Ah. Oh well, still gonna be great to play the game again since I haven't played any of them in so long. Or a Pokemon game for that matter, my DS was broken while playing through Black, and I ended up selling the games. Haven't played a Pokemon game since.
Gen III games are DA BEST.
Gen III is my favorite generation. It was the first generation that I actually played. Recently when I was visiting places like India, and China, I found this video game shop and they were selling GBAs, and games for them. I picked one up - It was CHEAP. It looks like this:
Now I own Pokemon Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Ruby, I don't really care much for Sapphire, but I prefer Alpha Sapphire to Omega Ruby. It's really weird.
I just finished Emerald with this team. It works well.
Sceptile - You can put Shiftry here.
Camperupt - You can put Blaziken here
Sharpedo - You can put in Swampert
I just put a bunch of diverse movesets in and beat the game. I'm about to start LeafGreen for the first time. Imma pick Bulbasaur and do a nuzlocke.
Squirtle may be "scientifically" the best, maybe Charmander looks boss, but Bulbasaur is one that I have never used before. My girlfriend is gonna play FireRed. Its her third Pokemon game lol. She has played Black 2, and Pokemon X. She got into Pokemon recently.
Anyway, planning to enjoy these games to the FULLEST now that I have a second chance at them. I could never really beat Pokemon FireRed, because I kept getting lost at how to get to Celadon. NOW IMMA BEAT IT!!!
LOL, enjoy
@NLSuplex and