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Rate Wrestlemania 34

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Im happy Brock won because I was soooo mad when Brock hit 6 f5s and I thought Roman was going to win. The fact Roman kicked out of 2 F5s is bad enough.

I thought the whole story was the F5 was strong af and no one kicked out of it. Roman kicked out of it 6 times. All he needed to do was kick out of it once or twice and it would of meant more.

What was the 10%? Bet it was all the weird stuff like Nicholas and pancake people
Actually, I jokingly said it would be a kid to be Braun's partner lmfao, but I was mentally expecting that awesome JJ kid. Only things I got wrong(ish) were Shinsuke, Asuka and Jinder. I add (ish) because I started second guessing and said to my buddies in an Xbox live party that Shinsuke would turn and it would be epic. So I get half a point for that. Asuka loss was unexpected and......fuck Jinder.
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Derek G

Sep 13, 2017
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New South Wales, Australia
This whole thing with Braun winning the the tag belts with a child is an insult to the belt.
I have nothing against the child , if the child is from the make a wish foundation, there are plenty of other ways to go around it without tarnishing the prestige of the belt.
For example, the child can be invited to the ring after the match and have a match with braun and his partner and kick their ass.

The whole thing with Charlotte beating Asuka is just bad booking....Charlotte doesn't need the win.....

Randy Borton

The Lunatic Fringe
May 12, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
Loved Mania, Brock beating Roman was unpredictable so ye. Thought Roman should have won since Brock has literally no one else to face, guess they're gonna vacate the title if Brock is indeed going to the UFC.

Derek G

Sep 13, 2017
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New South Wales, Australia
Loved Mania, Brock beating Roman was unpredictable so ye. Thought Roman should have won since Brock has literally no one else to face, guess they're gonna vacate the title if Brock is indeed going to the UFC.
Yeah, and that will make the part timer the single most "Powerful" guy that no one is able to beat.. the legend, the beast, the icon.......

Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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Wrestlemania is all about moments. The night had so many huge moments from Roman and Asuka losing. Shinsukes lose and heel turn. Seth becoming a grand slam champion. DBs ring return. Takers return. Rondas debut...

The show delivered on moments. Many memorable moments were had. Thats what Wrestlemania is about. Rounda probably got the biggest reaction of the night. She is money.

