if you win the duel against a Ruinous Powers aligned player, you may immediately target another player to duel again.
+ now Odo is confirmed non-scum. so thats fun
+ now Odo is confirmed non-scum. so thats fun
vote showtime
vote magic
not really a fan of his entrance tbb
This is fairly generous and not for very great reasons either.
Were you town last game? Were you the only one who was any good as per the usual? (no need to answer this)
I think this is a fair observation. I like this.
I dislike this. Do you want to bully a new (or newer?) player away from you already?
Not impressed by Magic here, by any means.
vote Magic
Vote: Magic
We still gonna pretend that’s not Jeff btw?
Magic looks FORCED and FAKE
vote magic
Pretty sure Lethal is town.
Two games ago when Magic and Doddsy were co-scum and they decided to bus him, Magic said to him in thread that claiming Hated Town was a bad move cause it instantly tells scum not to waste their roles on him. In this game all of a sudden it's a good thing for Doddsy to talk about his role. @Showtime what's different here from two games ago?
Let's say it's still pretty good as MY Magic push seems to be taking off
Vote Magic
Because people keep trying to steal my wagon
You’ve got 5 votes out of a 20 player game and you want me to discount you as scum based on that?
also I think you’re posting pure shite. If you’ve got an interesting role as scum and it’s claimable then it makes you MORE likely to hint at it early and I’m like 99.9999% sure Doddsy has done that as scum before too. Hinting at your role early is soemthing scum LOVE to do when they can because then later they can point to it and be like oh hey look at all these hints I left! Because people get town read for that sort of shite
who’s playing stupid lmao not me
are you quoting your role pm lolif you win the duel against a Ruinous Powers aligned player, you may immediately target another player to duel again.
+ now Odo is confirmed non-scum. so thats fun
how did me and tweet get counted in the 11?![]()
are you quoting your role pm lol
btw, nobody else said it yet, but thanks for killing mafia. I won't forget it.
what did you lie about?nah just bolding the important part of my role. I lied about the berserker part obviously. no regrets.
Pretty sure I said I was pointing town on lethal6 votes, 7 people questioning me. the only person that was actually involved that didn't look to vote right away was ace.
why was that @Ace Dalton?
there's 19 people. i'm one of the 19. there's 18 people. 7/18 people questioned or sussed me to start out the game. 7 of the 10 people that posted in this time frame sussed me/voted me. banez didn't but he asked doddsy about his ability to read me still and i think banez is still town and brutus quoted me with a joke about how i did this last game.
if anyone is playing stupid it is most certainly you. you thought that lethal vote was something serious and presented it as such. lethal was the person that had just posted and so i voted him. lethal reacts to votes. it seemed worth voting there yet all you thought about was it being some sort of weak vote with nothing to go on. i didnt see you provide a read on any of the other people that started out the game, was there not much to go on poyser?
scum hint at their roles if it's something that's provable. all doddsy did was saying his role was interesting. youre again forcing a point without consideration of anything else. so youre either trash or youre scum. pick. i can imagine you being trash as you did this last game to odo too where you were oh so very sure of your read, but it just seems like youre forcing that seem initial entrance that you had last game when you were town.
at the page 9 mark you made no attempts to town read or clear anyone else? why not?
I just fucked it up. I am so sorry @Mi$$ Bli$$, I misread as I was rushing on my phone as I thought it was at 11. Having a mare today. It looked incredibly likely she was getting to 11, I pulled the trigger early.
I'll recover from this I promise!
Hmm yea I realize saying your role is interesting is different to just claiming Hated outta the game. But he also said he doesn't think scum will even wanna kill him which points towards him having a negative utility role, so is it all that different really?
Poyser is pretty null to me, I don't think he's done anything so far that he wouldn't do as scum. I find it strange tho that you would accuse him of replicating his early game from last game, cause he was town that game so what exactly is the accusation here?
Have fun bickering with the scum team cause I changed my vote from wanting Jeff to win to wanting Junk to winA DUEL OF FATES...
A blade fell and a body soon after, blood dribbling into the cobbles whilst the creatures 6 arms dripped into the floor, forming into white acidic mulch.
Fate Vavours...
DMK - 11
MI$$ BLI$$ - 0
Eleven swords are needed in the sand and the duel was decided...
"Nine is the number most sacred to the changer of the ways. It is only upon tracing the ninth sigil that the runes of a change-scroll begin to glow, morphıng into their true nature. There are nine distinct rites an acolyte must master before he can unlock the secrets that will permit him to pierce the veil, a process that will allow a worthy aspirant to draw upon the boundless energies of the immaterium. To remain unbroken, a summoning symbol must contain nine sequential rings – each perfectly executed in a nine-fold process. Nine are the chants of the kairic cultists, and for casting, a coven of nine is by far the most powerful of groupings. Yet it is not mortal rites alone that obey the great sorcerer’s enneadic rules. The number nine can be found woven throughout the unfathomable and ever changing structures of the architect of fate’s own realm within the warp. The lords of change, the greatest servants of Tzeentch and commanders of his convocations, are ordered within nine levels of trust. All seek their master’s favour, and those in ascendency rule the nine fractal fortresses. Beneath each of those most exalted are nine hundred and nintety-nine legions, each divided into nine hosts. It is said that when daemons are slain, their immortal spirit appears within the impossıble fortress, arriving before their maker from one of the ever-shifting nine gates – there to be either reformed or re-absorbed by the will of Tzeentch."
Welcome to the Horus Heresy, you are:
Ruinous Powers Aligned
Role & Character Cop
The Changer of Ways and Master of Fortune, one of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. You were created by the psychic energy emitted by the desire of mortals to change things, to improve and master things. You are infatuated with the knowledge of the universe and exploiting mortals who share similar drive.
RoleChar Cop: Once per night, you may target a character and discern their role and character.
never doubted you, but I do have one questiondw I was certain she was scum, there was no escape