"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Who do you think will step up and beat Nigel McGuiness to be ROH Champ?

Do you watch any puro, and if so who are your favorite workers?

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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You think having Rey Mysterio turn as heel is a good idea. Well, Rey is a face since his debut in Smackdown so you think it could be a good change in Smackdown when we see Rey as a heel?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
How do you feel about the impending Batista-HBK feud per the stare down we got on Raw from Batista? Who do you think should be the heel and will it be a good feud?


Who do you think will step up and beat Nigel McGuiness to be ROH Champ?

A month ago i would have said Claudio Castagnoli, but im having a different feeling in my gut. For some reason i'm starting to think Kevin Steen may walk away with the belt late in 2008. I think they will give Nigel a nice run. We could see Danielson/Aries win the belt for a second time too, but for some reason Kevin Steen could pull off a huge upset. He said he was going to be wearing ROH gold this year, he started off the year like 10 -0 included some big wins at Eye of the Storm.

Do you watch any puro, and if so who are your favorite workers?

I have trouble defining puro. I look at it more as japanese strong style, not sure if im correct on this. Most of the Japanese talent i know is from ROH. I do try and watch some of the "big" matches they have. As far as whos my favorite, i kinda like them all, but i guess ill list my top guys. I like Kenta , Marifuji, Ibushi, Dragon Kid, and Cima. I don't watch a whole lot, but those guys tend to stand out for me.

You think having Rey Mysterio turn as heel is a good idea. Well, Rey is a face since his debut in Smackdown so you think it could be a good change in Smackdown when we see Rey as a heel?

Probably not, look at how much people hate AJ Styles as a heel. He plays a pretty good heel i think. Rey is even smaller than AJ. Maybe farther down the road i could see them trying a heel turn, but it would have to be set up pretty well in order for it to work.

How do you feel about the impending Batista-HBK feud per the stare down we got on Raw from Batista? Who do you think should be the heel and will it be a good feud?

As crazy as this sounds, this could be a very important fued leading into WM 25 or it could be held off until WM 25. I could see using Batista to look like the face, but ultimately turning on Shawn. HBK would be viewed as a heel sorta but the fans end up rallying behind him. WM 25 is in Texas, and im sure HBK will have a big role. OR they could do the fued over the summer on Raw, setting up someone for a big push into mania. But yeah, i'd probably just have Batista be bitter and HBK kinda shrugs it off, eventually forcing Batista to snap. Will it be a good fued? Has HBK ever been in a bad fued? Generally he does top notch stuff imo.


What's your favorite wrestling angle of all time and why?

Well, this is more of a fued than a angle, but i really liked the Austin/Hitman fued. This took Stone Cold from a nobody to a legend. OK, maybe he wasn't a nobody, but he took a HUGE jump in popularity, reason, because the hitman was a perfect heel. Austin being built up as a Anti-Hero, yet as a face, then you had the super hero hart start to turn more heelish and pro canada. The fued escalated into Stone cold vs the entire Hart Foundation. They had a epic five star match at mania as the climax. Awesome booking with this feud.

who do you prefer as a GM? Eric Bischoff or Paul Heyman?

Heyman all the way. I was a big ECW fan back in the day, and i hated WCW, so they pretty much is all the reasoning i need, i think. As a GM, its just a character, so its actually how its booked. Both these guys are great bookers, but Heyman is better. Although when it comes to who's a better actor on TV, Bischoff may be a little better, mainly because Heyman isn't really a actor, he's more real life.

where would christian fit if he came back to the wwe now?

Right back where he was when he left. Upper mid card on Smackdown. Probably as a face, run through MVP, Vladimir Kozlov, Mark Henry, Chuck Pulumbo. Then they tease a Christian/Edge match, but ulimately its a set up to screw over a top face. Thus reuniting E+C. With ultimately Christian winning the world belt.

What was your favorite wrestling PPV?

Probably WM 18. Great roster of talent, and a lot of big time matches. Hogan vs Rock was incredible. Sure 17 had some good matches, but i liked 18 better. Had some great first time matchups too, Ric Flair vs Undertaker, Booker T vs Edge, Austin vs Hall. Then you had solid matches like RVD vs Regal and HHH vs Jericho, DDP vs Christian, Kurt Angle vs Kane.

