The Backstage Thread

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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is backstage in his locker room.*
The Amazing H: Where the hell is Luke?
*H gets his phone out of his pocket and begins to dial.*
The Amazing H: Come on, come on... Damn it, no answer...
*He puts his phone back in his pocket and begins to stroll backwards and forwards.*
The Amazing H: This wasn't part of the plan... Where is he? If he isn't around... I need a new member... I think it's time for a third King to join the ranks...
*H walks out of his locker room and closes the door behind him. The camera fades to black.*


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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???:Hey,Hey Wake up!
Luis Alvarado: No, let me sleep.
???: You're going to be late
*Luis looks up*
Luis Alvarado: No, I want to sleep blurry monster
*The blur slaps him and reveals it self to be Vanessa York*
Vanessa York: You have a match Luis.
*Luis gets up*
Luis Alvarado: Fine, but sleep is so much fun.
*Luis leaves his locker room and stumbles to the ring*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Des is making his way towards the arena when he is approached by Vanessa*
Vanessa: Des, tonight you finally get to get your hands on a member of K.O.W. and a former rival of yours in the Amazing H. How are you feeling going into this match?
*Des just keeps walking as Vanessa follows*
Vanessa: Okay, other than H, you also get to get your hands on the man who took your Iron Man Championship, Luis Alvarado. Any thoughts regarding this?
*Des continues to walk, Vanessa trying to keep up*
Vanessa: Des, can I please ju-
*Des stops and Vanessa runs into him, fumbling backwards and dropping the mic. Des proceeds to pick up the mic*
Des Pierson: This interview is over.
*He then drops the mic into Vanessa hands and walks away, leaving her standing there looking defeated*

Honorable Mentions: @Hybrid @SupaHeeroh

Ellis Sullivan

The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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The Popes Cupboard
The camera pans around the backstage area to find Ellis Klein warming up before his match later on in the night against JJ Colton, he then begins to walk around the backstage area. As he is walking he spots Robert Blake waiting to go out to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against against The Amazing H, Ellis walks over to Robert Blake.

Hey, Rob how you doing buddy?

Robert acknowledges Ellis

I just want to wish you good luck out there tonight man, from one champion to another. I respect you man, I really do. You've looked out for me ever since I arrived here in Exodus, now I'm the IC champion and you the World champion, crazy huh.

Robert, still stretching, nods his head.

You know I've got your back man, whatever happens I'll be there, trust me bro, whenever you need it I'll be there. We're friends right?
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Lukey is seen backstage about to leave after interfering in the Triple Threat match between Luis Alvarado, Amazing H and Des Pierson. Thomas Drago however is able to catch up to him*

Drago: Luke........Lu.....Lukey can I get any words on why you did what you just did there? Interfering in a match that didn't even involve you, it's very unlike you.

*Lukey turns around*

Lukey: ....................As much as I'd love to say I was having a bad day.......I'd be lying. Listen Tommy, Everyday, I mean everyday I try to be the nicest and friendliest person out there. I've put my body on the line. I've broken my nose, injured my wrists, hands, legs, back and my neck so that people out there have a good time. Don't get me wrong I'm not gonna say they suck or anything like that, that's cliche but once I do something else for a bit, those people are able to turn on me very quickly. I get the feeling of judgement from people. I could be overthinking things don't get me wrong but at this very moment I know I'm not. People tell me they like me but once you don't do anything they like....POOF! Gone.....Banished....And they'll find someone else to take my throne and so on. So I decided, if they want to be judgmental cause I took the time do pursue other stuff, I might as well give them a reason to be judgmental. They can go onto their forums and complain about me doing what I did out there or onto twitter and moan about how "Luke is an idiot he knows nothing about the business today! He's not here cause he loves it, He's not a real wrestler!" Well let me tell you something Tommy. I'm as real as anyone can get. Don't let any two faced battle boy tell you other wise. H is also real too. A real "Wrestler." A Real "Worker." And a real friend of mine. Unlike the sneaky and shady people we call the fans. I've broken many bones on multiple occasions just so a lil kid could smile and say "I wanna be like him one day." Hate to burst the poor lad's bubble but no-one will ever be like me. I mean no-one. Ya'll are fake! The Kings however are real, so everyone of those cretins can bow down and pay homage to royalty of this company. Luis and Des may be mad but knowing them they won't do jack but if they think they're hard enough I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting to "Pierce" one of their heads right through the bloody ground! I'm done talking!

*Lukey runs off and leaves the arena in a temper*


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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The camera pans around the backstage area to find Ellis Klein warming up before his match later on in the night against JJ Colton, he then begins to walk around the backstage area. As he is walking he spots Robert Blake waiting to go out to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against against The Amazing H, Ellis walks over to Robert Blake.

