ROH Results Thread

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Apparently the match was not as good as expected as "things didn't click" between the two.

BOOOOO! How could Morishima vs Necro "not click"? All they had to do was the beat the HELL of one another.


7. ROH World Title Match: Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli to retain the ROH World Title.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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ROH was frikkin amazing. I sat on the entrance ramp side. I'm too tired to put a review up, I'll do it later on my thread.

BOOOOO! How could Morishima vs Necro "not click"? All they had to do was the beat the HELL of one another.

Necro couldn't keep up with Morishima IMO. Morishima tried his best to carry him, it didn't look like Necro wasn't feeling it tonight.

EDIT - I was here...



IM not too surprised about necro/morishima. THe fans over hyped that. It probably wasn't as bad as people were saying, just didnt live up to expectations.

I heard dragon/marifuji wasn't as good as excepected too. Although it wasn't even on the second half. Maybe they didnt want over kill.

I dont know if its mentioned yet, but Jay Briscoe dropped the tag belts after the match.



A. Rhett Titus d. Bob Evans

B. Ernie Osiris d. Mitch Franklin to retain the Top of the Class Trophy


1. Adam Pearce & Chris Hero d. Jigsaw & Ruckus. Hero and Pearce advance when Hero pins Ruckus with the roaring elbow. Said to be a decent, standard tag match. Post match, Jigsaw and Eddie Kingston brawled, with Ruckus breaking it up.

2. Kevin Steen & El Generico d. Nigel McGuinness & Go Shiozaki. Nigel tapped to Steen's Sharpshooter.

3. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black of Age of the Fall d. Delirious & Pelle Primeau. Black pinned Pelle following a Small Package Driver.

Post-match, Delirious asked Daizee Haze out again. Rhett Titus came out and broke it up again. Daizee tells him off and leaves. Delirious is pissed!

4. Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson d. Roderick Strong & Davey Richards of No Remorse Corps. Strong tapped to Danielson while in the Triangle Choke. Said to be very good!

5. Kevin Steen & El Generico d. Chris Hero & Adam Pearce of Sweet & Sour Inc. Generico pinned Hero with a roll-up. Steen and Generico were selling considerably.

6. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black d. Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson via DQ. Jacobs brought a chair into the ring really early on, but Aries used it thus causing the DQ.

7. Shane Hagadorn d. Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne.

8. Claudio Castagnoli d. Eddie Edwards. Claudio nailed an lift-off uppercut to get the win and the final few minutes were real good.

9. Erick Stevens d. The Necro Butcher and Brent Albright. Stevens hit a Doctor Bomb on Necro to get the pin and some of the fight went into the crowd.

10. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black of Age of the Fall d. Kevin Steen & El Generico to win the ROH World Tag Team Titles. Generico is out of the match injured; Steen is fighting on his own...this happened 10-12 minutes into the match. Generico is back 5 minutes later to CONTINUE!!! Generico goes for the Brainbuster, but is instead schoolboyed by Tyler for the 3 count! Crowd litters the ring with trash and even a chair in protest, while Jacobs cuts a promo to end the night.



Im not real sure why, but i think i was rooting for AOTF quietly. They've been on a big win streak lately too. This shouldn't be much a surprise. This should set up a few big upcoming tag bouts, Team Work will get their chance tonight, the briscoes are going to be coming at them, MCMG will want revenge as well.
Apr 10, 2007
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Edge Of Sanity
Boo. Looks like Steen has yet to fulfill his promise of getting gold around his waist this year. I agree with Mont. AOTF have been on a roll lately and having them as champs could set-up a couple of great match-ups.


I think Steen is going to last most of the year without winning a belt, and finally win one at the end of the year.


All I want right now is some stability with the tag-titles. If Steenrico wins the belt at the end of the year, that's fine.. I just don't want to see the titles continue to change hands on what feels like a mothly basis.


ROH:Respect is Earned II results (Taken from the ROH forums)


1) Mitch Franklin & Shane Hagadorn defeat The Osirian Portal.

2) Top Of The Class Trophy: Rhett Titus defeats Ernie Osiris to win the Trophy.

Main Show

~ROH returns to Philadelphia September 20th.

1) Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Ruckus & Jigsaw to kick off the PPV when Generico pinned Jigsaw following Swanton/Splash combination.

2) Claudio Castagnoli defeats Davey Richards with a gorilla press/European uppercut combo.

3) Brent Albright, Delirious & Pelle Primeau defeat Chris Hero, Adam Pearce & Eddie Edwards when Albright destroyed Edwards with the kneestrikes of doom.

~After the match Adam Pearce clocked Albright with the briefcase and revealed the contents. The NWA Championship belt is in Adam Pearce's briefcase.

4) Roderick Strong defeats Erick Stevens in a Fight Without Honor. Match was "ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL" (in a good way). Both men lost teeth(conflicting reports on this one) and bled a ton. Apparently Erick Stevens broke some ribs. Strong wins with a superplex off of a 20 ft. ladder through a pair of tables.

~After the match Larry Sweeney returns and once again asks Roderick to join SNS Inc. Roderick again refuses. Davey Richards makes his way down. He tries to convince Strong to join but Roderick still refuses. Davey reveals a SNS Inc. shirt and beats down Strong.