Biggest complaint: the show is too damn long


ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
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Mania's are seriously getting way too long and you can hear how the crowd turns silent after the start of the second half of the PPV. Nowadays, I wouldn't even celebrate main eventing Mania anymore, because you'll just end up performing in front of a dead crowd every time lol. Being in the first couple of matches is where it's truly at my dudes
  • the Cruiserweight title match and the Battle Royals were fine, liked all endings to them. Especially the women's battle royal where Bayley/Sasha got their moment, yet someone else got to hold the actual W. Naomi ain't my favorite by a long shot and I do believe this could have been an opportunity for them to put someone newer into the mix like Ruby Riot instead of Naomi, but it got a good reaction so who am I to judge?
  • The IC title got to open the show and they put on a great match, really happy with how everything turned out and I'd almost give it the match of the night status on a technicality. Rollins winning is great and I hope he gets to put on a couple great matches with this title around his waist. Btw the title looks great on him, probably because the strap's just so beautiful.
  • Charlotte vs Asuka shocked me. I knew WWE's high on Charlotte, given that she's basically the female Roman Reigns, but I didn't think they'd be THAT high on her. It's honestly a waste to end Asuka's streak like this because I thought they could have easily had Asuka win here, keep the streak going for another year and then book Rousey/Asuka for Mania 35, which could have main evented that show without a doubt. But I'm guessing they'd rather give that spot to Charlotte now lol. The match was cool but the ending kinda threw it off for me. Like, I love Charlotte, don't get me wrong, but this is the 2nd time she went over at Mania when I don't think she should have. First being the Mania 32 triple threat where Sasha was the definite break out of that year and now with Asuka's streak ending. What baffles me even more is the fact that they went out of their way to make this woman the first female Royal Rumble winner, put her on a different brand for her program, just to lose to Charlotte. Like, you'd think they'd have a nice payoff for for it all but nah. I hope Asuka can recover from this, especially because she verbally had to bow down to Charlotte lmao.
  • So, Asuka losing her streak kinda set me off a bit but I was still trying to stay positive, in comes Mahal.. and good lord, I never hated people more for going "WWE's so predictable these days" because it's because of people like this that the E's pulling shit like this on us now lmao. Honestly, we all shouldn't even care because if Rusev would have won the US title again, it wouldn't have done much for him anyways, so let's not make a big deal out of it. The US title doesn't mean shit these days and I actually think Orton should have retained here to keep the title on someone big.
  • I think this is the most interesting turn of events from this Mania, Ronda Rousey actually stole the show with a great debut. There wasn't a boring spot in the mix of it all and I love how they didn't shy away from intergender action between Rousey and Triple H. Not much to say, match was great, ending was great, good job to all involved.. even Stephanie.
  • the whole Taker/Cena angle, all in all, was really cool. Cena storming to the back, them playing with our emotions through Elias, but once that gong hit, there wasn't a person in that arena that wasn't looking forward to this. I believe Taker's still not 100%, so that's probably why they only had him take 1 bump and let him go over Cena fairly quickly, but it was still a great moment regardless. See you next year, Taker.
  • Bryan's comeback was a success and probably the crowd's last real effort to react to anything as everything after it just got shit on but we'll get to that.
  • Nia/Alexa should have been a squash to revive the crowd and give Jax the rocket but it ended up being a generic "imma work the leg"-type of match and it totally killed the crowd. Whatever was left in that crowd, they killed it right there. At least they popped for Nia winning, but the match was horrible.
  • Styles/Nakamura was a good match and it kinda went down as I feared it would. People expected too much, the crowd was burnt out and it kinda fell flat all together. Crazy to think that both of our Rumble winners went down like that this year. What saved it was Nakamura's heel turn tho. And I don't know about you, but this has to be a huge honor for someone to turn heel on a Mania because it hasn't happened in a long ass time.
  • Braun and Nicholas was interesting and different for one, but where is this going and who actually is this kid? Why did he just follow Strowman without asking his parents first? John Cone, fucking watch your kid lol.
  • so technically Reigns/Lesnar was a bust. They didn't use the platform to put the next big star over and the crowd was dead from this long ass show anyways. Which is a shame because this was a great brawl. They did overdo the whole F5 thing by having Reigns kick out of 5 or 6 of them, which was just unnecessary, but if this match would have happened in front of that Mania 31 crowd, god that would have been something. But ye, Lesnar went over and they'll probably do something on Raw tonight because I doubt Brock's actually staying with the company for another year or so. Just like the last time they went to the Superdome, streaks are getting broken and Brock's shockingly going over.. even if those things span over 2 different matches.
damn, didn't wanna make this post as long as it turned out but you know, long show, longer post lol. If someone actually read all of it, thank you but if you didn't I wouldn't be surprised, but all in all I'd give this Mania a 7/10, it had a huge ass card with huge ass expectations and up until the last couple of matches, the crowd still went with it all
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The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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Lol I swear that after nearly every PPV, everyone on these forums is never watching WWE again and bashes the shit out of it. Look, this PPV delivered. The opening match was great, Charlotte beating Asuka was unexpected, Cena vs taker was way too fast and stale as hell but I liked the storyline/angle they used, Ronda’s match was entertaining and she seemed very convincing, Shin and AJ’s match wasn’t “amazing” but it was good and the twist at the end was great, Brock vs Roman sucked as we expected but Brock won.... I mean he actually fucking won hahahah it was great and I was shocked... maybe someone decided last minute on this and Roman isn’t get that grand push after all? It was great. Insomuch, I bet grevious still has a hard on.

Oh, and I liked what they did with braun... good idea and it was diff. They should’ve let the kid in the ring and have Cesaro charge him while braun tagged himself in lastsecond and saves him, it was a fun match to watch nonetheless and will help out braun over. Now he won the tag titles in an interesting way.

All in all, I was shocked, I enjoyed most of it, and it was diff. Good job in my book.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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After a sleep, I settled on 6.5/10, rounded to 7/10.

The weird finishes aside, the matches were good to great and there was great moments...Except for the main event which I honestly just don't even remember at all minus Roman's face looking like a tomato, too many F5's, and somehow Roman lost. So the main event dropped it a little, and the weirdness did too. If it was less odd, I think it would have got to the 8 range. Also, Nakamura as a heel, I am intrigued.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
+ The Grievous Wrestlemania 34 Play By Play +

Okay...let's get this party started...with the kick off show...
& I feel so sorry for Renee Young...she has to play babysitter
to Booker, JBL & David Otunga.

I hope she gets a bonus...

+ Cena is in the crowd?

