The Backstage Thread

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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is standing backstage with Vanessa York.*
Vanessa York: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time is The Amazing H! So, H this week you're going one on one with Ben Song. This week he called you out and asked if you would join him and become a fellow "Freak". Your thoughts?
The Amazing H: My original thoughts were "That guy has some very bright orange hair", then I started to think about other ginger people, like Carrot Top, Ed Sheeran, Ron Weasley... You know what they all have in common other than ginger hair?
Vanessa York: Uhh...
The Amazing H: I couldn't think of anything either! But I spent maybe 20 minutes trying to think of something. I forgot that Ben Song had even asked me something by that point, but back to that... I'm not gunna join Ben Song. He says that together we would be unstoppable, and then started to mock the fact that I haven't won any championships, yet... He hasn't won anything either? So... I don't really get it...
Vanessa York: If you teamed together though, then maybe you would have more of a chance of winning something?
The Amazing H: I've managed to get to where I am relatively on my own. I don't need him. He works on fear, I work on fun. Yeah, i'm going to cause pain, but I at least have the courtesy of letting people know exactly what i'm going to do. Ben Song is sneaky and vindictive. That's not what i'm about at all. Plus, i'm leaving for good soon enough, I don't want my last memories being surrounded by him.
Vanessa York: Speaking of your retirement... You called out Des Pierson to be the first person on your list only to be told that his suspension has yet to be lifted.
The Amazing H: Yeah... And that's where I need your help. I don't know who the general manager is. Actually, I don't think anyone does, so can you pass on a message? I was Des' suspension to be lifted. Doesn't have to be for good, but just for one match, against me. He's already attacked me once, and i'm expecting him to show up again, especially since I've called him out. So I want something agreed to sooner rather than later. I don't want to have to be looking over my shoulder everywhere I go.
Vanessa York: That's understandable.
The Amazing H: So could you do that for me? Pleeeassse?
Vanessa York: Of course! No problem.
The Amazing H: Thank you! This is why you're my favourite interviewer. Don't tell Thomas I said that. Also, what's going on with you and Luis Alvarado?
*Vanessa looks sheepish. The camera fades to black.*
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Luis Alvarado is seen on his phone*
Luis Alvarado: Yes, Yes Abuela she is gorgeous, don't worry about me I'll be safe. Ok, ok, Ciao.
*Luis hangs up*
Luis Alvarado: Sorry, didn't see you there Mr. Camera. How are you today? Good?
*The camera nods up and down*
Luis Alvarado: So am I, in case you haven't been keeping up I finally got my chance with Miss Vanessa York. We are going to have a fabulous dinner after my match. I am in a wonderful mood and you know what for once in a long time I feel absolutely complete. But first things first I gotta get through defending my title against Senor Young. So I will see you after my victory
*Luis waves bye to the camera as he leaves*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Vanessa York: Terra? Terra, may I ask you a few questions?
*We come to a scene of Vanessa stopping Terra in a hallway in the back*
Terra: If you don't mind, I'm kind of in a hurry?
Vanessa York: It shouldn't take very long.
Terra: Fine.
*Terra brushes off her dress, then turning to face the camera*
Vanessa York: Now a few moments ago, we saw your associate, Des Pierson, get brutally attacked by the man whom he has been attacking for the past month, The Amazing H. Do you have any comments?
Terra: Of course I do. The Amazing H is a petty old man who just can't stand it when he's not in the spotlight. He's also just upset that he costs HIMSELF an Intercontinental Championship match when he decided to appeal to the fans and jump off the ladder into a failed attempt of an Elbow Drop on Des.
Vanessa York: Speaking of which, why did Des interfere in that match-up? The Amazing H had already gotten Des his job back, so why continue to attack the man?
Terra: To that, I have no definite answer. But if I had to guess, I'd say that Des feels that he needs to make an impact here. And what better way than to continue to show the weaknesses of a man who could be considered a legend in this businesss?
Vanessa York: Alright, one last question.
Terra: Okay, just make it brief.
Vanessa York: This week, Des will be facing JJ Colton for the Iron Man Championship. Is there any fear of ring rust due to being out of action for a month, or in the fact that JJ has yet to lose the title?
*Terra chuckles a bit at these questions*
Terra: Des may not be the biggest dog in the yard, however, that doesn't make him a coward. He's intimidated by nothing, and his skills only get better, meaning there is no chance of ring rust. Des will be the toughest competition that JJ has yet to face, and after the match, Des WILL be walking out the NEW Iron Man Champion.
*Terra walks off the set, the camera focusing in on Vanessa*
Vanessa York: Thank you for your time.
*The camera turns over to the commentary team, ending the segment*

