The Backstage Thread

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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is backstage watching the ending of Jet Starr’s return promo.*
The Amazing H: Ohoho! Naughty naughty Jet! Not all of us Kings are as bad as you think. For me, well, I’m still an angel at heart. These fans made us who we are! They made us rich, famous and loved around the world. Without them, we would be nothing! We need to thank them. Thank them for giving us exactly what we wanted. Our wildest dreams have been made true thanks to their money. I think it’s time we repaid them. But how...
*The Amazing H thinks, tapping his chin.*
The Amazing H: Ehh... Who cares? We’re happy and at the end of the day, that’s what they wanted right? So again, thank you. Now if you want to continue to buy our merch, I’ll happily buy more things. Maybe a boat! I’ve always wanted one and Captain Amazing H has a nice ring to it.
*H sighs.*
The Amazing H: Oh things... Mhmm...
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WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
Gareth is shown backstage getting ready as Thomas walks up to him.

Thomas: Gareth, do you have anything to say about Jet Starr's comments?

Gareth: Do I have anything to say? Of course I have something to stay, god damn it Thomas, you're like the worst interviewer ever

*Gareth sighs and pulls his hair back, focusing his attention on the camera now*

Gareth: To me, it's very clear that Jet Starr, the guy who used to be great. Keyword there Thomas, USED to be great. Came back and attacked someone who didn't expect him? Good job. I hope that felt really manly. In fact, it's pretty clear that his overspending with the Rolls and stuff, he's got some... 'Overcompensating' issues'. If you know what I mean... Not that you would Thomas, you're an idiot.

Thomas tries to protest but stops himself knowing full well there is no point as Gareth continues to talk.

Gareth: And the funny thing is, I think the man is jealous. He's a tad bit scared. I mean think about it, this king of wrestling. He's got a legacy to protect, he has to win. Hell everyone expects him to win, now what would happen if a "cheap bollywood knockoff of James Bond" knocked Jet out...

*Gareth smirks wickedly and then continues*

Gareth: He said he ran with wolves, well... he's never fought one and I'm gonna make sure that this King of Wrestling, knows what that name really means around here now - Nothing. And I'm gonna be the Kingslayer.
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Thomas Drago: Des... *cough* Hey Des!
*Des was walking down the corridor, heading out for this match when Thomas came running up behind him, clearly out of breath*
Thomas Drago: Can I please.....just....ask you a few questions..?
*Des looks over at Thomas, amused by the lack of cardio demonstrated by Thomas*
Des Pierson: You clearly don't look in shape to be asking me anything, bud. How about I just take over?

*Des takes the mic from Thomas, who passes out moments later*
Des Pierson: I'm going to guess that the first question was regarding the comments made by Jet. And to that, I'll say what I've been saying for years. The Kings never cared about entertaining, they just wanted the fans support so that they would get payed more. It is something I've been trying to get across for years, but nobody would listen. You all had too much faith in the Kings, and then they went and showed their true colors.
*Some boos can be heard from the crowd in attendance*
Des Pierson: For the next question, I can only guess that it was about my opponent Ben Song. He says he has improved, yet he has failed to demonstrate that aspect at all. Need I say more on the subject?
*Some murmurs can be heard coming from Thomas, who is beginning to wake up*
Des Pierson: And finally, there is a bit of an elephant in the room with the lack of appearances by Ellis. Ellis, in all honesty, just wasn't prepared for this fight. The other day, the Kings jumped him as we were leaving the arena, and let's just say that there is a fair chance that Ellis will not be returning to action any time soon.
*Disappointment can be heard coming from the crowd in attendance. Then Thomas rises up to his feet, rubbing his head*
Des Pierson: Now it seems that we're all out of questions. Nice interview, Thomas.
*Des tosses the mic to a confused Thomas, leaving for his match*

Honorable Mentions: @SupaHeeroh @LukeTheGreatFTW @Jet Starr @Ellis Sullivan @Papa Franku's ear
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*We see Luis in his Lion skin rocking chair holding a dictonary*
Luis Alvarado: Hmm, let us see now what is a "Gallow".
*He begins skimming the book*
Luis Alvarado: Ah, there it is. "A gallows is a frame, typically wooden, used for execution by hanging." Oh my.
*Luis closes the book*
Luis Alvarado: I don't think anyone wants to see me hang, but just to check.
*Luis whips out his phone and begins dialing a number*
Luis Alvarado: Hey, Dragon Tails I want an interview.
*After a few minutes there's a knock on the door*
Luis Alvarado: Who is it?
Thomas Drago: It's me Thomas, you said you wanted an interview?
*Luis ALvarado walks up to the door*
Luis Alvarado: I want this interview through the door?
Thomas Drago: Why?
Luis Alvarado: So I don't have to see your face, and besides this is an interview for you.
Thomas Drago: Really?! *Said with glee*
Luis ALvarado: Yes, really. Are you ready?
Thomas Drago: Yes I am.
Luis Alvarado: Alrighty then, first question: Do YOU Señor Drago want to see me hang.
Thomas Drago: Ooooh this might be a trick question, Um, Yes I do.
Luis Alvarado: Que?
Thomas Drago: I want to see you hang.
*Luis opens the door*
Luis Alvarado: Can you do me a favor and stand right here and say that.
*Luis points to the doorframe*
Thomas Drago: Sure.
*Thomas moves there*
Luis Alvarado: Now say that again.
Thomas Drago: Ok, Mr. Alvarado I would like to see you ha-
*Luis slams the door on Drago's face*
Thomas Drago: OW my d'ose.
Luis Alvarado (Through the door): You can leave now.
*Luis Stops and ponders for a second*
Luis Alvarado: Anyways back to. . . . Wait, what was I doing again?