That's not the greatest wrestling show i've seen though. I think ROH's better than our Best is the greatest show i've seen. This was on 4-1-06 (day before wm 22 in Chicago) Top to bottom perfect show. The show started with a lot of high flying action in a 6 man featuring Jack Evans, matt Sydal, Jimmie Jacobs and more. Then Jim Cornette told Delirous win or go home. So he to pick his opponent and beat him. Then Dragon Gate and the Embassy had a great match. Then heres the final four matches

Joe vs Daniels vs AJ vs Jimmy Wang
Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs Cima/Doi
Bryan Danielson vs Lance Storm
Colt Cabana vs Homicide (Street Fight)

Argueably about 4 four star matches. They've were building Cide/Cabana for months and months and this was a great climax. This show featured the best wrestling and great storylines within the show. Great mix of technical wrestling, Hard Hitting, High Flying and Hardcore. 10/10

Evil Austin

If there was a war between TNA and ROH who would win ? and why, If ROH and TNA tried to put each other out of business like WWE did to ECW and WCW and TNA and ROH sent wrestlers to each others shows to beat other wrestlers up. Anyway you get the point, if there was a TNA and ROH version of Invasion... Who do you think would win ? Who would come out better in ratings and put the other one out of business....

(Also just another quick one am I aloud to start a thread asking questions to me ?)


What's been your favorite ROH angle/match and why?

Alright, I thought about this and got some sleep. I said my favorite match was The Cage of Death. It feautured Team ROH vs Team CZW in a war, similar to the old war games. I'll have to look for a video, i know i've seen it around last year. Certainly that invasion angle is up there with their best angles. CZW would invade their shows, and it was a Technical vs Hardcore wrestling. Respect vs no respect type fued. The battlelines were drew on the ground. Awesome fued that spanned over 6 months. In the cage match featured Joe, Claudio, Hero, Necro and more. It was 5 on 5 and four guys on each team were announced and 1 mystery. So that added a lot of strategy to the match too.

As far as angles go, they really don't have angles, but more like "big fueds" Its tough to say which is the best when you look at the old videos. I've only been keeping track over a year. But heres the main ones imo.


- Homicide vs Jim Cornette

- Homicide vs COlt Cabana

- Briscoes vs Steenerico

- Joe vs Punk

- Project 161 / Age of the Fall

- Nigel vs Danielson

- Jimmy Jacobs character development

- Joe vs Japan's top talent

I know theres more, but most of these are in the past couple years. Not much from the beginning.


who do you think would win tonight's King of the Ring match, and why?

2 more questions: Do you ever see CM Punk with a major title? Do you ever see Cena back on SD!?


What ROH DVD's did you get in Detroit?

I havent picked up any DVDs in a while, so this was kinda hard choosing. I went with

- Man Up

Great show, top 3 ROH show's i've seen

- Eye of the Storm

Fun show. Good tournament, features more of a television style product. No Great matches, but everything was good.

- 6th anniversary show

Its been getting good reviews, The first half has been very entertaining.

- Double Feature

This one i wasn't real sure on. Two shows for the price of one though right?

I went with newer shows for the most part. Figured i'd get up to speed.

I still need to pick up these dvds next time around, sooner or later

- Blood stain'd honor
- Undenied
- Rising Above
- Glory by Honor night 2
- Supercard of Honor III
- Tag Wars 08

who do you think would win tonight's King of the Ring match, and why?

Honestly, i dont have the slightest clue. I think it should be some huge underdog like Elijah Burke. Get him off ECW and give him a nice push into the A/B show. I could see them bringing in someone new. Or i could see them giving it to a solid up comer like MVP/Kennedy/Punk. Hell, even the King of Kings could win it.

I guess if i had to pick one, I'd go MVP, cause i've been saying that all week, because i thought he was in it.

2 more questions: Do you ever see CM Punk with a major title?

Of Course! He won MITB right? I could see him getting the "big" rub at WM 25 too. Punk going over someone big at mania. We will see though. I'm he will hold the world belt within a couple years.

Do you ever see Cena back on SD!?

I hope so. I think i'd be good for Raw and SD. YOu cant have Cena be a lollipop face on Raw. It would work better on SD. Not to mention Cena on Raw as a face has gotten stale. So i say if they want to keep him on raw, Turn him heel within the next year. If they want to keep him face, move him to SD.