Honorable Mentions: @InFaMoUs1 @SupaHeeroh


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*A camera cuts to JJ Colton in the locker room doing push-ups*
JJ Colton: 33...34....35.
*Colton stands up and walks over to his to his title*
JJ Colton: This title looks more beautiful everytime I look at it.
*Colton puts his belt around his waist*
JJ Colton: Time to get the job done.
*Thomas Drago walks into Colton's locker room*
Thomas Drago: Colton, you are going against the returning Des Pierson, what are your thoughts?
JJ Colton: Well, I'm just gonna do the same thing I do every week, I will get the job done, and go through another guy so I can get a chance at the big gold. I do have a chance to go for the IC title, but no I'm a risk taker and a risk taker always takes the longer road. And also I wanna keep holding on to this beauty a lot more, this is my first title so I I'm just gonna hold on to it as much as I can.
Thomas Drago: Do you have anything to say to your opponent tonight?
JJ Colton: Um, firstly i thank him for showing me where the locker room is and second he should hit me with everything he got because I'll do the same thing.
Thomas Drago: Ok, good luck Colton.
JJ Colton: See ya Tommy.
*Colton walks away from the locker room as the camera fades to black*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Thomas Drago: Everyone, with me today I have-
*The mic is grabbed from the hands of Thomas by Terra Hayze as she steps into the frame. The crowd can be heard booing as she raises the mic to her mouth*
Terra: Actually, you have nothing. I will speak, and you will stand there and listen.
Thomas Drago: But I-
Terra: Shut up!
*Thomas takes a step back, allowing the cameraman to focus solely on Terra*
Terra: I would like to take this time to issue a statement to The Amazing H.
*The crowd cheers at the mention of his name*
Terra: Hammett, last week you made a very ill decision by attack Des Pierson as he was returning to Exodus for the first time in over a month. Now I understand that you may be a little upset about the decisions he made regarding you while he was suspended, however, it is time to move on. This week Des will be defending his newly won Iron Man Championship against The Webmaster and you will be taking on the Intercontinental Champion, Luis Alvarado. So, maybe you should take this time to refocus your priorities instead of blindsiding a man that is far more talented than you could ever be.
*Boos can be heard as Terra continues to bash The Amazing H*
Terra: And as for the so-called "Webmaster", maybe you might as well just go home and sit down for hours at your computer, because if you step in that ring with Des tonight, I promise you that he will just be adding yet another tally into the loss column of your pathetic record. Now I mus-
*Thomas snatches the mic from the hands of Terra, her glaring back at the interviewer*
Thomas Drago: Terra, before you go, I must ask you, why doesn't Des ever speak for himself?
*Terra then responds to Thomas' question with a hard slap to the face, snatching the mic back with her other hand*
Terra: Des doesn't have to speak to relay a message! And if you keep doing stuff and asking stupid questions like that, I promise you that your hospital bills will sky-rocket!
*Terra shoves the mic into his chest and walks away, leaving Thomas there holding his cheek*

