1.)Michael Nakazawa defeats Alex Sugarfoot Payne
Main Show:
1.)El Generico defeats Jack Evans with a brainbusta.It is said Jack is needed help out of the ring.
2.)Nigel McGuiness out with a mic.Lariat for Generico and the London Dungeon.Nigel hightails out cause out comes Steen to make the save.Steen cuts a promo on why people like him.They can relate because they can relate.All the people think Nigel is an obnoxious asshole.Steen says he runs his mouth and kicks ass like no one else and he'll take the title.I'm doing it for me,Generico and the fans.New champion will be Mr.Wrestling.Said to be a very good promo.
3.)Jigsaw defeats Mitch Franklin with the Jig and Tonic.
4.)SNS Inc. is out.Hero says no more comic relief.He was robbed of the title and blames himself.He threatens to kick out Dempsey,does shirtless and strapless.Said to be very gross.Makes him get on his knees.Hits him.Real heel heat now.Beats him till he bleeds and throws him out of Sweet and Sour Inc.
5.)Eddie Edwards and Chris Hero defeat Erick Stevens and Pelle Primeau when Hero hits a roaring elbow on Pelle and knocks him out.
6.)Brent Albright defeats Delirious when Albright makes Delirious tap to the crowbar.Daizee lays on Delirious to protect him.Sweeney wants Albright to break Daizee's arm.Albright leaves.
7.)Necro Butcher defeats Roderick Strong when Erick Stevens comes out and Doctor Bombs Roderick through a table and Necro covers Strong for the win.Necro motions that he wants the FIP World Title.
Intermission Return Date is Saturday October 25th.
8.)Claudio Castagnoli defeats Kota Ibushi with the Ricola Bomb.Match was said to be fun.It started out slow but picked up well.
9.)Tammy Sytch is out.Sweeney interrupts and comes out with Sara Del Rey.Sweeney wants Tammy to make Del Rey into a diva.Sara says she's a wrestler and not a diva and walks out.
10.)Nigel McGuiness retains the ROH World Title over Kevin Steen with a cheap rollup by holding the ropes.Steen freaks out.And the babyfaces comeout and make him leave as he yells at Cary.Claudio and Nigel with a staredown.Claudio now has the mic.Claudio lays down a challenge for Hammerstein.Nigel says Claudio is a midcard jobber.Nigel says back up and Claudio won't back up.Nice killer promo and says no title shot and walks away.Claudio says Nigel is scared and gets a hey for anyone that wants to see the title match at Hammerstein.
11.)Jay and Mark Briscoe win the ROH World Tag Team Titles from Davey Richards and Rocky Romero when they hit the Jay Driller on Rocky and then hit the Springboard Doomsday on Davey as The Briscoes regain the ROH World Tag Team Titles!!!!!
Time to Man Up... again!
1.)Michael Nakazawa defeats Alex Sugarfoot Payne
Main Show:
1.)El Generico defeats Jack Evans with a brainbusta.It is said Jack is needed help out of the ring.
2.)Nigel McGuiness out with a mic.Lariat for Generico and the London Dungeon.Nigel hightails out cause out comes Steen to make the save.Steen cuts a promo on why people like him.They can relate because they can relate.All the people think Nigel is an obnoxious asshole.Steen says he runs his mouth and kicks ass like no one else and he'll take the title.I'm doing it for me,Generico and the fans.New champion will be Mr.Wrestling.Said to be a very good promo.
3.)Jigsaw defeats Mitch Franklin with the Jig and Tonic.
4.)SNS Inc. is out.Hero says no more comic relief.He was robbed of the title and blames himself.He threatens to kick out Dempsey,does shirtless and strapless.Said to be very gross.Makes him get on his knees.Hits him.Real heel heat now.Beats him till he bleeds and throws him out of Sweet and Sour Inc.
5.)Eddie Edwards and Chris Hero defeat Erick Stevens and Pelle Primeau when Hero hits a roaring elbow on Pelle and knocks him out.
6.)Brent Albright defeats Delirious when Albright makes Delirious tap to the crowbar.Daizee lays on Delirious to protect him.Sweeney wants Albright to break Daizee's arm.Albright leaves.
7.)Necro Butcher defeats Roderick Strong when Erick Stevens comes out and Doctor Bombs Roderick through a table and Necro covers Strong for the win.Necro motions that he wants the FIP World Title.
Intermission Return Date is Saturday October 25th.
8.)Claudio Castagnoli defeats Kota Ibushi with the Ricola Bomb.Match was said to be fun.It started out slow but picked up well.
9.)Tammy Sytch is out.Sweeney interrupts and comes out with Sara Del Rey.Sweeney wants Tammy to make Del Rey into a diva.Sara says she's a wrestler and not a diva and walks out.
10.)Nigel McGuiness retains the ROH World Title over Kevin Steen with a cheap rollup by holding the ropes.Steen freaks out.And the babyfaces comeout and make him leave as he yells at Cary.Claudio and Nigel with a staredown.Claudio now has the mic.Claudio lays down a challenge for Hammerstein.Nigel says Claudio is a midcard jobber.Nigel says back up and Claudio won't back up.Nice killer promo and says no title shot and walks away.Claudio says Nigel is scared and gets a hey for anyone that wants to see the title match at Hammerstein.
11.)Jay and Mark Briscoe win the ROH World Tag Team Titles from Davey Richards and Rocky Romero when they hit the Jay Driller on Rocky and then hit the Springboard Doomsday on Davey as The Briscoes regain the ROH World Tag Team Titles!!!!!
Time to Man Up... again!