"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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How do you feel about HHH beating Randy Orton and winning the title.......again!?

and How do you think matt Hardy will go after winning the US title at Backlash???


How do you feel about HHH beating Randy Orton and winning the title.......again!?

Ehh, im different. On one hand, who else was left for Orton to beat? After they pissed away some good fueds. HHH does freshen up the main event scene, and will produce better main events, but it does kill Ortons momentum. All in All, I think things will be a slightly more entertaining now.

How do you think matt Hardy will go after winning the US title at Backlash???

Ehh, Good for Matt Hardy i guess. It just seemed like they had to give the belt to hardy, and he hasn't exactly earned it, since his return. I don't think he should be punished for being injuried, i just thought it wasn't fair for MVP or Hardy. I would be all for Hardy beating MVP given the proper push, like before he was injuried. Again, Hardy as champ will give SD a fresh look. Plus im assuming MVP will be going for the World belt soon. (or should at least)

I think you mean, how will Hardy do? I think he will do well. Just look at US champs of the past. 75% of them go on to win a world title. Hardy is on the right track, and if he keeps it up, one day i think he will be a world champ too. He's already one of the biggest faces on SD.


^ if you want to talk bout Hardy I made a thread about him...

Where do you think Chris Jericho will be going with this whole HBK/Batista fued? he was hit with both of there finishers and didnt even doing anything to get them back at BackLash.


^ if you want to talk bout Hardy I made a thread about him...

Ehh, The hardys are the same story, over and over. Im not the biggest fan of theirs. I perfer Jeff, but he kinda let me down a bit on the last drug suspension.

Where do you think Chris Jericho will be going with this whole HBK/Batista fued? he was hit with both of there finishers and didnt even doing anything to get them back at BackLash.

This is the only match i've watched so far, so good choice. I would assume they would go with an angle where Jericho calls HBK "cheap" and it was a cheap win. Then those two could fued, OR it could be big swerve and HBK and Jericho are really in cahoots. That would be interesting, although a heel turn would be needed by both.

Beer Money Army

What are your thoughts on my TNA Creative gimmick for "Jimmy rave" or future known "RockaJimmy"?


What are your thoughts on my TNA Creative gimmick for "Jimmy rave" or future known "RockaJimmy"?

I guess i like the concept, but think its horribily done. Didnt they learn anything from Billy Gunn like 12 years ago? At Least give Jimmy Rave a real guitar. That guitar Hero guitar looks gay to me. I think if they gave him a punk rockers gimmick ala jeff hardy, with a lil more flair it could work. But at least he has something, i guess.


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What do you think of a possible title reign for MVP, soon?


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Aug 12, 2007
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Do you think the WWE storywise is better than it was this time last year than it is now?

Same for TNA as well


What do you think of a possible title reign for MVP, soon?

I dont know its that far off. I'd say he's about ready in a few months, proving he's booked right. He recently lost to Jericho and Hardy for the US belt, but i think once they re-establish him, he's more than capable of carrying smackdown. The one problem i see, is that for some reason, i can't see him beating the Undertaker. If Batista was champ, i think MVP could beat him. But for some odd reason, i dont see MVP beating Taker, for the belt. Never say never though, who knows, Taker may get injuried again, thus having another battle royal or tournament. So I'd love to see MVP move up and soon. However knowing the WWE, they like to take their time pushing talent, so it may not be until this time next year.

Do you think the WWE storywise is better than it was this time last year than it is now?

This is a tough question. One reason being this is a poor time for storylines, when it should be some of their better storylines. I'd say its about the same, but if i had to pick one, i'd say last year was better. I wasn't real big on the Cena/Khali fued, however the three PPV's after WM were all solid. Now i thought Backlash this year was good, but i think this year we will see better results, however worse storylines. Do you get what i mean. Like CM Punk wins MITB, Kane wins the ECW belt, and a slightly more unpredictable storylines. However. I can't say for sure, its better than last years yet. I really like the HBK/Batista fued, however i can't see the wwe pulling off a storyline, as talked about as Vince's death or son. Those could have been some of the greatest storylines in wrestling history, they didnt turn out that great, but still, i can't see wwe creative pulling anything really good off this year. I also thought ONS 07 was one of the better ppv's in 07. Not as good as mania, or RR, but i could argue it was the third best ppv. Backlash also recieved rave reviews too.

Same for TNA as well

I'd defineltly say last year TNA was better. Kurt Angle/Joe fued was in its prime. Nothing has really changed with TNA, their stars are just older, and not advanced, Imo. They brought in Booker T, but thats the bright spot, imo. The guys they've brought up, arent having a big impact, on the bigger picture. All i gotta say Joe vs Steiner..ppv main event. That should say it all really.

Not to say i haven't enjoyed TNA, but theres just nothing new catching my eye.


what do you think about HHH/Orton in steel cage at jd?

and what about Kennedy maybe challenging Regal?


what do you think about HHH/Orton in steel cage at jd?

Sure, we havent seen that yet. HHH/Orton have had a lot of matchups however they normally put on damn good matches so i havent gotten tired of it. The steel cage match is kind of over rated though. I normally like No Dq, Last Man standing match. Although they've already done that. HIAC is are cool too. Submission matches are always on of my favorite matches.

and what about Kennedy maybe challenging Regal?

Awesome, i think it was the right time for a face turn, and this should be one of the more entertaining angles on raw. This is what i mean by the wwe finally listening to the fans. Kennedy should be able to get a great response on raw. Will this affect CM Punk?? Who knows. Maybe Jeff Hardy as well, however i think the heel kennedy character got old. I think they could have turned him face a little better, but oh well. Def. some fresh matchups on raw against the likes of JBL, Orton, Santino, carlito.

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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I got some questions about the divas. We've seen Melina broke her kayfabe character and acted like a face (not sure, but I believed she did it during Raw Anniversary and during Santino/Maria match), do you think Melina should turn into face? Just thought of that since all of the real wrestlers are heels except Mickie James and all models are heels. Do you think we could see another fresh feud between Melina and Beth when they're done with Mickie/Beth?


do you think Melina should turn into face?

No, i think shes just naturally hated. I can't see her as a face. I dont know, something about her voice/look screams bitch.

Do you think we could see another fresh feud between Melina and Beth when they're done with Mickie/Beth?

Doubt it, although i would like Beth is more likely to turn face. It would be a fresh matchup though. I have noticed we've seen more "tweeners" with the womens division. Most notably Cherry. I think McCool will be sent to raw as the top diva soon.


how do you think this weeks Smackdown will turn out with all 3 of the titles on the line?


how do you think this weeks Smackdown will turn out with all 3 of the titles on the line?

I didnt know there was three titles on the line. I seen Taker vs Khali and i think Taker is walking out with the belt. I can't see Hardy losing the US back to MVP so soon. I dont wang/Moore are wwe tag champs worthy, and thats sad. So i dont see any belts changing hands, if one were too, i'd say tag team cause those belts are meaningless.