+ The Charlotte vs. Asuka video package gave me goosebumps...
& Carmella is on the kick off show! Yay! Shame her outfit looks like

+ Hey its J.R & The King! And Holy Crap! its the ATGMBR is
starting! And I don't see Lars Sullivan or Killian Dain in
the ring...Damn it...in fact I don't see any NXT guys? WTF?!

~ Man...Aiden English is over because of Rusev Day...
~ Oh Man...I would have given this Curt Hawkins...
~ R-Truth is back...& now he's gone...
~ Mike Kanellis is in this match! Where is your hot wife?!
~ I like how Ziggler is still giving it his all...
~ Woo! Woo! NO! Nice work Mojo...
~ Gallows & Anderson deserve better...
~ An ad break in the middle of the ATGMBR? WTF?! I don't care
about Lesnar vs. Reigns! Get back to the Jobbers!
~ The Revival also deserve better...
~ Fucking John Cena...Piss off!
~ Okay...so the Tye Dillinger/Woken Matt chant off made this
match for me...
~ And Woken Matt wins the match...& the Matt/Bray alliance
has begun!


+ Time for Cedric Alexander vs. Mustafa Ali for the vacant
Cruiserweight title...& Ali's ring attire is awesome...
~ I wish the crowd cared about the Cruiserweights...it might
make me care...
~ If only Ricohet was in this match...
~ Stop cutting to John Cena!
~ I'm trying to watch the Cruiserweights...fuck off Ronda!
~ & Cedric gets the win...which is cool...please stop cutting
to Cena!

~ A 20 woman battle royal? but only 14 women are on the match
card? I sense some NXT ladies about to debut!

~ No need to talk to Cena...I'm not watching this to see him...
he's had enough Wrestlemania moments.

+ Wow...Beth Phoenix & Paige are on commentary...with Michael
Cole & Corey Graves...Ugh...this is going to hurt my ears.
~ We know the rules Lilian...get on with it!
~ And its BECKY LYNCH!!! YAY! And...Ugh...Becky that outfit is horrible...
~ And here comes everyone else...& I see Peyton Royce Yay!
& Dakota Kai Yay! & Kairi Sane Yay!
~ There is actually a couple of women in this match that I
have never seen before...
~ Fuck off Bayley! Your career is dead!
~ And a Paige film preview? WTF?! And we miss part of Sasha's
entrance...really? WWE...why do you hate Sasha so much?
~ So...No Ember Moon or Billie Kay...Why?
~ And Carmella is fucking loser...well...that could change tonight...
~ What is going on?
~ And there we go! And I like the NXT ladies working together...
~ NXT! NXT! NXT! God Peyton looks good!
~ Becky...anyone can wear orange if they want...
~ And an action figure ad...& I miss Kairi Sane being eliminated...
and Kairi hitting an Insane Elbow! Fuck you WWE!
~ And Becky gets her revenge! Yay!
~ Oh...well...it was good to see Dakota Kai in action...
~ And Becky has been eliminated...BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!
~ And there goes Peyton! So much for her having a landmark debut...
& why wasn't Billie in this match?
~ When did Naomi get eliminated? Is she still in the match?
~ Double suplex by Nattie!
~ And I guess this makes up for Sasha & Bayley not having an
actual match on the card...come on Sasha...throw the blueberry out!
~ And Sasha is gone...another "So close but not Good enough"
moment for for the Boss...and hang on...I knew Naomi was still
in this..she's been on the outside for most of the match!
~ And Naomi defeats Bayley with her Ass & wins! Better her
than Bayley! Its Glow Time!
~ I still would have rather seen Becky or Ruby win it...& it
was nearly set up perfectly for Becky to win it...you know
with the 4 Horsewomen connection with Becky taking advantage
of Sasha & Bayley as they try to one up each other.

I swear this Sasha/Bayley feud is designed to make both women
look as stupid & weak as possible...

+ Well...that's me done with the kick off show...now onto the
main card.

+ I still can't help feel bad for Becky, Sasha & Bayley being
regulated to the kick off show Battle Royal while Alexa & Nia
are having a match on the main card.

Its not right...

+ And we open with the Intercontinental title match...Nice choice WWE...
~ And the Miz is going alone tonight! Hell Yes!
~ And No Demon tonight? I'm calling bullshit!
~ Nice touch with the "LGBT Club" though...but couldn't we have
seen a "Rainbow" Demon?
~ A very crisp start...
~ And we see Cena again...quit showing him!
~ Miz is on fire tonight...
~ Nice Summerslam powerbomb call back!
~ This match has been electric!
~ And Rollins wins the title! What an amazing match to open the
show & congratulations to Seth on becoming a Grand Slam Champion.
~ This guy should be the face of your company WWE...