Honorable Mentions: @SupaHeeroh @MintMidget69 @Hybrid


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is doing pushups in his locker room. Vanessa York enters.*
The Amazing H: Thirteen... Fourteen... *H notices Vanessa.* Eighty eight... Eighty nine... Ninety...
*H jumps up to his feet.*
Vanessa York: Hi H! I hope I haven't interrupted you.
The Amazing H: No, no, it's fine. I'll finish up in a little while. What's up?
Vanessa York: This week you're going one on one with Luis Alvarado. How are you feeling going into that match?
The Amazing H: You mean, your boyfriend?
Vanessa York: He isn't my boyfriend...
*The Amazing H turns to the side to try and hide a smile.*
The Amazing H: I'm looking forward to it. It should be a pretty interesting match, especially since he's Intercontinental Champion. If I win this match, then who knows what the future holds for me?
Vanessa York: Are you not worried about the ever looming Des Pierson? He's attacked you before, there's nothing really stopping him from doing the same again.
The Amazing H: You're right. He's a problem. But last week I showed that he can't continue getting away with attacking me. I got him back. But, I can't focus on him right now. Championships are the main prize here so he can take a back seat. I'll deal with him properly at a later time.
Vanessa York: Ok, well good luck for your match.
The Amazing H: Thank you, Vanessa. You're looking good by the way. I'll see you around.
*Vanessa turns away and smiles as she exits H's locker room. The camera fades to black.*

Mentions: @Hybrid @Emo


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Colton is in his locker room sitting on a chair thinking until Vanessa York shows up*
Vanessa York: Colton, tonight you're gonna be in a non-title match with the World Heavyweight Champion Robert Blake, what are your thoughts?
JJ Colton: It's simple, I'm just gonna go out there and get the job done. I may have lost my Iron Man championship last week, but my road to success is still going. Ive been the Iron Man Champion for over 35 days and I gotta say that was a good amount of time, but since I don't have it anymore then I think it's time for me to move on.
Vanessa York: Are you worried that your loss from last week will affect you tonight?
JJ Colton: No. I'll never let that get in my way. I wasn't really at my best that night. But tonight is gonna be a big deal for me. If I do defeat Robert Blake tonight, then that means I'll probably might be in a #1 contenders match for the title next week. This might be my only chance at the big one so I need to go out there and give it all I've got.
*Colton slaps on his wrist bands as he leaves the locker room*

Mason Foster

Jun 27, 2016
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Gurnos, Ystradgynlais, United Kingdom
*Mason is seen walking into the arena, he gazes around with a big smile. He wears a custom t-shirt along with a pair of jeans. He carries his luggage along with him. Mason gives a deep sigh when he can't find his locker room and turns to the nearest person to him*
Mason: 'Scuse me, kind sir. Ya happen to know where the locker rooms are? I seem to be a bit lost!


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*JJ Colton is standing next to Thomas Drago at the backstage interview area*
Thomas Drago: Ladies and Gentlemen introducing my guest at this time, JJ Colton.
*Colton walks into the cameras view*
Thomas Drago: Colton, things haven't been going well for you in the past few weeks are you looking to turn them around tonight?
JJ Colton: Yep, these past few weeks have been bad for me alright, I lost my iron man title, I got beaten the living crap out of by the World Heavyweight Champion, well to be honest I've had worse.
Thomas Drago: How do you feel about Des Pierson not defending the Iron Man Championship tonight?
JJ Colton: Hmm...To be honest, I'm not that surprised at all, the reason why nobody wants to fight him is because everyone thinks that the Iron Man Championship is dead. That title use to have meaning when I won it and him winning that championship is worse than Luis Alvarado's taste in women. *Colton looks at the camera*
No offense Vanessa. I was planning on getting it back but no I don't want another screw job happen to me again, and besides I won it already so I got better things to do.
Thomas Drago: You think you can get a victory over Reese Macleod tonight?
JJ Colton: I don't think. I know. He did get a victory over Robert Blake weeks ago, so I need to be at the top of my game, he has one hell of a resume but tonight I'm gonna make sure he stays where he belongs.
*Colton starts to walk away as the camera fades to black*


