My question has always been, is it really discipline?
I mean, it doesn't take much discipline not to do that which you do not already do, right?
On the other hand, the lack of experimentation, or even willingness to try can be interpreted as either strictly personal choice, or maybe even fear.
Why fear? Fear of the unknown is very common amongst humans, which may be a factor, but I would be more likely to say it would be fear of upsetting their personal beliefs as the greater factor.
I dunno. Food for thought.
I've never really thought of 'straight edge' as a discipline. The only time you'd consider discipline coming into the lifestyle is around friends, and peer pressure. But at the same time, I don't, and I doubt any straightedge folk sit at home, with a bottle of whiskey in front of them and say to themselves "No."
Firstly, I'll state that drugs to me are just out of the question, I've never wanted to do them, ever, and with some problems in my family around drugs, it's officially a no. Alcohol on the other hand, I think I'm just scared to try - I enjoyed the fact that I never touched alcohol for years on end and still had limitless amounts of fun with my friends. I think the worry of 'losing control' and not really having my 'all about' when I may be having fun, or when I get drunk, slightly concerns me. Why get drunk and have fun, when you won't be in full control, when you know you can do it without any alcohol in your system. Plus, on top of this, things can sometimes go pear shape and people get abusive, depressed, or go quieter when they're drunk. I don't see the point in it, when my options are still so very open.
FYI, those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Lol. Just, lol.
I suppose everybody has different reasons. My friend is Straight Edge because his dad was a drug addict and he doesn't want to end up like that. I know others who claim to be it because they're just scared or are just trying to seem badass.
I for one am more about trying just about anything in as short a timespan as possible. I'd rather experience as much as I can before 30 than spend 80 years doing nothing.
And I also do not understand how one can be 'Straight Edge' when they're under the legal age. At this age, you don't even get that much pressure. There's probably less, because all the cheap pricks want to keep their drugs/alchohol to themselves. The fear you mentioned is also gone once alchohol is legal.
Don't bash it till you try it.
EDIT-I'd find it hard to be sXe tbh. Alchohol is very encouraged in Australia.
Wait, you're planning on living til you're 110ish? Just so you know, 30 + 80 = 110.
Ill agree those who say 'I'm totally hard-fucking-core straightedge' and are under the legal age, aren't really straight edge, lol. I can also see how there could be MORE fear when you're under the legal age, because peer pressure to 'drink alcohol (childish giggle)' would be stronger. It's illegal, and therefore "more badass", so there may be more pressure to join 'the cool kids' and drink at parties n shit.
Can I throw that 'Don't back it til you try it.' comment in your face, with regards to being straightedge?