Hey, Rob how you doing buddy?

Robert acknowledges Ellis

I just want to wish you good luck out there tonight man, from one champion to another. I respect you man, I really do. You've looked out for me ever since I arrived here in Exodus, now I'm the IC champion and you the World champion, crazy huh.

Robert, still stretching, nods his head.

You know I've got your back man, whatever happens I'll be there, trust me bro, whenever you need it I'll be there. We're friends right?
*Robert Blake stops doing his stretches for a few moments so he can speak to Ellis Klein*

Robert Blake: I get it hard to trust anyone and I'm sure you can understand that. Many people have turned their back on me many times before including my own brother. Everything I have been working for is right here with me at this very moment *Taps both of his World titles* And I don't want to lose either of them.....That means the Kings can go find somewhere else to be Kings since I'm the only King around here. But every good King needs allies they can trust.

*Robert begins to think for a second as Ellis continues to wait*

Robert Blake: I'm good but I know I can't take them all on without help. So yes, I trust you as a friend. I know you will have my back when the time comes and together the two champions of this company will send those rejects back to whatever hole they decided to crawl out of.

*Robert Blake puts his hand out for Ellis Klein to shake*

Ellis Sullivan

The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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The Popes Cupboard
*Robert Blake stops doing his stretches for a few moments so he can speak to Ellis Klein*

Robert Blake: I get it hard to trust anyone and I'm sure you can understand that. Many people have turned their back on me many times before including my own brother. Everything I have been working for is right here with me at this very moment *Taps both of his World titles* And I don't want to lose either of them.....That means the Kings can go find somewhere else to be Kings since I'm the only King around here. But every good King needs allies they can trust.

*Robert begins to think for a second as Ellis continues to wait*

Robert Blake: I'm good but I know I can't take them all on without help. So yes, I trust you as a friend. I know you will have my back when the time comes and together the two champions of this company will send those rejects back to whatever hole they decided to crawl out of.

*Robert Blake puts his hand out for Ellis Klein to shake*
Ellis accepts Robert's hand shake

These things right here *Gestures to his IC title and Robert's World Title* It means we are the best, the best in the company, the best in the world, the greatest wrestlers anyone has ever seen. But every champion needs someone to look out for them, and now we've established that we, together, are ten times stronger. And the Kings, well, we're gonna make them look like jesters.

Ellis and Robert laugh together


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is walking around backstage looking stressed out. He's biting his nails as he walks.*
The Amazing H: Oh, man... Stressing me out...
*He turns the corner and bumps into Reese McLeod @Jet Starr*
The Amazing H: Argh. Sorry dude. Look, i'm stressing. I wasn't looking where I was going. 'Scuse me.
*H tries to walk past Reese but he grabs his shoulder.*


