the ball with Colt in the first place. But if Cabana doesnt count, Chris Hero has REALLY stepped up his game the last year. He's WWE ready now.

TNA: The Briscoes! No question this would be a HUGE addition to their tag division, which already awesome.