Exactly...put her in the ring with Natalya next...
I'm curious WWE.
I think she should have gone with long tights...& left the
kilt skirt on...in saying that...her legs did look amazing.
My question is...why? I mean if Nikki Cross, Paige or Ruby Riott
rocked that look it COULD work...by why do that to Ronda at
I'm sorry...I just have this ingrained coding in my brain
that makes me hate any kind of man on woman violence.
I mean Becky Lynch vs. Blob Fish Ellsworth was okay because
it was a "Joke/Comedy" match...but this...the coding in my brain
was making me feel sick in my stomach.
Oh...& Angle's Triple German Suplex made me feel nostalgic...
even if I thought his neck would snap at any moment.
You would have a screen shot of the only close up that was on her butt LOL Yeah a skirt over leggings would have looked great. Add in some knee high combat boots.
She has a face that doesn't wear heavy make-up well. Looks much better with much less. Stupid WWE logic. Many of the women look better with less.
And I understand. I have issues with violence on women by men or even on men by women but I can separate it when I know it is not "real". In Japan, it feels way to real and after seeing Asuka get thrown around my a male wrestler... I couldn't watch a match like that.
Either way her debut is done and over with now and she did better than expected so it was all in all good. I certainly did not expect her to be good.