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Luis kicks his locker room door open in a rage*
Luis Alvarado: Hijo de puta!
*Luis sits down in his own anger*
Luis Alvarado: Pedazo de mierda.
*Luis hears a knock on his door and see that it's Vanessa*
Vanessa York: Hey Luis, is it alright if I interview you?
Luis Alvarado: Sure, it's your job right?
Vanessa York: Ok, thanks.
*Vanessa begins preparing herself*
Vanessa York: So Luis how do you feel what happened out there?
*Luis stands up*
Luis Alvarado: Pretty pissed to be honest. I got screwed out of my triple threat but that kind of thing happens when people are jealous of this.
*Luis points towards the Iron Man title*
Luis Alvarado: This beauty of a title. The Iron man title and senorita I am a Iron Man *winks*
Vanessa York: You're saying you are the best because of that title?
Luis Alvarado: Si Miss York. I defend nearly every week and It being around my luscious waste elevates the title to heights no one has ever dreamed of. You see when I grabbed this title from Des Pierson a while back the title was down here.
*Luis Alvarado motions towards the floor*
Luis Alvarado: Because you have to remember that Des is low rent trash, and trash needs to be dunked into a trash can which is what I did to that grimy hobo. When that title was handed to me and wrapped around this tasty posterior the Iron Man title was brought to a
*Luis begins to motion up*
Luis Alvarado: Whole 'Notha Level. You catch my drift.
Vanessa York: What about your immense depression upon losing the IC title and then your acquisition of said Iron Man title.
Luis Alvarado: What are you talking about?
Vanessa York: The whole alcoholism, the late nights at dive bars, the sleeping at the arena on the floor, and the drunkenness in the ring.
Luis Alvarado: Oh all that? That was me getting into character for a lead role in my upcoming Christmas blockbuster.
Vanessa York: What?
Luis Alvarado: Yes, "Bad Santa 3: Arrivederci MotherElfer".
Vanessa York: Really?
Luis Alvarado: Yup, you see it's about a mall Santa who is an alcoholic, has late nights at dive bars and sleeps on the malls floor, fun for the whole family.
Vanessa York:. . .O. . .k well um how do you feel about your upcoming match were you defend your Iron Man title against Gareth Wolf?
Luis Alvarado: Well, wait. . Wolf? I'm wrestling a WOLF!? My title says "Iron Man" not "Iron Mammal". Good Grief who runs this place I mean for fu-
Vanessa York: No Luis , that's just his name Gareth Wolf.
Luis Alvarado: Oh, that's dumb. Anyway, my thoughts on Garth Dog is.
Vanessa York: It's Gareth Wolf.
Luis Alvarado: Sorry, I mean Garret the Ferret is that for this match you can call me "Luis:The Dog Whisperer"
Vanessa York: A ferret isn't a canine
Luis Alvarado: Shush woman, Anyway you can expect that pup to be spayed and neutered by the time I'm done with him. I will make kibble and bits out of him, when I'm through with him there will be enough koji beef for everyone, that doggy will be put on a leash, who let the dogs out? It was me, the only butt he will be sniffing is mine when I pin him 1-2-3.
Vanessa York: Ok, you can stop now.
Luis Alvarado: All dogs go to heaven after I hit them with the Check Ya Neck.
Vanessa York: Check ya neck?
Luis Alvarado: Gareth Wolf will be in the arms of an angel at the end of the match, the only moon he'll be barking at is the moon painted on his get well mural.
Vanessa York: I don't think he's stopping, uh that was Luis Alvarado everyone.
*The screen fades as we hear Luis Alvarado fade out.*
Luis Alvarado: Lil bow wow? More like Lil bow to me. Gareth Wolf is about to be sent to the pound.
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
*The Amazing H is walking around backstage looking stressed out. He's biting his nails as he walks.*
The Amazing H: Oh, man... Stressing me out...
*He turns the corner and bumps into Reese McLeod @Jet Starr*
The Amazing H: Argh. Sorry dude. Look, i'm stressing. I wasn't looking where I was going. 'Scuse me.
*H tries to walk past Reese but he grabs his shoulder.*
Reese: H! I actually wanted to talk with you! I've been watching you and the other K.O.W guys for a long time and I'm a huge fan. Now, I heard you're looking for another King to join the ranks. Weeellll, I have beaten the world champion before and I am a great amateur wrestler, so if you want, I'm throwing my name in for consideration to be the next member of the great Kings of Wrestling.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*We cut to a scene of a floor back in the hallways of the arena. There is constant static, but we cam make out a boot within the line of sight. It is then that we hear the all-too familiar voice of-*
Des Pierson: Don't trust anyone. That is something that has been drilled into my head ever since I joined this company. It doesn't matter whether you label someone as a friend, or even a brother... The only person you can trust to always have your back is you and you only. I've made the mistake twice now of trusting someone.. only to have them stab me in the back. And that is a mistake I will not make again.
*The view can then be seen lifting from the floor, only to be taken over by a large amount of static*
Des Pierson: Luke.
*It then comes to a static view of Des Pierson holding the camera*
Des Pierson: You really taught me that lesson tonight. You drilled that lesson deeper within my skull than ever before. But trust me when I say that by the end of Jail House, I am going to really drill into your skull the second lesson of pro-wrestling. And that lesson is-
*Another cut of static*
Des Pierson: That in this industry-
*He drops the camera, cracking the lens and drastically increasing the amount of static. The last thing that can be heard is-*
Des Pierson: ...revenge.. is the only guarantee....
*The camera then cuts out*
Honorable Mentions: @LukeTheGreatFTW


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Reese: H! I actually wanted to talk with you! I've been watching you and the other K.O.W guys for a long time and I'm a huge fan. Now, I heard you're looking for another King to join the ranks. Weeellll, I have beaten the world champion before and I am a great amateur wrestler, so if you want, I'm throwing my name in for consideration to be the next member of the great Kings of Wrestling.
*H strokes his chin.*
The Amazing H: Hmm... Weeeeell... No offence to you kiddo, but I don't think you're quite exactly what i'm looking for. I mean, you're doing great, don't get me wrong... But... I just don't see you as "King" material, if that makes sense. Thanks for being a fan and everything though, I don't blame you aha. Everyone wants to be one of us, but there's that special "something" thats missing with you. I don't quite know what it is...
*H circles Reese, looking at him closely.*
The Amazing H: Nope, I just can't see it. Anyway, catch you around.
*H walks away, leaving Reese alone.*


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
Thomas is walking down the hallway followed by the camera when he spots Gareth talking to someone, the Big Bad Wolf leather jacket zoomed in at first before Gareth turns around.

