The Backstage Thread

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Randy Borton

The Lunatic Fringe
May 12, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
*Camera pans to Borton sitting by himself in a cafeteria*

Borton: Well, last week I lost to a better man who kept me down for the 3 count. Why's that? Because I haven't drank enough milk. Now my upcoming match is a triple threat match. So there's 3 men in one ring, all 3 of us have 33.3% chance of winning. But I have a 66.6% of losing that match. But if I take out one man then it will be a 50/50 chance of winning. But when I drink my milk, those chances doesn't matter because I'm going to drink more milk than I did last week so I automatically have the upper hand in this match since those 2 non milk-believers don't drink milk. You see if you drink milk you will go to places, sure I lost last week in the World title tournament, but I won't lose twice in a row. Why? Because my ma told me so, and because I drink milk. Now, moo-ve along cameraman, get some milk on your way out.
Apr 20, 2016
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Dublin, Ireland
* The camera shows Trodaí laying down on a plastic container, looking like he had been partying for the past 3 days, he gets up and is confused about where he is *

Trodaí : Happy Mothers day all

* He puts a big thumbs up to the camera and wanders off looking for the nearest toilet to puke in *


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Colton is making his way to the interview area and he's waiting for someone to show up*
JJ Colton: Hmm, Where's Tom I thought he was suppose to interview me.
*Colton looks around the backstage area and finds Thomas Drago lying in a fetal position crying*
JJ Colton: Oh no, someone's having a bad day.
*Colton walks to Thomas Drago*
JJ Colton: Yo Thomas, why are you laying there on the floor, get up.
Thomas Drago: *Picks himself up*Oh, I'm fine um sorry I'm suppose to interview you.
JJ Colton: Hey um can you explain why were you laying there like that?
Thomas Drago: Oh, it's Tyson Frost but forget about it it's time for the interview.
JJ Colton: Oh, Tyson Frost I'm facing him in a few moments, cmon tell me what he said.
Thomas Drago: He said that I'm a disgrace to the art of interviewing and he said that you're just an unknown rookie.
JJ Colton: Ooh, I gotta say that's a good one but him saying that you're a disgrace to interviewing ,no that's a lie you've been hired as a interviewer in the first place Tom, you've been hired to work with these fine people here because you are good for business, you were born with a gift Tom, everyone is, I am a gifted wrestler and you are a gifted interviewer, you don't let some low-life loser like Tyson Frost bring you down like that, there is always a time when you get sad and you wanna give up but you cannot let negativity take your dreams away, I know you don't want me to waste minutes of your life telling you these things but the reason why I am, is because I go through the same things that you did too. *Colton looks around* But let me tell you one more thing, if someone tries to mess with you again, all you gotta do is Stand up for yourself, Stand up Tom, ok.
Thomas Drago: Ok, thanks Colton.
JJ Colton: One more thing, when I'm going toe to toe with Tyson tonight, not only I'm dedicating it to the fans but I'm dedicating this match to you, Ok.
Thomas Drago: Thank you Colton.
JJ Colton: Alright then, see you later Tom.
*Colton walks away while the camera fades to black*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Des is putting on his hand tape and talking to Terra in his locker room when he is approached by Thomas Drago*
Thomas Drago: Uhm, I was wondering if we could get a few words from you about your match-up later tonight.
*Terra looks at Thomas with irritation as Des looks down, continuing to wrap his hands*
Terra: Okay first, how about you learn to stop walking into people's locker rooms without permission. Second-
Thomas Drago: I'm sorry, but I was directing these questions to Des Pierson.
*Des looks up, a look of amusement on his face as the anger in Terra gains momentum*
Terra: Any questions directed towards Des may also be directed towards me. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't slap those damn glasses off your face yet again!
*Thomas, with a little tremor in his voice, begins to speak again*
Thomas Drago: Because...because I am here to inform you guys that Des' Triple Threat this week has been rescheduled as a One on One between Des and Randy Borton.
Terra: Thanks for letting us know. Now leave.
Thomas Drago: Are you sure that I ca-
*Terra slaps Thomas hard across the face, causing him to fall down to one knee. Terra then looks to Des, who's finished wrapping his hands. He shrugs, and then quickly nails Thomas in the side of the head with the Skull Piersing (Drive-By Kick). Terra then proceeds to kneel down next to the unconscious interviewer with a small smile across her lips, picking up his mic*
Terra: Thanks for your time, Mr. Drago.
*Shes does a slow clap for a few seconds and then drops the mic onto Thomas, before her and Des head out for his match*