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Lukey is seen getting ready for his tag match later on tonight*
Thomas Drago: Lukey.....Luke....Luke, can I have a word?
*Lukey turns around and looks at Thomas*
Thomas Drago: Tonight you're going to be in a tag team ma....
Lukey: Let me guess you're gonna say are you prepared or something and I'm gonna say something like "I look forward to facing my opponents, I wanna good clean bout" or something like that. I've been here long enough to know what happens here. Look, as much as I wanna say those things nowadays I don't feel like it. I'm an honest man but a lot people just can't see that and for what reason? I needed to take a break from this forbidden place. You know how easy it is to get burned out even for the things you love? Again a lot of people can't see that. So why should I act like the boring, vanilla good guy here? It works one way. I come out, I get cheered and I support those people who cheer me. Why should I do that if people hate me? People used to love me, smile and say gee that kid Luke is a really nice and precious person. He's so sweet! Yeah news flash Tommy those are the same people who would leave you in a cave with neanderthals as they go off and do their own thing with the next person who they say that they quote on quote "Love" and say that they would do anything for that person. And believe me I coulda left when I had the chance but this only gives me reasons to stay. I'm not here most dates but I expect the same amount of respect that anyone else gets. But then again can you blame me for not being here most dates? Imma use an old quote of mine so get ready to turn back the clock.
*Lukey coughs*
Lukey: Look at the foundation of this roster's nation. Yeah and by the way the reason I don't use that phrase anymore is because it sounds stupid, doesn't make sense and I'm sick of rhyming. Back to my point, no-one here seems to adapt and evolve over time with the exception of like.....Benny Song, the depressed piece of rubbish. Look at Des, a guy who has been here for a while, was an old friend of mine. Now what was the best thing he done over the years here?.... He changed his name, that's the most unique thing he could do. Well done, fair play, go on you pile of dolphin feces. The people here gowan like an ex boyfriend. They say they have changed but really they haven't. Not in the slightest. The Kings are here to put a rest to this B.S full of lies and broken promises. This place needs a Renaissance or a Revolution of some kind to enlighten people. To get people thinking for themselves instead of those sheep called "fans"......Now look, you got me hot and bothered thinking about stuff, are you happy?
Thomas Drago: ........No.
Lukey: No you shouldn't be. Like I said you know the usual Kings Reign Supreme, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah, hand gesture, good bye.
*Lukey goes off to do stretches and get ready some place else*
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Vanessa York spots The Amazing H before his match.*
Vanessa York: Hi H!
*The Amazing H looks at her and squints his eyes before sighing and looking away.*
The Amazing H: Hi...
Vanessa York: You’ve been pretty quiet this week, what’s going on?
The Amazing H: Drop the act Vanessa. All year you’ve been coming over to see me, talk to me, outright flirt with me, yet... Everyone knows that you and Luis Alvarado have some “thing” going on. Why’d you lead me on like that? I thought something was happening between us? Apparently not...
Vanessa York: I don’t know what you’re talking about, H. I never...
The Amazing H: Nah, you did. You know you did. I liked you. I thought there could’ve been something between us. You said I looked good in gold. I suppose that was a lie too, right?
Vanessa York: I swear, I...
The Amazing H: Yeah, yeah... I don’t want to hear it. I’ve had enough of your fun and games. You’ve annoyed me, Vanessa, you really have. I’m just gutted it took me so long to really realise.
Vanessa York: Really, H you’ve got to...
The Amazing H: Hush hush hush! No. You vixen. I’ve been quiet this week because me and Luke have been planning what we can do to beat our World Champion and his lackey helper. Does Des even like him? I don’t think so... Whatever, anyway, yeah... The Kings have been planning. We’re going to go in there, take them out then go into the final show and take that World Heavyweight Championship back.
Vanessa York: Yes, but seriously though I’m not...
The Amazing H: Oh, and then Jet is going to beat up your little boy toy and take away his Iron Man Championship. Sound good? I thought so.
*H walks away from Vanessa in a huff. She is left confused.*


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
Gareth is seen getting ready for his match, psyching himself up when Thomas approaches him.

Thomas: Gareth, could I -?

Gareth doesnt let Thomas finish and holds his hand up.

Gareth: You want me to answer your obvious questions, well... I'm not going to. I've done the talk.

Gareth looks out at the camera.

Gareth: Everything I have to say, I'll do it in the ring. And you don't wanna miss this match.

Gareth shoves Thomas to the side and walks away.
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