@Ryan - Actually the Planet X theory, aka Nibiru wouldn't be possible the variant of the theory which Sciencist took way more seriously is the Nemesis star theory, which hides with the Ooft Cloud only a Light year behind our sun, and this star comes close enough to our solar system like every million years, roughly every time the Earth has had an extinction peak, or that's what been calculated.
There's no evidence against the Nemesis star existing but none which proves it either, unless the Maya calender was a count down to this mysterious star becoming visible, but we're getting incredibly farfatched in that logic.
Hell, we could go into the Mayan spaceman + Alien theory or the fact the three Pyramids mimick the aligns of the planets, NO JOKES, the three pyramids are placed exactly I can't think which three.. Here's the image.
But also, there's an Eygptian looking structure discovered on Mars like last week as well.
I have also heard of the Nemesis star theory. Science isn't finding that too likely either since red or brown dwarf stars such as the one Nemesis star is purported to be give off a lot of infrared light and would be detectable with telescopes. I just can't wait for December 22 to come so we can put an end to all this 2012 nonsense although knowing the conspiracy theorists, they'll claim that the end date of the Mayan calender was calculated wrong and is actually set to happens sometime next year.
It's already been miscalcuated... Real end date was last year I believe...
As for the Nemesis star, they have said that but they are still looking for it, so it hasn't been written off by anyways but it's way more probable than Nibiri..
A guy under 30 not liking a movie with titties and drunks is paranormal imo.
Neil DeGrasse is a fucking genius and one of the most intelligent on the planet, if Aliens were real, he would have to represent us. Him, Hawkins and Dalhi Lama.