Honorable Mention: @Randy Borton


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Vanessa York walks into the locker room to interview JJ Colton, instead she finds a man sitting on a chair with his head down, the man's face cannot be shown because of a object he's wearing on his head*
Vanessa York: Um hello, who are you?
*The man stays silent*
Vanessa York: Hey um, do you know where JJ Colton is?
*The man stands up from his seat and looks at Vanessa*
JJ Colton: *outstreches arms*
You are looking right at him.
*Vanessa starts to look at Colton's face and body paint*
Vanessa York: Wow um, Colton you are wearing face paint and you have paint on some parts of your body, can you explain your new look?
JJ Colton: Everytime I am wearing this face paint, it means that I'm ready for war, I am gonna bring the very best in me and I will show the whole world a different side of myself, I am bringing out this feeling I keep getting inside of me that wants to be free and take over me and now tonight is right time to do it, and the reason why is because I will be in the ring for a solid 15 minutes and I will spend that precious time showing King Votan the man that I truly am, I have been picked randomly to be in this match so that means that I will not disappoint the GM and the fans, I will do what I can to be the first ever Iron Man champion, King Votan needs to be at his very best tonight and hit me with every move that he knows because I will never stay down, he needs beat every breath out of my body if he has to defeat me so he needs to get ready for a match of his life, if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready.
*Colton starts to leave the locker room*


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Luis Alvarado is steaming in his locker room; he is seen rubbing his chest*
Luis Alvarado: It's been a week and my chest still hurts that man has legs of a Kangaroo. No need to dwell, since I was blinded by beauty and that beauty came from Ms. Vanessa York. Usually me losing is such a tragedy, but I can't help but feel glad when I think of her.
*Luis gets up and puts a towel on*
Luis Alvarado:How does the saying go "She makes me feel like spring has sprung" all I can think abou-
*Luis is interrupted by a knock at the door*
Luis Alvarado: Who is it!?
Thomas Drago: It's Thomas Drago.
Luis Alvarado: Go away!
Thomas Drago: But your intervi-
Luis Alvarado: I said GO!
*Thomas walks away, muffled sobbing can be heard*
Luis Alvarado: Anyway, time for some relaxation before my match.
*Luis lays down and enjoys some R&R*
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Randy Borton

The Lunatic Fringe
May 12, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
*Camera pans to Borton in his locker room*

Borton: Night of Champions, the night where champions will be crowned. I, myself am in a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship. I'm going to win that match and win the Intercontinental title. It will not be the night of champions but it will be the Night of Milkamania. Little El Chapo and bearded wild man, you better be ready.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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Vanessa York walks up to Caleb Hayes' locker room door and knocks on it.
Vanessa: Caleb? I'm here to speak to you about your upcoming match for the Intercontinental Championship.
The door to Caleb's locker room cracks open slightly, just about enough for a person to walk through, and a wooden sign is seen coming out through the door.
The camera pans down to look at the sign that reads "Gone Fishin'...Close the door on your way out."
Vanessa does as the sign says, and closes the door before walking away.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Colton is walking around backstage with the Iron Man Championship in one hand, Vanessa York approaches Colton with a cameraman behind her*
Vanessa York: Colton, you defeated King Votan to become the 1st ever Iron Man Champion, what are your thoughts?
JJ Colton: *Looks at title* One door was closed on me, but a new one opened and I took advantage, I had another chance to show everyone what I'm capable of and that is winning the Iron Man championship, after losing the 1st round tournament match to Randy Borton, I decided to re evaluate myself, I told you and everyone that I will fix my mistakes and guess what, *Puts title on shoulder and taps on it* That's what I did tonight.
Vanessa York: Since you've won the Iron Man championship, what you're doing now is that you are going to defend it for the next three weeks against a superstar picked by the anonymous GM, if you win all three of your title defenses then you will get a chance to drop the Iron Man championship to get a title match against the new Intercontinental champion, Luis Alvarado.
JJ Colton: Wow, that's great. You know this title is really made for a person like me I don't mind defending a beautiful title like this every week. The only person that will beat me for a title like this is someone who really deserves it. But as of tonight, this championship belongs to me.
Vanessa York: Ok Colton, Congratulations on being the new Iron Man Champion and thank you for your time.
JJ Colton: No problem.
*Colton walks away to the locker room*

