*Official No Way Out Thread*

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you dont know who's winning smackdown's chamber?

I can't really predict who will win the Elimination Chamber of Smackdown, they can make Undertaker win, or maybe Batista! They can even go for MVP or Finlay to give them their "big" push! Anythings possible ya' know!

the dark knight

I can't really predict who will win the Elimination Chamber of Smackdown, they can make Undertaker win, or maybe Batista! They can even go for MVP or Finlay to give them their "big" push! Anythings possible ya' know!
i feel sorry for you.


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
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No Way Out is really shaping up to be an entertaining PPV. even if the results of the show are pretty much a given. I love the idea of two elimination chamber matches and the WWE Title match should be good.


C4, in the words of Kaedon, you are suspending your disbelief to the maximum. Seriously.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
I can't really predict who will win the Elimination Chamber of Smackdown, they can make Undertaker win, or maybe Batista! They can even go for MVP or Finlay to give them their "big" push! Anythings possible ya' know!

Finlay?? If they put Finlay in the ME at WM, I will be the first person in the history of any internet forum to say I'm going to stop watching wrestling and actually do it.


Finlay is an old timer, i dont like him. never have never will. Batista or Taker have so got this.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2007
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i think its obviously gonna be taker or batista... im pulling for batista personally...
Feb 6, 2008
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i think its obviously gonna be taker or batista... im pulling for batista personally...

I personally hope that Batista wins as well because that likely means that Edge is going to win the championship at Wrestlemaina 24. If Undertaker wins that means that Edge is going to lose the match just like Batista did a year ago. Nobody has a chance besides Undertaker or Batista. They all have their own side feuds that don't lead to the sole main event picture which is a feud with Edge.


Ok, here's my predictions:

WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania: Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Umaga vs. HHH

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a World Heavyweight Championship Match at WrestleMania: Batista vs. The Great Khali vs. Finlay vs. MVP vs. Big Daddy V vs. The Undertaker

Career Threatening Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Ric Flair


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Okay I've been thinking about this one for a while and my opinon on it has changed multipe times, but here are my picks:

Randy Orton vs. John Cena, WWE Title
I do not know who is going to win the match, but I'm predicting that Cena will NOT be walking out of NWO champion.

Edge vs. Rey Mysterio, World Heavyweight Championship
Edge wins via DQ. We got a clean finish at the RR, technically even though Vickie got involved, and back to back clean finishes from a heel champioon, especially Edge, is pretty rare these days so I'm going to assume the Edge heads get involved and screw Rey.

Kennedy vs. Flair
I really, really like this feud. Even though I know Flair is going to win I hope that they continue this to WM 24, although I highly doubt it. This should be a pretty decent match and hopefully we'll get a pre-match promo.

Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk, ECW Championship
I'm going to say Chavo wins because I don't think that they will have the title change hands so soon, but I won't be surprised if Punk wins.

Raw Elimination Chamber
HHH wins. I'd be really shocked if someone else wins. I'm thinking the final 2 will be HBK vs. HHH, but I could also see Hardy finishing second. I think the only other person that I could possibly see winning is Hardy and that would be a huge stretch.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber
I'm going to take Undertaker. I think obviously out of these 6 it's obviously going to be himm or Batista. The only other person I could see getting a shot at winning would be MVP. Any of the other 3 headlining WM would just be ridiculous. Hopefully it'll be Batista-Undertaker in the final 2 cuz they always put on good shows plus that way it won't be completely obvious who will win.

Overall I think this should be a great PPV and I'm really looking foward to it. Orginally I wasn't going to be able to watch it then I got an email saying that the student center at my school is showing it for free, so I'm really excited to this. Also, I've never seen an EC before so seeing two should be really cool.

the dark knight

WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton vs. John Cena
before i watched raw, i was gonna bet everything i have on cena winning the title. but since cena got the last stand, im having a lot of thoughts. good job wwe..

1) Cena wins the title, triple h wins the EC match and orton gets a rematch leading to a triple threat match at WM......with an option of turning triple h heel >> randy demands a rematch, triple h tells cena "lets both kick his ass", all 3 are in the ring, cena and hhh looking at orton ready to beat him up then BAM triple h hits the pedigree on cena. then triple h wins the title at mania...

2) Cena wins the match but not the title, demands a rematch. then the same thing happens from option 1, only this time randy would be holding the title.

3) edge and orton get in a scene backstage before their matches, both interfere in each other's match to retain the titles with a pinfall. cena cant get a rematch, mania match's gonna be triple h vs orton. then cena gets sticks his nose in and becomes the special guest referee....then costs orton the title.

if WWE goes by any other story from the aboe, they're fucking gay. those are the best scenarios for them....and im lettin em off on leeching my ideas :08:

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania: Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Umaga vs. HHH

and if you're not down with that, i got 2 words for ya..

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a World Heavyweight Championship Match at WrestleMania: Batista vs. The Great Khali vs. Finlay vs. MVP vs. Big Daddy V vs. The Undertaker

Career Threatening Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Ric Flair

flair wins via DQ after kennedy deciding to end ric's career the hard way...by giving him an injury.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Here are my predictions. I like to go out on a limb wityh my Predictions and my betting so here.

Randy Orton Vs John Cena.
I am going with john Cena here with a reason I don't knw why. But you just got to think. When was the last time Cena lost at a PPV.

Edge vs Rey Mysterio.
As I like to go out on a limb I won't be here. Only becase it is a certaintly that Edge will win

In betting I predicted Finlay towin by accident but I was going to bet for MVP and that is I tthink will win TBH and then lose his chance to Taker.

Raw EC
I think that Jeff Hardy will win here tbh. For no possible reason.But I would like to see a three way at WM24 for the WWE title. John Cena, Randy Orton, HHH and Hardy for the title..

Flair vs Kennedy.
I think Flauir will win the match and then go onto face somebody at WM.

Other NWO Predictions.
Matt Hardy will return and attack MVP during or after the EC
Ric Flair will win by DQ
Hardy will complete a swantom off a pod.
Big Daddy V will break a pod in waiting.

the dark knight

well, i just checked wwe.com and they're saying jeff hardy's the fav in the EC match. this could mean one of 2 things. they're either trying to make up for his clean loss at the RR or just pushing his name in so he can get punished at the EC match by being eliminated first...probably by hbk.


here's my predictions:

WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania: Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Umaga vs. HHH

Elimination Chamber - winner gets a World Heavyweight Championship Match at WrestleMania: Batista vs. The Great Khali vs. Finlay vs. MVP vs. Big Daddy V vs. The Undertaker

Career Threatening Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Ric Flair