Should put Focus Blast on Gardevoir so you're not walled by steels. I feel like M-Absol needs Knock Off, it's such a good move and it hits so hard even on resisted hits.
Should put Focus Blast on Gardevoir so you're not walled by steels. I feel like M-Absol needs Knock Off, it's such a good move and it hits so hard even on resisted hits.
Hyper Voice > Moonblast
I hate the accuracy of Focus Blast, but I guess I may need it. And I will remove Play Rough for Knock Off. It seems to always miss for me.
Any decent mons I should add that fit with the "theme?"
Yup...too bad I am doing UU and so I can't do Hyper Voice.
I don't see that in UU rules.
I don't see that in UU rules.
Ohh of course.I mean, Mega Gardevoir is in OU. That means Hyper Voice won't be fairy type.
Added Gourgeist Super Sized with leftovers, max defense and hp with a little special defense.
Seed Bomb
Rock Slide
And added Houndoom with a life orb Max speed and special attack
Nasty Plot
Flamethrower (I prefer accuracy over power)
Dark Pulse
Sludge Bomb (RIP fairies)
What do you think?
Maybe Zoroark instead with pretty much the same set? It's a bit faster and hits harder, it might catch your opponents off guard too.