Trash Boat

Apr 16, 2016
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*Tyson is walking down the corridor, dressed in jeans and a black Tyson Frost T-shirt. He looks distracted as Thomas Drake reluctantly walks up to him with a mic and a cameraman.*

Thomas: T-Tyson, how do you feel about your recent losing streak?

Tyson: Hmm? What? Sorry, I was a bit distracted, what did you ask me?

*Thomas steps back, surprised that Tyson didn't flip out.*

Thomas: I-I asked how do you feel about your recent losing streak?

Tyson: Oh, uh, yeah. A bit pissed off but also humbled. It's a new experience for me, being this bad at the start of the year. It's just one of those things, whether it's my opponent being better than me on those nights or me just being careless and not really giving it everything I've got. Either way, it's a learning experience.

*Thomas looks even more surprised when Tyson walks past him without an insult or anything.*



The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*The Amazing H is backstage alone. Vanessa York runs up to him.*
Vanessa York: Hi H! How are you, no one has seen you all week?
The Amazing H: Yeah, I've just been busy... And stuff...
Vanessa York: Is this because of your match with Lukey?
The Amazing H: Maybe... Listen, I thought that it was finally my time, y'know? I've worked so hard for such a long period of time, this just felt right. This felt like it could finally happen, but it didn't... I'm not mad at Lukey or anything, he deserves the championship. He's a good friend and he proved that on the night when it mattered... He was the better man.
Vanessa York: Oh... I see...
The Amazing H: Yeah... I dunno. I'll be fine.
Vanessa York: So what's next for you?
The Amazing H: This week I face Jason Frost, right? My plan is to beat him and try to prove myself again.
Vanessa York: Are you sure you're ok?
The Amazing H: Yeah, I'm good.
*The Amazing H puts his hand on Vanessa's shoulder.*
The Amazing H: I'll see you around...
*The Amazing H walks away. Vanessa frowns.*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Thomas Drago: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, The World Heavyweight Champion, Lukey.
*The camera pans to Luke and then fits him and Thomas into the shot*
Thomas Drago: Last week, one of the biggest upsets I've seen in awhile happened. You were pinned one.....two.....three on the mat by Ben Song. I need to get your thoughts on this.
Lukey: I'm still very annoyed. He could've been down and out but the ref was so fragile that night. I think he fainted. I had Ben beat, everyone seen it. I pinned him for about a couple of seconds.
*A Replay of the incident is shown*

Lukey: It just wasn't my night you know? I'll be the first to admit he was the better man that night. However that night is gone. It's a new day. As for it being a quote on quote "upset" I wouldn't say that now. Ya know why? Because we're human. I'm human, your're human, Father McKenzie is human and I would say Chuck Norris is human too but I'm not entirely sure on that. Everyone hits a roadblock here and there, you gotta get past it. That's the plan for me at least*
Thomas Drago: You're competing against the Webmaster this week, do you have a different mentality than last week going into this match? Or you going in there with aggression for example?
Lukey: If I did I feel like that would make me weak as a person. I can't let my emotions get in the way, especially this week if I'm looking for Vengeance. Webby Master better be ready cause I'm making sure that I don't get stuck in that situation again.
Thomas Drago: Finally I wanna get your thoughts on the number one contender match for your title as Ben faces Robert Blake this week.
Lukey: I don't agree with this mentality of someone beating a champion they get put into a match for a number one contenders match especially if that guy has only won one match, to me that's idiotic but I understand it. I hope Ben can pull it off again somehow. As for Robbie, I don't mean to sound arrogant but what has he done the past few weeks? Why does he out of all people deserve to be put into this match? It boggles my mind but at the end of the day If its the sing a song lad or the Blake Robert guy I'll take them on. I'm not backing down from any fight. If it's just one of them or two of them or fifteen of them or a million of them. I'll be waiting, right in the center of that ring because I'm a fighting champion. The man makes the belt and I'm damn proud to tell that to anyone else who steps up and dares to fight me. Nothing is killing that mentality of mine. And if the crowd wanna see it, then I'll sure as hell make it happen. That's what a Super Lad does. He's a people pleaser and he tries to do the right thing. You can tell I'm a bit ticked off but trust me, I'm not letting that affect me later on. The only thing I'll be doing is listening to the roar of the crowd and putting on a better performance than the last, cause you know why?...........Because I can. See ya around Tommy boy........oh and say hi to the family for me.
*Lukey heads off backstage and looks to do cardio in a private area*


