Kidani says Stardom’s sales have increased 5.5x the level they were at when Bushiroad bought the company.
They used to bring in roughly $200k a month, and March alone this year brought in over $1.2 million.
Eventually he expects them to equal New Japan.
Kidani says Stardom’s income is roughly:
40% Ticket Sales
30% Merch
30% Split between PPVs, Fan Club, Stardom World, and other Broadcasts
March had 2 day PPV and 2 red belt matches, and only issue for me was, Syuri vs Mayu didn't had that big match build upthat it deserved (felt more like side attraction ), and took backseat to Gulia and DDM storyline. Also match quality decreases, because you can't have 40+ minute bangers 2 nights in row, that would be really rough on the body.