"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Mar 28, 2008
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Alright heres a question for you, what do you think of John Morrison? Personally I think he needs a bigger push but ive read your posts and I respect your opinion so im curious.
Oh and heres another one that was spurred on by the new Triple H dvd what match between him and Mick Foley is better in your opinion the Hell in The Cell from No Way Out 2000 or the Street Fight from Royal Rumble 2000?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Thanks I did read that answer earlier, sorry for basically asking the same question.

I do have another question though and if you answered this one already sorry. How would you have done Flair's retirement match/angle? A lot of people have said that they wished they would have put him up against a young guy to put that talent over, but what you have done differently, if anything, out of this angle?


I enjoy answering these questions, so dont worry about asking a similar one. Keep them coming.

Alright heres a question for you, what do you think of John Morrison? Personally I think he needs a bigger push but ive read your posts and I respect your opinion so im curious.

John Morrision. Hmmm. Well, i guess i'd have to start kinda back before he was morrision. I think he's one of the funnest guys in the wwe to watch. His series with Jeff Hardy over the IC belt, bought a lot of attention back to the belt i thought. The weakest part of Morrision game is his mic skills. Not bad at all, but i think they are giving him some time to improve, which he is doing. I do think the wwe messed up sometime in late 2006 i think with Johnny Nitro. They had a perfect chance to be a super face. I thought they could have really put over Nitro and it would have worked so perfectly. Around that time their were rumblings of Nitro joining DX. In my opinion, they could have pulled it off flawlessly. Nitro had a DX like character in OVW. All he had to do some dump Melina, and join DX and i think he would have been sky rocketed. HHH could have done for Nitro, what HBK did for HHH. He would have fit in really well. He got a real good pop one night when he talked back to melina, then they just stopped the face turn.

With that being said, i've kinda been against the morrision character based on the fact they really didnt explore the Nitro character more. Morrision would have been really cool. farther on down the line in his career. I like the morrision character, i just thought they could have done more with Nitro. In the future i could see Morrision as a world champ, depending on how the chips fall. Come to think of it, Wouldnt Jericho vs Nitro be a awesome fued? But yeah, he's probably in my top 5 wrestlers matches i watch. As far as my favorites in the wwe, i'd say he's around 10-15. Maybe a little lower.

Oh and heres another one that was spurred on by the new Triple H dvd what match between him and Mick Foley is better in your opinion the Hell in The Cell from No Way Out 2000 or the Street Fight from Royal Rumble 2000?

This is a tough one because i barely remember the HIAC. Im pretty sure the Street fight was better bc i remember it.

I havent picked up the HHH Dvd because i wasnt really into the matches they selected. THen again, maybe i'm not a huge Trips fan. I actually remember seeing him in WCW as Terra Ryzing thinking he was going to be good one day. (I said that about alex wright too though) So when Hunter Hearst Helmsley came to the wwf, i was kinda into to him. I think i lost interest after the second DX. I like his lead by example attitude and i think he would be a good choice to run the company (more so than steph/shane) I'd just like to see him put a few more people over. The game does have a eye for talent. A lot of the guys he said NOT to put over, actually were the right decision imo. HHH eats, sleeps, and breathes wrestling, and he should get more credit than what he has been. Maybe he will win the belt tonight, who knows.

How would you have done Flair's retirement match/angle? A lot of people have said that they wished they would have put him up against a young guy to put that talent over, but what you have done differently, if anything, out of this angle?

Well, as far as that putting over young talent goes, what do you think Flair has been doing the past 6 years??? I don't think Flair is losing tonight. I would hate to see Flair lose and leave. Bottomline, is Ric Flair has basically been given creative control for the past 5 months or so. Im pretty sure he picked his opponents for most of the shows. He's had a chance to work with most all of the up in coming stars and is a nice close to one of the greatest careers in the business. Probably the greatest.

As far as what i would have done. With the talent on the current roster i would have done a evolution fatal fourway. Kinda like stacking the odds against HHH/Flair (the faces) Batista would play the tweener. The fans wouldnt give flair a shot, and Flair actually goes on to win the championship and retires. Thus bringing back a King of the Ring like tourament for the belt. I'm pretty sure they would have had no problem pulling this off.

Other fun matches i've about

- Ric Flair vs Cody Rhodes.

This could have been huge in my opinion. Bring back Dusty rhodes and have them bring back old memories and stuff. I think this would have worked better than typical Kennedy/MVP like young star. This one kinda writes itself. Too bad Cody Rhodes isn't really ready for this yet.

- Ric Flair vs Legend

Theres a handful of guys out there. Hogan, Sting, Steamboat, Dusty, These would be kinda cool, but a crappy match. Probably why flair picked HBK.

Thats about all really. I think his options were limited. Flair vs HBK works for me though.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
I agree. I am satisfied with Flair-HBK, I am not one of those people that think a young star should have retired him. After the HOF last night I absolutely cannot wait for Mania tonight.


do you think jesse and festus are a good tag team?

Not really. The wwe doesnt care about tag team wrestling so why should I???? I dont like this tag team because its another red neck tag team. We've seen it over a dozen times already. Festus going crazy, i kinda like that, but i dont think its going to lead anywhere good for the tag team. I'm pretty sure they will break up by next year. I'm pretty sure Jesse will be fired, and with Festus they will try and transform his character ultimately failing. Thus 5 years from now, no one will remember them. So i can't really root for any tag team now a days in the wwe.