~ Fuck off Cena!

+ And now...its time (already)...Charlotte vs. Asuka...Thank you for
this WWE...Thank you so much...
~ What an entrance! My Bae, My Amazon, My Goddess!

*Bows before his Golden Queen*

~ And what the hell were those faces during Asuka's entrance?
~ Fuck off Rocket League plug!
~ No one is talking about Carmella...
~ The opening exchanges were sharp as a knife...
~ Fuck off cutting to Cena please...
~ Oh No...my Queen is hurt...
~ The Moonsault into that submission chain was excellent...
~ Suplex to the outside...
~ SPEAR!!!
~ And...

Wait...What? Charlotte won?

Charlotte won? Clean? WTF?! I don't believe it...I'm in shock...
& Carmella was nowhere to be seen...
~ And Asuka didn't attack Charlotte after the match to set up
a cash in...I...I just can't believe it.

I...I'm at a loss for words...


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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Okay...I honestly stopped taking play by play notes after Charlotte won...but
I have a few more thoughts...

+ @James Randi picked Jinder going over...and he also pinned Rusev...
which felt like a middle finger to the entire WWE audience...

+ Okay...so I will admit I watched Angle/Rousey vs. the Authority...and I'll
just make 5 points:

1). Ronda's theme music & "Rowdy Piper" cosplay are lame...
2). Ronda's eye make up looked terrible...
3). Her ring gear seemed a little too "small & tight" if you catch me drift...
4). She was better in the ring than I expected...BUT...I'm still curious to see her
go 1 on 1 with an actual female wrestler...
5). I don't like man on woman violence...MMA fighter or not...

Oh...and this match went on for too fucking long...in fact it was the longest
match on the card by 20 seconds.

+ Harper & Rowan basically went over in a squash...and this match was a
huge let down for me personally. I do like Harper's mask...I hope he keeps
wearing that.

+ I honestly do not care or have an opinion about the entire Cena/Elias/Undertaker
situation. It seemed like a giant waste of time to me.

+ It was great to see Daniel Bryan wrestle...& the match itself was okay...Shane
really dragged it down for me. I guess Owens & Zayn will be back on RAW shortly.

+ So no sign of Carmella & Nia Jax goes over clean at Wrestlemania? Really?
Meanwhile Sasha & Becky are on the kick off show & Nia becomes the RAW
women's Champion? This match was horrible & I only watched it because I
thought Carmella was going to show up.

I'm glad Alexa Bliss no longer has the belt...but she may win it back in 10
days...so I'll hold my thank you until Nia retains in the rematch.

Also...Nia's attire looked terrible...like why couldn't she wear some kind of skirt?
Her ass looked ginormous...and not in a good way.

Also...Yes...I was secretly hoping Alexa Bliss would fall during her entrance.

I dislike her that much now...

+ I don't know how to feel about Styles/Nakamura. I mean...were my expectations
too high? Did they not deliver? Why don't I care about Nakamura turning heel?

+ And the WWE parts its cheeks & takes a great big squirty dump on the RAW
tag titles. Fucking Lame! Big Cass? Samoa Joe? Elias? James Storm? Blob Fish
Ellsworth? Bray Wyatt? No...lets have some random kid in the match.

They have ruined Braun Strowman...they have turned a literal monster into
an older brother figure...& its so lame.

Also...just for the record both tag title matches combined for a total of 9 minutes
& 50 seconds. Just saying.

+ And I didn't watch Lesnar/Reigns but I heard the crowd shit all over the match
& Lensar retained leaving Reigns in a puddle of his own piss & blood...which
sounds great.

Maybe I should watch that match?


No...I don't think I will.

So...having watched the entire show (apart from Lesnar/Reigns) here are:
~ My Personal Wrestlemania 34 Highlights ~
+ Bray Wyatt returns & Woken Matt wins...(Seriously...I "marked out")
+ Peyton Royce getting a run...& looking amazing while doing it...
+ The Intercontinental title match...
+ Charlotte vs. Asuka...(but...the result...I'm not so sure about)
+ Ronda Rousey's legs...
+ Luke Harper's entrance mask...
+ The YES! Chants...

& because I'm the Negative One...

~ My Personal Wrestlemania 34 Low lights ~
+ Becky not winning the Women's Battle Royal...
+ Jinder Mahal pinning Rusev...
+ Both tag title matches being booked so poorly...
+ Nicolas...
+ The entire time waste that was Cena/Elias/Taker...
+ Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax...

