Is it limited then? Like only certain ones or no one knows yet?
We don't know yet, I feel like it'll be limited though. Tauros was shown running. Maybe Stoutland and Lapras for chill traveling, Tauros and Sharpedo for when you're in a hurry. :dawg:
Is it limited then? Like only certain ones or no one knows yet?
We don't know yet, I feel like it'll be limited though. Tauros was shown running. Maybe Stoutland and Lapras for chill traveling, Tauros and Sharpedo for when you're in a hurry. :dawg:
Maybe I am a derp and didn't see this mentioned but this was updated since I been on the site last... Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon
I knew there were new features but I can no idea you could ride around Pokemon like that. I wonder if this is only some Pokemon or all of the ones that are big enough (or not too big).
Knew things like this were gonna keep happening. Also that article mentioned someone getting hit by a car while playing the game too, hadn't heard of that but expected it to happen.Every time I check out the news something about GO pops up :harvey:
Florida Man Opens Fire on Teenagers Playing Pokemon Go
My first attempt at EV training using hordes (with a tiny bit of super at the end). I did it...with an EEVEE-lution.
I maxed out Sp. def and HP and did a bit on SP.Attack and Def
It wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. Also, any nicknames for my EV trained Sylveon?