If you want tag wrestling watch ROH/TNA. You probably have at least ten teams in those companies that are more established in the wrestling world. I will list them

The Briscoes
MotorCity Machine Guns
Richards+ Romero
Age of the Fall
AJ + Tomko

Well 7 teams. But you get what i mean.

After the HOF last night I absolutely cannot wait for Mania tonight.

Hmmm i forgot all about that. I should look into watching that.


Feb 7, 2007
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-Who has the brighter future James Storm or Robert Roode.

- In this day and age who is the best pro wrestler (The person with the right mixture of ring skill, mic skills and making money)

- What does TNA need to do to compete with the WWE.

- And finally who do you prefere John Cena or the Rock.


-Who has the brighter future James Storm or Robert Roode.

Hmm, good choices. I like them both, but my gut is telling me Robert Roode. I think he is a little farther along in his career than James Storm at the moment. Its always good when veterns like Booker T request to work with you. Im liking the Robert Roode Inc. gimmick. He works and it fits his character. He's probably one of the main guys if i were the wwe, to take a look at and try and snag him from TNA. Right now i just think enough people care about James Storm. He's more of a comedy gimmick.

- In this day and age who is the best pro wrestler (The person with the right mixture of ring skill, mic skills and making money)

I was thinking the exact same thing to myself today/yesterday actually. So im glad you asked this. This answer may change every few months but i think right now. Strictly looking at in the skill. Austin Aries is the #1 guy. He's had incredible matches with Nigel, Danielson, Strong, and more and can really has the best in ring game. When you throw in making money, that would probably take him out.

Mixing the items you mentioned, would probably have to be HBK. I think he still has enough left to where he is still a draw, he can pull off great matches when needed, and certainly a top guy on the mic. John Cena should also be mentioned here, along with HHH. But for my money ill take HBK over those guys.

- What does TNA need to do to compete with the WWE.

I dont think they need/should compete with the wwe, but if its all or nothing I'd put TNA in the same spot WCW Nitro was. 8 pm to 10 pm. I'd go all out, I'd inject a lot of attitude into the product. Give a reason for the people to watch TNA over WWE and see what happens. I would be willing to bet, TNA ratings would go up against the wwe's. I am certain of that because you have 4-5 million wrestling fans tuning in mondays anyways. So i think TNA could pull off a 2.0 on mondays, BUT that doesnt equal sucess. They need to make money.

- And finally who do you prefere John Cena or the Rock.

John Cena....Fuck the Rock. The Rock was Great back in the day, but his time has come in gone. Gotta move on. I can't say the Rock is better than Cena. The Rock had twice as many resources at his time. The wwe watered Cena wayyy down. The Rock may be considered better, but ill take JOhn Cena.

Final WM Predictions

Jamie Noble winning the Battle Royal. Im going with a underdog. I'd love to see Mysterio return here. Lashley, Hardy, RVD could also pop up in this match. So we could see some shocking events.

Ashley wins Bunny match ( Who cares)

JBL Over Finlay - A nice spot for a heel win on mania

Chavo over BR winner

Batista over Umaga

Kennedy winning MITB (although i want MVP to win, CM PUnk is the dark horse)

Floyd winning over big show (with some help from the rock)

RIc Flair over HBK

Cena over HHH Orton (dont have HHH end Cena's WM streak)

Taker over Edge

This is one of the more unpredictable manias. I wouldnt be surprised if get 3-4 wrong, or everything correct.


Did you get emotional during Ric Flairs acceptance speech?

Nah, im not a very emotional person. Kinda surrprised he wrote his speech. I dont think anything in wrestling ever made me emotional. Not that i can think of. The closest was probably seeing pillmans dvd. The part where they were like he was desperate for help, but he didnt want the help.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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If the (real) wcw and ecw was still around.. what would there rosters look like?

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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I have to just add.....



CENA OVER ROCK? come on now, Rock is better than Cena in acting, entertaining, wrestling, EVERYTHING. And HHH not to end Cena's streak? wtf? Cena shouldn't even have had some lame ass streak. Flaming is allowed here, right? Well - Fuck you, and fuck you opinions because your opinion is the dumbest I've heard.

You are welcome


CM Punk, Kennedy and MVP. Pick one to be the future face of the franchise right now.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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I read an article that the name "Nature Boy" was transferred from Flair when the original "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers (am I right?) passed the torch on Flair. At Wrestlemania, it seems that Flair passed the torch on Shawn Michaels and my question is Do you think Shawn Michaels can replace or maybe just be on Flair's position in the industry? Hmmm.... The "Nature Boy" Shawn Michaels, lol...


I have to just add.....



CENA OVER ROCK? come on now, Rock is better than Cena in acting, entertaining, wrestling, EVERYTHING. And HHH not to end Cena's streak? wtf? Cena shouldn't even have had some lame ass streak. Flaming is allowed here, right? Well - Fuck you, and fuck you opinions because your opinion is the dumbest I've heard.

You are welcome

Hey, i got an idea, Lets job out the biggest draw the company has seen in 5 plus years!!! Then lets all go watch a dwayne Johnson movie. He's such a great actor. Who is the Rock, there is no ROCK, its Dwayne Johnson. If you think Dwayne Johnson is the best ever, than say it, but the Rock is dead. Just ask Stone Cold or HHH about the Dwayne. Don't come on here with BS. People ask for my opinion, i give my opinon. Nobody asked for yours.

I'll answer the other questions when i get home. I like the WCW/TNA rosters question, but i dont have the rosters in front of me at work. I'll answer the others in detail.