I really don't care what you are, as long as you keep it to yourself. Straight Edge people are HELLA annoying because they insist on telling you that they're Edge. Same with all the gay people I've met, as well, but that's beside the point.
That's the same with any minority of people, wether it be Race, Religion, Sexualitiy or Lifestyle, any 1 who is a bit diffrent will try & stick it down your throats & use it as an excuse... or as a way to make themselves look better than any1 else.
As for the whole sXe thing... If that's what your into then cool, i don't get it & doubt i ever will but as long as u don't come on here & start thinking your better than every1 else or that you deserve special treatment then i'm cool. Same with Homosexuals, even though i've never been all 2 comfertobal with it & have really grown 2 hate them... with a passion... i still think though if they act normally & can go around with their day to day business without pointing it out, using it as an excuse or making themselves look better then im fine with it (Even though i still H8 the Queers...lol)
& Finnaly 2 all the 15 year old supposed sXe followers here, stop bloody over-exaudurating about how if you ever get a smoke or have a sip of vodka for the first time, that you'll be hooked 4 life! It's ludicrous 2 think that. Drinking & taking Drugs is fine if you're responible with them, it doesn't get people hoooked & the vast majority who arn't sXE followers arn't Alcaholics!!! as u like 2 think... Personnaly i don't see why u don't like 2 have a drink every now & then & get hammered every so often, it's a great feeling, & quite fun frankly, but i'm not HOOKED because i drink !!! 2 tell the truth i aint had a drink in over a month !!! K mabey not that long but... (Even though i could do with a WKD right now...)
Anyweis down 2 the point... Ermmmm... oh yes... Do what you want, Do what you like but if you decide to shove it down are throats then that's where i'd take a bit of exception.