Bully Rain said:Man, R'Albin turned into a total hater.
Jesse Pinkman said:Last year, the post amount was 2098.
Also, I hate you for making this thread R'Albin. :annoyed:
R Albin said:Is the link on WWE.com? If not can you give me a subtle hint as to where I could find it, lol.
nvm, got ittunga:
GrammarNazi82 said:Sorry, hadn't thought about that. lol Guess I just assumed those interested would be watching.
For those who might want to check it out, it's on WWE.com, their Facebook page, and the wWE app through WWE Active.
R Albin said:Just never realised it was on, most probably are tbh.
Legit loling at Fandango's random appearance1:
R Albin said:Lmao you had to laugh at Steph and Trip's awful double act:
Is the Q+A away to come on then?