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*(Knock,Knock) Luis knocks on the door of Vanessa York*
Luis Alvarado: Oh Senorita!
*Vanessa York opens the door very annoyed*
Vanessa York: Yes, Luis?
Luis Alvarado: I need some good luck.
Vanessa York: Good. . . luck?
Luis Alvarado: Yes, though I can feel the luck by just looking at you.
Vanessa York: Why do you even need luck? You usually win.
Luis Alvarado: True, but every little bit helps.
Vanessa York: Fine, what do I have to do.
Luis Alvarado: Give me a Kiss.
Vanessa York: Uh, no.
*Luis Laughs*
Luis Alvarado: No, No, No, not on the lips that would be disrespectful to a rosada like you. All I request is a peck on the cheek. That's it.
*Luis gives Vanessa puppy dog eyes*
Vanessa York: (sighs) Fine.
*Vanessa York looks around to make sure no one is watching and then gives a quick kiss on to Luis's cheek*
Vanessa York: There, happy?
Luis Alvarado: Happy, happy, are you kidding? I am extático!
*Luis walks away from Vanessa clicking his heels as he walks*
Vanessa York: What a strange man.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*As we return from commercial, we see Thomas Drago standing, mic in hand*
Thomas Drago: Everyone, today I am here with a slightly more colored, Terra Hayze.
*The crowd begins to laugh as the camera pans out to show Terra standing there, stained red from last week*
Thomas Drago: Now Terra-
*Terra quickly slaps Thomas hard across the face*
Terra: Shut up! I'm fed up with everyone right now, especially lowly interviewer types like yourself! Get the hell out of my face!
*Thomas stands there with a look of disbelief as we see Des walk into the frame, boos and cheers being heard from the crowd. He then places his hands on her shoulders*
Des Pierson: Terra, maybe you should head back to the locker room and cool off, because at this point, it's hard to separate the anger from the paint...
*Terra stomps, and then makes her way off to the locker room*
Thomas Drago: Des, would you-
*Des grabs the mic and pushes Thomas out of the camera*
Des Pierson: H, you say you want to break my leg, well I guess we're nearly one in the same, because I want to pierce your skull with my boot. I can't guarantee anyone that either of those things will happen later tonight. But what I can guarantee is that I will find a way to walk out of Warriors Way with the Iron Man Championship, no matter what it takes.
*Des shoves the mic back into Thomas' chest before the camera turns back over to the commentary team*

Honorable Mentions: @SupaHeeroh

Sorry it was kinda shitty, didn't have much time to work on it this week.


