The Rated R CMStar
Sex-Well I'm in a pretty serious ya
I found that part hard to believe
Sex-Well I'm in a pretty serious ya
I know I'm under age and all but I've had the chance to drink or do drugs and didn't take it. So I consider myself Pre-sXe. But I will stick to it because I just feel like its not something I wanna do. I've seen what drinking can do to people. I've seen what drugs can do to people. So I don't wanna have that happen to me.
That kind of stuff only happens to the weak though.
Well I'm gonna stick to this lifestyle best I can. Been times I felt like it but then said its not worth it. I don't look down on people who do it thought. I got friends who do it and they know my lifestyle and there cool with that. But I know once I get older it will be harder but I'll stick to it.
However, I just want the fact to be known that whatever you do as long as you are responsible about it, is not going to kill you or turn your life into a wreck. It's okay to smoke a joint if you want. You're not going to turn into a pot head. You wanna have a drink or two, maybe get buzzed? Go ahead, you're not going to become an alcoholic. Hell, you may not believe me, but if you want to go out on a weekend and do a couple lines of coke, you can do that. You will not become a junkie.
I havent had a drink since new years eve, Im not trying to be straight edge or nothing, just not having drink every week for no reason, I also dont smoke or take drugs so I guess you could call me straight edge apart from that stupid no sex rule, sex is what makes us happy as humans, unlike drugs and alcohol which actually make us depressed.
Im not trying to be straight edge or nothing
so I guess you could call me straight edge