What you’re trying to do is make this out to be just WWE’s fault, which I agree they are partly to blame and they’re full of shit a lot, but Roman just sucks no matter face or “thee guy” role they’ve put him in.What have they done to get him over since?
The one time he did something cool and badass it was that night after TLC 2015 when he beat up Vince and the Authority and Sheamus and all the heels, won the title and Philadelphia cheered like crazy.
What has happened to get us to cheer for Roman?
When Austin didn't do badass stuff he was just some bald dude. The Rock cutting generic promos got Die Rocky Die chants.
Hell, even use a recent example. WM main eventer Daniel Bryan, who was the "weak link" of Team Hell No, who snapped and beat up the Shield, who got screwed out of Money in the Bank and won the title from Randy Orton just for the referee to change the decision, who got attacked by a scorned Big Show and screwed over by Shawn Michaels every time he had championship gold on his fingertips, they teased rising to the top over and over by the time the Royal Rumble came around us fans were pleading and begging for him to just win the belt... Intentional or not, that made WM30 Daniel Bryan 100x more over than 2010 Indy Darling Bryan Danielson in WWE
meanwhile Roman's over here losing a match by spearing a guy through a cell, and on raw like MANAGEMENT IS TRYING TO SCREW ME
and at least he's getting a reaction
Also, I’ve seen his NXT heel gimmick, it was much better. Roman could be a great heel, but Vince has convinced himself that Roman is the boner Cena wannabe, and it’s not going to happen. Not all stars should go heel, but Roman should.