Thomas: Gareth, what's your thought on the upcoming card, the triple threat and ofcourse, the last week's match for the Iron Man title?

*smiles and nods at first and then seems disappointed when the title match is mentioned*
Well Tom, you -

Thomas: It's Thomas

Gareth: Whatever. Losing that iron man match. It was heartbreaking. I went all out, I really took the fight to him. He did all his moves, he thought I was out for the count but it took 4 finishers Tom.

Thomas: It's Th

*Gareth waves him off and continues to talk*

Gareth: The crowd was going crazy, and at one point, I had him down, I got him with that Last Howl out of nowhere and he was on the mat, I had him pinned, to tie the match up but he kicked out. And there just wasn't enough time to get back. But an Iron Man match that went till the last couple of minutes to get a 0-1 loss. It's heartbreaking you see. Well, you don't see. But anyone that's ever wrestled would...

Thomas: I was an amat-

*Gareth just keeps talking*

Gareth: But at the end of the day, he won, I lost. I had a shot and I lost it. It wasn't THE shot. But it was a shot. And as sad as I am to lose it, I am extremely excited to get a dubya this week on EX OH DUSSSSSS and more than that. I'm gonna make sure the first match of the card. My match. It'll steal the show so the rest might as well just take the night off. I know Jet is a proven wrestler, some may even call him a legendary performer. I haven't fought him yet but it'll be interesting. I've faced Ellis in a triple threat already but no two triple threats are the same. So this week, this week we're gonna get crazy. Jet Starr, Ellis Klein, you better bring your A game because it's gonna be a fight. Not a technical wrestling match. An All. Out. Brawl.

*Gareth shoves Thomas and the Camera to the side and walks off*
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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Luis Alvarado: La-la-la-la
*Luis coughs*
Luis Alvarado: Me-Me-Me-Me-Me
Thomas Drago: Mr.Luis are you ready yet.
Luis Alvarado: Almost, just have to warm up.
Thomas Drago: Warm up for what?
Luis Alvarado: The man I'm facing is Ben Song correct
Thomas Drago: Yes. . .
Luis Alvarado: And that means it will be a singing competition.
Thomas Drago: What?
Luis Alvarado: Yes, with a name like Ben Song I don't expect a wrestler. I expect a musician, a singer.
Thomas Drago: Do you even know who Ben Song is?
Luis Alvarado: No I do not, but that goes to show that he is a bad singer; So I have this one in the bag.
Thomas Drago: So you know absolutely nothing.
Luis Alvarado: That is correct.
*Luis begins staring into space*
Thomas Drago: Luis, are you still with us.
Luis Alvarado: Sorry, I'm just thinking about my victory on Exodus Idol. Do you have anything else to tell me peasant.
Thomas Drago: Yes.
Luis Alvarado: No you don't.
Thomas Drago: But I d-
Luis Alvarado: No you don't.
*Luis Alvarado puts his hand in Drago's face and leaves.*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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The crowd in the Exodus arena has come down to almost a faint whisper.
Vanessa York steps into the ring, microphone in hand, and stands in the center facing towards hard camera.

Vanessa: Ladies and gentlemen, the producers here at Exodus would like me to ask you all to please divert your attention to the titantron at this time.

The fans in the arena begin to turn towards the titantron.
A live feed of the parking lot begins to come on the screen, and a large garage door slowly opens.
Into the parking lot comes a solid white Rolls-Royce Wraith, with completely tinted windows.
The car pulls into a parking spot and shuts off.
The driver side door opens and out of the car comes one of the most decorated men in Sports Entertainment, Hall of Famer, Bryce Frisco.
He closes the door and smiles at the camera, before walking over to the passengers side door.

Bryce: Ahem. Good evening Exodus fans and employees alike, it is I Bryce Frisco, the man who to this day, has only ever lost one singles match and retired as a World Heavyweight Champion. You're probably all asking yourselves, "what the hell is Bryce Frisco doing here in Exodus?" Well, I'll tell you why. It's because I couldn't miss the chance to catch up with some friends in the back, and, I couldn't pass up witnessing history here tonight. Now I'm sure you've all been reading up on those crappy wrestling news sites that Exodus was expecting a big surprise tonight. Well, it's not me, because I'm not afraid to admit that I'm the second of two big surprises tonight.

Bryce reaches down and opens the passenger side door.