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Vanessa York: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, The Amazing H!
*The Amazing H walks into view with a smile on his face.*
Vanessa York: Last week at Warriors Way, you went to war with Des Pierson and unfortunately you ended up losing that match. Before your match you stated that you would need to re-evaluate things if you did end up losing, and now here you are with smiling. How are you feeling?
The Amazing H: Honestly, i'm feeling good! Losing to Des was... Unfortunate, and I realise this. I was in a slump for a few days after that... But! I have some good news, you see...
*H's eyes widen as he stares off camera. The camera turns to show Thomas Drago turning a corner and heading down the corridor. Thomas looks up straight towards H with an unamused look on his face. The camera pans back to H who is now wearing a robe, a fake beard and holding a bell.*
Thomas Drago: Hey Vanessa, The Amazing H...
The Amazing H: WHO IS THIS AMAZING ONE YOU SPEAK OF?! I am none other than Preacher H!
Thomas Drago: I don't understand why you keep...
Preacher H: Silence, Thomas my boy! CHAAAAAANGE! Change is all around us! Change happens at every second of every day somewhere in the world, and Thomas, change is coming to Exodus. I am here to preach the word of change! Discoveries have been made, friendships rekindled, horizons opened and a wave of amazingness will spread over this place once more!
Thomas Drago: What are you talking about?
Preacher H: CHAAAAAANGE! It will happen soon, trust me!
Thomas Drago: One of these days i'm going to catch you when you don't have a disguise handy. First Canteen Worker H, Janitor H... I will see the real you...
*Thomas storms off down the corridor. H removes his fake beard and turns back to Vanessa.*
Vanessa York: For the record, i'm also confused about all that.
The Amazing H: Ehh, I just like to mess with the guy. But I wasn't lying, change is coming Vanessa. Look out for it.
*H winks and walks out of camera. He starts swinging the bell around and you hear echos of him shouting "Change".*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Thomas Drago walks by the locker room to interview JJ Colton*
Thomas Drago: *knocks on door* Hello, anyone in there.
*Thomas Drago starts to hear nothing but silence*
Thomas Drago: Hello, can I come in?
*Thomas Drago enters the locker room to find JJ Colton lying on the floor unconscious and covered in blood*
Thomas Drago: Oh my god, Colton are you ok?
*Thomas Drago looks around the destroyed locker room*
Thomas Drago: somebody must've attacked him.
*Thomas Drago ran out of the locker room to find some help, he comes back to the locker room with a few local paramedics, the paramedics puts Colton onto a stretcher and takes him out of the locker room, the paramedics puts Colton inside the ambulance, and leaves the arena*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Vanessa York: Everyone, I am here with my guest at this time, the Iron Man Champion, Des Pierson.
*The camera pans out to show Des to the right of Vanessa*
Vanessa York: Now Des, how did it feel to defeat the Amazing H last week at Warrior's Way?
Des Pierson: Honestly, it doesn't matter to me that I won. Yeah I kept my belt for another week, and yeah I got my hand raised in victory, but that wasn't the point. The point is that I went into a match against one of this industry's legends and I demonstrated my superiority.
Vanessa York: Alright, what about after the match? After attacking the Amazing H week-in and week-out for 2 months, you then proceeded to shake the man's hand after defeating him last week. Why?
Des Pierson: I shook the man's hand because he gave me one hell of a series of matches. He stood up to everything I could dish out, and threw it right back at me. Had I not decided in that last moment to hit him with his own signature maneuver, who knows how that match would have ended. All in all though, Hammett proved himself to me in that match just as I was trying to prove myself to everyone else, and that is why I shook the man's hand.
Vanessa York: Alright. Now, let's move on to your opponent this week. This week you will be defending your Iron Man Championship against Ben Song. He has demonstrated a plentiful amount of skill, though last week things didn't seem to go his way. Do you have any words for Ben before your match-up?
*A slight grin crosses Des' face*
Des Pierson: To be completely honest, I haven't payed any attention to Ben at all over the past few months. The only people I keep my eye on are those who have been labelled higher than myself, and, not trying to be rude, but he simply is not. I may be showing a bit of arrogance here, however, I think I am right to. I've defended my championship twice now, and one of those times was against a legend. So, I can't help but feel like Ben won't be much of a challenge for my third defense compared to the others.
Vanessa York: And that brings me to my final question. Should you defeat Ben Song tonight, you will have successfully defended your Iron Man Championship three times. Have you come to a decision on what you will do afterwards? Will you challenge for the Intercontinental Championship next week, or will you try to defend the championship two more times to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam?
Des Pierson: You know, I actually haven't come to a decision on that yet. I mean, I could continue to show up Chris Young like I have in the past by claiming his Intercontinental Championship for myself. But I could also topple Robert Blake's ego by stealing away his World Heavyweight Championship in less than a month's time.
*Des strokes his chin, thinking on the question*
Des Pierson: I mean, it is no question that I am not a fan of either champion, nor have I ever been...
*He lowers his hand to his side*
Des Pierson: I guess that I'll-
*Des is cut off by Luis Alavarado walking up to Vanessa*
Luis Alvarado: Señorita York, I must ask you-
*Luis is cut off by Vanessa putting her hand in front of his face before walking away. Luis then chases after her. Leaving Des, who just shrugs, seemingly lost about what just occurred*

Honorable Mentions: @SupaHeeroh @Papa Franku's ear @TheFrostyBlur @impactking @Hybrid
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