Reads list because I don't know what is going to happen tonight and it's an easy reference point:
I have a lot of town reads and town leans, I'm expecting to be wrong on some of them. A lot of people looked good from this phase. So I definitely see some bussing there on Chevy.
Ace, Alco and Retep are people that I'd lean in to pushing. I'm like almost certain that Ace is scum and he should definitely be pushed.
1. CraigPelton - He was on Chevy real early and didn't feel like a bus, plus his posts have felt good and he's been involved. Feels like town CP, fairly happy with him.
2. Mitch - The census claim mostly. His play looked whatever, especially around Chevy. I just don't see it being a Mafia role, although I could be wrong. I wouldn't lynch him at any rate. The way he claimed was also very similar to last game, just blurting it out with not much pressure. Felt like a town motivation.
3. Blaine - His reaction and aggression towards Ace/Tweet pushing on him looked town and he's been involved like his town self. Looks good.
5. Flay - Null but he's not pinging me as scummy at least.
6. Alco - Thought his early play looked bad and found his posts around Chevy weird. Keep an eye on him, possibly just an inactive thing. I've been wrong on Alco twice so not putting a lot of stake in it.
7. Doddsy - Null, early posts were fairly easy to make and didn't tell me much, didn't look bad or anything. I have no thoughts.
8. Ace - I'm certain he's scum. Look at his Throwback Music Mafia gameplay, I feel like it's so similar. Plus the easy slide in Blaine vote and dipping for all day phase.
9. Lethal - His posts looked town, and he came in to the game well I thought.
10. Tweet - Fairly obvious. He was on Chevy like wildfire, not a buss. Felt natural and just a good read.
11. Magic - I liked him pushing the Chevy lynch through. His early play wasn't anything to write home about, but I lean town on Magic. Could be a bus but Magic could have easily lynched me off with Odo if he wanted to.
12. Odo - His hard lock read of me and certainty I'll flip scum seems town, not sure he'd go through all that effort if he knew I was gonna flip town. Plus his general posting style and demenaor just feels town imo.
13. Retep - I didn't like his stuff around Chevy. I wouldn't push him before Ace, but he hasn't really looked town to me.
14. Wang - Play looks pretty identical to his last game as town and seems natural to me, that reads list felt like he just laid all his cards on the table. I feel comfortable he's town at this juncture.
15. TP - Seems more reserved, but gut read is town.
17. Junk - The way Chevy went at her, could be a bus I suppose. I liked that she didn't hide from confrontation.
18. Poyser - Feels town because he's hard locked on me like Odo is, but I haven't got strong towny vibes like I have with Odo tbh. He's one to keep an eye on.
Don't say I didn't do anything friends