Bryce: You're all lucky to be here tonight, y'know why? Well, because you get to witness the return of the original King...Ladies and Gentlemen...J...E...T...Starr.

Out of the passenger side door comes the legendary, the infamous, Hall of Famer, Jet Starr.
Jet closes the passenger side door and hugs his brother Bryce.

Jet: Thanks bro. Now uh, we've both got some things to do.
Bryce: That, we do. Catch ya later, aviator.

Jet and Bryce part ways. Bryce heading towards the locker room area, while Jet makes his way to the stage.
The titantron cuts to the camera panning the arena.

Once the music dies down, Jet grabs a microphone from a stagehand.
He stands in the middle of the ring, with a big smile on his face, that is met with an ovation of boos from the crowd.

Jet: Did ya miss me?!

The obviously sarcastic question is met with "No!" chants, but a few members of the crowd can slightly be heard chanting "Yes!"

Jet: Good, because I sure as hell didn't miss a single goddamn person here either. So, uhm, yeah, let me talk about the crown wearing elephant in the room. Yes I'm back, yes I'm taking my place back in K.O.W, yes I want to beat up ANOTHER person who wears way too much guyliner, and yes the Kings are bad. Oh c'mon, you all can't be as ridiculously stupid as you look?! Well, actually on second thought, you all TOTALLY can. If it wasn't blatantly obvious for the last few years, K.O.W used you all and milked everyone for every penny. How do you think Bryce could afford that Rolls-Royce Wraith?! Hell, how do you think I could afford one too?! Thank you all for buying my merch, his merch, and all of the K.O.W's merch too, our bank accounts appreciate it very much.

The fans begin chanting "Fuck the kings! Fuck the kings! Fuck the kings!"
Jet responds with a laugh.

Jet: Daw, really? I mean, I fully understand you're all angry and want to shred me to pieces, but have some decency people, that chant isn't PG! We're broadcasting to families here, damn it! Oh, this is rich, well not as rich as the kings, but still rich nonetheless. While I've been gone, and while I was being a corporate good boy and training undeserving rookies down in the old performance center because the company desperately needed it, I had to sit back and watch some painfully horrible television. And no, I don't mean Dancing with the Stars, I don't mean The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, not Real Housewives of some crappy city, and I certainly don't mean that other wrestling show that comes on every monday night at 9 P.M. only on the USA Network...No, i'm talking about the most vile, the most disgusting the down right worst thing on television today...Saturday Night Exodus. Errrr, that gives me goosebumps.

Jet shakes as if he was hit by an extremely cold breeze.

Jet: But, fear not, for your savior is here to bring this place to glory! I, along with my partners in crime The Amazing H and Lukey, are going to eradicate this place of everything that makes it absolutely unbearable. I'm talking about those three empty skulls known as Des Pierson, Robert Blake and whoever the hell the other guy is. There's actually a list of people, and they're the top three. One person on that list was dealt with already, and that happened to be that annoying college boy Reese MaCleod. I appreciate you being a fan kid, I really do, and I hope that love for the K.O.W helps your shattered knee heal fast.

Jet makes a heart with his hands, in front of his face, towards the camera.
He sarcastically smiles and mouths out "You poor thing".

Jet: The next person on that list was just added today, actually! Because before I came here tonight, I was informed by the horrible excuse for management that I am being forced, yes, FORCED, to compete against and embarrass another Exodus talent. This man goes by the name of Gareth Wolf...listen kid, I ran with wolves once, so a word of advice, it's a very bad idea. I'm fighting a guy that looks like he auditioned for and was rejected from some knockoff Bollywood version of a James Bond movie. My grand return is spoiled by some less than stellar competition, great. Good job on that one Mr. Mystery GM. Hell, I should just buy this place myself, maybe then things'll get better around here, sheesh. Anywho, I'm going to win, there's no doubt about that, but once I'm done with this little exhibition, I promise you all this one thing. The Kings of Wrestling will be taking back our thrones. By hook, or by crook, whatever the hell we feel like doing. Jet Starr, out.

Jet tosses the microphone over his shoulder, and heads out of the ring, smirking.
Jet makes his way backstage.

*Des is sitting back in his locker room, wrapping his wrist tape, watching the segment unfold. He doesn't seem to really be watching it though, more just listening to bits and pieces of it. And as it comes to an end, he uses his teeth to rip the tape*
Des Pierson: Hmmph...
*He then reaches over to grab his new t-shirt, slipping it on. And with a slight grin he says-*
Des Pierson: It only took the saint himself admitting to it for people to finally believe what I've been saying for years..

*He shrugs as if to say "whatever" and then makes his way out of the locker room*
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