Ok, had enough of this. Seriously. Rell, your hate for Christian makes no sense. I've been able to deal with your shit for a while now, but the comments about him being an "average wrestler" is a complete fucking joke and after each passing match of his, it gets me more and more pissed off. Go eat a bag of dicks. Every single match of his (whatever show it's on) is ALWAYS the best match of the night. Seriously. Since he left the company back in 05, his matches in TNA, and his return matches in the E have shit on pretty much everything else on the card. Not that it's hard to do, but still. It's not like he's barely having the best match of the night, he's blowing everyone away. His matches with Regal, Ryder, Swagger, Sheamus, Orton, Del Rio, have all been fucking awesome. Go back and tell me when he hasn't had the best match of the night. You fucking can't. Over The Limit was the breaking point of this and just threw me over the edge. This match with Orton, albeit the result was gay, but the match was phenomenal. Second best match of the year behind HHH/Taker and he also owns third best match of the year with ADR at the last PPV. Suck my cock and then run into traffic. That goes for anyone with this sentiment. Probably you too Enzo.