^ LOl im actually doing that right now. Well atleast looking at the weather since we might get some chance of snow and no school.
Grammar* FAIL!
Here's mine:
People who fuckin stare at you for no reason
Lady Hotrod lol! I lied I'm back and I'm here to stay LMAO!
Talkers at the movies
Drivers who Don't Signal
Ignorant know it alls
People who stop in the middle of the street talking
Bible thumpers
Ppl hu typ lyk dis
Double parking
People who use the word "Gay" as an insult
Loud eaters
People who say 110%
Mispronunciation of words
People who refer to whatever team they support as "we"
People who snore in public
People who talk in Text like OMG exept ROFL if its pronounced as rofel
loud gum chewing and popping
People who talk when nobody is talking to them
People who constantly change the channel
People who change the song half way through... Just fucking let it play! lol
Those annoyingly loud and obnoxious drunks
E-Trolls/ Cyber Bullies
People with no grammer/spelling skills ('cept LKP your cool)
People who send texts that just say "O" or "lol"
People who slurp soup
People who respond to any conflict story you have with "Pssh, he's lucky that wasn't me"
Any guy who's jeans are tighter than his girlfriend's
Anyone who considers "noisecore" a valid form of music
People who go to art galleries to be trendy
Art Galleries
People who complain about their weight while stuffing their face
To expand upon your last one...
People who eat gigantic meals and then follow it up by saying "I'm SOOOO starting my diet tomorrow!"
When you go out with your girlfriend and you ask them 1000 times if they want something, they say no...then when you get it they're like "OH CAN I HAVE A PIECE?"
Someone knocks your door and there is no one there
LOOOOOOL, when I was in HS, I would be getting ready for school and the doorbell would ring every fucking morning and no one was ever there. I happened to be in the living room one day to hear the bell and see some smurf kid run away. He never came back.