If you guys don't like him why do you give him so much attention? Even Triple H said it's the reaction. The crowd is still making noise
The crowd makes noise for the spot.
People talk about either liking who's in that spot or disliking who's in that spot. Therefore people making noise is not a valid reason to have a certain guy in that spot.
Same kind of crap they tried to use about Cena saying he was "polarizing" or "controversial"
Hey but remember when they instead pushed guys because people loved them & they were mega stars like Austin?
"Oh he sucks and that's exactly why were pushing him" LOL What a load of shit... He's pushed for 1 reason & it's because of who his family is. He'd be a bouncer some where if it wasn't for The Rock.
WWE doesn't give AF how you react, what you think or like. They're already established! ...Which means they don't have to be awesome anymore, they can suck for 50 years & still survive very much like The Simpson's.
The noise argument goes out the window when you realize that there are lots of guys who would be able to get boo'd & also when you remember that WWE decided LONG before people were "talking about him" that he was going to be the next guy!
Skyrocketed passed guys who've been doing it 15 years & are way better to entertain us.
Next thing you'll say is that Cena grants wishes out of the goodness of his heart & not for media attention, same goes for the susan komen bs ....also WWEs website polls are legit & Vince McMahon is not an evil prick!
What a bunch of bullshit lol
Opinion is that he was given everything over guys who are amazing & worked their ass off for years because he's THEIR guy. That's why no matter what THEY do the people will always reject him out of spite.
Roman turns heel. End of story
Not gonna fix it