Roman Reigns

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The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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What have they done to get him over since?

The one time he did something cool and badass it was that night after TLC 2015 when he beat up Vince and the Authority and Sheamus and all the heels, won the title and Philadelphia cheered like crazy.

What has happened to get us to cheer for Roman?

When Austin didn't do badass stuff he was just some bald dude. The Rock cutting generic promos got Die Rocky Die chants.

Hell, even use a recent example. WM main eventer Daniel Bryan, who was the "weak link" of Team Hell No, who snapped and beat up the Shield, who got screwed out of Money in the Bank and won the title from Randy Orton just for the referee to change the decision, who got attacked by a scorned Big Show and screwed over by Shawn Michaels every time he had championship gold on his fingertips, they teased rising to the top over and over by the time the Royal Rumble came around us fans were pleading and begging for him to just win the belt... Intentional or not, that made WM30 Daniel Bryan 100x more over than 2010 Indy Darling Bryan Danielson in WWE

meanwhile Roman's over here losing a match by spearing a guy through a cell, and on raw like MANAGEMENT IS TRYING TO SCREW ME

and at least he's getting a reaction
What you’re trying to do is make this out to be just WWE’s fault, which I agree they are partly to blame and they’re full of shit a lot, but Roman just sucks no matter face or “thee guy” role they’ve put him in.

Also, I’ve seen his NXT heel gimmick, it was much better. Roman could be a great heel, but Vince has convinced himself that Roman is the boner Cena wannabe, and it’s not going to happen. Not all stars should go heel, but Roman should.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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My point was Roman being pushed wasn't an over night thing. So I think there are other reason to why he did not get over as a face.

Eg he's story. The story did not fit the character. Bad booking. I don't think he was rushed at all, the way they did it was the problem


ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
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After the Shield breakup, Dean went after his blood enemy Rollins while Reigns was instantly put into a 4-way for the title and then feuded with the Authority that put him there while Dean was threatening to rip Seth's eyeballs out if his skull and feed them to him.

That was why at Royal Fumble 2015 Dean was over and Roman wasn't
tbh I think it had more to do with the fact that they announced Bryan's return right before the Rumble. If you look back on 2014 and the way people reacted to Reigns after the Shield break-up, you'd most definitely believe that he was the star of the stable. Because what many people want to forget nowadays is that Reigns was one of the most over guys from late 2013 up until the Rumble 2015, even after the Shield broke up.
I mean, you can look back at him being in that Fatal 4 Way at Battleground, when they teased him overtaking Cena's spot for the first time, and people weren't rejecting it one bit. Then they had him go over Orton, which was followed by a big pop and cheers everywhere. He got injured, came back at TLC '14 to another huge pop.

It all went wrong for them when Bryan joined the Rumble discussion and people automatically assumed that he was gonna win it and finally face Lesnar (which would have ended terribly for Bryan's concussed state in hindsight anyways), so when the people didn't get that, they just lashed out on whoever got that win instead, and for WWE, that was unfortunately their next big project. This whole thing is also very ironic given the fact that 1 year prior to this, Batista was in the same spot and Reigns was the one people wanted to save the Rumble from ending in boos.

I don't wanna get too much into this because I, for one, don't get triggered by Reigns as most people here do. But I just wanted to chip in on why things went the wrong direction for them in the first place

EDIT: oh and Punk talking shit on Colt's podcast didn't help it all either
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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tbh I think it had more to do with the fact that they announced Bryan's return right before the Rumble. If you look back on 2014 and the way people reacted to Reigns after the Shield break-up, you'd most definitely believe that he was the star of the stable. Because what many people want to forget nowadays is that Reigns was one of the most over guys from late 2013 up until the Rumble 2015, even after the Shield broke up.
I mean, you can look back at him being in that Fatal 4 Way at Battleground, when they teased him overtaking Cena's spot for the first time, and people weren't rejecting it one bit. Then they had him go over Orton, which was followed by a big pop and cheers everywhere. He got injured, came back at TLC '14 to another huge pop.

It all went wrong for them when Bryan joined the Rumble discussion and people automatically assumed that he was gonna win it and finally face Lesnar (which would have ended terribly for Bryan's concussed state in hindsight anyways), so when the people didn't get that, they just lashed out on whoever got that win instead, and for WWE, that was unfortunately their next big project. This whole thing is also very ironic given the fact that 1 year prior to this, Batista was in the same spot and Reigns was the one people wanted to save the Rumble from ending in boos.

I don't wanna get too much into this because I, for one, don't get triggered by Reigns as most people here do. But I just wanted to chip in on why things went the wrong direction for them in the first place

Yeah the Bryan part of the story is a whole different can of worms. You can't bring back a white-hot babyface and expect someone to get cheered over him lol.

Guess I'm looking this more along the lines of how Roman wasn't over to begin with around that time, wondering what could have got him over (what if he was in that blood feud with Seth in late 2014 instead of Dean? That sounds good on paper but Roman cutting scathing promos at that time also sounds like a mess) and thinking of the possible pitfalls of Roman just being in, say, Finn Balor's spot on the card and Seth Rollins holding the universal championship... even as a big Seth mark it sounds like most the excitement about that comes from WWE doing something different moreso than yay Rollins.

As for Edge4Ever's posts, I think we're going around a big circle trying to get to the same point lol, but am struggling thinking of how to word anything so here's an Xhibit sticker instead. :dawg:
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The Architect
Nov 4, 2016
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Moncton, New Brunswick, CA
To be fair they did do a slow burn with Roman

No they did a slow burn with AJ Styles

...arguibly the best wrestler of his generation & they didn't even hire him until he was 40 lol

Roman on the other hand was mapped out to be the guy before he ever laced up boots. THAT'S why people hate him.

It's simple, there is ONLY 1 way... If they want people to care about Roman... they need to stop trying to make people care about Roman.

Not just in storyline & not just for a few weeks, because fans know that it's just another plan to make us accept him & they won't out of spite.

Put him in dark matches half the year, 1st match of the night the other half & then have him work his way up...

ACTUALLY work his way up. Stop pushing him! Don't do anything with him... treat him like Curtis Axel. Give him his own creative & no scripts, do it on his own.

Then he has to make the choice on his own to go train on the weekends at NXT... ACTUALLY improve. Got to be genuine. Not just in a couple short vids either of him training... He comes out & says "look I wanted to earn it to you guys"

Then keep on the midcard for a little longer... have a tournament for the WWE title, he comes close but Loses! Do that a few times. Then he finally gets a shot but doesn't win the actual title match... THEN YOU START TO BUILD HIM! ...No short cuts.


When he finally wins the belt it needs to be somebody people hate, like Cena or Brock not a heel that people love like KO or Joe because he will still be boo'd!

Have him win & send them packing, Rock comes out to raise his hand "so proud of you for earning it on your own"


Kicks Rock in the nuts, spear... picks up mic

"I earned it on my own to prove that I'm better than YOU... because of YOU people hated me & said YOU were the only reason I was here... & I do have greatness in my blood but I'm bigger & better than YOU ever were & the only reason I went back & worked my way up is to prove that to everybody"

Roman Vs Rock at WrestleMania