~Delirious is out as we return from intermission and once again calls out Daizee Haze (doesn't she get the point of this by now?). She comes out, ONCE AGAIN followed by Rhett Titus. Titus is the one in a nice shirt and tie this time. He apologizes to Daizee, gives her his number, and asks for a three way date amongst them. Haze accepts.

5) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Go Shiozaki with the London Dungeon in what was described as a somewhat dull match with little chemistry. Go busted Nigel's chest open with chops.

6) ROH World Tag Team Championships: Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black defeat Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson to retain. Aries and Jacobs fought to the back. Tyler Black hit Dragon with two Small Package Drivers and a Phoenix Splash to score a pin on him.

~After the match Nigel McGuinness comes out and tells Danielson that he gets no title shot until Dragon can beat everyone Nigel has.

7) Jigsaw defeats Eddie Kingston with a doublestomp off the top rope. Jigsaw got beatdown by BLKOUT after the match.

8) Necro Butcher defeats Jay Briscoe in a falls count anywhere match.

Booo at Jigsaw beating Kingston. Yaaaay at the Osirian Portal getting a chance in ROH (Even if its on the pre-show).

Also, Danielson would need to beat Stevens, Castagnoli, and Steen in order to have victories over everyone that Nigel has beat. Bryan has matches in upcoming shows against Stevens and Claudio... Seems they might be building up to another Danielson/McGuiness match with Danielson winning the ROH title for a 2nd time. That's my guess anyways.


A rather eventful show for the PPV. It may seem like minor news, but as i guessed, Pearce was holding the NWA championship in the breifcase. A little NWA/ROH cross promoting? Im interested to see where this is going.

Strong beat stevens and turned face. Sounds llike a great match, and now that Strong is face, he must be considered a threat for the world championship.

AOTF defies the odds yet again.

Im not too mad about Jigsaw getting the win over kingston. I think this fued is going to heat up real soon.
Apr 10, 2007
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Edge Of Sanity
Looks like thats the end of NRC :( , I saw this coming a mile away. Would be interesting to see how Strong works as a face and feud against Davey. I think Romero will be the guy caught in the middle of this.

NWA/ROH . . Interesting to say the least.

Kinda disappointed at how Nigel/Go turned out.


"Battle For Supremacy"
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
June 27th, 2008 - 8:00 pm Belltime
1043 S. Main St.
Dayton, Ohio, 45409

Tickets are available at,, or by calling (215) 781-2500.

Championship vs. Championship
NWA World Champion Adam Pearce vs. ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness

Special Challenge Match
Roderick Strong vs. Chris Hero w/ Larry Sweeney

Tag Team Challenge Match
Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Joey Matthews with Allison Wonderland


~ROH returns to Dayton on November 21st.


1) Pelle Primeau & Kyle Durden defeat The Soul Shooters in six minutes with a bridging school boy. Decent little match.

2) Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne & Ernie Osiris defeat two local talents in a fast paced match in four minutes with a modified code red.

3) Rhett Titus defeats Sam Callahan in six minutes with a crucifix bomb. OK match.

Main Show

1) Shane Hagadorn & Tank Tolland defeat Silas Young & Mitch Franklin. Tolland returned and replaced Bobby Dempsey in the match. Tolland pinned Franklin with a one armed slam. After the match Albright ran in and cleared the ring of SNS Inc.

2) Tyler Black defeats Delirious with a small package driver. Daizee Haze came down to ringside to even the odds with Allison Wonderland during the match. Allison Wonderland knocked Haze out with a purse, and Rhett Titus came down to check on Haze and carried her out.

3) Claudio Castagnoli defeats Brent Albright & Jay Briscoe when he pinned Jay with a running European Uppercut. Good action.

~After the match SNS Inc. hit the ring and attack Albright. Brent gets the upperhand and clears the ring of them yet again.

4) Erick Stevens defeats Bryan Danielson with the Doctor Bomb.

5) Necro Butcher defeats Austin Aries with a chair shot in a short brawl. Aries said he didn't want to fight Necro since his problems were with Jacobs, and that Jimmy doesn't care about Necro. Aries tells Necro that he should leave Age of the Fall, but it didn't stop Necro from fighting. Aries stopped fighting back midway through and took the chair shot.

6) Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Jimmy Jacobs & Joey Matthews when Steen pinned Jacobs following a Generico Yokuza Kick.

7) Chris Hero defeats Roderick Strong after a series of hard punches and roaring elbows. AWESOME, AWESOME match.

The NWA vs ROH title match was tonight.

8) Nigel McGuinness defeats Adam Pearce following a strong lariat to retain the ROH World Championship, and become NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion.


The call is reversed via (you guessed it) the over the top rope DQ rule. Both men keep their belts.

~A huge brawl breaks out to end the night. Mark Briscoe returned, and Kevin Steen made a promise to be wearing gold by ROH's return to Dayton on the 21st of November.


Sounds decent. Im not sure why a lot of ROH fans were ragging on the card. You can't have a supershow every time.

I hope its not Nigel vs Stevens at the 8th ppv next month.

Hero vs Strong sounds really good. I guess strong got a great face response.

Ah, the top rope DQ. Didnt see that coming, although it makes a lot of sense.

INteresting statement by Steen.