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Luis is seen wandering around backstage in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers*
Luis Alvarado: Oh Miss.York I'm ready for my interview! Damn, where is she?
*Luis begins walking at a faster pace, not paying attention bumps into Vanessa York*
Luis Alvarado: There you are my little Yorkshire pie.
*Vanessa has a puzzled look on her face*
Vanessa York: Uh Hi, Luis. What do you need?
Luis Alvarado: I need you to interview me.
Vanessa York: Sure, I guess.
*Luis gets himself situated*
Luis Alvarado: Ok, I'm ready.
Vanessa York: Uh. . . .ok so how do you feel about your-
Luis Alvarado: Upcoming match against Frosty pop Jason. Hey, we even finish each other's sentences; I think that's a sign.
Vanessa York: A sign?
Luis Alvarado: A sign of love.
Vanessa York: Who's love?
Luis Alvarado: My Love.
Vanessa York: Your love?
Luis Alvarado:Si.
Vanessa York: What does your love have to do with your match?
Luis Alvarado: My love for you will help me win my match. It will make a easy match even easier.
*Luis hands over the flowers to Vanessa*
Luis Alvarado: These are for you my love.
*Vanessa takes the bouquet and notices a card it has a picture of the Intercontinental title on it*
Luis Alvarado: Read it.
*Vanessa reads*
Vanessa York: "I C you in my heart, you are the title of my dreams." That's sweet, I guess.
Luis Alvarado: Sweet as the rivers of Mexico chica. Anyway I have to go get ready for my match and by that I mean get ready for-
Vanessa York: Me.
Luis Alvarado: See, it was destiny.
*Luis heads back to his locker room.*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*A camera shows JJ Colton in his locker room doing a handstand, he gets himself back to his feet and walks over to his Iron Man championship*
JJ Colton: *grabs title* Time to get ready to defend this beauty again.
*Colton starts to leave the leave the locker room until Thomas Drago walks up to him*
Thomas Drago: Hey Colton, Do you have any words to say to Tyson Frost before your match tonight?
JJ Colton: Yes, just go out there and just give the people the match they wanna see, I did defeat him before but I would like to see if he improved from our last encounter. But Tom how are you feeling tonight?
Thomas Drago: I'm fine.
JJ Colton: Good. Hey remember if anybody else is trying to cause you any trouble or harm, just stay strong, ok.
Thomas Drago: Um, Thank you.
JJ Colton: Ok, see ya later Tommy.
*Colton puts his championship on his shoulder and walks off*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Colton is in the medical room with his everyday attire on, the paramedics are checking to see if he's cleared to defend his title*
Paramedic: Your foot is hurt pretty bad, I think you should take the night off.
JJ Colton: No, my foot isn't hurt that bad I can just shake it off once I get in the ring.
Paramedic: I'm afraid you can't do that. What you did to damage your foot like that is that you've used too much force to hit Tyson Frost with that move.
JJ Colton: Curb Stomp?
Paramedic: Yes, you should be extra careful if you're gonna use a dangerous move like that.
JJ Colton: How long will I be out?
Paramedic: Just for tonight, you'll be back next week.
JJ Colton: Ok, will I keep my title?
Paramedic: Sure.
JJ Colton: Alright, see you later doc.
*Colton leaves the medical room as the camera fades to black*

OOC: I did this because I'm on vacation right now, I will be back on Sunday.
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