It was a pretty good show...better than 33 & 32 that's for sure...but the
event itself was too long. Time to make Wrestlemania a 2 day event WWE.

I can't really score this event...& to be honest...I'm still in shock at
Charlotte defeating Asuka clean & breaking the streak....but then
better Charlotte than Ronda I guess?



I mean...I'm the biggest Charlotte fanboy around these parts...but...this
just feels wrong. That streak belonged to Ember Moon...she needed it.

Charlotte did not...

I guess Charlotte vs. Ronda for the main event of Wrestlemania 35 then?

Also...something tells me Carmella is cashing in on SDL this week...

& its 3:00am Tuesday morning here in Australia

I need sleep...
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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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1). Ronda's theme music & "Rowdy Piper" cosplay is lame...
2). Ronda's eye make up looked terrible...
3). Her ring gear seemed a little too "small & tight" if you catch me drift...
4). She was better in the ring than I expected...BUT...I'm still curious to see her
go 1 on 1 with an actual female wrestler...
5). I don't like man on woman violence...MMA fighter or not...

Oh...and this match went on for too fucking long...in fact it was the longest
match on the card by 20 seconds.

Last night I thought it was very good but looking back it was just very good by comparison. She did a good job but eh, it was with Steph who basically rag-dolled the entire match.

The points you made... I didn't mind the entire outfit but when she took the skirt off it was so generic. Her eye make up did look bad. They gave her bloody raccoon eyes and she can't pull those off, not many women can. Yeah what she was wearing wasn't good and she had to keep tugging at it. You can tell that the camera men were trying to pan up on here during close shots to not have focus on her butt. I think she may have requested that. Yup, Steph is not a legit wrassler so time will tell. I don't mind it when it is not heavy stuff. She was hitting HHH at half force and the moves hit on her were lighter. No heavy hits, punches, etc. it was far from Japan basically. The length I didn't mind but it felt like other matches were cut short because of it... so that is meh.

Over all the match was better than I expected so that is good enough for me. :cat2:

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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After a sleep, I settled on 6.5/10, rounded to 7/10.

The weird finishes aside, the matches were good to great and there was great moments...Except for the main event which I honestly just don't even remember at all minus Roman's face looking like a tomato, too many F5's, and somehow Roman lost. So the main event dropped it a little, and the weirdness did too. If it was less odd, I think it would have got to the 8 range. Also, Nakamura as a heel, I am intrigued.

I wish I liked it more. I must have higher standards than other people lol I rated it third lowest over all.
The matches in general were good, a few were boring, some were questionable. It just lacked the Mania feel for me. I don't know why.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Last night I thought it was very good but looking back it was just very good by comparison. She did a good job but eh, it was with Steph who basically rag-dolled the entire match.
Exactly...put her in the ring with Natalya next...
I'm curious WWE.

I didn't mind the entire outfit but when she took the skirt off it was so generic.
I think she should have gone with long tights...& left the
kilt skirt on...in saying that...her legs did look amazing.

Her eye make up did look bad. They gave her bloody raccoon eyes and she can't pull those off, not many women can.
My question is...why? I mean if Nikki Cross, Paige or Ruby Riott
rocked that look it COULD work...by why do that to Ronda at

Yeah what she was wearing wasn't good and she had to keep tugging at it. You can tell that the camera men were trying to pan up on here during close shots to not have focus on her butt. I think she may have requested that.

I don't mind it when it is not heavy stuff. She was hitting HHH at half force and the moves hit on her were lighter. No heavy hits, punches, etc. it was far from Japan basically. The length I didn't mind but it felt like other matches were cut short because of it... so that is meh.
I'm sorry...I just have this ingrained coding in my brain
that makes me hate any kind of man on woman violence.

I mean Becky Lynch vs. Blob Fish Ellsworth was okay because
it was a "Joke/Comedy" match...but this...the coding in my brain
was making me feel sick in my stomach.

Oh...& Angle's Triple German Suplex made me feel nostalgic...
even if I thought his neck would snap at any moment.
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May 25, 2017
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Leeds, England, United Kingdom
I rated it 6/10, id could have gone higher but the show is just SO SO SO freaking long.

I do feel that the final two matches of the night have soured some peoples feelings on it, Braun and the kid confused the life out of me so i didnt really enjoy that but i couold have got past it considering i thought the rest of the card was good. For me the main event just ruined everything good about this show, it was garbage not just the finish the match itself was just awful obvious that Brock just had no interest at all in this one.